965 resultados para Optimization techniques


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Recently, researches have shown that the performance of metaheuristics can be affected by population initialization. Opposition-based Differential Evolution (ODE), Quasi-Oppositional Differential Evolution (QODE), and Uniform-Quasi-Opposition Differential Evolution (UQODE) are three state-of-the-art methods that improve the performance of the Differential Evolution algorithm based on population initialization and different search strategies. In a different approach to achieve similar results, this paper presents a technique to discover promising regions in a continuous search-space of an optimization problem. Using machine-learning techniques, the algorithm named Smart Sampling (SS) finds regions with high possibility of containing a global optimum. Next, a metaheuristic can be initialized inside each region to find that optimum. SS and DE were combined (originating the SSDE algorithm) to evaluate our approach, and experiments were conducted in the same set of benchmark functions used by ODE, QODE and UQODE authors. Results have shown that the total number of function evaluations required by DE to reach the global optimum can be significantly reduced and that the success rate improves if SS is employed first. Such results are also in consonance with results from the literature, stating the importance of an adequate starting population. Moreover, SS presents better efficacy to find initial populations of superior quality when compared to the other three algorithms that employ oppositional learning. Finally and most important, the SS performance in finding promising regions is independent of the employed metaheuristic with which SS is combined, making SS suitable to improve the performance of a large variety of optimization techniques. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Einfluß von Kettenverzweigungen unterschiedlicher Topologien auf die statischen Eigenschaften von Polymeren. Diese Untersuchungen werden mit Hilfe von Monte-Carlo- und Molekular-Dynamik-Simulationen durchgeführt.Zunächst werden einige theoretische Konzepte und Modelle eingeführt, welche die Beschreibung von Polymerketten auf mesoskopischen Längenskalen gestatten. Es werden wichtige Bestimmungsgrößen eingeführt und erläutert, welche zur quantitativen Charakterisierung von Verzweigungsstrukturen bei Polymeren geeignet sind. Es wird ebenso auf die verwendeten Optimierungstechniken eingegangen, die bei der Implementierung des Computerprogrammes Verwendung fanden. Untersucht werden neben linearen Polymerketten unterschiedliche Topolgien -Sternpolymere mit variabler Armzahl, Übergang von Sternpolymeren zu linearen Polymeren, Ketten mit variabler Zahl von Seitenketten, reguläre Dendrimere und hyperverzweigte Strukturen - in Abhängigkeit von der Lösungsmittelqualität. Es wird zunächst eine gründliche Analyse des verwendeten Simulationsmodells an sehr langen linearen Einzelketten vorgenommen. Die Skalierungseigenschaften der linearen Ketten werden untersucht in dem gesamten Lösungsmittelbereich vom guten Lösungsmittel bis hin zu weitgehend kollabierten Ketten im schlechten Lösungsmittel. Ein wichtiges Ergebnis dieser Arbeit ist die Bestätigung der Korrekturen zum Skalenverhalten des hydrodynamischen Radius Rh. Dieses Ergebnis war möglich aufgrund der großen gewählten Kettenlängen und der hohen Qualität der erhaltenen Daten in dieser Arbeit, insbesondere bei den linearen ketten, und es steht im Widerspruch zu vielen bisherigen Simulations-Studien und experimentellen Arbeiten. Diese Korrekturen zum Skalenverhalten wurden nicht nur für die linearen Ketten, sondern auch für Sternpolymere mit unterchiedlicher Armzahl gezeigt. Für lineare Ketten wird der Einfluß von Polydispersität untersucht.Es wird gezeigt, daß eine eindeutige Abbildung von Längenskalen zwischen Simulationsmodell und Experiment nicht möglich ist, da die zu diesem Zweck verwendete dimensionslose Größe eine zu schwache Abhängigkeit von der Polymerisation der Ketten besitzt. Ein Vergleich von Simulationsdaten mit industriellem Low-Density-Polyäthylen(LDPE) zeigt, daß LDPE in Form von stark verzweigten Ketten vorliegt.Für reguläre Dendrimere konnte ein hochgradiges Zurückfalten der Arme in die innere Kernregion nachgewiesen werden.


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The aim of this Doctoral Thesis is to develop a genetic algorithm based optimization methods to find the best conceptual design architecture of an aero-piston-engine, for given design specifications. Nowadays, the conceptual design of turbine airplanes starts with the aircraft specifications, then the most suited turbofan or turbo propeller for the specific application is chosen. In the aeronautical piston engines field, which has been dormant for several decades, as interest shifted towards turboaircraft, new materials with increased performance and properties have opened new possibilities for development. Moreover, the engine’s modularity given by the cylinder unit, makes it possible to design a specific engine for a given application. In many real engineering problems the amount of design variables may be very high, characterized by several non-linearities needed to describe the behaviour of the phenomena. In this case the objective function has many local extremes, but the designer is usually interested in the global one. The stochastic and the evolutionary optimization techniques, such as the genetic algorithms method, may offer reliable solutions to the design problems, within acceptable computational time. The optimization algorithm developed here can be employed in the first phase of the preliminary project of an aeronautical piston engine design. It’s a mono-objective genetic algorithm, which, starting from the given design specifications, finds the engine propulsive system configuration which possesses minimum mass while satisfying the geometrical, structural and performance constraints. The algorithm reads the project specifications as input data, namely the maximum values of crankshaft and propeller shaft speed and the maximal pressure value in the combustion chamber. The design variables bounds, that describe the solution domain from the geometrical point of view, are introduced too. In the Matlab® Optimization environment the objective function to be minimized is defined as the sum of the masses of the engine propulsive components. Each individual that is generated by the genetic algorithm is the assembly of the flywheel, the vibration damper and so many pistons, connecting rods, cranks, as the number of the cylinders. The fitness is evaluated for each individual of the population, then the rules of the genetic operators are applied, such as reproduction, mutation, selection, crossover. In the reproduction step the elitist method is applied, in order to save the fittest individuals from a contingent mutation and recombination disruption, making it undamaged survive until the next generation. Finally, as the best individual is found, the optimal dimensions values of the components are saved to an Excel® file, in order to build a CAD-automatic-3D-model for each component of the propulsive system, having a direct pre-visualization of the final product, still in the engine’s preliminary project design phase. With the purpose of showing the performance of the algorithm and validating this optimization method, an actual engine is taken, as a case study: it’s the 1900 JTD Fiat Avio, 4 cylinders, 4T, Diesel. Many verifications are made on the mechanical components of the engine, in order to test their feasibility and to decide their survival through generations. A system of inequalities is used to describe the non-linear relations between the design variables, and is used for components checking for static and dynamic loads configurations. The design variables geometrical boundaries are taken from actual engines data and similar design cases. Among the many simulations run for algorithm testing, twelve of them have been chosen as representative of the distribution of the individuals. Then, as an example, for each simulation, the corresponding 3D models of the crankshaft and the connecting rod, have been automatically built. In spite of morphological differences among the component the mass is almost the same. The results show a significant mass reduction (almost 20% for the crankshaft) in comparison to the original configuration, and an acceptable robustness of the method have been shown. The algorithm here developed is shown to be a valid method for an aeronautical-piston-engine preliminary project design optimization. In particular the procedure is able to analyze quite a wide range of design solutions, rejecting the ones that cannot fulfill the feasibility design specifications. This optimization algorithm could increase the aeronautical-piston-engine development, speeding up the production rate and joining modern computation performances and technological awareness to the long lasting traditional design experiences.


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Sports biomechanics describes human movement from a performance enhancement and an injury reduction perspective. In this respect, the purpose of sports scientists is to support coaches and physicians with reliable information about athletes’ technique. The lack of methods allowing for in-field athlete evaluation as well as for accurate joint force estimates represents, to date, the main limitation to this purpose. The investigations illustrated in the present thesis aimed at providing a contribution towards the development of the above mentioned methods. Two complementary approaches were adopted: a Low Resolution Approach – related to performance assessment – where the use of wearable inertial measurement units is exploited during different phases of sprint running, and a High Resolution Approach – related to joint kinetics estimate for injury prevention – where subject-specific, non-rigid constraints for knee joint kinematic modelling used in multi-body optimization techniques are defined. Results obtained using the Low Resolution Approach indicated that, due to their portability and inexpensiveness, inertial measurement systems are a valid alternative to laboratory-based instrumentation for in-field performance evaluation of sprint running. Using acceleration and angular velocity data, the following quantities were estimated: trunk inclination and angular velocity, instantaneous horizontal velocity and displacement of a point approximating the centre of mass, and stride and support phase durations. As concerns the High Resolution Approach, results indicated that the length of the anterior cruciate and lateral collateral ligaments decreased, while that of the deep bundle of the medial collateral ligament increased significantly during flexion. Variations of the posterior cruciate and the superficial bundle of the medial collateral ligament lengths were concealed by the experimental indeterminacy. A mathematical model was provided that allowed the estimate of subject-specific ligament lengths as a function of knee flexion and that can be integrated in a multi-body optimization procedure.


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Particulate matter (PM) emissions standards set by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have become increasingly stringent over the years. The EPA regulation for PM in heavy duty diesel engines has been reduced to 0.01 g/bhp-hr for the year 2010. Heavy duty diesel engines make use of an aftertreatment filtration device, the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). DPFs are highly efficient in filtering PM (known as soot) and are an integral part of 2010 heavy duty diesel aftertreatment system. PM is accumulated in the DPF as the exhaust gas flows through it. This PM needs to be removed by oxidation periodically for the efficient functioning of the filter. This oxidation process is also known as regeneration. There are 2 types of regeneration processes, namely active regeneration (oxidation of PM by external means) and passive oxidation (oxidation of PM by internal means). Active regeneration occurs typically in high temperature regions, about 500 - 600 °C, which is much higher than normal diesel exhaust temperatures. Thus, the exhaust temperature has to be raised with the help of external devices like a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) or a fuel burner. The O2 oxidizes PM producing CO2 as oxidation product. In passive oxidation, one way of regeneration is by the use of NO2. NO2 oxidizes the PM producing NO and CO2 as oxidation products. The passive oxidation process occurs at lower temperatures (200 - 400 °C) in comparison to the active regeneration temperatures. Generally, DPF substrate walls are washcoated with catalyst material to speed up the rate of PM oxidation. The catalyst washcoat is observed to increase the rate of PM oxidation. The goal of this research is to develop a simple mathematical model to simulate the PM depletion during the active regeneration process in a DPF (catalyzed and non-catalyzed). A simple, zero-dimensional kinetic model was developed in MATLAB. Experimental data required for calibration was obtained by active regeneration experiments performed on PM loaded mini DPFs in an automated flow reactor. The DPFs were loaded with PM from the exhaust of a commercial heavy duty diesel engine. The model was calibrated to the data obtained from active regeneration experiments. Numerical gradient based optimization techniques were used to estimate the kinetic parameters of the model.


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Die Grundidee hinter dem neuen Regalbediengerät ist die Minimierung der zu bewegenden Last durch die Verwendung einer seilbasierten Stewart-Gough-Plattform (SGP). Das klassische Regalbediengerät (RBG) wird dabei durch eine Plattform ersetzt, die an bis zu acht vorgespannten Seilen befestigt ist. Unterstützt wird diese Bauform durch eine abgestimmte Steuerungssoftware, die es ermöglicht die Vorteile des RBG optimal zu nutzen. Das hier mit Software vorgestellte Konzept regelt die Vorgehensweise zur Optimierung von Ein- und Auslagerungsaufträgen in einem Lagerregal, sowie die Optimierung der Fachbelegung in Zeiten ohne direkten Auftrag. Es beinhaltet dabei Mechanismen, die bestimmen wann Aufträge abgearbeitet werden, in welcher Reihenfolge und in welchen Kombinationen. Ziel ist es Ein- und Auslagerungsaufträge so zu kombinieren, dass möglichst effizient und schnell gearbeitet wird.


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The goal of this work was to increase the performance and to calibrate one of the ROSINA sensors, the Reflectron-type Time-Of-Flight mass spectrometer, currently flying aboard the ESA Rosetta spacecraft. Different optimization techniques were applied to both the lab and space models, and a static calibration was performed using different gas species expected to be detected in the vicinity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The database thus created was successfully applied to space data, giving consistent results with the other ROSINA sensors.


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This thesis deals with the problem of efficiently tracking 3D objects in sequences of images. We tackle the efficient 3D tracking problem by using direct image registration. This problem is posed as an iterative optimization procedure that minimizes a brightness error norm. We review the most popular iterative methods for image registration in the literature, turning our attention to those algorithms that use efficient optimization techniques. Two forms of efficient registration algorithms are investigated. The first type comprises the additive registration algorithms: these algorithms incrementally compute the motion parameters by linearly approximating the brightness error function. We centre our attention on Hager and Belhumeur’s factorization-based algorithm for image registration. We propose a fundamental requirement that factorization-based algorithms must satisfy to guarantee good convergence, and introduce a systematic procedure that automatically computes the factorization. Finally, we also bring out two warp functions to register rigid and nonrigid 3D targets that satisfy the requirement. The second type comprises the compositional registration algorithms, where the brightness function error is written by using function composition. We study the current approaches to compositional image alignment, and we emphasize the importance of the Inverse Compositional method, which is known to be the most efficient image registration algorithm. We introduce a new algorithm, the Efficient Forward Compositional image registration: this algorithm avoids the necessity of inverting the warping function, and provides a new interpretation of the working mechanisms of the inverse compositional alignment. By using this information, we propose two fundamental requirements that guarantee the convergence of compositional image registration methods. Finally, we support our claims by using extensive experimental testing with synthetic and real-world data. We propose a distinction between image registration and tracking when using efficient algorithms. We show that, depending whether the fundamental requirements are hold, some efficient algorithms are eligible for image registration but not for tracking.


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The Simultaneous Multiple Surfaces (SMS) was developed as a design method in Nonimaging Optics during the 90s. Later, the method was extended for designing Imaging Optics. We present an overview of the method applied to imaging optics in planar (2D) geometry and compare the results with more classical designs based on achieving aplanatism of different orders. These classical designs are also viewed as particular cases of SMS designs. Systems with up to 4 aspheric surfaces are shown. The SMS design strategy is shown to perform always better than the classical design (in terms of image quality). Moreover, the SMS method is a direct method, i.e., it is not based in multi-parametric optimization techniques. This gives the SMS method an additional interest since it can be used for exploring solutions where the multiparameter techniques can get lost because of the multiple local minima


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Precise modeling of the program heap is fundamental for understanding the behavior of a program, and is thus of signiflcant interest for many optimization applications. One of the fundamental properties of the heap that can be used in a range of optimization techniques is the sharing relationships between the elements in an array or collection. If an analysis can determine that the memory locations pointed to by different entries of an array (or collection) are disjoint, then in many cases loops that traverse the array can be vectorized or transformed into a thread-parallel versión. This paper introduces several novel sharing properties over the concrete heap and corresponding abstractions to represent them. In conjunction with an existing shape analysis technique, these abstractions allow us to precisely resolve the sharing relations in a wide range of heap structures (arrays, collections, recursive data structures, composite heap structures) in a computationally efflcient manner. The effectiveness of the approach is evaluated on a set of challenge problems from the JOlden and SPECjvm98 suites. Sharing information obtained from the analysis is used to achieve substantial thread-level parallel speedups.


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Los problemas de programación de tareas son muy importantes en el mundo actual. Se puede decir que se presentan en todos los fundamentos de la industria moderna, de ahí la importancia de que estos sean óptimos, de forma que se puedan ahorrar recursos que estén asociados al problema. La programación adecuada de trabajos en procesos de manufactura, constituye un importante problema que se plantea dentro de la producción en muchas empresas. El orden en que estos son procesados, no resulta indiferente, sino que determinará algún parámetro de interés, cuyos valores convendrá optimizar en la medida de lo posible. Así podrá verse afectado el coste total de ejecución de los trabajos, el tiempo necesario para concluirlos o el stock de productos en curso que será generado. Esto conduce de forma directa al problema de determinar cuál será el orden más adecuado para llevar a cabo los trabajos con vista a optimizar algunos de los anteriores parámetros u otros similares. Debido a las limitaciones de las técnicas de optimización convencionales, en la presente tesis se presenta una metaheurística basada en un Algoritmo Genético Simple (Simple Genetic Algorithm, SGA), para resolver problemas de programación de tipo flujo general (Job Shop Scheduling, JSS) y flujo regular (Flow Shop Scheduling, FSS), que están presentes en un taller con tecnología de mecanizado con el objetivo de optimizar varias medidas de desempeño en un plan de trabajo. La aportación principal de esta tesis, es un modelo matemático para medir el consumo de energía, como criterio para la optimización, de las máquinas que intervienen en la ejecución de un plan de trabajo. Se propone además, un método para mejorar el rendimiento en la búsqueda de las soluciones encontradas, por parte del Algoritmo Genético Simple, basado en el aprovechamiento del tiempo ocioso. ABSTRACT The scheduling problems are very important in today's world. It can be said to be present in all the basics of modern industry, hence the importance that these are optimal, so that they can save resources that are associated with the problem. The appropriate programming jobs in manufacturing processes is an important problem that arises in production in many companies. The order in which they are processed, it is immaterial, but shall determine a parameter of interest, whose values agree optimize the possible. This may be affected the total cost of execution of work, the time needed to complete them or the stock of work in progress that will be generated. This leads directly to the problem of determining what the most appropriate order to carry out the work in order to maximize some of the above parameters or other similar. Due to the limitations of conventional optimization techniques, in this work present a metaheuristic based on a Simple Genetic Algorithm (Simple Genetic Algorithm, SGA) to solve programming problems overall flow rate (Job Shop Scheduling, JSS) and regular flow (Flow Shop Scheduling, FSS), which are present in a workshop with machining technology in order to optimize various performance measures in a plan. The main contribution of this thesis is a mathematical model to measure the energy consumption as a criterion for the optimization of the machines involved in the implementation of a work plan. It also proposes a method to improve performance in finding the solutions, by the simple genetic algorithm, based on the use of idle time.


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Classical imaging optics has been developed over centuries in many areas, such as its paraxial imaging theory and practical design methods like multi-parametric optimization techniques. Although these imaging optical design methods can provide elegant solutions to many traditional optical problems, there are more and more new design problems, like solar concentrator, illumination system, ultra-compact camera, etc., that require maximum energy transfer efficiency, or ultra-compact optical structure. These problems do not have simple solutions from classical imaging design methods, because not only paraxial rays, but also non-paraxial rays should be well considered in the design process. Non-imaging optics is a newly developed optical discipline, which does not aim to form images, but to maximize energy transfer efficiency. One important concept developed from non-imaging optics is the “edge-ray principle”, which states that the energy flow contained in a bundle of rays will be transferred to the target, if all its edge rays are transferred to the target. Based on that concept, many CPC solar concentrators have been developed with efficiency close to the thermodynamic limit. When more than one bundle of edge-rays needs to be considered in the design, one way to obtain solutions is to use SMS method. SMS stands for Simultaneous Multiple Surface, which means several optical surfaces are constructed simultaneously. The SMS method was developed as a design method in Non-imaging optics during the 90s. The method can be considered as an extension to the Cartesian Oval calculation. In the traditional Cartesian Oval calculation, one optical surface is built to transform an input wave-front to an out-put wave-front. The SMS method however, is dedicated to solve more than 1 wave-fronts transformation problem. In the beginning, only 2 input wave-fronts and 2 output wave-fronts transformation problem was considered in the SMS design process for rotational optical systems or free-form optical systems. Usually “SMS 2D” method stands for the SMS procedure developed for rotational optical system, and “SMS 3D” method for the procedure for free-form optical system. Although the SMS method was originally employed in non-imaging optical system designs, it has been found during this thesis that with the improved capability to design more surfaces and control more input and output wave-fronts, the SMS method can also be applied to imaging system designs and possesses great advantage over traditional design methods. In this thesis, one of the main goals to achieve is to further develop the existing SMS-2D method to design with more surfaces and improve the stability of the SMS-2D and SMS-3D algorithms, so that further optimization process can be combined with SMS algorithms. The benefits of SMS plus optimization strategy over traditional optimization strategy will be explained in details for both rotational and free-form imaging optical system designs. Another main goal is to develop novel design concepts and methods suitable for challenging non-imaging applications, e.g. solar concentrator and solar tracker. This thesis comprises 9 chapters and can be grouped into two parts: the first part (chapter 2-5) contains research works in the imaging field, and the second part (chapter 6-8) contains works in the non-imaging field. In the first chapter, an introduction to basic imaging and non-imaging design concepts and theories is given. Chapter 2 presents a basic SMS-2D imaging design procedure using meridian rays. In this chapter, we will set the imaging design problem from the SMS point of view, and try to solve the problem numerically. The stability of this SMS-2D design procedure will also be discussed. The design concepts and procedures developed in this chapter lay the path for further improvement. Chapter 3 presents two improved SMS 3 surfaces’ design procedures using meridian rays (SMS-3M) and skew rays (SMS-1M2S) respectively. The major improvement has been made to the central segments selections, so that the whole SMS procedures become more stable compared to procedures described in Chapter 2. Since these two algorithms represent two types of phase space sampling, their image forming capabilities are compared in a simple objective design. Chapter 4 deals with an ultra-compact SWIR camera design with the SMS-3M method. The difficulties in this wide band camera design is how to maintain high image quality meanwhile reduce the overall system length. This interesting camera design provides a playground for the classical design method and SMS design methods. We will show designs and optical performance from both classical design method and the SMS design method. Tolerance study is also given as the end of the chapter. Chapter 5 develops a two-stage SMS-3D based optimization strategy for a 2 freeform mirrors imaging system. In the first optimization phase, the SMS-3D method is integrated into the optimization process to construct the two mirrors in an accurate way, drastically reducing the unknown parameters to only few system configuration parameters. In the second optimization phase, previous optimized mirrors are parameterized into Qbfs type polynomials and set up in code V. Code V optimization results demonstrates the effectiveness of this design strategy in this 2-mirror system design. Chapter 6 shows an etendue-squeezing condenser optics, which were prepared for the 2010 IODC illumination contest. This interesting design employs many non-imaging techniques such as the SMS method, etendue-squeezing tessellation, and groove surface design. This device has theoretical efficiency limit as high as 91.9%. Chapter 7 presents a freeform mirror-type solar concentrator with uniform irradiance on the solar cell. Traditional parabolic mirror concentrator has many drawbacks like hot-pot irradiance on the center of the cell, insufficient use of active cell area due to its rotational irradiance pattern and small acceptance angle. In order to conquer these limitations, a novel irradiance homogenization concept is developed, which lead to a free-form mirror design. Simulation results show that the free-form mirror reflector has rectangular irradiance pattern, uniform irradiance distribution and large acceptance angle, which confirm the viability of the design concept. Chapter 8 presents a novel beam-steering array optics design strategy. The goal of the design is to track large angle parallel rays by only moving optical arrays laterally, and convert it to small angle parallel output rays. The design concept is developed as an extended SMS method. Potential applications of this beam-steering device are: skylights to provide steerable natural illumination, building integrated CPV systems, and steerable LED illumination. Conclusion and future lines of work are given in Chapter 9. Resumen La óptica de formación de imagen clásica se ha ido desarrollando durante siglos, dando lugar tanto a la teoría de óptica paraxial y los métodos de diseño prácticos como a técnicas de optimización multiparamétricas. Aunque estos métodos de diseño óptico para formación de imagen puede aportar soluciones elegantes a muchos problemas convencionales, siguen apareciendo nuevos problemas de diseño óptico, concentradores solares, sistemas de iluminación, cámaras ultracompactas, etc. que requieren máxima transferencia de energía o dimensiones ultracompactas. Este tipo de problemas no se pueden resolver fácilmente con métodos clásicos de diseño porque durante el proceso de diseño no solamente se deben considerar los rayos paraxiales sino también los rayos no paraxiales. La óptica anidólica o no formadora de imagen es una disciplina que ha evolucionado en gran medida recientemente. Su objetivo no es formar imagen, es maximazar la eficiencia de transferencia de energía. Un concepto importante de la óptica anidólica son los “rayos marginales”, que se pueden utilizar para el diseño de sistemas ya que si todos los rayos marginales llegan a nuestra área del receptor, todos los rayos interiores también llegarán al receptor. Haciendo uso de este principio, se han diseñado muchos concentradores solares que funcionan cerca del límite teórico que marca la termodinámica. Cuando consideramos más de un haz de rayos marginales en nuestro diseño, una posible solución es usar el método SMS (Simultaneous Multiple Surface), el cuál diseña simultáneamente varias superficies ópticas. El SMS nació como un método de diseño para óptica anidólica durante los años 90. El método puede ser considerado como una extensión del cálculo del óvalo cartesiano. En el método del óvalo cartesiano convencional, se calcula una superficie para transformar un frente de onda entrante a otro frente de onda saliente. El método SMS permite transformar varios frentes de onda de entrada en frentes de onda de salida. Inicialmente, sólo era posible transformar dos frentes de onda con dos superficies con simetría de rotación y sin simetría de rotación, pero esta limitación ha sido superada recientemente. Nos referimos a “SMS 2D” como el método orientado a construir superficies con simetría de rotación y llamamos “SMS 3D” al método para construir superficies sin simetría de rotación o free-form. Aunque el método originalmente fue aplicado en el diseño de sistemas anidólicos, se ha observado que gracias a su capacidad para diseñar más superficies y controlar más frentes de onda de entrada y de salida, el SMS también es posible aplicarlo a sistemas de formación de imagen proporcionando una gran ventaja sobre los métodos de diseño tradicionales. Uno de los principales objetivos de la presente tesis es extender el método SMS-2D para permitir el diseño de sistemas con mayor número de superficies y mejorar la estabilidad de los algoritmos del SMS-2D y SMS-3D, haciendo posible combinar la optimización con los algoritmos. Los beneficios de combinar SMS y optimización comparado con el proceso de optimización tradicional se explican en detalle para sistemas con simetría de rotación y sin simetría de rotación. Otro objetivo importante de la tesis es el desarrollo de nuevos conceptos de diseño y nuevos métodos en el área de la concentración solar fotovoltaica. La tesis está estructurada en 9 capítulos que están agrupados en dos partes: la primera de ellas (capítulos 2-5) se centra en la óptica formadora de imagen mientras que en la segunda parte (capítulos 6-8) se presenta el trabajo del área de la óptica anidólica. El primer capítulo consta de una breve introducción de los conceptos básicos de la óptica anidólica y la óptica en formación de imagen. El capítulo 2 describe un proceso de diseño SMS-2D sencillo basado en los rayos meridianos. En este capítulo se presenta el problema de diseñar un sistema formador de imagen desde el punto de vista del SMS y se intenta obtener una solución de manera numérica. La estabilidad de este proceso se analiza con detalle. Los conceptos de diseño y los algoritmos desarrollados en este capítulo sientan la base sobre la cual se realizarán mejoras. El capítulo 3 presenta dos procedimientos para el diseño de un sistema con 3 superficies SMS, el primero basado en rayos meridianos (SMS-3M) y el segundo basado en rayos oblicuos (SMS-1M2S). La mejora más destacable recae en la selección de los segmentos centrales, que hacen más estable todo el proceso de diseño comparado con el presentado en el capítulo 2. Estos dos algoritmos representan dos tipos de muestreo del espacio de fases, su capacidad para formar imagen se compara diseñando un objetivo simple con cada uno de ellos. En el capítulo 4 se presenta un diseño ultra-compacto de una cámara SWIR diseñada usando el método SMS-3M. La dificultad del diseño de esta cámara de espectro ancho radica en mantener una alta calidad de imagen y al mismo tiempo reducir drásticamente sus dimensiones. Esta cámara es muy interesante para comparar el método de diseño clásico y el método de SMS. En este capítulo se presentan ambos diseños y se analizan sus características ópticas. En el capítulo 5 se describe la estrategia de optimización basada en el método SMS-3D. El método SMS-3D calcula las superficies ópticas de manera precisa, dejando sólo unos pocos parámetros libres para decidir la configuración del sistema. Modificando el valor de estos parámetros se genera cada vez mediante SMS-3D un sistema completo diferente. La optimización se lleva a cabo variando los mencionados parámetros y analizando el sistema generado. Los resultados muestran que esta estrategia de diseño es muy eficaz y eficiente para un sistema formado por dos espejos. En el capítulo 6 se describe un sistema de compresión de la Etendue, que fue presentado en el concurso de iluminación del IODC en 2010. Este interesante diseño hace uso de técnicas propias de la óptica anidólica, como el método SMS, el teselado de las lentes y el diseño mediante grooves. Este dispositivo tiene un límite teórica en la eficiencia del 91.9%. El capítulo 7 presenta un concentrador solar basado en un espejo free-form con irradiancia uniforme sobre la célula. Los concentradores parabólicos tienen numerosas desventajas como los puntos calientes en la zona central de la célula, uso no eficiente del área de la célula al ser ésta cuadrada y además tienen ángulos de aceptancia de reducido. Para poder superar estas limitaciones se propone un novedoso concepto de homogeneización de la irrandancia que se materializa en un diseño con espejo free-form. El análisis mediante simulación demuestra que la irradiancia es homogénea en una región rectangular y con mayor ángulo de aceptancia, lo que confirma la viabilidad del concepto de diseño. En el capítulo 8 se presenta un novedoso concepto para el diseño de sistemas afocales dinámicos. El objetivo del diseño es realizar un sistema cuyo haz de rayos de entrada pueda llegar con ángulos entre ±45º mientras que el haz de rayos a la salida sea siempre perpendicular al sistema, variando únicamente la posición de los elementos ópticos lateralmente. Las aplicaciones potenciales de este dispositivo son varias: tragaluces que proporcionan iluminación natural, sistemas de concentración fotovoltaica integrados en los edificios o iluminación direccionable con LEDs. Finalmente, el último capítulo contiene las conclusiones y las líneas de investigación futura.


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Resumen El diseño de sistemas ópticos, entendido como un arte por algunos, como una ciencia por otros, se ha realizado durante siglos. Desde los egipcios hasta nuestros días los sistemas de formación de imagen han ido evolucionando así como las técnicas de diseño asociadas. Sin embargo ha sido en los últimos 50 años cuando las técnicas de diseño han experimentado su mayor desarrollo y evolución, debido, en parte, a la aparición de nuevas técnicas de fabricación y al desarrollo de ordenadores cada vez más potentes que han permitido el cálculo y análisis del trazado de rayos a través de los sistemas ópticos de forma rápida y eficiente. Esto ha propiciado que el diseño de sistemas ópticos evolucione desde los diseños desarrollados únicamente a partir de la óptica paraxial hasta lo modernos diseños realizados mediante la utilización de diferentes técnicas de optimización multiparamétrica. El principal problema con el que se encuentra el diseñador es que las diferentes técnicas de optimización necesitan partir de un diseño inicial el cual puede fijar las posibles soluciones. Dicho de otra forma, si el punto de inicio está lejos del mínimo global, o diseño óptimo para las condiciones establecidas, el diseño final puede ser un mínimo local cerca del punto de inicio y lejos del mínimo global. Este tipo de problemática ha llevado al desarrollo de sistemas globales de optimización que cada vez sean menos sensibles al punto de inicio de la optimización. Aunque si bien es cierto que es posible obtener buenos diseños a partir de este tipo de técnicas, se requiere de muchos intentos hasta llegar a la solución deseada, habiendo un entorno de incertidumbre durante todo el proceso, puesto que no está asegurado el que se llegue a la solución óptima. El método de las Superficies Múltiples Simultaneas (SMS), que nació como una herramienta de cálculo de concentradores anidólicos, se ha demostrado como una herramienta también capaz utilizarse para el diseño de sistemas ópticos formadores de imagen, aunque hasta la fecha se ha utilizado para el diseño puntual de sistemas de formación de imagen. Esta tesis tiene por objeto presentar el SMS como un método que puede ser utilizado de forma general para el diseño de cualquier sistema óptico de focal fija o v afocal con un aumento definido así como una herramienta que puede industrializarse para ayudar al diseñador a afrontar de forma sencilla el diseño de sistemas ópticos complejos. Esta tesis está estructurada en cinco capítulos: El capítulo 1, es un capítulo de fundamentos donde se presentan los conceptos fundamentales necesarios para que el lector, aunque no posea una gran base en óptica formadora de imagen, pueda entender los planteamientos y resultados que se presentan en el resto de capítulos El capitulo 2 aborda el problema de la optimización de sistemas ópticos, donde se presenta el método SMS como una herramienta idónea para obtener un punto de partida para el proceso de optimización. Mediante un ejemplo aplicado se demuestra la importancia del punto de partida utilizado en la solución final encontrada. Además en este capítulo se presentan diferentes técnicas que permiten la interpolación y optimización de las superficies obtenidas a partir de la aplicación del SMS. Aunque en esta tesis se trabajará únicamente utilizando el SMS2D, se presenta además un método para la interpolación y optimización de las nubes de puntos obtenidas a partir del SMS3D basado en funciones de base radial (RBF). En el capítulo 3 se presenta el diseño, fabricación y medidas de un objetivo catadióptrico panorámico diseñado para trabajar en la banda del infrarrojo lejano (8-12 μm) para aplicaciones de vigilancia perimetral. El objetivo presentado se diseña utilizando el método SMS para tres frentes de onda de entrada utilizando cuatro superficies. La potencia del método de diseño utilizado se hace evidente en la sencillez con la que este complejo sistema se diseña. Las imágenes presentadas demuestran cómo el prototipo desarrollado cumple a la perfección su propósito. El capítulo 4 aborda el problema del diseño de sistemas ópticos ultra compactos, se introduce el concepto de sistemas multicanal, como aquellos sistemas ópticos compuestos por una serie de canales que trabajan en paralelo. Este tipo de sistemas resultan particularmente idóneos para él diseño de sistemas afocales. Se presentan estrategias de diseño para sistemas multicanal tanto monocromáticos como policromáticos. Utilizando la novedosa técnica de diseño que en este capítulo se presenta el diseño de un telescopio de seis aumentos y medio. En el capítulo 5 se presenta una generalización del método SMS para rayos meridianos. En este capítulo se presenta el algoritmo que debe utilizarse para el diseño de cualquier sistema óptico de focal fija. La denominada optimización fase 1 se vi introduce en el algoritmo presentado de forma que mediante el cambio de las condiciones iníciales del diseño SMS que, aunque el diseño se realice para rayos meridianos, los rayos skew tengan un comportamiento similar. Para probar la potencia del algoritmo desarrollado se presenta un conjunto de diseños con diferente número de superficies. La estabilidad y potencia del algoritmo se hace evidente al conseguirse por primera vez el diseño de un sistema de seis superficies diseñado por SMS. vii Abstract The design of optical systems, considered an art by some and a science by others, has been developed for centuries. Imaging optical systems have been evolving since Ancient Egyptian times, as have design techniques. Nevertheless, the most important developments in design techniques have taken place over the past 50 years, in part due to the advances in manufacturing techniques and the development of increasingly powerful computers, which have enabled the fast and efficient calculation and analysis of ray tracing through optical systems. This has led to the design of optical systems evolving from designs developed solely from paraxial optics to modern designs created by using different multiparametric optimization techniques. The main problem the designer faces is that the different optimization techniques require an initial design which can set possible solutions as a starting point. In other words, if the starting point is far from the global minimum or optimal design for the set conditions, the final design may be a local minimum close to the starting point and far from the global minimum. This type of problem has led to the development of global optimization systems which are increasingly less sensitive to the starting point of the optimization process. Even though it is possible to obtain good designs from these types of techniques, many attempts are necessary to reach the desired solution. This is because of the uncertain environment due to the fact that there is no guarantee that the optimal solution will be obtained. The Simultaneous Multiple Surfaces (SMS) method, designed as a tool to calculate anidolic concentrators, has also proved useful for the design of image-forming optical systems, although until now it has occasionally been used for the design of imaging systems. This thesis aims to present the SMS method as a technique that can be used in general for the design of any optical system, whether with a fixed focal or an afocal with a defined magnification, and also as a tool that can be commercialized to help designers in the design of complex optical systems. The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 establishes the basics by presenting the fundamental concepts which the reader needs to acquire, even if he/she doesn‟t have extensive knowledge in the field viii of image-forming optics, in order to understand the steps taken and the results obtained in the following chapters. Chapter 2 addresses the problem of optimizing optical systems. Here the SMS method is presented as an ideal tool to obtain a starting point for the optimization process. The importance of the starting point for the final solution is demonstrated through an example. Additionally, this chapter introduces various techniques for the interpolation and optimization of the surfaces obtained through the application of the SMS method. Even though in this thesis only the SMS2D method is used, we present a method for the interpolation and optimization of clouds of points obtained though the SMS3D method, based on radial basis functions (RBF). Chapter 3 presents the design, manufacturing and measurement processes of a catadioptric panoramic lens designed to work in the Long Wavelength Infrared (LWIR) (8-12 microns) for perimeter surveillance applications. The lens presented is designed by using the SMS method for three input wavefronts using four surfaces. The powerfulness of the design method used is revealed through the ease with which this complex system is designed. The images presented show how the prototype perfectly fulfills its purpose. Chapter 4 addresses the problem of designing ultra-compact optical systems. The concept of multi-channel systems, such as optical systems composed of a series of channels that work in parallel, is introduced. Such systems are especially suitable for the design of afocal systems. We present design strategies for multichannel systems, both monochromatic and polychromatic. A telescope designed with a magnification of six-and-a-half through the innovative technique exposed in this chapter is presented. Chapter 5 presents a generalization of the SMS method for meridian rays. The algorithm to be used for the design of any fixed focal optics is revealed. The optimization known as phase 1 optimization is inserted into the algorithm so that, by changing the initial conditions of the SMS design, the skew rays have a similar behavior, despite the design being carried out for meridian rays. To test the power of the developed algorithm, a set of designs with a different number of surfaces is presented. The stability and strength of the algorithm become apparent when the first design of a system with six surfaces if obtained through the SMS method.