940 resultados para Operação de aterros sanitários


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The petroleum production pipeline networks are inherently complex, usually decentralized systems. Strict operational constraints are applied in order to prevent serious problems like environmental disasters or production losses. This paper describes an intelligent system to support decisions in the operation of these networks, proposing a staggering for the pumps of transfer stations that compose them. The intelligent system is formed by blocks which interconnect to process the information and generate the suggestions to the operator. The main block of the system uses fuzzy logic to provide a control based on rules, which incorporate knowledge from experts. Tests performed in the simulation environment provided good results, indicating the applicability of the system in a real oil production environment. The use of the stagger proposed by the system allows a prioritization of the transfer in the network and a flow programming


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A self-flotator vibrational prototype electromechanical drive for treatment of oil and water emulsion or like emulsion is presented and evaluated. Oil production and refining to obtain derivatives is carried out under arrangements technically referred to as on-shore and off-shore, ie, on the continent and in the sea. In Brazil 80 % of the petroleum production is taken at sea and area of deployment and it cost scale are worrisome. It is associated, oily water production on a large scale, carrier 95% of the potential pollutant of activity whose final destination is the environment medium, terrestrial or maritime. Although diversified set of techniques and water treatment systems are in use or research, we propose an innovative system that operates in a sustainable way without chemical additives, for the good of the ecosystem. Labyrinth adsor-bent is used in metal spirals, and laboratory scale flow. Equipment and process patents are claimed. Treatments were performed at different flow rates and bands often monitored with control systems, some built, other bought for this purpose. Measurements of the levels of oil and grease (OGC) of efluents treaty remained within the range of legal framework under test conditions. Adsorbents were weighed before and after treatment for obtaining oil impregna-tion, the performance goal of vibratory action and treatment as a whole. Treatment technolo-gies in course are referenced, to compare performance, qualitatively and quantitatively. The vibration energy consumption is faced with and without conventional flotation and self-flotation. There are good prospects for the proposed, especially in reducing the residence time, by capillary action system. The impregnation dimensionless parameter was created and confronted with consecrated dimensionless parameters, on the vibrational version, such as Weber number and Froude number in quadratic form, referred to as vibrational criticality. Re-sults suggest limits to the vibration intensity


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Avaliou-se a influência da disposição de mangueiras gotejadoras nos canteiros e a injeção ou não de cloro na água de irrigação, nas condições sanitárias do solo e da alface americana irrigada (Lactuca sativa L.) com águas receptoras de efluentes urbanos. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas de amostras de água do solo e da alface, no decorrer de todo o ciclo de cultivo. Objetivou-se determinar a possível existência de Salmonella spp. e de formas evolutivas de parasitos humanos e a quantidade de coliformes fecais, em pontos e épocas diferentes do experimento, impedindo assim o consumo da alface. Os resultados não indicaram a presença dos dois primeiros em nenhuma das amostras, mas sim de parasitos não humanos (nematóides) de vida livre no solo. em relação à quantidade de coliformes fecais (NMP ml-1), o valor encontrado na cultura atende às exigências da Secretaria de Vigilância Sanitária do Ministério da Saúde brasileiro, porém a presença dos nematóides em quantidades superiores ao permitido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) inviabiliza o seu consumo.


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Filtered ethyl ester biodiesel from residual soybean oil: performance of an agricultural tractor in the disk harrow operation. This test was conducted to evaluate the performance of an agricultural tractor using a mixture of biodiesel and petroleum diesel. The experiment was conducted at FCAV-Unesp, Jaboticabal, using a 4x2 AFWD tractor with 73.6 kW (100 hp @ 2,300 rpm) of power in the motor, pulling a disk harrow. The biodiesel used was of the ethyl type, filtered, and produced from residual soybean oil. The experimental design was completed randomized in factorial scheme (4x5), with 20 treatments and 4 repetitions, in which 5 ratios of biodiesel and petroleum diesel mixtures were combined (0 and 100%, 25 and 75%, 50 and 50%, 75 and 25% and 100 and 0%), with 4 displacement runs. The analyzed variables were traction bar power, engine rotation and displacement speed. The results evidenced that the mixture ratio (biodiesel and petroleum diesel) did not compromise tractor performance until the limit of 50%.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho classificar em seguras ou inseguras as condições de trabalho de aplicação da formulação comercial de paraquat a 0,5% e de abastecimento dos tanques em operação de repasse em cultura de cana-de-açúcar com os pulverizadores costal manual, costal pressurizado e Pulmipur manual; determinar o efeito das variações na operação de repasse em quatro usinas de açúcar e álcool com o pulverizador costal pressurizado sobre as exposições dos trabalhadores ao paraquat; determinar a eficácia de equipamentos de proteção individual nessas condições de trabalho; e avaliar a intensidade da deriva e a eficácia de acessórios protetores de deriva. As exposições dérmicas e respiratórias dos trabalhadores foram avaliadas e utilizadas para calcular a margem de segurança (MS). Os valores de MS foram utilizados para classificar essas condições de trabalho em seguras (MS > 1) ou em inseguras (MS < 1). Para avaliar a deriva das aplicações na cultura e a eficácia dos protetores de deriva, foram estudados os tratamentos: formulação comercial de paraquat a 0,5% na calda, aplicada com o costal manual, sem e com o chapéu de proteção de deriva; com o costal pressurizado, sem e com a planilha de proteção de deriva; formulação comercial de paraquat pura com o Pulmipur; formulação comercial de glyphosate a 1% com o costal pressurizado e com a planilha, e puro com o Pulmipur; e testemunha sem aplicação. As duas atividades com o Pulmipur proporcionam as maiores exposições dérmicas, devido ao manuseio da formulação, e são inseguras sem o uso dos EPIs e seguras com estes. As atividades com o pulverizador costal manual ou pressurizado são seguras com ou sem os EPIs. As grandes diferenças nas EDs dos trabalhadores se devem às diferenças no tempo de trabalho diário e no número de trabalhadores nas equipes entre as usinas de açúcar e álcool. O protetor de deriva tipo chapéu é eficaz no controle da deriva na aplicação do paraquat, e a planilha, não.


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The objective of this work - which is characterized analyze the search for symptomatic tuberculosis in practice and perspective of the Community Health Agent (ACS) in the districts of Natal. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. The study population was 646 professionals, and conducted a probabilistic random sampling, stratified by districts. The data were collected from one instrument to collect data based on Primary Care Assesment Toll (PCAT) and analyzed by descriptive statistics. The sample consisted of ACS was 87% female. Among the study participants 58% completed high school and 120 months of exercise training (95% CI 111.9 to 129.5) on average. 90% were USF. The average follow-up of cases found were 2 cases of TB since the beginning of the career of the ACS and the last three years the average is presented in a case accompanied. The ACS received satisfactory ratings on the bond of trust with the user, so as access to homes in the community. The ACS reported for denying the fear of being positive result was the biggest reason for not performing the sputum. All units have a professional that responds to the Tuberculosis Control Program. Regarding the structural capacity of primary care settings for the diagnosis of TB, we observed satisfactory levels in different districts of pots for sputum collection, however, a point that deserves attention from managers is lack of materials for packaging sputum. Fear of positive result was one of the reasons for the refusal of sputum collection, followed by alcoholism. With regard to TB suspects, all responded that ACS always suspect when the user has TB coughs, but in all districts were noticed at low delivery of requests for applications for smear. BSR in TB control, is characterized in practice as a complex action goes beyond technical expertise and contact with the family that breaks with the Cartesian. The BSR is part of the ACS can perform them from the daily visits. We conclude that the ACS is difficult to achieve. This practice should not be the privilege of this actor, but the entire team of primary care. We must rethink the practices of TB care, seeing the health surveillance while aegis of the working process of primary care teams for early diagnosis and thereby reduce TB in communities


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A colheita mecanizada é ferramenta fundamental no processo produtivo das grandes culturas; se não for realizada adequadamente, poderá resultar em danos mecânicos severos às sementes, acarretando, prejuízos significativos na colheita, particularmente devido à redução da qualidade. Visando a avaliar os danos causados na colheita mecanizada de soja, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito do sistema de trilha axial sobre a percentagem de bandinhas, impurezas e sementes quebradas de soja cv. M-Soy 8001, em função da velocidade de trabalho e rotação do cilindro trilhador. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em parcelas subdivididas, avaliando-se duas rotações do cilindro trilhador (400 e 500 rpm) e três velocidades de operação (3,5; 4,5 e 5,5 km h-1), com três repetições. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as combinações de velocidade de operação e rotações do cilindro de trilha avaliadas não afetam as variáveis vigor, impurezas, bandinha, emergência em areia e índice de velocidade de germinação e que o aumento da rotação de 400 para 500 rpm ocasiona o aumento de sementes quebradas.


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This work presents results of field and laboratory tests using a Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, DCP. The tests were performed in order to evaluate the use of the equipment in sand for the control of bearing capacity of shallow foundations and fill compaction. For shallow foundations, the laboratory tests were conducted on sand placed in a metallic mould by the method of sand pluviation. Although the results show the inability to reproduce field conditions in the laboratory it was possible to verify the ability of the DCP to identify less resistant soil layers. The DCP tests for the analysis of compaction control were performed in a strong box with inside dimensions of 1,40 m x 1,40 m and 0,70 m in height. The soil layers were compacted with different densities though the use of a vibrating plate in order to obtain correlations between penetration index, DPI, and soil relative density. Other tests were also conducted to assess the influence of soil moisture on tests results. Among other findings, the results showed the great potential for the use of DCP to control the compaction of sand fills


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This work aims to present the diagnosis and the evaluation of areas of final destination of urban solid waste in Rio Grande do Norte (RN) state. The survey was based on the experience of the State of São Paulo, which made its first inventory in 1997, through its Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental CETESB. The methodology for the structuring of diagnosis was the Índice de Qualidade de Aterros de Resíduo -- IQR, developed by the Institute for Technological Research of São Paulo (ITRP). The calculation is based on the completion of a matrix that contains information about the main features of the site, infrastructure and operating conditions of the area of waste disposal. This study intends to subsidize the state government of Rio Grande do Norte through its State Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources and the Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Meio Ambiente do RN (IDEMA), as well as federal, state and municipal authorities, in the definition of public policies for integrated management of municipal solid wastes to take account of environmental preservation and improvement of sanitary conditions of Natal-RN population.