1000 resultados para Orius sp.
During studies of amphibian sperm cryopreservation, a new species of myxosporidean parasite (Myxozoa, Myxosporae) was observed in the testes of the Australian dwarf green tree frog Litoria fallax (Peters). Myxosporidiasis was found to have no affect on L. fallax body condition or sperm numbers. Myxobolus spores from L. fallax are morphologically distinct from Myxobolus hylae spores (infecting the sympatric Litoria aurea Lesson) and the three previously named (exotic to Australia) Myxobolus species found in anurans. Myxobolus fallax n. sp. is characterised by: pseudocyst white, spherical to ovoid, 141 x74 to 438 x337 mum in diameter (mature); plasmodium with spores loosely arranged within interior. Spores ovoid 13.4 +/- 0.5 (12.6-14.6) mum length, 9.5 +/- 0.4 (8.3-10.6) mum width, 6.8 +/- 0.4 (6.5-7.6) mum depth, 1.4 +/- 0.1 (1.3-1.6) length/width; polar capsules broadly pyriform and equal in size 4.2 +/- 0.3 (3.3-4.7) mum length, 2.4 +/- 0.2 (2.1-2.8) mum width; filament coils 7-8, wound tightly and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the capsule; polar filament 34 +/- 7.0 (18-50) mum length; intercapsular appendix and sutural ridge folds absent; and iodinophilous vacuole and mucous envelope lacking. In addition to this new species, data from archival samples of M. hylae are provided which show two morphologically distinct spore types. Both appeared rarely in the same pseudocysts and we cautiously retain the single species.
Monostephanostomum georgianum n. sp. is described from Arripis georgianus off Kangaroo Island, South Australia. It differs from its congeners by the presence of a short second row of oral spines. M. manteri Kruse, 1979 is reported from A. georgianus off southern Western Australia and Kangaroo Island, South Australia and A. trutta off northern Tasmania. It is considered that the other two species, M. yamagutii Ramadan, 1984 and M. krusei Reimer, 1983, should probably be removed from this genus. Two new combinations are formed, M. gazzae (Shen, 1990) n. comb. (from Stephanostomum) and M. mesospinosum (Madhavi, 1976) n. comb. (from Stephanostomum). A key to the four recognised species of Monostephanostomum is given.
The primary sequence and three-dimensional structure of a novel peptide toxin isolated from the Australian funnel-web spider Hadronyche infensa sp. is reported. ACTX-HI:OB4219 contains 38 amino acids, including eight-cysteine residues that form four disulfide bonds. The connectivities of these disulfide bonds were previously unknown but have been unambiguously determined in this study. Three of these disulfide bonds are arranged in an inhibitor cystine-knot (ICK) motif, which is observed in a range of other disulfide-rich peptide toxins. The motif incorporates an embedded ring in the structure formed by two of the disulfides and their connecting backbone segments penetrated by a third disulfide bond. Using NMR spectroscopy, we determined that despite the isolation of a single native homologous product by RP-HPLC, ACTX-HI:OB4219 possesses two equally populated conformers in solution. These two conformers were determined to arise from cis/trans isomerization of the bond preceding Pro30. Full assignment of the NMR spectra for both conformers allowed for the calculation of their structures, revealing, the presence of a triple-stranded antiparallel sheet consistent with the inhibitor cystine-knot (ICK) motif.
An opecoelid digenean, Dactylomyza gibsoni n. g., n. sp. is described and figured from Schuettea woodwardi (Waite), a monodactylid from off the coast of Western Australia. The new genus conforms to the concept of the opecoelid subfamily Opecoelinae. The resemblance of the new genus to three other opecoelid genera, Pseudopecoeloides Yamaguti, 1940, Opecoeloides Odhner, 1928 and Poracanthium Dollfus, 1948, is discussed. Dactylomyza n. g. is distinguished from these morphologically similar worms on the basis of its median genital pore, ventral sucker appendages, uroproct and the absence of an accessory sucker. Pseudopecoeloides equesi Manter, 1947 is transferred to the new genus as Dactylomyza equesi (Manter, 1947) n. comb.
An opecoelid, Bartoliella pritchardae n. g., n. sp., is described from the intestine of Epinephelides armatus from Western Australia. The new genus has been assigned to the subfamily Opecoelininae Gibson & Bray, 1984, bringing the number of genera in the subfamily to two. Although the new genus is similar to Opecoelina Manter, 1934 morphologically, the pedunculate ventral sucker and complete absence of a cirrus-sac necessitate the erection of a new genus. A formal re-definition of the subfamily is given, based on the diagnoses of the genera Opecoelina and Bartoliella n. g.
A new species of Allopodocotyle Pritchard, 1966 is described from the intestine and pyloric caeca of Parequula melbournensis (Gerreidae) caught from the waters off South and Western Australia. The new species is distinguished from other species by its larger eggs, broader form, pre-bifurcal genital pore and a number of other measurable features that are discussed. Of the species that share morphological similarities with Allopodocotyle skoliorchis n. sp., it is the only species known from a gerreid; all the other species are from serranids.
A new species of Pseudotrypanosoma, P. elphinstonae sp. n., is described which is symbiotic within the hindguts of the rhinotermitid termites Schedorhinotermes secundus and S. intermedius. P. elphinstonae possesses most of the features of the genus: 4 anterior flagella, prominent costa and recurrent flagellum forming an undulating membrane and simple bean-shaped parabasal body. The mastigont complex is of similar composition and arrangement to other trichomonads but the pelto-axostylar complex is greatly simplified being composed of a single layer of microtubules which do not over lap and cannot be distinguished into separate structures. The undulating membrane is much smaller than in related species; the costa is smaller and simpler and there are no microtubular bundles connecting it to the recurrent flagellum. Comparison of the ultrastructure of P. elphinstonae sp. n. with that of P. giganteum demonstrated that P. elphinstonae sp. n. in addition to being much smaller in size had a correspondingly simper ultrastructural organisation lacking several organelles which characterise the latter species.
The phylogeny of representative haemozoan species of the phylum Apicomplexa was reconstructed by cladistic analyses of ultrastructural and life-cycle characteristics. The analysis incorporated 4 apicomplexans previously not included in phylogenetic reconstructions: Haemogregarina clelandi from the Brisbane River tortoise (Emydura signata), Hepatozoon sp. from the slaty grey snake (Stegonotus cucullatus), Hepatozoon (Haemogregarina) boigae from the brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis), and Haemoproteus chelodina from the saw-shelled tortoise (Elseya latisternum). There was no apparent correlation between parasite phylogeny and that of their vertebrate hosts, but there appeared to be some relationship between parasites and their intermediate hosts, suggestive of parasite/vector co-evolution.
Paeon asymboli n. sp. ( Copepoda: Sphyriidae) is described and illustrated from two female specimens taken from the gills of a grey spotted catshark Asymbolus analis ( Ogilby) and an orange spotted catshark A. rubiginosus ( Last, Gomon & Gledhill) ( Scyliorhinidae) from off southeastern Queensland, Australia. The key features for identification are: a pear- shaped trunk, longer than it is wide, along with a cephalothorax characterised by two large ventral papillae, projecting laterally and supporting a number of secondary lobes; a single mid- line, subconical papilla located antero- dorsal to the ventral papillae; an anterior surface bearing two prominent stalked papillae; and an absence of posterolateral lobular processes. P. australis Kabata, 1993 is recorded for the first time from the eastern shovelnose ray Aptychotrema rostrata ( Shaw & Nodder) ( Rhinobatidae).
Previously, two species of Myrmozercon (= Myrmonyssus) have been described from ground-nesting Australian ants in the genus Iridiomyrmex. Herein a new species, Myrmozercon iainkayi, infesting workers and alate adults of a leaf-nesting species of Polyrachis ant is described. The new species has a number of unusual or unique characters, including coxal hypertrichy (6-6-6-4 for legs I-IV, respectively), and based on the structure of its mouthparts, appears to be a haemolymph-feeding parasite.
X-ray reflectivity of bovine and sheep surfactant-associated protein B (SP-B) monolayers is used in conjunction with pressure-area isotherms and protein models to suggest that the protein undergoes changes in its tertiary structure at the air/water interface under the influence of surface pressure, indicating the likely importance of such changes to the phenomena of protein squeeze out as well as lipid exchange between the air-water interface and subphase structures. We describe an algorithm based on the well-established box- or layer-models that greatly assists the fitting of such unknown scattering-length density profiles, and which takes the available instrumental resolution into account. Scattering-length density profiles from neutron reflectivity of bovine SP-B monolayers on aqueous subphases are shown to be consistent with the exchange of a large number of labile protons as well as the inclusion of a significant amount of water, which is partly squeezed out of the protein monolayer at elevated surface pressures.
A busca por modelos experimentais constitui passo fundamental para o avanço da medicina. OBJETIVO: Demonstrar, através da dissecção com técnicas microcirúrgicas, as estruturas anatômicas do osso temporal do primata Callithrix sp. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Experimental. MÉTODO: Dissecção de ossos temporais de Callithrix sp e documentação fotográfica. RESULTADOS: Identificamos as principais estruturas do osso temporal (orelhas externa, média e interna, e nervo facial). CONCLUSÃO: O primata não-humano Callithrix sp representa aparentemente um modelo viável para o estudo do osso temporal uma vez que apresenta alta similaridade anatômica com humanos.
A associação de bactérias a plantas tem sido estudada como uma possÃvel tecnologia emergente, para fitorremediação de contaminantes, entre eles os herbicidas, que, por sua recalcitrância, ameaçam a qualidade do ambiente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a tolerância de mucuna-anã (Stizolobium deeringianum Bort) e mucuna-preta (Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy), inoculadas e não inoculadas com Rhizobium sp., ao herbicida atrazina. Os tratamentos foram: plantas com inoculante + 0,1 g/m², 0,2 g/m² atrazina e sem atrazina (T1, T2 e T3, respectivamente), sem inoculante + 0,1 g/m², 0,2 g/m² atrazina e sem atrazina (T4, T5 e T6, respectivamente). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. Foram avaliados germinação, sobrevivência, número de nódulos, altura, biomassa verde, biomassa seca da parte aérea, após o crescimento das plantas por 50 dias em casa de vegetação. Nos tratamentos com inoculante, avaliou-se a porcentagem de germinação de plantas bioindicadoras (Bidens pilosa L.). Mucuna-preta e mucuna-anã demonstraram maior tolerância ao herbicida quando associadas ao Rhizobium. Os valores de sobrevivência de mucuna-preta, nas doses 0,1 e 0,2 g/m² de atrazina (T1 e T2), foram de 34 a 24% superiores aos observados nas mesmas doses, mas sem o inoculante (T4 e T5). Para mucuna-anã, T1 e T2 foram de 17 e 8% superiores a T4 e T5, respectivamente. As alturas médias de mucuna-anã em T1, T2 e T3 foram mais elevadas que em T4, T5 e T6, reforçando a importância do simbionte à resistência ao herbicida. Os resultados encontrados para as variáveis altura, biomassa verde e seca para mucuna-preta não apresentaram diferença estatÃstica entre os tratamentos com e sem inoculante, mostrando uma resistência natural à atrazina e a possibilidade de atuar como planta remediadora. A germinação de B. pilosa indica uma possÃvel degradação da atrazina no solo com ambas as espécies de mucunas inoculadas com Rhizobium sp.
Apesar da existência de contatos entre planalto e litoral brasileiros ser atualmente quase um consenso entre os arqueólogos nacionais, não há muita certeza de como teria se dado tal contato e qual seria o fluxo entre interior e costa. O vale do Ribeira de Iguape (SP) é uma das raras regiões do Sul-Sudeste do paÃs onde tal comunicação seria bastante facilitada devido a peculiaridades de sua geomorfologia. Neste trabalho, apresentamos os resultados de uma análise craniométrica comparativa entre 12 esqueletos provenientes de sambaquis fluviais do vale do Ribeira datados entre 6.000 e 1.200 anos AP e 225 esqueletos oriundos de diversas séries pré-históricas brasileiras do interior e do litoral. Ao contrário do que se observa no inÃcio do Holoceno nesse vale, não há qualquer afinidade biológica entre os ribeirinhos mais tardios e os paleoÃndios de Lagoa Santa ou qualquer outra série interiorana. Os grupos fluviais (ambos os sexos) associam-se aos sambaquis da costa de São Paulo e do Paraná, mostrando que houve realmente um contato considerável entre a planÃcie costeira e o planalto, ao menos no estado de São Paulo a partir da segunda metade do Holoceno.