188 resultados para Organogenesis


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Vitronectin (VN) is an abundant glycoprotein present in plasma and the extracellular matrix of most tissues. Though the precise function of VN in vivo is unknown, it has been implicated as a participant in diverse biological processes, including cell attachment and spreading, complement activation, and regulation of hemostasis. The major site of synthesis appears to be the liver, though VN is also found in the brain at an early stage of mouse organogenesis, suggesting that it may play an important role in mouse development. Genetic deficiency of VN has not been reported in humans or in other higher organisms. To examine the biologic function of VN within the context of the intact animal, we have established a murine model for VN deficiency through targeted disruption of the murine VN gene. Southern blot analysis of DNA obtained from homozygous null mice demonstrates deletion of all VN coding sequences, and immunological analysis confirms the complete absence of VN protein expression in plasma. However, heterozygous mice carrying one normal and one null VN allele and homozygous null mice completely deficient in VN demonstrate normal development, fertility, and survival. Sera obtained from VN-deficient mice are completely deficient in "serum spreading factor" and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 binding activities. These observations demonstrate that VN is not essential for cell adhesion and migration during normal mouse development and suggest that its role in these processes may partially overlap with other adhesive matrix components.


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Cell differentiation, tissue formation, and organogenesis are fundamental patterns during the development of multicellular animals from the dividing cells of fertilized eggs. Hence, the complete morphogenesis of any developing organism of the animal kingdom is based on a complex series of interactions that is always associated with the development of a blastula, a one-layered hollow sphere. Here we document an alternative pathway of differentiation, organogenesis, and morphogenesis occurring in an adult protochordate colonial organism. In this system, any minute fragment of peripheral blood vessel containing a limited number of blood cells isolated from Botrylloides, a colonial sea squirt, has the potential to give rise to a fully functional organism possessing all three embryonic layers. Regeneration probably results from a small number of totipotent stem cells circulating in the blood system. The developmental process starts from disorganized, chaotic masses of blood cells. At first an opaque cell mass is formed. Through intensive cell divisions, a hollow, blastula-like structure results, which may produce a whole organism within a short period of a week. This regenerative power of the protochordates may be compared with some of the characteristics associated with the formation of mammalian embryonal carcinomous bodies. It may also serve as an in vivo model system for studying morphogenesis and differentiation by shedding more light on the controversy of the "stem cell" vs. the "dedifferentiation" theories of regeneration and pattern formation.


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The scl gene encodes a basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factor which was identified through its involvement in chromosomal translocations in T-cell leukemia. To elucidate its physiological role, scl was targeted in embryonic stem cells. Mice heterozygous for the scl null mutation were intercrossed and their offspring were genotyped. Homozygous mutant (scl-/-) pups were not detected in newborn litters, and analysis at earlier time points demonstrated that scl-/- embryos were dying around embryonic day 9.5. The scl-/- embryos were pale, edematous, and markedly growth retarded after embryonic day 8.75. Histological studies showed complete absence of recognizable hematopoiesis in the yolk sac of these embryos. Early organogenesis appeared to be otherwise normal. Culture of yolk sac cells of wild-type, heterozygous, and homozygous littermates confirmed the absence of hematopoietic cells in scl-/- yolk sacs. Reverse transcription PCR was used to examine the transcripts of several genes implicated in early hematopoiesis. Transcripts of GATA-1 and PU.1 transcription factors were absent from RNA from scl-/- yolk sacs and embryos. These results implicate scl as a crucial regulator of early hematopoiesis.


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As neoplasias mieloproliferativas (NMPs) BCR-ABL1 negativas compreendem a mielofibrose primária (PMF), trombocitemia essencial (TE) e a policitemia vera (PV). A patogênese e progressão dessas NMPs não estão completamente elucidadas. As metaloproteinases de matriz (MMPs) degradam a matriz extracelular, ativando citocinas e fatores de crescimento que, por sua vez, participam da tumorigênese e angiogênese. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a relação da expressão gênica das MMPs, TIMPs, HIF1-α e SPARC com os marcadores angiogênicos bFGF e VEGFA em pacientes com MF e TE, considerando o status mutacional; bem como avaliar a regulação desses genes em camundongos submetidos à hipóxia, e em modelos HIF1-α(-/-) e VHL(-/-). Foram incluídos 21 pacientes com MF, 21 com MF pós-TE, 6 com MF pós-PV, 23 com TE e 78 indivíduos controle. As análises realizadas foram: dosagem sérica e expressão de RNAm de MMP2, MMP9, TIMP1, TIMP2 e SPARC, hemograma, determinação da proteína C reativa ultrassensível, determinação das concentrações de VEGFA e bFGF e avaliação das mutações nos genes JAK2, cMPL e CALR. A avaliação da densidade microvascular da medula óssea foi feita em 30 dos pacientes incluídos. Os pacientes com MFP, MFPTE e TE apresentaram maior expressão de MMP2, SPARC, TIMP1, TIMP2 e bFGF quando comparados aos seus controles (P<0,05), enquanto MMP9 foi mais expressa nos pacientes com MFPTE e TE (P= 0,011 e P=0,047, respectivamente). Os pacientes com TE apresentaram maior expressão de HIF1-α e VEGFA em relação ao grupo controle (P<0,05). Pacientes com MF JAK2V617F positivos apresentaram maiores concentrações de MMP9, TIMP2, bFGF e VEGFA quando comparados aos pacientes portadores de mutações na CALR (P<0,05). Os pacientes com TE JAK2V617F positivos apresentaram maiores concentrações de MMP2 e TIMP2 (P=0,049 e P=0,020, respectivamente). As concentrações das proteínas estudadas não apresentaram correlação com a carga alélica de JAK2V617F e nem com a densidade microvascular da medula óssea. Células de medula óssea de camundongos submetidos à hipóxia apresentaram maior expressão de MMP2 e TIMP1 comparados aos camundongos em normóxia. Camundongos VHL(-/-) apresentaram aumento na expressão dos genes MMP2, MMP9, TIMP1, TIMP2 e VEGFA. Diferentemente, embriões HIF1-α(-/-) não foram considerados um bom modelo para este estudo devido ao envolvimento das MMPs na embriogênese/organogênese. Frente aos resultados encontrados, pode-se sugerir que a maior expressão de MMP2, SPARC e de bFGF estão associadas às NMPs. A mutação JAK2V617F foi associada a maiores concentrações de MMPs, TIMP2 VEGFA e bFGF. HIF1-α foi mais expresso na PV e na TE, sugerindo uma possível regulação da expressão das MMPs e TIMPs nessas doenças.


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Recent findings relating to SOX transcription factors indicate that defects in organogenesis can be caused not only by impairment of the biochemical properties of transcription factors but also, in some cases, by deficient nuclear import. In addition, experimentally interfering with the nuclear export signals of some SOX factors has now been found to cause developmental defects. Controlling the balance of nuclear import and export might be a common means by which transcription factor activity can be regulated during development, and defects in these processes might underlie a broader spectrum of inherited developmental disorders.


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Background: It has been demonstrated that embryonic kidneys (metanephroi) xenotransplanted into the omentum of adult recipients continue to develop and display immune protection due to their more nave immune presentation. To date, this has been achieved using rat, pig and human metanephroi, with unilateral nephrectomy (UNX) of recipient rats a requisite of renal development. The aim of this study was to adapt this approach for use in mice and examine the parameters affecting successful onward development in this species. Methods: Metanephroi at embryonic age (E) 13.5 were transplanted either onto the body wall, abdominal fat pads or omentum of recipient isogenic C57/Bl6 mice using either sutures or polyglycolic acid mesh. Having established greatest success with polyglycolic acid mesh on the body wall, E12.5 and 15.5 days metanephroi from C57/Bl6 mice were then transplanted onto the body wall of control (non-pregnant non-UNX), UNX or 12.5 days post-coitum pregnant isogenic recipients. After 7 days, implanted tissue was harvested and examined using histology and immunohistochemistry for markers of renal maturation. The mean number of S-shaped bodies and glomeruli per section were recorded and statistically analysed for significant differences between all recipient groups and untransplanted metanephroi. The degree of development was scored qualitatively. Results: Transplanted E12.5 metanephroi developed S-shaped bodies and glomeruli in all recipient groups, although there were statistically higher numbers of S-shaped bodies in UNX (n = 2) and pregnant recipients (n = 9) than in control recipients (n = 4). Continued development, as indicated by mature vascularized glomeruli, was only observed in those E15.5 metanephroi transplanted into pregnant recipients (n = 11) with a 15.5-fold increase in S-shaped bodies and 4-fold increase in glomeruli compared with control transplants (n = 12). Conclusions: We have successfully established metanephros transplantation in mice and demonstrated enhancement of onward development of E12.5 metanephroi in response to both pregnancy and UNX. Using E15.5 metanephroi, continued development only occurred in pregnant recipients, implying pregnancy provides an environment conducive to continued organogenesis. This murine assay, when coupled with transgenically-tagged strains of mice, will allow the investigation of the relative contribution of donor and recipient cells to this process. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Gene knockout studies of Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) in mice have shown essential roles in organogenesis. A screen for KLF family members in zebrafish identified many KLFs. One of these, zebrafish KLF4 (zKLF4) is the homologue of neptune, a Xenopus laevis KLF. zKLF4 is expressed from approximately 80% epiboly a patch of dorsal/anterior mesendodermal cells called the pre-polster and, subsequently, in the polster and hatching gland. Here we investigate the function of zKLF4 using morpholino-based antisense oligonucleotides. Knockdown of zKLF4 resulted in complete absence of hatching gland formation and subsequent hatching in zebrafish. In addition, there was early knockdown of expression of the pre-polster/anterior mesendoderm markers CatL, cap1, and BMP4. These results indicate zKLF4 is expressed within the pre-polster, an early mesendodermal site, and that it plays a critical role in the differentiation of these cells into hatching gland cells.


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Interaction of Eph receptor tyrosine kinases with their membrane bound ephrin ligands initiates bidirectional signaling events that regulate cell migratory and adhesive behavior. Whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed overlapping expression of the Epha1 receptor and its high-affinity ligands ephrin A1 (Efna1) and ephrin A3 (Efna3) in the primitive streak and the posterior paraxial mesoderm during early mouse development. These results show complex and dynamic expression for all three genes with expression domains that are successively complementary, overlapping, and divergent. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The term secretome has been defined as a set of secreted proteins (Grimmond et al. [2003] Genome Res 13:1350-1359). The term secreted protein encompasses all proteins exported from the cell including growth factors, extracellular proteinases, morphogens, and extracellular matrix molecules. Defining the genes encoding secreted proteins that change in expression during organogenesis, the dynamic secretome, is likely to point to key drivers of morphogenesis. Such secreted proteins are involved in the reciprocal interactions between the ureteric bud (UB) and the metanephric mesenchyme (AM) that occur during organogenesis of the metanephros. Some key metanephric secreted proteins have been identified, but many remain to be determined. In this study, microarray expression profiling of E10.5, E11.5, and E13.5 kidney and consensus bioinformatic analysis were used to define a dynamic secretome of early metanephric development. In situ hybridisation was used to confirm microarray results and clarify spatial expression patterns for these genes. Forty-one secreted factors were dynamically expressed between the E10.5 and E13.5 timeframe profiled, and 25 of these factors had not previously been implicated in kidney development. A text-based anatomical ontology was used to spatially annotate the expression pattern of these genes in cultured metanephric explants.


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The regulation of osteoclast differentiation in the bone microenvironment is critical for normal bone remodeling, as well as for various human bone diseases. Over the last decade, our knowledge of how osteoclast differentiation occurs has progressed rapidly. We highlight some of the major advances in understanding how cell signaling and transcription are integrated to direct the differentiation of this cell type. These studies used genetic, molecular, and biochemical approaches. Additionally, we summarize data obtained from studies of osteoclast differentiation that used the functional genomic approach of global gene profiling applied to osteoclast differentiation. This genomic data confirms results from studies using the classical experimental approaches and also may suggest new modes by which osteoclast differentiation and function can be modulated. Two conclusions that emerge are that osteoclast differentiation depends on a combination of fairly ubiquitously expressed transcription factors rather than unique osteoclast factors, and that the overlay of cell signaling pathways on this set of transcription factors provides a powerful mechanism to fine tune the differentiation program in response to the local bone microenvironment.


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Neogenin, a close relative of the axon guidance receptor DCC, has been shown to be a receptor for members of the Netrin and Repulsive Guidance Molecule families. Recent studies have begun to uncover a role for Neogenin in organogenesis. Here we examine the localization of Neogenin protein in the developing mouse embryo (embryonic day 14.5) when organogenesis is progressing rapidly. We observe that Neogenin protein is restricted to distinct tissue layers within a given organ. In some embryonic epithelia such as the gut and pancreas, Neogenin protein is predominantly polarized to the basal surfaces of the epithelial cells. In contrast, Neogenin is restricted to mesenchymal cells within the lung and kidney. Neogenin is also seen in differentiating skeletal muscle and condensing cartilage throughout the embryo, and in the trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia of the peripheral nervous system. This study supports the emerging role for Neogenin as a key receptor in the establishment of the morphological architecture in many developing organ systems.


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The chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-transcription factors ( COUP-TFs) are orphan members of the nuclear hormone receptor ( NR) superfamily. COUP-TFs are involved in organogenesis and neurogenesis. However, their role in skeletal muscle ( and other major mass tissues) and metabolism remains obscure. Skeletal muscle accounts for similar to 40% of total body mass and energy expenditure. Moreover, this peripheral tissue is a primary site of glucose and fatty acid utilization. We utilize small interfering RNA ( siRNA)-mediated attenuation of Coup-TfI and II ( mRNA and protein) in a skeletal muscle cell culture model to understand the regulatory role of Coup-Tfs in this energy demanding tissue. This targeted NR repression resulted in the significant attenuation of genes that regulate lipid mobilization and utilization ( including Ppar alpha, Fabp3, and Cpt-1). This was coupled to reduced fatty acid beta-oxidation. Additionally we observed significant attenuation of Ucp1, a gene involved in energy expenditure. Concordantly, we observed a 5-fold increase in ATP levels in cells with siRNA-mediated repression of Coup-TfI and II. Furthermore, the expression of classical liver X receptor ( LXR) target genes involved in reverse cholesterol transport ( Abca1 and Abcg1) were both significantly repressed. Moreover, we observed that repression of the Coup-Tfs ablated the activation of Abca1, and Abcg1 mRNA expression by the selective LXR agonist, T0901317. In concordance, Coup-Tf-siRNA-transfected cells were refractory to Lxr-mediated reduction of total intracellular cholesterol levels in contrast to the negative control cells. In agreement Lxr-mediated activation of the Abca1 promoter in Coup-Tf-siRNA cells was attenuated. Collectively, these data suggest a pivotal role for Coup-Tfs in the regulation of lipid utilization/cholesterol homeostasis in skeletal muscle cells and the modulation of Lxr-dependent gene regulation.


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The E11.5 mouse metanephros is comprised of a T-stage ureteric epithelial tubule sub-divided into tip and trunk cells surrounded by metanephric mesenchyme (MM). Tip cells are induced to undergo branching morphogenesis by the MM. In contrast, signals within the mesenchyme surrounding the trunk prevent ectopic branching of this region. In order to identify novel genes involved in the molecular regulation of branching morphogenesis we compared the gene expression profiles of isolated tip, trunk and MM cells using Compugen mouse long oligo microarrays. We identified genes enriched in the tip epithelium, sim-1, Arg2, Tacstd1, Crlf-1 and BMP7; genes enriched in the trunk epithelium, Innp1, Itm2b, Mkrn1, SPARC, Emu2 and Gsta3 and genes spatially restricted to the mesenchyme surrounding the trunk, CSPG2 and CV-2, with overlapping and complimentary expression to BMP4, respectively. This study has identified genes spatially expressed in regions of the developing kidney involved in branching morphogenesis, nephrogenesis and the development of the collecting duct system, calyces, renal pelvis and ureter. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As the mammalian embryo develops, it must engage one of the two distinct programmes of gene activity, morphogenesis and organogenesis that characterize males and females. In males, sexual development hinges on testis determination and differentiation, but also involves many coordinated transcriptional, signalling and endocrine networks that underpin the masculinization of other organs and tissues, including the brain. Here we bring together current knowledge about these networks, identify gaps in the overall picture, and highlight the known defects that lead to disorders of male sexual development.


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Neogenin, a close relative of the axon guidance receptor Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC), has been shown to be a receptor for members of the Netrin and Repulsive Guidance Molecule (RGM) families. While Netrin-l-Neogenin interactions result in a chernoattractive axon guidance response, the interaction between Neogenin and RGMa induces a chemorepulsive response. Evidence is now accumulating that Neogenin is a multi-functional receptor regulating many diverse developmental processes, including neural tube and mammary gland formation, myogenesis and angiogenesis. Little is known of the function of Neogenin in the adult, however, a novel role in the regulation of iron homeostasis is now emerging. While the signal transduction pathways activated by Neogenin are poorly understood, it is clear that the functional outcome of Neogenin activation, at least in the embryo, depends on both the developmental context as well as the nature of the ligand. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.