955 resultados para Optical sensor systems


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Os dados de sensoriamento remoto em campo podem fornecer informações detalhadas sobre a variabilidade de parâmetros biofísicos ligados à produtividade em grandes áreas e apresentam potencial para o monitoramento destes parâmetros, ao longo de todo o ciclo de desenvolvimento da cultura. Este trabalho objetivou mapear a variabilidade espacial do índice de vegetação da diferença normalizada (NDVI) e seus componentes, em duas lavouras comerciais de algodão (Gossipium hirsutum L.), utilizando sensor óptico ativo, em nível terrestre. Os dados foram coletados utilizando-se sensor instalado em um pulverizador autopropelido agrícola. Um receptor GPS foi acoplado ao sensor, para a obtenção das coordenadas dos pontos de amostragem. As leituras foram realizadas em faixas espaçadas em 21,0 m, aproveitando-se as passadas do veículo no momento da pulverização de agroquímicos, e os dados submetidos à análise estatística clássica e geoestatística. Mapas de distribuição espacial das variáveis foram elaborados pela interpolação por krigagem. Observou-se maior variabilidade espacial do NDVI e da reflectância espectral da vegetação na região do infravermelho próximo (IVP) (880 nm) e do visível (590 nm) na lavoura com maior estresse fisiológico, devido ao ataque do percevejo castanho [Scaptocoris castanea (Hem.: Cydnidae)], em relação à lavoura sadia.


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Die Verbindung von elektrisch aktiven, lebenden Zellen zu extrazellulären Sensorsystemen eröffnet vielfälige Möglichkeiten im Bereich der Biosensorik. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zum tieferen Verständnis der elektrischen Kopplungsmechanismen zwischen den biologischen und elektronischen Teilen solcher Hybridsysteme. Es wurden dazu drei Hauptbereiche bearbeitet:Ein System zur extrazellulären Signalableitung an lebenden Zellen bestehend aus einem Sensorchip, einem Vorverstärkerkopf und einem Hauptverstärker wurde weiterentwickelt.Als Sensoren wurden entweder Metallmikroelektroden-Chips mit 64 Kanälen oder Feldeffekt Transistoren-Chips mit 16 Kanälen (FET) eingesetzt. Es wurden zusätzlich spezielle FET Sensoren mit Rückseitenkontakten hergestellt und eingesetzt.Die elektrische Kopplung von einzelnen Nervenzellen der neuronalen Zell-Linien SH-SY5Y und TR14 oder primär kultivierten Neuronen aus dem Hirnstamm oder dem Hippocampus von embryonalen Ratten mit den extrazellulären Sensoren wurde untersucht. In der 'whole-cell' Patch-Clamp Technik wurden die Beiträge der spannungsgesteuerten Na+- und K+-Ionenkanäle zur extrazellulären Signalform identifiziert. Die Simulation der Signale mit einem Ersatzschaltkreis (Punkt-Kontakt Modell), der in PSPICE implementiert wurde, deutet auf eine starke Abhängigkeit der Signalformen in bezug auf Konzentrationsänderungen von Na+- und K+-Ionen im Volumenbereich zwischen Zelle und den ionensensitiven Transistoren hin. Ein empirisch erweitertes Punkt-Kontakt Modell wurde daraufhin vorgestellt.Im dritten Teil der Arbeit wurden Zellschichten von Kardiomyocyten embryonaler Ratten auf den extrazellulären Sensoren kultiviert. Die Eignung eines solchen Hybridsensors als Modellherz fuer das pharmazeutische Screeing wurde durch Messungen mit Herzstimulanzien und -relaktanzien bestätigt.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuer Eiskeimzähler FINCH (Fast Ice Nucleus CHamber) entwickelt und erste Messungen von verschiedenen Testaerosolen im Labor und atmosphärischem Aerosol durchgeführt. Die Aerosolpartikel bzw. Ice Nuclei IN werden bei Temperaturen unter dem Gefrierpunkt und Übersättigungen in Bezug auf Eis zum Anwachsen zu Eiskristallen gebracht, um sie mittels optischer Detektion zu erfassen. In FINCH ist dies durch das Prinzip der Mischung realisiert, wodurch eine kontinuierliche Messung der IN-Anzahlkonzentration gewährleistet ist. Hierbei kann mit sehr hohen Sammelflussraten von bis zu 10 l/min gemessen werden. Ebenso ist ein schnelles Abfahren von verschiedenen Sättigungsverhältnissen in Bezug auf Eis in einem weiten Bereich von 0.9 - 1.7 bei konstanten Temperaturen bis zu −23 °C möglich. Die Detektion der Eiskristalle und damit der Bestimmung der IN-Anzahlkonzentration erfolgt über einen neu entwickelten optischen Sensor basierend auf der unterschiedlichen Depolarisation des zurückgestreuten Lichtes von Eiskristallen und unterkühlten Tropfen. In Labermessungen wurden Aktivierungstemperatur und -sättigungsverhältnis von Silberjodid AgI und Kaolinit vermessen. Die Resultate zeigten gute Übereinstimmungen mit Ergebnissen aus der Literatur sowie Parallelmessungen mit FRIDGE (FRankfurt Ice Deposition freezinG Experiment). FRIDGE ist eine statische Diffusionskammer zur Aktivierung und Auszählung von Eiskeimen, die auf einem Filter gesammelt wurden. Bei atmosphärischen Messungen auf dem Jungfraujoch(Schweiz) lagen die IN-Anzahlkonzentrationen mit bis zu 4 l−1 im Rahmen der aus der Literatur bekannten Werte. Messungen der Eiskristallresiduen von Mischwolken zeigten hingegen, dass nur jedes tausendste als Eiskeim im Depositionsmode aktiv ist. Hier scheinen andere Gefrierprozesse und sekundäre Eiskristallbildung von sehr großer Bedeutung für die Anzahlkonzentration der Eiskristallresiduen zu sein. Eine weitere Messung von atmosphärischem Aerosol in Frankfurt zeigte IN-Anzahlkonzentrationen bis zu 30 l−1 bei Aktivierungstemperaturen um −14 °C. Die parallele Probenahme auf Siliziumplättchen für die Messungen der IN-Anzahlkonzentration in FRIDGE ergaben Werte im gleichen Anzahlkonzentrationsbereich.


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Auf Paulfallen basierende Experimente spielen eine wichtige Rolle in verschiedenen Bereichen der Physik, z.B. der Atomphysik zum Test theoretischer Modelle und der Massenspektroskopie. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich beiden Themengebieten und gliedert sich entsprechend in zwei Teilbereiche: 1) Erdalkali-Ionen sind aufgrund ihrer Energieniveaus optimale Kandidaten für Laserspektroskopie-Experimente mit Ionenfallen und bestens geeignet, um mittels der spektroskopischen Daten die theoretischen Modelle zu testen. Lediglich für Ra+ fehlen bislang als einzigem Erdalkali-Ion diese Daten wie z.B. die Lebensdauern der metastabilen Niveaus. Diese wären auch von Interesse für bereits geplante Radium-Experimente zur Paritätsverletzung. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird der Aufbau eines Laser-Paulfallenexperiments zur Messung der Lebensdauer des 6D3/2 Zustands von 226Ra+ dokumentiert und es werden Testmessungen mit 138Ba+ vorgestellt. 2) Für die Verwendung der Paulfalle in der Massenspektroskopie und zur Analyse von Reaktionsprodukten ist die Kenntnis der Lage der im Speicherbereich auftretenden nichtlinearen Resonanzen wesentlich, ebenso wie deren Veränderung durch Dämpfung und Raumladung. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit werden detaillierte Untersuchungen der Speicherung großer puffergasgekühlter Ionenwolken an zwei unterschiedlichen Paulfallen-Experimenten vorgestellt. Am ersten wurden 138Ba+-Ionenwolken kontinuierlich durch Laserspektroskopie bzw. über einen elektronischen Nachweis beobachtet, während das zweite N2+-Molekülionen automatisiert destruktiv nachwies. Am N2+-Experiment wurden zwei hochaufgelöste Messungen des ersten Speicherbereichs durchgeführt, die erstmals eine direkte Überprüfung der theoretisch berechneten Verläufe der Resonanzen mit experimentellen Daten erlauben. Die Nachweiseichung ermöglichte dabei zum ersten Mal die Angabe absoluter Ionenzahlen. Im Gegensatz zu vergleichbaren früheren Messungen wurden hierbei die sich überlagernden Speicherbereiche von 4 simultan gespeicherten Ionensorten beobachtet und zur Analyse der Resonanzen herangezogen. Die nichtlinearen Resonanzen wurden untersucht bei Variation von Puffergasdruck und Ionenzahl, wobei kollektive Resonanzen ohne zusätzliche externe Anregung beobachtet wurden. Die gemessenen Raumladungsverschiebungen wurden mit theoretischen Modellen verglichen. Bei Variation des Puffergasdrucks wurde mit Bariumionen die räumliche Ausdehnung der Ionenwolke gemessen und mit Stickstoffionen die Verschiebung des Punktes optimaler Speicherung bestimmt. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß der zum Ioneneinfang optimale Puffergasdruck kleiner ist als der, bei dem die längsten Speicherdauern erzielt werden. Mit gespeicherten N2+-Ionen wurde die Position extern angeregter kollektiver und individueller Resonanzen im Frequenzspektrum bei Änderung der Parameter Ionenzahl, Puffergasdruck und Dauer der Anregung untersucht, ebenso wie die Resonanzform, die mit theoretischen Linienformen verglichen wurde. Bei Änderung der Fallenparameter wurden verstärkende Effekte zwischen nahen kollektiven Resonanzen festgestellt. Die Beobachtung, welche der im Frequenzspektrum vorher identifizierten Bewegungs-Resonanzen sich bei Variation der Fallenparameter a bzw. q überlagern, ermöglicht eine bislang nicht beschriebene einfache Methode der Bestimmung von nichtlinearen Resonanzen im Stabilitätsdiagramm.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate, using visual assessment, an experimental optical sensor measuring perpendicular reflection intensity (PRI) as an indicator of enamel caries lesion activity/inactivity. Forty teeth with either an active or an inactive enamel lesion were selected from a pool of extracted teeth. Each tooth was cut into halves, with a clinically sound half and a half with a non-cavitated enamel lesion. After gentle plaque removal, the teeth were kept moistened. The lesions were then photographed and a defined measuring site per lesion was chosen and indicated with an arrow on a printout. Independently, the chosen site was visually assessed for lesion activity, and its glossiness was measured with PRI assessment. Surface roughness (SR) was assessed with optical profilometry using a confocal microscope. Visual assessment and PRI were repeated after several weeks and a reliability analysis was performed. For enamel lesions visually scored as active versus inactive, significantly different values were obtained with both PRI and SR. PRI values of the clinically sound control surfaces were significantly different only from active lesions. Generally, inactive lesions had the same glossiness and the same roughness as the sound control surfaces. The reliabilities for visual assessment (? = 0.89) and for PRI (ICC = 0.86) were high. It is concluded that, within the limits of this study, PRI can be regarded as a promising tool for quantitative enamel lesion activity assessment. There is scope and potential for the PRI device to be considerably improved for in vivo use.


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In the field of photonics, two new types of material structures, photonic crystals and metamaterials, are presently of great interest. Both are studied in the present work, which focus on planar magnetic materials in the former and planar gradient metamaterials in the latter. These planar periodic structures are easy to handle and integrate into optical systems. The applications are promising field for future optical telecommunication systems and give rise to new optical, microwave and radio technologies. The photonic crystal part emphasizes the utilization of magnetic material based photonic crystals due to its remarkable magneto-optical characteristics. Bandgaps tuning by magnetic field in bismuth-gadolinium-substituted lutetium iron garnet (Bi0.8 Gd0.2 Lu2.0 Fe5 O12) based one- dimensional photonic crystals are investigated and demonstrated in this work. Magnetic optical switches are fabricated and tested. Waveguide formulation for band structure in magneto photonic crystals is developed. We also for the first time demonstrate and test two- dimensional magneto photonic crystals optical. We observe multi-stopbands in two- dimensional photonic waveguide system and study the origin of multi-stopbands. The second part focus on studying photonic metamaterials and planar gradient photonic metamaterial design. We systematically study the effects of varying the geometry of the fishnet unit cell on the refractive index in optical frequency. It is the first time to design and demonstrate the planar gradient structure in the high optical frequency. Optical beam bending using planar gradient photonic metamaterials is observed. The technologies needed for the fabrication of the planar gradient photonic metamaterials are investigated. Beam steering devices, shifter, gradient optical lenses and etc. can be derived from this design.


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The application of photonic crystal technology on metal-oxide film is a very promising field for future optical telecommunication systems. Band gap and polarization effects in lithium niobate (LiNbO3) photonic crystals and bismuth-substituted iron garnets (BiYIG) photonic crystals are investigated in this work reported here. The design and fabrication process are similar for these two materials while the applications are different, involving Bragg filtering in lithium niobate and polarization rotation in nonreciprocal iron garnets. The research of photonic structures in LiNbO3 is of high interest for integrated device application due to its remarkable electro-optical characteristics. This work investigated the photonic band gap in high quality LiNbO3 single crystalline thin film by ion implantation to realize high efficiency narrow bandwidth filters. LiNbO3 thin film detachment by bonding is also demonstrated for optical device integration. One-dimensional Bragg BiYIG waveguides in gyrotropic system are found to have multiple stopbands and evince enhancement of polarization rotation efficiency. Previous photon trapping theory cannot explain the phenomena because of the presence of linear birefringence. This work is aimed at investigating the mechanism with the support of experiments. The results we obtained show that selective suppression of Bloch states in gyrotropic bandgaps is the key mechanism for the observed phenomena. Finally, the research of ferroelectric single crystal PMN-PT with ultra high piezoelectric coefficient as a biosensor is also reported. This work presents an investigation and results on higher sensitivity effects than conventional materials such as quartz and lithium niobate.


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Nitric oxide has the potential to greatly improve intravascular measurements by locally inhibiting thrombus formation and dilating blood vessels. pH, the partial pressure of oxygen, and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide are three arterial blood parameters that are of interest to clinicians in the intensive care unit that can benefit from an intravascular sensor. This work explores fabrication of absorbance and fluorescence based pH sensing chemistry, the sensing chemistries' compatibility with nitric oxide, and a controllable nitric oxide releasing polymer. The pH sensing chemistries utilized various substrates, dyes, and methods of immobilization. Absorbance sensing chemistries used sol-gels, fumed silica particles, mesoporous silicon oxide, bromocresol purple, phenol red, bromocresol green, physical entrapment, molecular interactions, and covalent linking. Covalently linking the dyes to fumed silica particles and mesoporous silicon oxide eliminated leaching in the absorbance sensing chemistries. The structures of the absorbance dyes investigated were similar and bromocresol green in a sol-gel was tested for compatibility with nitric oxide. Nitric oxide did not interfere with the use of bromocresol green in a pH sensor. Investigated fluorescence sensing chemistries utilized silica optical fibers, poly(allylamine) hydrogel, SNARF-1, molecular interactions, and covalent linking. SNARF-1 covalently linked to a modified poly(allylamine) hydrogel was tested in the presence of nitric oxide and showed no interference from the nitric oxide. Nitric oxide release was controlled through the modulation of a light source that cleaved the bond between the nitric oxide and a sulfur atom in the donor. The nitric oxide donor in this work is S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D-penicillamine which was covalently linked to a silicone rubber made from polydimethylsiloxane. It is shown that the surface flux of nitric oxide released from the polymer films can be increased and decreased by increasing and decreasing the output power of the LED light source. In summary, an optical pH sensing chemistry was developed that eliminated the chronic problem of leaching of the indicator dye and showed no reactivity to nitric oxide released, thereby facilitating the development of a functional, reliable intravascular sensor.


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Inductive-capacitive (LC) resonant circuit sensors are low-cost, wireless, durable, simple to fabricate and battery-less. Consequently, they are well suited to sensing applications in harsh environments or in situations where large numbers of sensors are needed. They are also advantageous in applications where access to the sensor is limited or impossible or when sensors are needed on a disposable basis. Due to their many advantages, LC sensors have been used for sensing a variety of parameters including humidity, temperature, chemical concentrations, pH, stress/pressure, strain, food quality and even biological growth. However, current versions of the LC sensor technology are limited to sensing only one parameter. The purpose of this work is to develop new types of LC sensor systems that are simpler to fabricate (hence lower cost) or capable of monitoring multiple parameters simultaneously. One design presented in this work, referred to as the multi-element LC sensor, is able to measure multiple parameters simultaneously using a second capacitive element. Compared to conventional LC sensors, this design can sense multiple parameters with a higher detection range than two independent sensors while maintaining the same overall sensor footprint. In addition, the two-element sensor does not suffer from interference issues normally encountered while implementing two LC sensors in close proximity. Another design, the single-spiral inductive-capacitive sensor, utilizes the parasitic capacitance of a coil or spring structure to form a single layer LC resonant circuit. Unlike conventional LC sensors, this design is truly planar, thus simplifying its fabrication process and reducing sensor cost. Due to the simplicity of this sensor layout it will be easier and more cost-effective for embedding in common building or packaging materials during manufacturing processes, thereby adding functionality to current products (such as drywall sheets) while having a minor impact on overall unit cost. These modifications to the LC sensor design significantly improve the functionality and commercial feasibility of this technology, especially for applications where a large array of sensors or multiple sensing parameters are required.


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Im folgenden Beitrag wird die Entwicklung einer metallverstärkten Kunststoffgleitkette mit integrierter Sensorik skizziert. Der Focus der Arbeit liegt unter anderem auf Untersuchungen zum Werkstoffverbundverhalten zwischen Metall und Kunststoff, der Adaptierung von Mikroelektronik in einzelne Kettenglieder, einer großserientauglichen Fertigungstechnologie für hybride Leichtbaukomponenten, sowie die Erarbeitung von Gestaltungsgrundsätzen und Logistikkonzepten für die Produktion von Leichtbaukomponenten mittels fusionierter Prozesse.


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We developed a small version of the Caltech active strand cloud water collector (CASCC) for biogeochemical investigations in ecological applications. The device is battery powered and thus allows operation at locations where mains power is not available. The collector is designed for sampling periods of up to one week, depending on fog frequency. Our new device is equipped with standard sensors for air temperature, relative humidity, wind, and horizontal visibility for fog detection with a low-cost optical sensor. In mountain areas and during times when clouds are thin the installation of the visibility sensor became a key issue, which limits the potential to estimate liquid water content of the sampled fog. Field tests with 5 devices at three different sites in the Swiss Alps (Niesen) and the Jura Mountains (Lägeren, Switzerland) during two extended summer seasons in 2006 and 2007 showed that in almost all cases it was possible to obtain sample volumes which were large enough for the examination of basic inorganic chemistry of the collected cloud water. Collection rates varied typically from 12 to 30 mL h− 1. The fog droplet cutoff diameter is ≈ 6 μm, which is low enough to include all droplet sizes that are relevant for the liquid water content of typical fog types in the collected samples. From theoretical assumptions of the collection efficiency and theoretical droplet spectra it is possible to estimate the liquid water content of the sampled fog or cloud. Our new fog collector can be constructed and operated at relatively low costs. In combination with chemical and isotopic analyses of the sampled water, this allows to quantify nutrient and pollutant fluxes as is typically needed in ecosystem biogeochemistry studies.


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El peso específico de las Comunicaciones Ópticas dentro del ámbito de la Ingeniería de Telecomunicación no cesa de crecer. Sus aplicaciones, inicialmente dedicadas a las grandes líneas que enlazan las centrales de conmutación, alcanzan en la actualidad, como se ha mencionado, hasta los mismos hogares. Los progresos en este campo, con una sucesión sin tregua, no sólo se destinan a incrementar la capacidad de transmisión de los sistemas, sino a ampliar la diversidad de los procesos que sobre las señales se efectúan en el dominio óptico. Este dinamismo demanda a los profesionales del sector una revisión y actualización de sus conocimientos que les permitan resolver con soltura las cuestiones de su actividad de ingeniería. Por otra parte, durante los últimos años la importancia de las Comunicaciones Ópticas también se ha reflejado en las diferentes titulaciones de Ingenierías de Telecomunicación, cuyos planes de estudio contemplan esta materia tanto en asignaturas troncales como optativas. A menudo, las fuentes de información disponibles abordan esta disciplina con una orientación principalmente teórica. Profesionales y estudiantes de Ingeniería, pues, frente a esta materia se encuentran unos temas que tratan fenómenos físicos complejos, abundantes en conceptos abstractos y con un florido aparato matemático, pero muchas veces carentes de una visión práctica, importantísima en ingeniería, y que es, en definitiva, lo que se exige a alumnos e ingenieros: saber resolver problemas y cuestiones relacionados con las Comunicaciones Ópticas. Los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas, y en especial aquellos que utilizan la fibra óptica como medio para la transmisión de información, como se ha dicho, están alcanzando un desarrollo importante en el campo de las telecomunicaciones. Las bondades que ofrece la fibra, de sobra conocidos y mencionados en el apartado que antecede (gran ancho de banda, inmunidad total a las perturbaciones de origen electromagnético, así como la no producción de interferencias, baja atenuación, etc.), han hecho que, hoy en día, sea uno de los campos de las llamadas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación que presente mayor interés por parte de científicos, ingenieros, operadores de telecomunicaciones y, por supuesto, usuarios. Ante esta realidad, el objetivo y justificación de la realización de este proyecto, por tanto, no es otro que el de acercar esta tecnología al futuro ingeniero de telecomunicaciones, y/o a cualquier persona con un mínimo de interés en este tema, y mostrarle de una forma práctica y visual los diferentes fenómenos que tienen lugar en la transmisión de información por medio de fibra óptica, así como los diferentes bloques y dispositivos en que se divide dicha comunicación. Para conseguir tal objetivo, el proyecto fin de carrera aquí presentado tiene como misión el desarrollo de una interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI, del inglés Graphic User Interface) que permita a aquel que la utilice configurar de manera sencilla cada uno de los bloques en que se compone un enlace punto a punto de fibra óptica. Cada bloque en que se divide este enlace estará compuesto por varias opciones, que al elegir y configurar como se quiera, hará variar el comportamiento del sistema y presentará al usuario los diferentes fenómenos presentes en un sistema de comunicaciones ópticas, como son el ruido, la dispersión, la atenuación, etc., para una mejor comprensión e interiorización de la teoría estudiada. Por tanto, la aplicación, implementada en MATLAB, fruto de la realización de este PFC pretende servir de complemento práctico para las asignaturas dedicadas al estudio de las comunicaciones ópticas a estudiantes en un entorno amigable e intuitivo. Optical Communications in the field of Telecommunications Engineering continues to grow. Its applications, initially dedicated to large central lines that link the switching currently achieved, as mentioned, to the same household nowadays. Progress in this field, with a relentless succession, not only destined to increase the transmission capacity of the systems, but to broaden the diversity of the processes that are performed on the signals in the optical domain. This demands to professionals reviewing and updating their skills to enable them resolve issues easily. Moreover, in recent years the importance of optical communications is also reflected in the different degrees of Telecommunications Engineering, whose curriculum contemplates this area. Often, the information sources available to tackle this discipline mainly theoretical orientation. Engineering professionals and students are faced this matter are few topics discussing complex physical phenomena, and abstract concepts abundant with a flowery mathematical apparatus, but often wotput a practical, important in engineering, and that is what is required of students and engineers: knowing how to solve problems and issues related to optical communications. Optical communications systems, particularly those using optical fiber as a medium for transmission of information, as stated, are reaching a significant development in the field of telecommunications. The advantages offered by the fiber, well known and referred to in the preceding paragraph (high bandwidth, immunity to electromagnetic disturbances of origin and production of non interference, low attenuation, etc..), have made today, is one of the fields of information and communication technology that this increased interest by scientists, engineers, telecommunications operators and, of course, users. Given this reality, the purpose and justification of this project is not other than to bring this technology to the future telecommunications engineer, and / or anyone with a passing interest in this subject, and showing of a practical and various visual phenomena occurring in the transmission of information by optical fiber, as well as different blocks and devices in which said communication is divided. To achieve that objective, the final project presented here has as its mission the development of a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows the user to configure each of the blocks in which divided a point-to-point optical fiber. Each block into which this link will consist of several options to choose and configure it as you like, this will change the behavior of the system and will present to the user with the different phenomena occurring in an optical communication system, such as noise, dispersion, attenuation, etc., for better understanding and internalization of the theory studied. Therefore, the application, implemented in MATLAB, the result of the completion of the thesis is intended to complement practical subjects for the study of optical communications students in a friendly and intuitive environment.


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Protecting signals is one of the main tasks in information transmission. A large number of different methods have been employed since many centuries ago. Most of them have been based on the use of certain signal added to the original one. When the composed signal is received, if the added signal is known, the initial information may be obtained. The main problem is the type of masking signal employed. One possibility is the use of chaotic signals, but they have a first strong limitation: the need to synchronize emitter and receiver. Optical communications systems, based on chaotic signals, have been proposed in a large number of papers. Moreover, because most of the communication systems are digital and conventional chaos generators are analogue, a conversion analogue-digital is needed. In this paper we will report a new system where the digital chaos is obtained from an optically programmable logic structure. This structure has been employed by the authors in optical computing and some previous results in chaotic signals have been reported. The main advantage of this new system is that an analogue-digital conversion is not needed. Previous works by the authors employed Self-Electrooptical Effect Devices but in this case more conventional structures, as semiconductor laser amplifiers, have been employed. The way to analyze the characteristics of digital chaotic signals will be reported as well as the method to synchronize the chaos generators located in the emitter and in the receiver.


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On 22nd February '96, the space mission STS 75 started ,from the NASA facilities at Cape Canaveral. Such a mission consists in the launch of the shuttle Columbia in order to carry out two experiments in the space: the TSS 1R (Tethered Satellite Sistem 1 Refliight) and the USMP (United States Microgravity Payload). The TSS 1R is a replica of a similar mission TSS 1 '92. The TSS space programme is a bilateral scientific cooperation between the USA space agency NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Agency) and the ASI (Italian Space Agency. The TSS 1R system consists on the shuttle Columbia which deploys, up-ward, by means a conducting tether 20 km long, a spherical satellite (1.5 mt diameter) containing scientific instrumentation. This system, orbiting at about 300 km from the Earth's surface, represents, presently, the largest experimental space structure, Due to its dimensions, flexibility and conducting properties of the tether, the system interacts, in a quite complex manner, wih the earth magnetic field and the ionospheric plasma, in a way that the total system behaves as an electromagnetic radiating antenna as well as an electric power generator. Twelve scientific experiments have been assessed by US and Italian scientists in order to study the electro dynamic behaviour of the structure orbiting in the ionos phere. Two experiments have been prepared in the attempt to receive on the Earth's surface possible electromagnetic events radiated by the TSS 1R. The project EMET (Electro Magnetic Emissions from Tether),USA and the project OESEE (Observations on the Earth Surface of Electromagnetic Emissions) Italy, consist in a coordinated programme of passive detection of such possible EM emissions. This detection will supply the verification of some thoretical hypotheses on the electrodynamic interactions between the orbiting system, the Earth's magnetic field and the ionospheric plasma with two principal aims as the technological assesment of the system concept as well as a deeper knowledge of the ionosphere properties for future space applications. A theoretical model that keeps the peculiarities of tether emissionsis being developed for signal prediction at constant tether current. As a step previous to the calculation of the expected ground signal , the Alfven-wave signature left by the tether far back in the ionosphere has been determined. The scientific expectations from the combined effort to measure the entity of those perturbations will be outlined taking in to account the used ground track sensor systems.


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Possible switching architectures, with Optically Programmable Logic Cells - OPLCs - will be reported in this paper. These basic units, previously employed by us for some other applications mainly in optical computing, will be employed as main elements to switch optical communications signals. The main aspect to be considered is that because the nternal components of these cells have nonlinear behaviors, namely either pure bistable or SEED-like properties, several are the possibilities to be obtained. Moreover, because their properties are dependent, under certain condition, of the signal wavelength, they are apt to be employed in WDM systems and the final result will depend on the orresponding optical signal frequency. We will give special emphasis to the case where self-routing is achieved, namely to structures of the Batcher or Banyan type. In these cases, as it will be shown, there is the possibility to route any packet input to a certain direction according to its first bits. The number of possible outputs gives the number of bits needed to route signals. An advantage of this configuration is that a very versatile behavior may be allowed. The main one is the possibility to obtain configurations with different kinds of behavior, namely, Strictly Nonblocking, Wide-Sense Nonblocking or Rearrangeably Nonblocking as well as to eliminate switching conflicts at a certain intermediate stages.