955 resultados para Orthogonal Laurent polynomials
For an anti-plane problem, the differential operator is self-adjoint and the corresponding eigenfunctions belong to the Hilbert space. The orthogonal property between eigenfunctions (or between the derivatives of eigenfunctions) of anti-plane problem is exploited. We developed for the first time two sets of radius-independent orthogonal integrals for extraction of stress intensity factors (SIFs), so any order SIF can be extracted based on a certain known solution of displacement (an analytic result or a numerical result). Many numerical examples based on the finite element method of lines (FEMOL) show that the present method is very powerful and efficient.
This paper presents a model designed to study vertical interactions between wheel and rail when the wheel moves over a rail welding. The model focuses on the spatial domain, and is drawn up in a simple fashion from track receptances. The paper obtains the receptances from a full track model in the frequency domain already developed by the authors, which includes deformation of the rail section and propagation of bending, elongation and torsional waves along an infinite track. Transformation between domains was secured by applying a modified rational fraction polynomials method. This obtains a track model with very few degrees of freedom, and thus with minimum time consumption for integration, with a good match to the original model over a sufficiently broad range of frequencies. Wheel-rail interaction is modelled on a non-linear Hertzian spring, and consideration is given to parametric excitation caused by the wheel moving over a sleeper, since this is a moving wheel model and not a moving irregularity model. The model is used to study the dynamic loads and displacements emerging at the wheel-rail contact passing over a welding defect at different speeds.
21 p.
Quantitative, Time-Resolved Proteomic Analysis Using Bio-Orthogonal Non-Canonical Amino Acid Tagging
Bio-orthogonal non-canonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) is an analytical method that allows the selective analysis of the subset of newly synthesized cellular proteins produced in response to a biological stimulus. In BONCAT, cells are treated with the non-canonical amino acid L-azidohomoalanine (Aha), which is utilized in protein synthesis in place of methionine by wild-type translational machinery. Nascent, Aha-labeled proteins are selectively ligated to affinity tags for enrichment and subsequently identified via mass spectrometry. The work presented in this thesis exhibits advancements in and applications of the BONCAT technology that establishes it as an effective tool for analyzing proteome dynamics with time-resolved precision.
Chapter 1 introduces the BONCAT method and serves as an outline for the thesis as a whole. I discuss motivations behind the methodological advancements in Chapter 2 and the biological applications in Chapters 2 and 3.
Chapter 2 presents methodological developments that make BONCAT a proteomic tool capable of, in addition to identifying newly synthesized proteins, accurately quantifying rates of protein synthesis. I demonstrate that this quantitative BONCAT approach can measure proteome-wide patterns of protein synthesis at time scales inaccessible to alternative techniques.
In Chapter 3, I use BONCAT to study the biological function of the small RNA regulator CyaR in Escherichia coli. I correctly identify previously known CyaR targets, and validate several new CyaR targets, expanding the functional roles of the sRNA regulator.
In Chapter 4, I use BONCAT to measure the proteomic profile of the quorum sensing bacterium Vibrio harveyi during the time-dependent transition from individual- to group-behaviors. My analysis reveals new quorum-sensing-regulated proteins with diverse functions, including transcription factors, chemotaxis proteins, transport proteins, and proteins involved in iron homeostasis.
Overall, this work describes how to use BONCAT to perform quantitative, time-resolved proteomic analysis and demonstrates that these measurements can be used to study a broad range of biological processes.
We analyze mutual alignment errors due to wave-front aberrations. To solve the central obscured problem, we introduce modified Zernike polynomials, which are a set of complete orthogonal polynomials. It is found that different aberrations have different effects on mutual alignment errors. Some aberrations influence only the line of sight, while some aberrations influence both the line of sight and the intensity distributions. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America
The original scanner for tilting orthogonal double prisms is studied to test the tracking performance in intersatellite laser communications. With a reduction ratio of more than 100 times from the change rate of the angle of beam deviation to that of the tilting angle of each prism, the theoretical analysis performed, as well as the verification experiment, indicates that the scanner can meet the requirements of the scanning accuracy superior to 0.5 mu rad with the scanning range greater than 500 mu rad and can facilitate the mechanical structure design. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
An explicit formula is obtained for the coefficients of the cyclotomic polynomial Fn(x), where n is the product of two distinct odd primes. A recursion formula and a lower bound and an improvement of Bang’s upper bound for the coefficients of Fn(x) are also obtained, where n is the product of three distinct primes. The cyclotomic coefficients are also studied when n is the product of four distinct odd primes. A recursion formula and upper bounds for its coefficients are obtained. The last chapter includes a different approach to the cyclotomic coefficients. A connection is obtained between a certain partition function and the cyclotomic coefficients when n is the product of an arbitrary number of distinct odd primes. Finally, an upper bound for the coefficients is derived when n is the product of an arbitrary number of distinct and odd primes.
This research is concerned with block coding for a feedback communication system in which the forward and feedback channels are independently disturbed by additive white Gaussian noise and average power constrained. Two coding schemes are proposed in which the messages to be coded for transmission over the forward channel are realized as a set of orthogonal waveforms. A finite number of forward and feedback transmissions (iterations) per message is made. Information received over the feedback channel is used to modify the waveform transmitted on successive forward iterations in such a way that the expected value of forward signal energy is zero on all iterations after the first. Similarly, information is sent over the feedback channel in such a way that the expected value of feedback signal energy is also zero on all iterations after the first. These schemes are shown to achieve a lower probability of error than the best one-way coding scheme at all rates up to the forward channel capacity, provided only that the feedback channel capacity be greater than the forward channel capacity. These schemes make more efficient use of the available feedback power than existing feedback coding schemes, and therefore require less feedback power to achieve a given error performance.
A discriminação de fases que são praticamente indistinguíveis ao microscópio ótico de luz refletida ou ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV) é um dos problemas clássicos da microscopia de minérios. Com o objetivo de resolver este problema vem sendo recentemente empregada a técnica de microscopia colocalizada, que consiste na junção de duas modalidades de microscopia, microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O objetivo da técnica é fornecer uma imagem de microscopia multimodal, tornando possível a identificação, em amostras de minerais, de fases que não seriam distinguíveis com o uso de uma única modalidade, superando assim as limitações individuais dos dois sistemas. O método de registro até então disponível na literatura para a fusão das imagens de microscopia ótica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura é um procedimento trabalhoso e extremamente dependente da interação do operador, uma vez que envolve a calibração do sistema com uma malha padrão a cada rotina de aquisição de imagens. Por esse motivo a técnica existente não é prática. Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia para automatizar o processo de registro de imagens de microscopia ótica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura de maneira a aperfeiçoar e simplificar o uso da técnica de microscopia colocalizada. O método proposto pode ser subdividido em dois procedimentos: obtenção da transformação e registro das imagens com uso desta transformação. A obtenção da transformação envolve, primeiramente, o pré-processamento dos pares de forma a executar um registro grosseiro entre as imagens de cada par. Em seguida, são obtidos pontos homólogos, nas imagens óticas e de MEV. Para tal, foram utilizados dois métodos, o primeiro desenvolvido com base no algoritmo SIFT e o segundo definido a partir da varredura pelo máximo valor do coeficiente de correlação. Na etapa seguinte é calculada a transformação. Foram empregadas duas abordagens distintas: a média ponderada local (LWM) e os mínimos quadrados ponderados com polinômios ortogonais (MQPPO). O LWM recebe como entradas os chamados pseudo-homólogos, pontos que são forçadamente distribuídos de forma regular na imagem de referência, e que revelam, na imagem a ser registrada, os deslocamentos locais relativos entre as imagens. Tais pseudo-homólogos podem ser obtidos tanto pelo SIFT como pelo método do coeficiente de correlação. Por outro lado, o MQPPO recebe um conjunto de pontos com a distribuição natural. A análise dos registro de imagens obtidos empregou como métrica o valor da correlação entre as imagens obtidas. Observou-se que com o uso das variantes propostas SIFT-LWM e SIFT-Correlação foram obtidos resultados ligeiramente superiores aos do método com a malha padrão e LWM. Assim, a proposta, além de reduzir drasticamente a intervenção do operador, ainda possibilitou resultados mais precisos. Por outro lado, o método baseado na transformação fornecida pelos mínimos quadrados ponderados com polinômios ortogonais mostrou resultados inferiores aos produzidos pelo método que faz uso da malha padrão.