762 resultados para Oblicuidad pélvica congénita
Foram estudadas 100 mães com seus RN, em três maternidades da cidade de Porto Velho-RO, para a avaliação da exposição pré-natal ao mercúrio, através da verificação dos níveis de mercúrio total ao nascimento em amostras de cabelo da mãe e de recém-nascidos, sangue materno, cordão umbilical e placenta. As mães responderam a um questionário, com a finalidade de identificar fatores de risco para contaminação mercurial e todas as crianças foram submetidas ao exame físico de rotina. A análise laboratorial do mercúrio foi realizada no Laboratório de Biogeoquímica Ambiental da UNIR, pela técnica de espectrofotometria de absorção atômica; os resultados mostraram significante correlação entre as concentrações de mercúrio total na placenta e cordão umbilical, cabelo do RN, sangue materno e cabelo materno. Concluímos que ocorreu exposição congênita; que os níveis de concentração deste metal observados no estudo, não repercutiram diretamente sobre a idade gestacional; mas, apresentaram correlação significante entre a concentração mercurial e peso do RN, confirmados pelos valores encontrados no cabelo do RN.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Entre os mamíferos, os xenartros são, sem dúvida alguma um grupo bastante singular no que diz respeito à morfologia, fisiologia e hábitos locomotores e alimentares. Dentro da ordem Xenarthra, a família Myrmecophagidae é a que tem recebido nos últimos anos, menos atenção em termos de trabalhos sobre morfologia funcional e biomecânica, em especial dos membros posteriores. Visando contribuir para o enriquecimento do conhecimento biológico acerca da natureza morfofuncional e biomecânica dos membros posteriores (fêmur e tíbia) e cintura pélvica destes animais [gêneros Cyclopes (tamanduaí), Tamandua (tamanduá-de-colete) e Myrmecophaga (tamanduá-bandeira)], este trabalho propõe um estudo osteológico descritivo-comparativo destas estruturas, enfatizando os principais pontos com reflexo na funcionalidade biomecânica ligada aos hábitos locomotores. Para isso, além das descrições osteológicas, foram tomadas vinte e três medidas pós-cranianas distribuídas entre a cintura pélvica, fêmur, tíbia, úmero e rádio. A partir de tais medidas, foram calculados treze índices osteométricos, os quais provaram ser eficazes na caracterização morfofuncional dos três gêneros mirmecofagídeos, além de separá-los biomecanicamente em seus estilos locomotores.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Although one cannot prevent the birth of human beings with cleft palate lesions one can adopt attitudes and various procedures entirely viable to rehabilitate and recuperate these persons through a team work composed of the facilities of a hospital, physician, dentist, psychotherapist, epeech pathologist, pedagogue and a social worker. In order to reduce the suffering of these patients we took up this work to prove that even if not in an ideal manner nevertheleses in an acceptable one we can reintegrate these persons to their families, friends and social milieu, offering them more security in their social, psychic and human relationships. We have made a review of the literature during the last three decades where we found many possibilities of prosthetic recuperations which concerns esthetics, mastication and maxillomandibular relationships beyond allowing these pacients conditions to perform satisfactory the functions of deglution and speech. We have selected and executed 5 clinical cases out of 15 pacients formely choosen looking to different prosthetic plannings. We have also shown the major contribution that the osseous integrated implants can offer to the rehabilitation and recuperation of pacients whith congenitall labio palatal lesions. To simplify the understanding we tried to discuss the most varied types of prosthesis in well defined subjects having a separate approach for each of them and we still showed that the specificity of each case leads to a specific type of rehabilitation founded om esthetics, occlusion, osseous suport, edentulous space, and above all based in the common sense and Professional integrity
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
This study evaluated the potential of congenital transmission in goats experimentally infected and reinfected with Toxoplasma gondii, in three gestational stages (initial, intermediate and final). Of the 25 non-pregnant females negative for T. gondii, 20 were orally inoculated with 2.5 x 103 T. gondii ME49 oocysts. Of these, 15 pregnant females chronically infected were reinoculated, via oral, with 2.5 x 103 T. gondii VEG oocysts. Five experimental groups were formed (n=5): I, II and III (reinoculations in the initial, intermediate and final gestational stage, respectively), IV (inoculation) and V (no inoculation). Clinical and serological exams (IgG IFAT [indirect immunofluorescence antibody test]) in different days of evaluation, and bioassay and PCR were performed in all goats. In the infected goats with T. gondii a peak of 40.2°C (IV) at nine, seroconversion (IgG≥64) at 21 and stabilization (IgG<1024) at 119 days postinoculation were observed. In the reinfected goats with T. gondii occurred an increase in IgG titers (≥1,024) at 28 (I), 7 (II) and 3 (III) days post-reinoculation. During kidding were observed only in the reinfected groups: dystocia, malformation body, stillbirth and weakness, and IgG anti-Toxoplasma were detected in all and in some offsprings of the reinfected and infected goats, respectively. Tissue parasitism by T. gondii was diagnosed by bioassay and PCR in infected and reinfected goats and in their offspring. The congenital toxoplasmosis was possible in goats chronically infected and reinfected with T. gondii. The primary infection with T. gondii did not protect the pregnant goats against congenital disease resulting from toxoplasmic reinfection, in different gestational stages (initial, intermediate and final).
Introduction: Due to the high incidence of low back pain without apparent cause, different approaches to evaluate the lumbar instability has been proposed, such as surface electromyography to determine pre-activation and the ability of lumbar stabilization through functional physical assessment. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the early activation of the primary stabilizing muscles in subjects without low back pain, with different physical abilities function (CFF). Method: Study participants were 20 subjects with 19.8 ± 1.4 years, 55.7 ± 8.8 kilos, 1.66 ± 0.08 m, of both sexes. The subjects underwent six Tests Physical Function (TFF) and the Test of Fast Moving Flexion Arm (TMRFB) to capture the electromyographic activity of the lumbar multifidus muscles (LM) and internal oblique - lower fibers (HI). Were assigned weights for each functional test and the result of the physical capacity of the final functional subject ranged from 0 to 100%. In the analysis of TMRB was considered the onset time of activation between the ML and HI. Results: Regarding TFF 2 (10%) subjects were considered to have normal physical capacity, 6 (30%) with good physical ability and 12 (60%) with regular physical capacity or poor. As for TMRFB average values of initiation of muscle activation in 75% of subjects were within the limits to characterize the condition of pre-muscle activation. Conclusion:The results obtained in the TFF were low compared with the CFF of asymptomatic subjects evaluated. This fact does not mean that the condition of stabilization of the subject is appropriate. However, the results obtained in the electromyographic examination to suggest that 25% of asymptomatic subjects tested did not have a proper condition of lumbar stabilization.
Purpose: Describe the initial clinical management and therapeutic monitoring dispensed for newborns diagnosed with congenital syphilis at birth and as of the high public hospitals in the Federal District, Brazil. Methods: Collected informations from the initial clinical management and continuity of care accorded to 81 newborns diagnosed with congenital syphilis reported to the National System of Diseases of Notification in 2008. Results: The hemogram occurred in 46.9%, and radiological long bone in 81.4%. Four children (4.9%) followed up according to the protocol of the Ministry of Health in relation to bi-monthly follow- -up until 12 months of age was 93.8% of cases ignored and found no record of complete follow-up at 18 months old of age. Conclusions: The initial clinical management and therapeutic follow-up of newborns with congenital syphilis in the Federal District is not carried out adequately and does not accordance with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health.
Toxoplasmosis is an important zoonosis and one of the most common parasitic infections throughout the world, which may cause among other problems several fetal pathologic alterations. Congenital toxoplasmosis is a result of transplacental transmission of Toxoplasma gondii due to a prime infection of the mother during pregnancy. Several studies have determined that the main risk factor for infection in pregnant women is the consumption of uncooked meat, which contributed from 30 to 63% of cases; other 6% to 17% of infections were related to contaminated soil. The relationship between pregnant women and their cats constitutes nothing more than a healthy experience when main transmission mechanisms and risk factors related to the disease are known.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB