1000 resultados para Objetivos de Aprendizagem


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O presente relatório foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Apresenta o percurso refletido pela estagiária nas intervenções realizadas durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada. Para tal, este trabalho está sustentado em material teórico e científico de vários autores que defendem a aprendizagem ativa e a metodologia de trabalho de projeto como possíveis promotores da aprendizagem. Esta informação foi ajustada à respetiva prática educativa, na qual os/as alunos/as desempenharam um papel fundamental como participantes ativos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. A informação obtida foi registada através de técnicas de observação direta utilizadas ao longo do estágio, com vista a perceber quais as necessidades, interesses do grupo/turma e de cada aluno/a e de que forma as aprendizagens foram significativas para o processo ensino - aprendizagem. Finalmente, pretendeu-se evidenciar que devemos ter em consideração a participação dos/as alunos/as nas estratégias utilizadas em sala de aula, visando o constante desenvolvimento da criança, o que nos torna profissionais reflexivos e críticos da nossa atuação educativa face ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. É com estes objetivos em mente que o professor deve promover oportunidades de aprendizagens ativas e significativas, num ambiente estimulante e desafiador.


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O Relatório Final para a obtenção do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar, incidiu sobre a temática “Formação de educadores e professores em Necessidades Educativas Especiais”. Esta investigação teve como principais objetivos, o estudo dos conhecimentos que os educadores possuem bem como as oportunidades de formação que alcançaram relativamente acerca das Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE), avaliando assim as necessidades de instrução dos docentes para que estejam adequadamente preparados a receber uma criança com NEE na sala. Para este trabalho, optou-se pela realização de um estudo de natureza quantitativa, tendo como método de recolha de dados a elaboração de um inquérito por questionário. Este instrumento de estudo foi desenvolvido em duas partes. Enquanto a primeira, faz referência a fatores sobre a sua carreira como agente educativo (Idade, anos de experiência, situação atual, tipologia escolar e habilitações literárias), a segunda parte questiona as inquiridas sobre o nível de conhecimento (significado, manifestações e cuidados) e os graus de formação (inicial, contínua, especializada e autónoma) que desenvolveram sobre dez NEE mencionadas no mesmo inquérito (Síndrome de Down, Dislexia, Dotado/Sobredotado, Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo, Paralisia Cerebral, Distrofia Muscular, Cegueira e/ou Surdez, Epilepsia, Perturbação da Hiperatividade com Défice de Atenção e Perturbação de Oposição de Desafio). Na revisão da literatura, precedeu-se à pesquisa de informação relevante tornando-a como base ao estudo desenvolvido. Nesse capítulo, abordaram-se conteúdos teóricos como, a noção de NEE, a sua diversidade e importância para a educação, a génese e significado de inclusão, bem como a sua ligação com as NEE, e por último, a formação de educadores/professores promovendo uma educação inclusiva, dando a conhecer o perfil do professor inclusivo. Com a realização desta investigação concluiu-se, que os educadores consideram a formação inicial sobre as NEE pouco aprofundada, tendo também verificado que a maioria dos docentes não se encontra devidamente preparada para atender às dificuldades das crianças com NEE. Aliás, entre outras conclusões, constatou-se ainda que a principal fonte de obtenção de conhecimento desenvolvida pelas inquiridas é através da pesquisa autónoma. A necessidade de investir em ações de formação nesta área fica, pois, bem evidenciada.


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O presente relatório científico surgiu no âmbito da Prática do Ensino Supervisionada (PES), no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do E. Básico na Escola Superior de Educadores de Infância Maria Ulrich. Este visa refletir o percurso da prática pedagógica e o que foi observado durante a mesma, numa turma de 1º e 2º ano do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB), mas também descrever o estudo realizado para responder a problemática que emergiu naquele contexto e que consiste em compreender como podem as histórias constituir contextos catalisadores de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. A metodologia da investigação é qualitativa e os dados foram recolhidos através de observação registada em notas de campo, a partir de atividades de fruição da leitura e da narração mas também do desenvolvimento de aprendizagens curriculares planeadas em roteiro multidisciplinar, a partir do tempo e do espaço, das personagens e das peripécias da narrativa como transitividade para o conhecimento do real. Com o quadro teórico e os dados analisados concluí que as histórias contribuem para o desenvolvimento da criança de forma integral, que contêm potencialidades de desencadear motivação para o processo de aprendizagem e que mobilizam conhecimentos tendo um caracter multidisciplinar e interdisciplinar satisfazendo os objetivos curriculares e as intencionalidades pedagógicas nas diversas áreas, incluindo a área das expressões.


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Esse estudo investiga como a aprendizagem organizacional pode influenciar a inovação em produtos nas empresas de base tecnológica. As empresas estudadas estão localizadas no Arranjo Produtivo Local Eletroeletrônico, conhecido informalmente como Vale da Eletrônica, na cidade de Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Minas Gerais. O arcabouço teórico envolve a exploração dos temas principais: aprendizagem organizacional e inovação. A decisão em estudar algumas empresas localizadas nessa cidade se deu por este ambiente ser composto de uma estrutura voltada à produção de conhecimentos tecnológicos dotados de inovações. Como objetivos específicos, esta pesquisa busca identificar as formas, fontes e o processo de aprendizagem organizacional que influenciaram as inovações apresentadas pelas empresas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter exploratório e descritivo. Os dados empíricos foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas a proprietários e gestores das empresas. O resultado evidenciou que formas e fontes internas e externas de aprendizagem e a proximidade da academia como coadjuvante no desenvolvimento das inovações contribuíram e influenciaram a inovação de produtos responsáveis pelo aumento de vantagem competitiva nas empresas. Esse estudo também permitiu apontar a relevância e a contribuição da aprendizagem organizacional na inovação de produtos e abre caminhos para estudos em outras empresas de base tecnológica.


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A presente pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, está direcionada à análise das políticas educacionais ligadas à democratização da gestão escolar e demais processos escolares ligados à avaliação. Nesse contexto, é evidenciado o Conselho de Classe e Série, pois esse vem se concretizando como um dos espaços que favorecem a participação de pais e alunos, tornando-se fator determinante para a qualidade da democratização da gestão escolar e do ensino-aprendizagem. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se em três momentos: (1) análise da documentação escolar; (2) estudo de caso em duas instituições escolares da Rede Pública de São Paulo e (3) entrevistas com pais, alunos, professores e gestores que serviram de parâmetros para saber como estão realizadas as reuniões de Conselho de Classe e Série. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram voltados para verificar como vem sendo estruturada a participação da comunidade na construção da gestão democrática da escola, principalmente nas práticas do Conselho de Classe e Série.(AU)


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The study aims to examine the methodology of realistic simulation as facilitator of the teaching-learning process in nursing, and is justified by the possibility to propose conditions that envisage improvements in the training process with a view to assess the impacts attributed to new teaching strategies and learning in the formative areas of health and nursing. Descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative approach, as action research, and focus on teaching from the realistic simulation of Nursing in Primary Care in an institution of public higher education. . The research was developed in the Comprehensive Care Health discipline II, this is offered in the third year of the course in order to prepare the nursing student to the stage of Primary Health Care The study population comprised 40 subjects: 37 students and 3 teachers of that discipline. Data collection was held from February to May 2014 and was performed by using questionnaires and semi structured interviews. To do so, we followed the following sequence: identification of the use of simulation in the discipline target of intervention; consultation with professors about the possibility of implementing the survey; investigation of the syllabus of discipline, objectives, skills and abilities; preparing the plan for the execution of the intervention; preparing the checklist for skills training; construction and execution of simulation scenarios and evaluation of scenarios. Quantitative data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics, percentage, and qualitative data through collective subject discourse. A high fidelity simulation was inserted in the curriculum of the course of the research object, based on the use of standard patient. Three cases were created and executed. In the students’ view, the simulation contributed to the synthesis of the contents worked at Integral Health Care II discipline (100%), scoring between 8 and 10 (100%) to executed scenarios. In addition, the simulation has generated a considerable percentage of high expectations for the activities of the discipline (70.27%) and is also shown as a strategy for generating student satisfaction (97.30%). Of the 97.30% that claimed to be quite satisfied with the activities proposed by the academic discipline of Integral Health Care II, 94.59% of the sample indicated the simulation as a determinant factor for the allocation of such gratification. Regarding the students' perception about the strategy of simulation, the most prominent category was the possibility of prior experience of practice (23.91%). The nervousness was one of the most cited negative aspects from the experience in simulated scenarios (50.0%). The most representative positive point (63.89%) pervades the idea of approximation with the reality of Primary Care. In addition, professors of the discipline, totaling 3, were trained in the methodology of the simulation. The study highlighted the contribution of realistic simulation in the context of teaching and learning in nursing and highlighted this strategy while mechanism to generate expectation and satisfaction among undergraduate nursing students


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The configuration assumed by the institutional governance arrangement established in the cities of Fortaleza and Natal, and its influence on the implementation of the National Public Policy of Professional Learning that promotes the formation and integration into the labor market of teens and young people aged 14 to 24 years old and people with disabilities is the aim of this thesis. The interactive governance approach, proposed by Kooiman (2003.2008) was the mainstay of the epistemological construction of the investigative process, also supported by contributions from Draibe (2001) concerning the stages of implementation of public policies. In methodological terms, the approach used was qualitative, being performed descriptive bibliographical and documentary research, applying semi-structured interviews with 44 subjects. Data were based on Bardin (2011), having been pre-established two categories of analysis: governance and implementation. The results pointed, among other things, to greater diversity and dynamics of the arrangement in Fortaleza, highlighting the much larger number of accessions of Nonprofit Entities (ESFLs) to politics, more frequent interactions between stakeholders from different organizational levels of governance, better alignment between guiding governance images and spaces designed to encourage interactions among actors and also greater local government involvement. In both cities studied, on the other hand, the study indicated that the failure of institutional capacities adversely affect the interactions stimulation and the exercise of meta-governance. The thesis concluded that the shape and intensity of the interactions between the actors involved in the implementation of the National Public Policy of Professional Learning and the way images are shared results in greater understanding and dissemination of the policy and create a favorable environment for cooperation and dialogue needed to collective work and favors the modeling of a governance structure able to handle the demands and characteristics of organizations and their participants in order to accommodate the divergent interests, make room for the creation of innovations and convergence of actions to achieve the objectives of the policy. Thus, the results of the Professional Learning Policy in the cities of Natal and Fortaleza, in terms of levels of entering the labor market, can be understood from the differences found in the governance structure of the institutional arrangement used for its implementation.


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The instrumental teaching in Brazil has been more widely studied by music education in the last years, becoming a significative scientific investigation field. This work is focusing on analysis of the instrument teaching reality, considering more specifically the guitar teaching. In a timely manner, approaches the reality of the guitar teaching from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN), considering specific instrument courses in this institution. Thus, the present work was guided by the aim of understanding conceptions, contents and didactic and methodological perspectives that constitute the teaching and learning of the guitar at UFRN. To reach this main aim, we sought to verify, in general: 1) the theoretical, methodological and content perspectives that underlie guitar formation in the music courses of the UFRN; 2) the functions and the aims of the guitar disciplines in the Courses; 3) the profile of the guitar disciplines' professors; 4) the demands of the subjects directly involved in these proposals of musical education; and, 5) the conceptions about formation practices and teaching methodologies that characterize the docent action. In accordance with the aims, the methodological guidance was based on the qualitative paradigm. Thus, data collection procedures involved were: bibliographical and documentary research and interviews with three professors who taught in guitar disciplines during the semester of 2014.1 on the mentioned courses. Then, these data were systematically organized and analyzed in line with the research characteristics presented here. The results of the research evidenced the concepts, contents and didactic and methodological perspectives in the context of teaching and learning guitar in the studied empirical field. In this context, we perceive a relation between the demands of teaching and learning tool in the study field and the ones evidenced in the literature. The results demonstrated that the professors’ professional tragetory is associated with their influences from the initial musical formation and their guitar learning since they related conceptions that reflected aspects formation, sometimes converging sometimes divergente. The contentes, methodologies and general aspects are made based on parameters that demonstrate alignment with the perspectives of guitar teaching and learning in the contemporary world to the instrumental player formation. Thus, the study gave a broader diagnosis about the guitar teaching reality, demonstrating the diferences and the singularities between the Technical Course and the Course of Bachelor in Music at UFRN. Thereby, this study provides importante contribution to music education, mainly, through its reflections about the guitar pedagogy.


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This dissertation is a research based on the Meaningful Learning Theory, with students from the second year of High School, in the city named Capinzal do Norte, state of Maranhão. The pedagogic approach of this research focuses on what to do and how to do so students can better grasp knowledge inherent to the Euclidean Special Geometry in a more meaningful and changing way, also that information may be kept longer in their brain, so it can last longer in the present and future. The methodological strategy adopted was the research-action, followed by the constant observance of a researcher on the matter with the purpose to ensure consistent results, which come from the use of a variety of data collector instruments, such as: Concept Maps, manipulatives, educational softwares and application of evaluative tests, besides the observations made throughout the process of investigation and the diagnosis itself. It is all due to the fact that we rely on the premise that knowledge is assimilated in particular and idiosyncratic ways, which means each and every student learns in different ways and in different periods of time. That is why it is so important to develop diversified methodologies to the same subject. This research adds to the other ones related to the theoretical frameworks of the Meaningful Learning Theory, of Concept Maps, of the use of technology on the educational process and of manipulatives, which purpose is to connect their common dots. This pedagogical intervention also focuses on the construction of the educational orientations with applicability directly on class, directed specially by the Mathematics teacher of the basic education, who might use them during your teaching practice. Such guidelines established here as an educational product aim to follow the Theory's assumptions that serves as basis to this research, thus becoming an educational element with a relevant significance. The results, with which we are faced, proved overwhelming to the proposed objectives in terms of learning, which were evident in the construction of Conceptual Maps, as well as in the use of Concrete Materials, in addition to serving as a motivational element to participating students of research. The results obtained are indeed reliable in terms of learning, considered the expected goals, and made us certain that the way we have approached the subject is consistent with a holistic education and that at the same time values the tiniest details, which are fundamental to all the learning-teaching process.


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The central focus of this thesis was to investigate creative learning in music at piano group lessons. Thus, the theoretical framework adopted was guided by two main principles: (1) creativity in the field of music education and (2) Piano teaching and learning. As a methodological procedure we used a research-action with students of the disciplines Prática de Instrumento Harmônico I e II, at the Music Education Undergraduate Course of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This research-action was structured in four phases: 1) the identification of the starting points and the theme of creativity matters in piano group lessons, considering the context of a teacher training course in music; 2) the projection of actions, the definition of the objectives and the organization of instruments of data collection and analysis; 3) the realization of the planned actions; and 4) the evaluation of the results, the transcription, organization and analysis of the data collected through observation and interviews. Given the Creative Learning Cycle in Music, represented by the activities of composing, performing and criticizing Music, defended by Beineke (2009, 2013, 2015), we propose in this thesis a creative cycle of formation in music to promote creative learning in piano group lessons, in which teachers and students teach and learn creatively, expanding training opportunities in the field of Music Education. This was possible due to the joint experience of creative practices related to improvisation, elaboration of arrangements and musical compositions - elements that contributed positively to the learning process of the participants. But for this to occur, the planning, implementation and evaluation of the creative and pedagogical musical procedures adopted were decisive, considering the perspectives of students, their conceptions, musical creations, processes and collaborative exchange.


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The central focus of this thesis was to investigate creative learning in music at piano group lessons. Thus, the theoretical framework adopted was guided by two main principles: (1) creativity in the field of music education and (2) Piano teaching and learning. As a methodological procedure we used a research-action with students of the disciplines Prática de Instrumento Harmônico I e II, at the Music Education Undergraduate Course of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This research-action was structured in four phases: 1) the identification of the starting points and the theme of creativity matters in piano group lessons, considering the context of a teacher training course in music; 2) the projection of actions, the definition of the objectives and the organization of instruments of data collection and analysis; 3) the realization of the planned actions; and 4) the evaluation of the results, the transcription, organization and analysis of the data collected through observation and interviews. Given the Creative Learning Cycle in Music, represented by the activities of composing, performing and criticizing Music, defended by Beineke (2009, 2013, 2015), we propose in this thesis a creative cycle of formation in music to promote creative learning in piano group lessons, in which teachers and students teach and learn creatively, expanding training opportunities in the field of Music Education. This was possible due to the joint experience of creative practices related to improvisation, elaboration of arrangements and musical compositions - elements that contributed positively to the learning process of the participants. But for this to occur, the planning, implementation and evaluation of the creative and pedagogical musical procedures adopted were decisive, considering the perspectives of students, their conceptions, musical creations, processes and collaborative exchange.


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This research aimed to know and analyze the pedagogical practices that have been developed in the teaching and learning of students with Intellectual Disability (DI), enrolled at common class of elementary school I. The study was conducted in a public school at Natal/RN, involving two students with DI, a multipurpose teacher, a teaching assistant, a teacher of arts and educational coordinator. As for methodological choice, we chose to develop a qualitative study, undertaking a case study. As tools for the construction of the data we use: semi-structured interviews, participant observation, field diary and document analysis. Data analysis reveals that the institution in which the research was undertaken gradually implementing changes in order to develop an inclusive practice, consistent with its assumptions. Regarding the practices developed in the teaching and learning of students with intellectual disabilities, it was possible to realize the fulfillment of certain adjustments in relation to the objectives, activities and some content, involving the use of resources and varied strategies. With regard to educational activities, we found that these had different levels of complexity, covering both basic goals as more complex objectives. From the observations, we realize that the Assistant Professor of mediations during varied activities as challenging tool in intellectual processes. We note, too, a dynamic classroom in which disabled students were under the guidance of Assistant Professor, and other students with all-round teacher who had a fairly traditional teaching methodology. It created thus an isolation situation, since there was no proposition practices to be developed with all students, and interaction among classmates, generally quite restricted. Although were highlighted developments in the social and academic learning of the surveyed students, the teachers said they did not feel prepared to work freight inclusion. The study reveals the need for teachers reviewing some actions undertaken, in order to develop more democratic pedagogical practices of education, stimulating the interactions between students, by proposing challenging activities that promote the formation and concepts. In addition, it points to the need of the education system invest and encourage the qualification of teachers with regard to education in an inclusive perspective, through actions that promote lifelong learning. It needs to be developed on the teacher a reflective attitude, resulting in a view that due diligence must be entered in practice inherent in teaching in order to use to enhance their educational experience.


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This research aimed to know and analyze the pedagogical practices that have been developed in the teaching and learning of students with Intellectual Disability (DI), enrolled at common class of elementary school I. The study was conducted in a public school at Natal/RN, involving two students with DI, a multipurpose teacher, a teaching assistant, a teacher of arts and educational coordinator. As for methodological choice, we chose to develop a qualitative study, undertaking a case study. As tools for the construction of the data we use: semi-structured interviews, participant observation, field diary and document analysis. Data analysis reveals that the institution in which the research was undertaken gradually implementing changes in order to develop an inclusive practice, consistent with its assumptions. Regarding the practices developed in the teaching and learning of students with intellectual disabilities, it was possible to realize the fulfillment of certain adjustments in relation to the objectives, activities and some content, involving the use of resources and varied strategies. With regard to educational activities, we found that these had different levels of complexity, covering both basic goals as more complex objectives. From the observations, we realize that the Assistant Professor of mediations during varied activities as challenging tool in intellectual processes. We note, too, a dynamic classroom in which disabled students were under the guidance of Assistant Professor, and other students with all-round teacher who had a fairly traditional teaching methodology. It created thus an isolation situation, since there was no proposition practices to be developed with all students, and interaction among classmates, generally quite restricted. Although were highlighted developments in the social and academic learning of the surveyed students, the teachers said they did not feel prepared to work freight inclusion. The study reveals the need for teachers reviewing some actions undertaken, in order to develop more democratic pedagogical practices of education, stimulating the interactions between students, by proposing challenging activities that promote the formation and concepts. In addition, it points to the need of the education system invest and encourage the qualification of teachers with regard to education in an inclusive perspective, through actions that promote lifelong learning. It needs to be developed on the teacher a reflective attitude, resulting in a view that due diligence must be entered in practice inherent in teaching in order to use to enhance their educational experience.


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Substâncias psicoestimulantes vêm sendo utilizadas de forma indiscriminada há muitos anos, e pouco se sabe os efeitos que elas causam a curto e longo prazo no comportamento geral, na aprendizagem e na memória. Essas substâncias são bastante usadas por jovens e adultos e elas possuem efeitos diferentes. Essas substâncias são dose dependente, caso consumidas em baixa quantidade agem como estimulante, aumentando a atividade locomotora, caso consumidas em alta quantidade, causam efeito depressor, diminuindo a atividade locomotora e/ou causando ansiedade. Poucos estudos vêm investigando os efeitos dessas substâncias na atividade locomotora, aprendizagem e memória e grande parte desses estudos são realizados em roedores. Peixe paulistinha é um modelo animal promissor para estudos comportamentais, cognitivos, ontogenéticos, dentre outros. Nossos objetivos foram determinar os efeitos do álcool, cafeína e de seu uso combinado com álcool, na atividade locomotora desses animais, usando para isso doses crônicas durante 27 dias e doses agudas durante um dia. Visto que pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos dessa exposição prolongada. Também investigamos os efeitos das substâncias em teste de reconhecimento de objetos, que se baseia na memória de único evento. Essas memórias são mais vulneráveis que memórias baseadas em várias repetições de eventos. Sendo assim, um teste adequado para utilizar com uso de substâncias psicoativas. Observamos que o uso crônico de cafeína provoca alteração na atividade locomotora dos animais, do mesmo modo, abstinência de álcool combinada com cafeína em dose aguda (dose média) provoca aumento de atividade locomotora. Quando submetidos a testes de memória, os animais exposto a doses altas agudas de álcool e em abstinência dessa droga têm prejuízo na formação e/ou resgate da memória. No entanto, tratamento com cafeína não prejudica a formação de memória. Animais expostos a tratamento com dose crônica moderada de álcool e dose aguda moderada de cafeína tem melhor desempenho na tarefa, indicando que dose aguda moderada de cafeína pode evitar os efeitos deletérios ocasionados pela abstinência do álcool. Em termos do comportamento geral, doses agudas de cafeína aumentam a locomoção, enquanto doses elevadas e a abstinência de cafeína induzem a comportamentos tipo-ansioso. A combinação álcool crônico e cafeína aguda induzem a alto comportamento tipo-ansiedade, enquanto a combinação cafeína crônica e álcool agudo diminuem tanto a locomoção quanto a ansiedade.


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Substâncias psicoestimulantes vêm sendo utilizadas de forma indiscriminada há muitos anos, e pouco se sabe os efeitos que elas causam a curto e longo prazo no comportamento geral, na aprendizagem e na memória. Essas substâncias são bastante usadas por jovens e adultos e elas possuem efeitos diferentes. Essas substâncias são dose dependente, caso consumidas em baixa quantidade agem como estimulante, aumentando a atividade locomotora, caso consumidas em alta quantidade, causam efeito depressor, diminuindo a atividade locomotora e/ou causando ansiedade. Poucos estudos vêm investigando os efeitos dessas substâncias na atividade locomotora, aprendizagem e memória e grande parte desses estudos são realizados em roedores. Peixe paulistinha é um modelo animal promissor para estudos comportamentais, cognitivos, ontogenéticos, dentre outros. Nossos objetivos foram determinar os efeitos do álcool, cafeína e de seu uso combinado com álcool, na atividade locomotora desses animais, usando para isso doses crônicas durante 27 dias e doses agudas durante um dia. Visto que pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos dessa exposição prolongada. Também investigamos os efeitos das substâncias em teste de reconhecimento de objetos, que se baseia na memória de único evento. Essas memórias são mais vulneráveis que memórias baseadas em várias repetições de eventos. Sendo assim, um teste adequado para utilizar com uso de substâncias psicoativas. Observamos que o uso crônico de cafeína provoca alteração na atividade locomotora dos animais, do mesmo modo, abstinência de álcool combinada com cafeína em dose aguda (dose média) provoca aumento de atividade locomotora. Quando submetidos a testes de memória, os animais exposto a doses altas agudas de álcool e em abstinência dessa droga têm prejuízo na formação e/ou resgate da memória. No entanto, tratamento com cafeína não prejudica a formação de memória. Animais expostos a tratamento com dose crônica moderada de álcool e dose aguda moderada de cafeína tem melhor desempenho na tarefa, indicando que dose aguda moderada de cafeína pode evitar os efeitos deletérios ocasionados pela abstinência do álcool. Em termos do comportamento geral, doses agudas de cafeína aumentam a locomoção, enquanto doses elevadas e a abstinência de cafeína induzem a comportamentos tipo-ansioso. A combinação álcool crônico e cafeína aguda induzem a alto comportamento tipo-ansiedade, enquanto a combinação cafeína crônica e álcool agudo diminuem tanto a locomoção quanto a ansiedade.