935 resultados para Orthodontic treatment planning
Proton therapy is growing increasingly popular due to its superior dose characteristics compared to conventional photon therapy. Protons travel a finite range in the patient body and stop, thereby delivering no dose beyond their range. However, because the range of a proton beam is heavily dependent on the tissue density along its beam path, uncertainties in patient setup position and inherent range calculation can degrade thedose distribution significantly. Despite these challenges that are unique to proton therapy, current management of the uncertainties during treatment planning of proton therapy has been similar to that of conventional photon therapy. The goal of this dissertation research was to develop a treatment planning method and a planevaluation method that address proton-specific issues regarding setup and range uncertainties. Treatment plan designing method adapted to proton therapy: Currently, for proton therapy using a scanning beam delivery system, setup uncertainties are largely accounted for by geometrically expanding a clinical target volume (CTV) to a planning target volume (PTV). However, a PTV alone cannot adequately account for range uncertainties coupled to misaligned patient anatomy in the beam path since it does not account for the change in tissue density. In order to remedy this problem, we proposed a beam-specific PTV (bsPTV) that accounts for the change in tissue density along the beam path due to the uncertainties. Our proposed method was successfully implemented, and its superiority over the conventional PTV was shown through a controlled experiment.. Furthermore, we have shown that the bsPTV concept can be incorporated into beam angle optimization for better target coverage and normal tissue sparing for a selected lung cancer patient. Treatment plan evaluation method adapted to proton therapy: The dose-volume histogram of the clinical target volume (CTV) or any other volumes of interest at the time of planning does not represent the most probable dosimetric outcome of a given plan as it does not include the uncertainties mentioned earlier. Currently, the PTV is used as a surrogate of the CTV’s worst case scenario for target dose estimation. However, because proton dose distributions are subject to change under these uncertainties, the validity of the PTV analysis method is questionable. In order to remedy this problem, we proposed the use of statistical parameters to quantify uncertainties on both the dose-volume histogram and dose distribution directly. The robust plan analysis tool was successfully implemented to compute both the expectation value and its standard deviation of dosimetric parameters of a treatment plan under the uncertainties. For 15 lung cancer patients, the proposed method was used to quantify the dosimetric difference between the nominal situation and its expected value under the uncertainties.
This qualitative investigation primarily employing a phenomenological perspective and psychoanalytic interview approach intends to provide contextual understanding of group dynamics in sex offender treatment involving individuals with strong features of personality disorders or Axis II psychopathology according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (4 ed., text rev.; DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Of note, this study particularly focuses on the cluster B type (Narcissistic, Borderline, Histrionic, and Antisocial Personality Disorders), based on the assumption that this type is more interpersonally operational in its nature. The present study is based on semi-structured interviews of three clinicians who arecurrently providing group treatment for sex offenders. The interview was designed to elicit the participants' clinical observations of group dynamics involving group members with features of the Axis II, Cluster B type. In this study, 11 therapeutic factors postulated by Yalom (2005) were utilized to qualitatively investigate group dynamics. Analyses of qualitative data highlighted how group members with features of the Axis II, Cluster B type may distinctively affect group dynamics. Based on the results, group members with Axis II diagnoses, as reported bythe therapists who responded to this study, were observed to present with altruistic behaviors in group. In addition, motivation appeared to be one of the most influential factors in promoting and maintaining therapeutic group behaviors. Group members with antisocial features appeared to present with low motivation for treatment, and individualswith a pervasive history of criminal institutionalization seemed more prone to disengagement in group. Individuals with borderline and histrionic traits seemed to be interpersonally oriented and affectively engaged in group process. Persons with a narcissistic tendency also appeared to be interpersonally invested and showed altruistic behaviors, yet the importance of confirming their superiority seemed to outweigh the need for acceptance or approval from other group members. As briefly discussed above, the qualitative analyses of the current data showed that individuals with Axis II disorders, Cluster B type uniquely affect group dynamics, which suggest clinical considerations foreffective treatment planning, maintenance, and outcomes.
Background: Previous studies of stability and relapse after orthodontic treatment report short-term stability is generally followed by slow relapse to the original condition. What these studies do not report is whether this relapse is continuous or interspersed with periods of improvement or stability. Methods: A subjective 0-10 index of malocclusion was used to record post-treatment stability and relapse over 10 to 12 years following fixed appliance orthodontic treatment of 24 patients. The severity scores were plotted on timelines. Results: Episodes of change, both favourable and unfavourable, were interspersed with episodes of stability. Conclusions: Changes in the first 3 and 12 months post-treatment are indicative of the 10 to 12 years post-treatment outcomes. This index may provide a useful instrument to analyze patients and/or their study models longitudinally.
BACKGROUND: Most patients and their parents experience difficulty in fully appreciating the implications and demands of orthodontic treatment. This is largely because of inadequate understanding of the process of treatment or the commitment required. OBJECTIVES: To determine if a specifically developed video information package could significantly increase patient awareness of the implications of a full course of orthodontic treatment. Changes in attitude to orthodontic treatment after viewing the package were also measured. METHODS: Year 7 (12 year-old) students in two primary schools in the City of Gold Coast, Australia were randomly allocated to either a study group or a control group. Knowledge of and attitude to orthodontic treatment were measured with self-administered questionnaires before and after viewing the information package. RESULTS: The intervention group showed a 15 per cent gain in knowledge (p < 0.001). There was no gain in knowledge for the 45 students in the control group. There was no measured change in perception of need for orthodontic treatment in the study group. There was, however, an increase in potential compliance and positive attitude to the appearance of orthodontic appliances. There was a small increase in willingness to undertake treatment, but this was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The information package developed for this study increased awareness of the implications and practical difficulties which may be encountered during a course of orthodontic treatment, and produced some changes in attitude to treatment.
O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a eficácia do Laser de Baixa Intensidade (LBI) na aceleração da movimentação dentária e na diminuição da dor frente à aplicação de força ortodôntica. A amostra foi composta por 19 pacientes, sendo doze do sexo feminino e sete do sexo masculino, com idade inicial média de 14,69 anos, todos com indicação para extrações de primeiros pré-molares. Destes, 66 caninos foram submetidos à retração inicial, sendo que 33 receberam aplicação de laser e 33 foram considerados controle. Utilizou-se o Laser de Baixa Intensidade de arseneto de gálio e alumínio, com comprimento de onda de 780nm, na dosimetria de 40mW;10J/cm2;10s/ponto, aplicado apenas uma vez ao mês em dez pontos, sendo cinco por vestibular e cinco por lingual/palatino. Modelos de gesso foram confeccionados durante todos os meses de retração dos caninos, que teve duração de quatro meses, sendo, posteriormente, digitalizados para se mensurar a quantidade de movimentação de um lado em relação ao outro, utilizando-se como referência as papilas incisivas. Para a avaliação da dor experimentada pelos pacientes, os mesmos foram orientados a preencher uma escala analógica visual (VAS) que variava de 0 a 10 , em que zero significava nenhuma dor e dez significava dor insuportável, nos intervalos de 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas após a aplicação da força ortodôntica. Foi mensurado o apinhamento de todas as hemiarcadas dos pacientes na fase inicial, medindo-se a distância entre os pontos de contato de cada dente. Para a verificação do padrão de normalidade, empregou-se o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, sendo que para comparar o lado irradiado com o lado não irradiado foi utilizado o teste t pareado, exceto para a variável razão caninos/molares , analisada pelo teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon (p<0,05). Os resultados mostraram que em relação ao apinhamento dentário, os lados irradiado e não irradiado apresentaram-se compatíveis. Além disso, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre a quantidade de retração dos caninos irradiados comparados aos não irradiados, o mesmo acontecendo com a sensibilidade dolorosa experimentada pelos pacientes. Concluiu-se assim que o LBI na dosimetria e forma como foi utilizado não foi eficiente na aceleração da movimentação dentária nem na redução da dor experimentada pelos pacientes frente às forças ortodônticas.
Liver cancer accounts for nearly 10% of all cancers in the US. Intrahepatic Arterial Radiomicrosphere Therapy (RMT), also known as Selective Internal Radiation Treatment (SIRT), is one of the evolving treatment modalities. Successful patient clinical outcomes require suitable treatment planning followed by delivery of the microspheres for therapy. The production and in vitro evaluation of various polymers (PGCD, CHS and CHSg) microspheres for a RMT and RMT planning are described. Microparticles with a 30±10 µm size distribution were prepared by emulsion method. The in vitro half-life of the particles was determined in PBS buffer and porcine plasma and their potential application (treatment or treatment planning) established. Further, the fast degrading microspheres (≤ 48 hours in vitro half-life) were labeled with 68Ga and/or 99mTc as they are suitable for the imaging component of treatment planning, which is the primary emphasis of this dissertation. Labeling kinetics demonstrated that 68Ga-PGCD, 68Ga-CHSg and 68Ga-NOTA-CHSg can be labeled with more than 95% yield in 15 minutes; 99mTc-PGCD and 99mTc-CHSg can also be labeled with high yield within 15-30 minutes. In vitro stability after four hours was more than 90% in saline and PBS buffer for all of them. Experiments in reconstituted hemoglobin lysate were also performed. Two successful imaging (RMT planning) agents were found: 99mTc-CHSg and 68Ga-NOTA-CHSg. For the 99mTc-PGCD a successful perfusion image was obtained after 10 minutes, however the in vivo degradation was very fast (half-life), releasing the 99mTc from the lungs. Slow degrading CHS microparticles (> 21 days half-life) were modified with p-SCN-b-DOTA and labeled with 90 Y for production of 90Y-DOTA-CHS. Radiochemical purity was evaluated in vitro and in vivo showing more than 90% stability after 72 and 24 hours respectively. All agents were compared to their respective gold standards (99mTc-MAA for 68Ga-NOTA-CHSg and 99m Tc-CHSg; 90Y-SirTEX for 90Y-DOTA-CHS) showing superior in vivo stability. RMT and RMT planning agents (Therapy, PET and SPECT imaging) were designed and successfully evaluated in vitro and in vivo.
Knowledge-based radiation treatment is an emerging concept in radiotherapy. It
mainly refers to the technique that can guide or automate treatment planning in
clinic by learning from prior knowledge. Dierent models are developed to realize
it, one of which is proposed by Yuan et al. at Duke for lung IMRT planning. This
model can automatically determine both beam conguration and optimization ob-
jectives with non-coplanar beams based on patient-specic anatomical information.
Although plans automatically generated by this model demonstrate equivalent or
better dosimetric quality compared to clinical approved plans, its validity and gener-
ality are limited due to the empirical assignment to a coecient called angle spread
constraint dened in the beam eciency index used for beam ranking. To eliminate
these limitations, a systematic study on this coecient is needed to acquire evidences
for its optimal value.
To achieve this purpose, eleven lung cancer patients with complex tumor shape
with non-coplanar beams adopted in clinical approved plans were retrospectively
studied in the frame of the automatic lung IMRT treatment algorithm. The primary
and boost plans used in three patients were treated as dierent cases due to the
dierent target size and shape. A total of 14 lung cases, thus, were re-planned using
the knowledge-based automatic lung IMRT planning algorithm by varying angle
spread constraint from 0 to 1 with increment of 0.2. A modied beam angle eciency
index used for navigate the beam selection was adopted. Great eorts were made to assure the quality of plans associated to every angle spread constraint as good
as possible. Important dosimetric parameters for PTV and OARs, quantitatively
ecting the plan quality, were extracted from the DVHs and analyzed as a function
of angle spread constraint for each case. Comparisons of these parameters between
clinical plans and model-based plans were evaluated by two-sampled Students t-tests,
and regression analysis on a composite index built on the percentage errors between
dosimetric parameters in the model-based plans and those in the clinical plans as a
function of angle spread constraint was performed.
Results show that model-based plans generally have equivalent or better quality
than clinical approved plans, qualitatively and quantitatively. All dosimetric param-
eters except those for lungs in the automatically generated plans are statistically
better or comparable to those in the clinical plans. On average, more than 15% re-
duction on conformity index and homogeneity index for PTV and V40, V60 for heart
while an 8% and 3% increase on V5, V20 for lungs, respectively, are observed. The
intra-plan comparison among model-based plans demonstrates that plan quality does
not change much with angle spread constraint larger than 0.4. Further examination
on the variation curve of the composite index as a function of angle spread constraint
shows that 0.6 is the optimal value that can result in statistically the best achievable
PURPOSE: Radiation therapy is used to treat cancer using carefully designed plans that maximize the radiation dose delivered to the target and minimize damage to healthy tissue, with the dose administered over multiple occasions. Creating treatment plans is a laborious process and presents an obstacle to more frequent replanning, which remains an unsolved problem. However, in between new plans being created, the patient's anatomy can change due to multiple factors including reduction in tumor size and loss of weight, which results in poorer patient outcomes. Cloud computing is a newer technology that is slowly being used for medical applications with promising results. The objective of this work was to design and build a system that could analyze a database of previously created treatment plans, which are stored with their associated anatomical information in studies, to find the one with the most similar anatomy to a new patient. The analyses would be performed in parallel on the cloud to decrease the computation time of finding this plan. METHODS: The system used SlicerRT, a radiation therapy toolkit for the open-source platform 3D Slicer, for its tools to perform the similarity analysis algorithm. Amazon Web Services was used for the cloud instances on which the analyses were performed, as well as for storage of the radiation therapy studies and messaging between the instances and a master local computer. A module was built in SlicerRT to provide the user with an interface to direct the system on the cloud, as well as to perform other related tasks. RESULTS: The cloud-based system out-performed previous methods of conducting the similarity analyses in terms of time, as it analyzed 100 studies in approximately 13 minutes, and produced the same similarity values as those methods. It also scaled up to larger numbers of studies to analyze in the database with a small increase in computation time of just over 2 minutes. CONCLUSION: This system successfully analyzes a large database of radiation therapy studies and finds the one that is most similar to a new patient, which represents a potential step forward in achieving feasible adaptive radiation therapy replanning.
Since the 1980s, different devices based on superelastic alloys have been developed to fulfill orthodontic applications. Particularly in the last decades several researches have been carried out to evaluate the mechanical behavior of Ni-Ti alloys, including their tensile, torsion and fatigue properties. However, studies regarding the dependence of elastic properties on residence time of Ni-Ti wires in the oral cavity are scarce. Such approach is essential since metallic alloys are submitted to mechanical stresses during orthodontic treatment as well as pH and temperature fluctuations. The goal of the present contribution is to provide elastic stress-strain results to guide the orthodontic choice between martensitic thermal activated and austenitic superelastic Ni-Ti alloys. From the point of view of an orthodontist, the selection of appropriate materials and the correct maintenance of the orthodontic apparatus are essential needs during clinical treatment. The present work evaluated the elastic behavior of Ni-Ti alloy wires with diameters varying from 0.014 to 0.020 inches, submitted to hysteresis tensile tests with 8% strain. Tensile tests were performed after periods of use of 1, 2 and 3 months in the oral cavity of patients submitted to orthodontic treatment. The results from the hysteresis tests allowed to exam the strain range covered by isostress lines upon loading and unloading, as well as the residual strain after unloading for both superelastic and thermal activated Ni-Ti wires. Superelastic Ni-Ti wires exhibited higher load isostress values compared to thermal activated wires. It was found that such differences in the load isostress values can increase with increasing residence time.
Since the 1980s, different devices based on superelastic alloys have been developed to fulfill orthodontic applications. Particularly in the last decades several researches have been carried out to evaluate the mechanical behavior of Ni-Ti alloys, including their tensile, torsion and fatigue properties. However, studies regarding the dependence of elastic properties on residence time of Ni-Ti wires in the oral cavity are scarce. Such approach is essential since metallic alloys are submitted to mechanical stresses during orthodontic treatment as well as pH and temperature fluctuations. The goal of the present contribution is to provide elastic stress-strain results to guide the orthodontic choice between martensitic thermal activated and austenitic superelastic Ni-Ti alloys. From the point of view of an orthodontist, the selection of appropriate materials and the correct maintenance of the orthodontic apparatus are essential needs during clinical treatment. The present work evaluated the elastic behavior of Ni-Ti alloy wires with diameters varying from 0.014 to 0.020 inches, submitted to hysteresis tensile tests with 8% strain. Tensile tests were performed after periods of use of 1, 2 and 3 months in the oral cavity of patients submitted to orthodontic treatment. The results from the hysteresis tests allowed to exam the strain range covered by isostress lines upon loading and unloading, as well as the residual strain after unloading for both superelastic and thermal activated Ni-Ti wires. Superelastic Ni-Ti wires exhibited higher load isostress values compared to thermal activated wires. It was found that such differences in the load isostress values can increase with increasing residence time.
Background: Benefits of mobile phone deployment for children <5 in low-resource settings remain unproven. The target population of the current demonstration study in Bushenyi District, Uganda, presented with acute fever, pneumonia, or diarrhoea and were treated by community health workers (CHWs) providing integrated community case management (iCCM). Methods: An observational study was conducted in five parishes (47 villages) served by CHWs well versed in iCCM with supplemental training in mobile phone use. Impact was assessed by quantitative measures and qualitative evaluation through household surveys, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews. Results: CHWs in targeted sites improved child healthcare through mobile phone use coupled with iCCM. Of acutely ill children, 92.6% were correctly managed. Significant improvements in clinical outcomes compared to those obtained by CHWs with enhanced iCCM training alone were unproven in this limited demonstration. Nonetheless, qualitative evaluation showed gains in treatment planning, supply management, and logistical efficiency. Provider confidence and communications were enhanced as was ease and accuracy of record keeping. Conclusion: Mobile phones appear synergistic with iCCM to bolster basic supportive care for acutely ill children provided by CHWs. The full impact of expanded mobile phone deployment warrants further evaluation prior to scaling up in low-resource settings.
Liver cancer accounts for nearly 10% of all cancers in the US. Intrahepatic Arterial Radiomicrosphere Therapy (RMT), also known as Selective Internal Radiation Treatment (SIRT), is one of the evolving treatment modalities. Successful patient clinical outcomes require suitable treatment planning followed by delivery of the microspheres for therapy. The production and in vitro evaluation of various polymers (PGCD, CHS and CHSg) microspheres for a RMT and RMT planning are described. Microparticles with a 30±10 µm size distribution were prepared by emulsion method. The in vitro half-life of the particles was determined in PBS buffer and porcine plasma and their potential application (treatment or treatment planning) established. Further, the fast degrading microspheres (≤ 48 hours in vitro half-life) were labeled with 68Ga and/or 99mTc as they are suitable for the imaging component of treatment planning, which is the primary emphasis of this dissertation. Labeling kinetics demonstrated that 68Ga-PGCD, 68Ga-CHSg and 68Ga-NOTA-CHSg can be labeled with more than 95% yield in 15 minutes; 99mTc-PGCD and 99mTc-CHSg can also be labeled with high yield within 15-30 minutes. In vitro stability after four hours was more than 90% in saline and PBS buffer for all of them. Experiments in reconstituted hemoglobin lysate were also performed. Two successful imaging (RMT planning) agents were found: 99mTc-CHSg and 68Ga-NOTA-CHSg. For the 99mTc-PGCD a successful perfusion image was obtained after 10 minutes, however the in vivo degradation was very fast (half-life), releasing the 99mTc from the lungs. Slow degrading CHS microparticles (> 21 days half-life) were modified with p-SCN-b-DOTA and labeled with 90Y for production of 90Y-DOTA-CHS. Radiochemical purity was evaluated in vitro and in vivo showing more than 90% stability after 72 and 24 hours respectively. All agents were compared to their respective gold standards (99mTc-MAA for 68Ga-NOTA-CHSg and 99mTc-CHSg; 90Y-SirTEX for 90Y-DOTA-CHS) showing superior in vivo stability. RMT and RMT planning agents (Therapy, PET and SPECT imaging) were designed and successfully evaluated in vitro and in vivo.
Background: Orthodontic treatment involves using fixed or removable appliances (dental braces) to correct the positions of teeth. It has been shown that the quality of treatment result obtained with fixed appliances is much better than with removable appliances. Fixed appliances are, therefore, favoured by most orthodontists for treatment. The success of a fixed orthodontic appliance depends on the metal attachments (brackets and bands) being attached securely to the teeth so that they do not become loose during treatment. Brackets are usually attached to the front and side teeth, whereas bands (metal rings that go round the teeth) are more commonly used on the back teeth (molars). A number of adhesives are available to attach bands to teeth and it is important to understand which group of adhesives bond most reliably, as well as reducing or preventing dental decay during the treatment period. :Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of the adhesives used to attach bands to teeth during fixed appliance treatment, in terms of: (1) how often the bands come off during treatment; and (2) whether they protect the banded teeth against decay during fixed appliance treatment. Search methods: The following electronic databases were searched: Cochrane Oral Health's Trials Register (searched 2 June 2016), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2016, Issue 5) in the Cochrane Library (searched 2 June 2016), MEDLINE Ovid (1946 to 2 June 2016) and EMBASE Ovid (1980 to 2 June 2016). We searched ClinicalTrials.gov and the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform for ongoing trials. No restrictions were placed on the language or date of publication when searching the electronic databases. Selection criteria: Randomised and controlled clinical trials (RCTs and CCTs) (including split-mouth studies) of adhesives used to attach orthodontic bands to molar teeth were selected. Patients with full arch fixed orthodontic appliance(s) who had bands attached to molars were included. Data collection and analysis: All review authors were involved in study selection, validity assessment and data extraction without blinding to the authors, adhesives used or results obtained. All disagreements were resolved by discussion. Main results: Five RCTs and three CCTs were identified as meeting the review's inclusion criteria. All the included trials were of split-mouth design. Four trials compared chemically cured zinc phosphate and chemically cured glass ionomer; three trials compared chemically cured glass ionomer cement with light cured compomer; one trial compared chemically cured glass ionomer with a chemically cured glass phosphonate. Data analysis was often inappropriate within the studies meeting the inclusion criteria. Authors' conclusions: There is insufficient high quality evidence with regard to the most effective adhesive for attaching orthodontic bands to molar teeth. Further RCTs are required.
X-ray computed tomography (CT) is a medical imaging technique that produces images of trans-axial planes through the human body. When compared with a conventional radiograph, which is an image of many planes superimposed on each other, a CT image exhibits significantly improved contrast although this is at the expense of reduced spatial resolution.----- A CT image is reconstructed mathematically from a large number of one dimensional projections of the chosen plane. These projections are acquired electronically using a linear array of solid-state detectors and an x ray source that rotates around the patient.----- X-ray computed tomography is used routinely in radiological examinations. It has also be found to be useful in special applications such as radiotherapy treatment planning and three-dimensional imaging for surgical planning.
Objective: The Brief Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (bMAST) is a 10-item test derived from the 25-item Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST). It is widely used in the assessment of alcohol dependence. In the absence of previous validation studies, the principal aim of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of the bMAST as a measure of the severity of problem drinking. Method: There were 6,594 patients (4,854 men, 1,740 women) who had been referred for alcohol-use disorders to a hospital alcohol and drug service who voluntarily participated in this study. Results: An exploratory factor analysis defined a two-factor solution, consisting of Perception of Current Drinking and Drinking Consequences factors. Structural equation modeling confirmed that the fit of a nine-item, two-factor model was superior to the original one-factor model. Concurrent validity was assessed through simultaneous administration of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and associations with alcohol consumption and clinically assessed features of alcohol dependence. The two-factor bMAST model showed moderate correlations with the AUDIT. The two-factor bMAST and AUDIT were similarly associated with quantity of alcohol consumption and clinically assessed dependence severity features. No differences were observed between the existing weighted scoring system and the proposed simple scoring system. Conclusions: In this study, both the existing bMAST total score and the two-factor model identified were as effective as the AUDIT in assessing problem drinking severity. There are additional advantages of employing the two-factor bMAST in the assessment and treatment planning of patients seeking treatment for alcohol-use disorders. (J. Stud. Alcohol Drugs 68: 771-779,2007)