999 resultados para Ordinary concrete


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In this paper we give a generalized predictor-corrector algorithm for solving ordinary differential equations with specified initial values. The method uses multiple correction steps which can be carried out in parallel with a prediction step. The proposed method gives a larger stability interval compared to the existing parallel predictor-corrector methods. A method has been suggested to implement the algorithm in multiple processor systems with efficient utilization of all the processors.


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The fracture properties of different concrete-concrete interfaces are determined using the Bazant's size effect model. The size effect on fracture properties are analyzed using the boundary effect model proposed by Wittmann and his co-workers. The interface properties at micro-level are analyzed through depth sensing micro-indentation and scanning electron microscopy. Geometrically similar beam specimens of different sizes having a transverse interface between two different strengths of concrete are tested under three-point bending in a closed loop servo-controlled machine with crack mouth opening displacement control. The fracture properties such as, fracture energy (G(f)), length of process zone (c(f)), brittleness number (beta), critical mode I stress intensity factor (K-ic), critical crack tip opening displacement CTODc (delta(c)), transitional ligament length to free boundary (a(j)), crack growth resistance curve and micro-hardness are determined. It is seen that the above fracture properties decrease as the difference between the compressive strength of concrete on either side of the interface increases. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Several methods are available for predicting flexural strength of steel fiber concrete composites. In these methods, direct tensile strength, split cylinder strength, and cube strength are the basic engineering parameters that must be determined to predict the flexural strength of such composites. Various simplified forms of stress distribution are used in each method to formulate the prediction equations for flexural strength. In this paper, existing methods are reviewed and compared, and a modified empirical approach is developed to predict the flexural strength of fiber concrete composites. The direct tensile strength of the composite is used as the basic parameter in this approach. Stress distribution is established from the findings of flexural tests conducted as part of this investigation on fiber concrete prisms. A comparative study of the test values of an earlier investigation on fiber concrete slabs and the computed values from existing methods, including the one proposed, is presented.


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The material presented in this paper summarizes the progress that has been made in the analysis, design, and testing of concrete structures. The material is summarized in the following documents: 1. Part I - Containment Design Criteria and Loading Combinations - J.D. Stevenson (Stevenson and Associates, Cleveland, Ohio, USA) 2. Part II - Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Behavior - J. Eibl and M. Curbach (Karlsruhe University, Karlsruhe, Germany) 3. Part III - Concrete Containment Analysis, Design and Related Testing - T.E. Johnson and M.A. Daye (Bechtel Power Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland USA) 4. Part IV - Impact and Impulse Loading and Response Prediction - J.D. Riera (School of Engineering - UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil) 5. Part V - Metal Containments and Liner Plate Systems - N.J. Krutzik (Siemens AG, Offenbach Am Main, Germany) 6. Part VI - Prestressed Reactor Vessel Design, Testing and Analysis - J. Nemet (Austrian Research Center, Seibersdorf, Austria) and K.T.S. Iyengar (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India).


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In this work, an analytical model is proposed for fatigue crack propagation in plain concrete based on population growth exponential law and in conjunction with principles of dimensional analysis and self-similarity. This model takes into account parameters such as loading history, fracture toughness, crack length, loading ratio and structural size. The predicted results are compared with experimental crack growth data for constant and variable amplitude loading and are found to capture the size effect apart from showing a good agreement. Using this model, a sensitivity analysis is carried out to study the effect of various parameters that influence fatigue failure. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fracture behaviour of notched and un-notched plain concrete slender beams subjected to three-point or four-point bending is analyzed through a one-dimensional model, also called Softening Beam Model. Fundamental equations of equilibrium are used to develop the model. The influence of structural size in altering the fracture mode from brittle fracture to plastic collapse is explained through the stress distribution across the uncracked ligament obtained by varying the strain softening modulus. It is found that at the onset of fracture instability, stress at the crack tip is equal to zero. The maximum load and fracture load are found to be different and a unique value for the fracture load is obtained. It is shown that the length of the fracture process zone depends on the value of the strain softening modulus. Theoretical limits for fracture process zone length are also calculated. Several nonlinear fracture parameters, such as, crack tip opening displacement, crack mouth opening displacement and fracture energy are computed for a wide variety of beam specimens reported in the literature and are found to compare very well with experimental and theoretical results. It is demonstrated that by following a simple procedure, both pre-peak and post-peak portions of load versus crack mouth opening displacement curve can be obtained quite accurately. Further, a simple procedure to calculate the maximum load is also developed. The predicted values of maximum load are found to agree well with the experimental values. The Softening Beam Model (SBM), proposed in this investigation is very simple and is based on rational considerations. It can completely describe the fracture process from the beginning of formation of the fracture process zone till the onset of fracture instability.A l'aide d'un modèle unidimensionnel dit ldquoSoftening Beam Modelrdquo (SBM), on analyse le comportement à rupture de poutres élancées pleines entaillées ou non, soumises en flexion en trois ou quatre points. Des équations fondamentales d'équilibre sont utilisées pour développer le modèle. On explique l'influence de la taille du composant sur l'altération du mode de rupture en rupture fragile et en effondrement plastique par la distribution par la distribution des contraintes sur le ligament non fissuré lorsque varie le module d'adoucissement. On trouve que la contrainte à l'extrémité de la fissure est nulle est nulle au début de l'instabilité de la rupture. La charge maximum et la charge à la rupture sont trouvées différentes, et on obtient une valeur unique de la charge à la rupture. On montre que la longueur de la zone concernée par le processus de rupture d'pend de la valeur du module d'adoucissement. On calcule également les limites théoriques de longueur de cette zone. Divers paramètres de rupture non linéaire sont calculés pour une large gamme d'éprouvettes en poutres reprises dans la littérature; on trouve qu'il existe une bonne concordance avec les résultats expérimentaux et théoriques. On démontre qu'en suivant une procédure simple on peut obtenir avec une bonne précision la courbe reliant les portions avant et après le pic de sollicitation en fonction du COD de la fissure. En outre, on développe une procédure simple pour calculer la charge maximum. Les valeurs prédites sont en bon accord avec les valeurs expérimentales. Le modèle SBM proposé est très simple et est basé sur des considérations rationnelles. Il est susceptible de décrire complètement le processus de rupture depuis le début de la formation de la zone intéressée jusqu'à l'amorçage de la rupture instable.


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An experimental study aimed at understanding the deformational behavior of conventionally reinforced steel fiber concrete beams in pure bending is reported in this paper. One group of beams has steel fibers dispersed in the entire volume of the beam and the second has fibers dispersed over half the depth of the beam on the tension side. A comparative study of the deformational characteristics of these beams has been made. Half-depth fiber inclusion, requiring only half the quantity of fibers of full-depth inclusion, is found to be equally effective in improving the deformational behavior of beams. Thus, by such modes of inclusion of fibers, an economical and efficient use of expensive steel fibers can be realized.


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Reinforced concrete corbels have been analysed using the nonlinear finite element method. An elasto-plastic-cracking constitutive formulation using Huber-Hencky-Mises yield surface augmented with a tension cut-off is employed. Smeared-fixed cracking with mesh-dependent strain softening is employed to obtain objective results. Multiple non-orthogonal cracking and opening and closing of cracks are permitted. The model and the formulation are verified with respect to available numerical solution for an RC corbel. Results of analyses of nine reinforced concrete corbels are presented and compared with experimental results. Nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures is shown to be a complement and also a feasible alternative to laboratory testing.


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Load-deflection curves for a notched beam under three-point load are determined using the Fictitious Crack Model (FCM) and Blunt Crack Model (BCM). Two values of fracture energy GF are used in this analysis: (i) GF obtained from the size effect law and (ii) GF obtained independently of the size effect. The predicted load-deflection diagrams are compared with the experimental ones obtained for the beams tested by Jenq and Shah. In addition, the values of maximum load (Pmax) obtained by the analyses are compared with the experimental ones for beams tested by Jenq and Shah and by Bažant and Pfeiffer. The results indicate that the descending portion of the load-deflection curve is very sensitive to the GF value used.


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integral to concrete mix proportioning are preparing trial mixes and balancing such factors as reasonable economy against placement, strength, and durability requirements. It is necessary to determine the water-cement and aggregate-cement ratios to satisfy workability requirements and obtain the target 28-day compressive strength. There is no direct, simple method by which the characteristics of cement, namely, fineness and chemical composition, can be considered in proportioning concrete mixes. Based on the physicochemical interactions in the cement-water system, a generalized approach for proportioning concrete mixes has been developed. Trial mix details (water-cement and aggregate-cement ratios) are derived based on any of the accepted methods for proportioning concrete mixes. The workability (compacting factor) and 28-day compressive strength reflect the physicochemical characteristics of cement and form the basis for reproportioning mixes. Based on this data, the final mix is proportioned using the three equations reported in this paper. This method can also be used to obtain a set of concrete mixes with wide ranges of workability and strength.


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The mode I and mode II fracture toughness and the critical strain energy release rate for different concrete-concrete jointed interfaces are experimentally determined using the Digital Image Correlation technique. Concrete beams having different compressive strength materials on either side of a centrally placed vertical interface are prepared and tested under three-point bending in a closed loop servo-controlled testing machine under crack mouth opening displacement control. Digital images are captured before loading (undeformed state) and at different instances of loading. These images are analyzed using correlation techniques to compute the surface displacements, strain components, crack opening and sliding displacements, load-point displacement, crack length and crack tip location. It is seen that the CMOD and vertical load-point displacement computed using DIC analysis matches well with those measured experimentally.


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Notched three point bend specimens (TPB) were tested under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/s and during the fracture process acoustic emissions (AE) were simultaneously monitored. It was observed that AE energy could be related to fracture energy. An experimental study was done to understand the behavior of AE energy with parameters of concrete like its strength and size. In this study, AE energy was used as a quantitative measure of size independent specific fracture energy of concrete beams and the concepts of boundary effect and local fracture energy were used to obtain size independent AE energy from which size independent fracture energy was obtained. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The accumulation of fly ash throughout the world is several million tons per day. The main problem with the usage of fly ash is the slow rate of strength gain, primarily due to slow pozzolanic reactions. Existing methods of proportioning fly ash concrete are lacking. These methods are involved and do not directly take into account the properties of the constituent materials. The Generalized Approach for Mix Proportioning developed at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, is the basis for the development of the proposed method, which takes into account the characteristics of cement, fly ash, and aggregates. Based on the basic trial mix data obtained by using the American Concrete Institute (ACI 211.1-81) method, the proportions of fly-ash concrete mixes were arrived at using the Generalized Approach for Mix Proportioning. The method proposed was applied to and found applicable for fly-ash concretes using fly ashes from two different sources.