835 resultados para One-to-one Marketing
Commercial actors play an essential role in the organisational structure of snowboarding by sponsoring athletes, arranging events, contributing to product development and developing long-term partnerships with other key actors. However, the particularities of their role in the alternative sports cultures which are related to brand marketing strategies have not been extensively researched. Based on Hitzler and Niederbachers (2010) framework of social scenes, Stegbauers (2008) social network and Adjouri and Stastnys (2006) branding theories, analysis is carried out using an ethnographic approach. This includes participant observation of relevant events and semi-structured interviews with over forty key actors of the sport to examine the roles and activities of core actors within snowboarding. The findings reveal that brands have gained an important position within the scene; where they can build partnerships with other core and periphery actors in order to market particularly identities, lifestyles and products. This contributes to the development of a sport which is dependent on brands for its continuity. By using promotional strategies of sponsoring athletes, organising events and feeding media with scene-related content, the aesthetical values of the snowboarding sport are communicated and transferred, while ensuring exposure of the brand’s image and lifestyle. Social contacts as well as knowledge on particularities of the sport allow the commercial actors to gain an influential position and identity within the snowboarding core culture. Keywords: commercial actors, alternative sport cultures, social networks, brands, snowboarding References Adjouri, N. & Stastny, P. (2006). Sport-Branding: Mit Sport-Sponsoring zum Markenerfolg. Wiesbaden: Gabler. Hitzler, R. & Niederbacher, A. (2010). Leben in Szenen: Formen juveniler Vergemeinschaftung heute. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Stegbauer, C. (2008). Netzwerkanalyse und Netzwerktheorie. Ein neues Paradigma in den Sozialwissenschaften. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
En todo proceso de desarrollo de un dispositivo electrónico o equipo cabe la necesidad de evaluar la fiabilidad de sus componentes, es decir, cual es el porcentaje de equipos que tras un determinado periodo de vida mantiene todas sus funcionalidades dentro de especificaciones. La evaluación de la fiabilidad mediante ensayos acelerados es la herramienta que permite una estimación de la vida del dispositivo o equipo de forma previa a su comercialización. La cuantificación de la fiabilidad es crítica para identificar los costos de un determinado periodo de garantía, y para ofrecer a los clientes el nivel de calidad deseado. El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera, es el diseño de un sistema automático de instrumentación versátil, para la realización y caracterización de ensayos acelerados, el cual nos sirva para abordar una amplia gama de ensayos con los que evaluar la fiabilidad de los dispositivos electrónicos o equipos. Además del uso industrial donde se evaluará la fiabilidad de forma previa a la comercialización, este sistema se podrá emplear en la docencia de esta área, y fundamentalmente para la realización de ensayos acelerados en investigación de dispositivos electrónicos. La versatilidad de nuestro hardware y aplicación software es un punto a favor, ya que con este sistema de instrumentación se pueden realizar numerosos tipos de ensayos acelerados, sin el problema de tener que cambiar toda la instrumentación, cada vez que se quiera realizar otro ensayo distinto. Los componentes que se elijan para realizar el ensayo acelerado, serán sometidos a un estrés (tensión, corriente, humedad, temperatura…) y se podrá ir observando cómo envejecen, lo que nos permite evaluar la vida del dispositivo en un corto periodo, emulando sus condiciones de trabajo, además de estudiar la fiabilidad también se puede identificar como se degradan sus características principales antes del fallo. El Software utilizado en este Proyecto se ha implementado con un lenguaje de programación gráfico para instrumentación, LabVIEW. La aplicación software se explica de manera muy detallada a lo largo de la memoria, para que su uso y adaptación si fuese necesario no suponga ningún problema para el usuario. En la última parte de esta memoria se encuentra la guía de usuario y un ensayo acelerado planteado como ejemplo. Explicaremos como se han interconectado los equipos a los componentes en los que se va a realizar el ensayo y así se comprobará el correcto funcionamiento del software tomando las medidas necesarias. ABTRACT In all process of development of an electronic device or equipment, we have the need to evaluate the reliability of its components, that is to say, what percentage of equipment that after a certain period of life keeps all of its functionalities within specifications. The evaluation of reliability by means of accelerated tests is the tool that allows an estimation of the lifetime of the device or equipment prior to its marketing. The quantification of reliability is critical to identify the costs of a specific warranty period, and to offer customers the desired quality level. The objective of this Thesis is the design of an automatic very versatile instrument for the realization and characterization of accelerated tests, which will help us to address a wide range of tests to assess the reliability of the devices or electronic equipment. In addition to industrial use where test the reliability before its commercialization, use it can be used in teaching of this area, fundamentally for the realization of accelerated testing in the investigation of electronic devices. The versatility of our hardware and software implementation is a plus, given that this instrumentation system can perform numerous types of accelerated tests, without the problem to have to change everything, every time you want to make another different test. The components that will be chosen to perform the accelerated test, will be subjected to stress (voltage, current, humidity, temperature ...) and you can observe how they age, allowing us to evaluate the life of the device in a short period, emulating their working conditions. In addition to studying the reliability it can also identify how its main characteristics are degraded before failure. The software used in this Thesis has been implemented with a graphical programming language for instrumentation, LabVIEW. This software is explained in great detail throughout the Thesis, so that its use and adaptation, if necessary, will not be a problem for the user. In the last part of this memory we will expose a user guide and test that we have done. We will explain how the equipment has been interconnected to the components in which we are going to perform the test and so we will check the correct operation of the software taking the necessary measures.
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Traditional methods of R&D management are no longer sufficient for embracing innovations and leveraging complex new technologies to fully integrated positions in established systems. This paper presents the view that the technology integration process is a result of fundamental interactions embedded in inter-organisational activities. Emerging industries, high technology companies and knowledge intensive organisations owe a large part of their viability to complex networks of inter-organisational interactions and relationships. R&D organisations are the gatekeepers in the technology integration process with their initial sanction and motivation to develop technologies providing the first point of entry. Networks rely on the activities of stakeholders to provide the foundations of collaborative R&D activities, business-to-business marketing and strategic alliances. Such complex inter-organisational interactions and relationships influence value creation and organisational goals as stakeholders seek to gain investment opportunities. A theoretical model is developed here that contributes to our understanding of technology integration (adoption) as a dynamic process, which is simultaneously structured and enacted through the activities of stakeholders and organisations in complex inter-organisational networks of sanction and integration.
Este estudo tem como objetivo propor uma análise do modo como se constrói a representação da imagem eleitoral de João Goulart, sob a ótica da propaganda política no cinema brasileiro no período pós-ditadura. Para a realização desse objetivo contamos com o longa-metragem de Silvio Tendler de 1984, intitulado Jango. Cremos que este estudo se justifica por contribuir para identificar, compreender e mapear o imaginário da sociedade brasileira sobre João Goulart. Para o desenvolvimento do tema foram analisadas teorias de marketing político, propaganda ideológica e persuasão. A pesquisa foi norteada pelo método qualitativo e aplicadas as técnicas de pesquisa histórica e estudo de caso. Concluímos que o Filme de Silvio Tendler reconstruiu a imagem de João Goulart ressaltando seu papel na luta pelas reformas de base. A mistificação de Jango foi exposta no documentário expositivo.
In recent years it has become increasingly common for companies to improve their competitiveness and find new markets by extending their operations through international new product development collaborations involving technology transfer. Technology development, cost reduction and market penetration are seen as the foci in such collaborative operations with the aim being to improve the competitive position of both partners. In this paper the case of technology transfer through collaborative new product development in the machine tool sector is used to provide a typical example of such partnerships. The research evidence on which the paper is based includes longitudinal case studies and questionnaire surveys of machine tool manufacturers in both countries. The specific case of a UK machine tool company and its Chinese partner is used to provide a specific example of the operational development of a successful collaboration. The paper concludes that a phased co-ordination of commercial, technical and strategic interactions between the two partners is essential for such collaborations to work. In particular, the need to transfer marketing know-how is emphasised, having been identified as an area of weakness among technology acquirers in China.
The potential of social marketing has been recognized in the United Kingdom by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) as a useful tool for behavioral change for environmental problems. The techniques of social marketing have been used successfully by health organizations to tackle current public health issues. This article describes a research project which explored the current barriers to recycling household waste and the development of a segmentation model which could be used at the local level by authorities charged with waste collection and disposal. The research makes a unique contribution to social marketing through the introduction of a competencies framework and market segmentation for recycling behaviors.
Customer satisfaction and service quality are two important concepts in the marketing literature. However, there has been some confusion about the conceptualisation and measurement of these two concepts and the nature of the relationship between them. The primary objective of this research was to develop a more thorough understanding of these concepts, and a model that could help to explain the links between them and their relationships with post-purchase behaviour. A preliminary theoretical model was developed, based on an exhaustive review of the literature. Following exploratory research, the model was revised by incorporating "Perceived Value" and "Perceived Sacrifice" to help explain customer's post-purchase behaviour. A longitudinal survey was conducted in the context of the restaurant industry, and the data were analysed using structural equation modelling. The results provided evidence to support the main research hypotheses. However, the effect of "Normative Expectations" on "Encounter Quality" was insignificant, and "Perceived Value" had a direct effect on "Behavioural Intentions" despite expectations that such an effect would be mediated through "Customer Satisfaction". It was also found that "Normative Expectations" were relatively more stable than "Predictive Expectations". It is argued that the present research significantly contributes to the marketing literature, and in particular the role of perceived value in the formation of customers' post-purchase behaviour. Further research efforts in this area are warranted.
On the basis of a review of the substantive quality and service marketing literature current knowledge regarding service quality expectations was found either absent or deficient. The phenomenon is of increasing importance to both marketing researchers and management and was therefore judged worthy of scholarly consideration. Because the service quality literature was insufficiently rich when embarking on the thesis three basic research issues were considered namely the nature, determinants, and dynamics of service quality expectations. These issues were first conceptually and then qualitatively explored. This process generated research hypotheses mainly relating to a model which were subsequently tested through a series of empirical investigations using questionnaire data from field studies in a single context. The results were internally consistent and strongly supported the main research hypotheses. It was found that service quality expectations can be meaningfully described in terms of generic/service-specific, intangible/tangible, and process/outcome categories. Service-specific quality expectations were also shown to be determined by generic service quality expectations, demographic variables, personal values, psychological needs, general service sophistication, service-specific sophistication, purchase motives, and service-specific information when treating service class involvement as an exogenous variable. Subjects who had previously not directly experienced a particular service were additionally found to revise their expectations of quality when exposed to the service with change being driven by a sub-set of identified determinants.
The tendency of managers to focus on short-term results rather than on sustained company success is of particular importance to retail marketing managers, because marketing activities involve expenditures which may only pay off in the longer term. To address the issue of myopic management, our study shows how the complexity of the service profit chain (SPC) can cause managers to make suboptimal decisions. Hence, our paper departs from past research by recognizing that understanding the temporal interplay between operational investments, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and operating profit is essential to achieving sustained success. In particular, we intend to improve understanding of the functioning of the SPC with respect to time lags and feedback loops. Results of our large-scale longitudinal study set in a multi-outlet retail chain reveal time-lag effects between operational investments and employee satisfaction, as well as between customer satisfaction and performance. These findings, along with evidence of a negative interaction effect of employee satisfaction on the relationship between current performance and future investments, show the substantial risk of mismanaging the SPC. We identify specific situations in which the dynamic approach leads to superior marketing investment decisions, when compared to the conventional static view of the SCP. These insights provide valuable managerial guidance for effectively managing the SPC over time. © 2012 New York University.
Traditional focus on the study of high-technology firms and products has practically ignored the importance and potential contributions of the sales force, especially in business-to-business marketing. This article suggests that traditional sales force strategies associated with high-technology products have been supply driven (i.e., driven by the strategies of the marketing firm). We suggest that in order to enhance the success of high-technology products and services, firms need to be more demand driven in their sales structures (i.e., driven by the strategies of the buying firm). We suggest that it is imperative that high-technology firms adopt “solution selling” to enhance high-technology adoption as well as enhance competitiveness. We describe this change in focus and draw out its various managerial and academic implications.
A vállalati, pontosabban szólva az üzleti szemléletmód persze nagymértékben indokolhatja a fejlődés koncepciójának versenyképességi koncepcióként való felfogását és a hangsúlynak a vállalatok működése, hatékonysága és eredményessége szempontjából meghatározó szerepű belső mikró- és makró-gazdasági körülményekre helyezését, sőt, a vonatkozó mutatószámok létjogosultságát is. Mindez azonban nem lehet mentség a nemzetek, illetve országok fejlődésének és a feltételezetten közöttük folyó versenynek a fölöttébb leegyszerűsítő és egyoldalú értelmezésére. _________ The working paper is the analysis of understanding and measurement of competitiveness in critical view. Competitiveness has become a very fashionable term recently, used not only in regard to the marketing of products or services, and the rivalry of enterprises but also concerning nations or rather countries. The study reviews the understanding of competitiveness, the role of corporate transnationalization and the opportunities of measurement and assessment of national competitiveness. There are several understanding of competitiveness of nations or countries, and there are also many indices to measure it. The understanding of national competitiveness is many times confused with economic development.
O Marketing de relacionamento nunca esteve tão evidente quanto nos dias atuais. Isto pode ser observado pela acirrada concorrência entre as empresas que desenvolvem produtos cada vez mais semelhantes, bem como pelo advento da globalização onde, a figura do consumidor mais consciente de suas necessidades, busca por aspectos diferenciais que, porventura possam complementar suas aspirações acerca do que lhe é oferecido. É exatamente neste ponto que as ações do Marketing de Relacionamento entram em ação, visando não somente estreitar o elo entre a empresa e o consumidor, como também estimular a fidelização deste referido consumidor ao produto ou serviço ofertado. O objetivo deste estudo é examinar as correlações existentes entre o grau de conhecimento científico do cliente medico, como formador de opinião, sobre uma nova classe de medicamentos para o tratamento da dislipidemia (inibidores da PCSK9), mensurando a mudança de opinião desses líderes após o contato com o Gestor Médico Científico, e para tal objetivo, elaborou-se uma pesquisa descritiva com questionário direcionado a 83 médicos, sendo este aplicado em duas fases, utilizando assim como ferramenta o capital humano representado pelo Gestor Médico Científico, com base no Marketing de Relacionamento, e que após a análise da pesquisa, obtiveram-se bases para incentivar esse tipo de ferramenta como modelo de Marketing adaptado e voltado para a indústria farmacêutica. O estudo permitiu concluir que as variáveis escolhidas para avaliar o grau de mudança de opinião dos médicos inquiridos, logo após a explicação científica sobre os temas relacionados com a dislipidemia e a nova classe de medicamentos destinada ao tratamento dessa patologia, revelaram a importância da educação médica através do Marketing de Relacionamento antes de lançar uma nova classe de fármacos. No contexto da validação do modelo, é possível constatar que ele pode ser utilizado como ferramenta na fase de pré-lançamento de um produto, em um país onde as leis vigentes proíbem quaisquer outros meios de promoção.