929 resultados para OX-LDL RECEPTOR-1


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Allergic asthma is characterized by airflow obstruction, airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and chronic airway inflammation. We and others have reported that complement component C3 and the anaphylatoxin C3a receptor promote while C5 protects against the development of the biological and physiological hallmarks of allergic lung disease in mice. In this study, we assessed if the protective responses could be mediated by C5a, an activation-induced C5 cleavage product. Mice with ablation of the C5a receptor (C5aR) either by genetic deletion or by pharmacological blockade exhibited significantly exacerbated AHR compared to allergen-challenged wild-type (WT) mice. However, there were no significant differences in many of the other hallmarks of asthma such as airway infiltration by eosinophils or lymphocytes, pulmonary IL-4-producing cell numbers, goblet cell metaplasia, mucus secretion or total serum IgE levels. In contrast to elevated AHR, numbers of IL-5 and IL-13 producing pulmonary cells, and IL-5 and IL-13 protein levels, were significantly reduced in allergen-challenged C5aR-/- mice compared to allergen-challenged WT mice. Administration of a specific cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (cysLT1R) antagonist before each allergen-challenge abolished AHR in C5aR-/- as well as in WT mice. Pretreatment with a C3aR antagonist dose-dependently reduced AHR in allergen-challenged WT and C5aR-/- mice. Additionally, allergen-induced upregulation of pulmonary C3aR expression was exaggerated in C5aR-/- mice compared to WT mice. In summary, deficiency or antagonism of C5aR in a mouse model of pulmonary allergy increased AHR, which was reversed or reduced by blockade of the cysLT1R and C3aR, respectively. In conclusion, this study suggests that C5a and C5aR mediate protection against AHR by suppressing cysLT and C3aR signaling pathways, which are known to promote AHR. This also supports important and opposing roles of complement components C3a/C3aR and C5a/C5aR in AHR. ^


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Dictyostelium, a soil amoeba, is able to develop from free-living cells to multicellular fruiting bodies upon starvation using extracellular cAMP to mediate cell-cell communication, chemotaxis and developmental gene expression. The seven transmembrane G protein-coupled cAMP receptor-1 (cAR1) mediated responses, such as the activation of adenylyl cyclase and guanylyl cyclase, are transient, due to the existence of poorly understood adaptation mechanisms. For this dissertation, the powerful genetics of the Dictyostelium system was employed to study the adaptation mechanism of cAR1-mediated cAMP signaling as well as mechanisms intrinsic to cAR1 that regulate its activation. ^ We proposed that constitutively active cAR1 would cause constant adaptation, thus inhibiting downstream pathways that are essential for aggregation and development. Therefore, a screen for dominant negative cAR1 mutants was undertaken to identify constitutively active receptor mutants. Three dominant negative cAR1 mutants were identified. All appear to be constitutively active receptor mutants because they are constitutively phosphorylated and possess high affinity for cAMP. Biochemical studies showed that these mutant receptors prevented the activation of downstream effectors, including adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases. In addition, these cells also were defective in cAMP chemotaxis and cAR1-mediated gene expression. These findings suggest that the mutant receptors block development by constantly activating multiple adaptation pathways. ^ Sequence analysis revealed that these mutations (I104N, L100H) are clustered in a conserved region of the third transmembrane helix (TM3) of cAR1. To investigate the role of this region in receptor activation, one of these residues, I104, was mutated to all the other 19 possible amino acids. We found that all but the most conservative substitutions increase the receptor's affinity about 20- to 70-fold. However, only highly polar substitutions of I104, particularly basic residues, resulted in receptors that are constitutively phosphorylated and dominantly inhibit development, suggesting that highly polar substitutions not only disrupt an interaction constraining the receptor in its low-affinity, inactive state but also promote an additional conformational change that resembles the ligand-bound conformation. Our findings suggest that I104 plays a specific role in constraining the receptor in its inactive state and that substituting it with highly polar residues results in constitutive activation. ^


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Endocytosis of the Flaviviridae viruses, hepatitis C virus, GB virus C/hepatitis G virus, and bovine viral diarrheal virus (BVDV) was shown to be mediated by low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors on cultured cells by several lines of evidence: by the demonstration that endocytosis of these virus correlated with LDL receptor activity, by complete inhibition of detectable endocytosis by anti-LDL receptor antibody, by inhibition with anti-apolipoprotein E and -apolipoprotein B antibodies, by chemical methods abrogating lipoprotein/LDL receptor interactions, and by inhibition with the endocytosis inhibitor phenylarsine oxide. Confirmatory evidence was provided by the lack of detectable LDL receptor on cells known to be resistant to BVDV infection. Endocytosis via the LDL receptor was shown to be mediated by complexing of the virus to very low density lipoprotein or LDL but not high density lipoprotein. Studies using LDL receptor-deficient cells or a cytolytic BVDV system indicated that the LDL receptor may be the main but not exclusive means of cell entry of these viruses. Studies on other types of viruses indicated that this mechanism may not be exclusive to Flaviviridae but may be used by viruses that associate with lipoprotein in the blood. These findings provide evidence that the family of LDL receptors may serve as viral receptors.


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To investigate the functional role of different α1-adrenergic receptor (α1-AR) subtypes in vivo, we have applied a gene targeting approach to create a mouse model lacking the α1b-AR (α1b−/−). Reverse transcription–PCR and ligand binding studies were combined to elucidate the expression of the α1-AR subtypes in various tissues of α1b +/+ and −/− mice. Total α1-AR sites were decreased by 98% in liver, 74% in heart, and 42% in cerebral cortex of the α1b −/− as compared with +/+ mice. Because of the large decrease of α1-AR in the heart and the loss of the α1b-AR mRNA in the aorta of the α1b−/− mice, the in vivo blood pressure and in vitro aorta contractile responses to α1-agonists were investigated in α1b +/+ and −/− mice. Our findings provide strong evidence that the α1b-AR is a mediator of the blood pressure and the aorta contractile responses induced by α1 agonists. This was demonstrated by the finding that the mean arterial blood pressure response to phenylephrine was decreased by 45% in α1b −/− as compared with +/+ mice. In addition, phenylephrine-induced contractions of aortic rings also were decreased by 25% in α1b−/− mice. The α1b-AR knockout mouse model provides a potentially useful tool to elucidate the functional specificity of different α1-AR subtypes, to better understand the effects of adrenergic drugs, and to investigate the multiple mechanisms involved in the control of blood pressure.


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Using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry the expression of, respectively, prepro-galanin (prepro-GAL) mRNA and GAL receptor-1 mRNA, as well as GAL-like and GAL message-associated peptide-like immunoreactivities, were studied in rats from embryonic day 14 (E14) to postnatal day 1. GAL expression was observed already at E14 in trigeminal and dorsal root ganglion neurons and at E15 in the sensory epithelia in developing ear, eye, and nose, as well as at E19 during bone formation. Also, GAL receptor-1 mRNA was expressed in the sensory ganglia of embryos but appeared later than the ligand. These findings suggest that GAL and/or GAL message-associated peptide may have a developmental role in several sensory systems and during bone formation.


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Src-family protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) transduce signals to regulate neuronal development and synaptic plasticity. However, the nature of their activators and molecular mechanisms underlying these neural processes are unknown. Here, we show that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and platelet-derived growth factor enhance expression of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-type glutamate receptor 1 and 2/3 proteins in rodent neocortical neurons via the Src-family PTK(s). The increase in AMPA receptor levels was blocked in cultured neocortical neurons by addition of a Src-family-selective PTK inhibitor. Accordingly, neocortical cultures from Fyn-knockout mice failed to respond to BDNF whereas those from wild-type mice responded. Moreover, the neocortex of young Fyn mutants exhibited a significant in vivo reduction in these AMPA receptor proteins but not in their mRNA levels. In vitro kinase assay revealed that BDNF can indeed activate the Fyn kinase: It enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of Fyn as well as that of enolase supplemented exogenously. All of these results suggest that the Src-family kinase Fyn, activated by the growth factors, plays a crucial role in modulating AMPA receptor expression during brain development.


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In bovine adrenal medullary cells synergistically acting type 1 and type 2 angiotensin II (AII) receptors activate the fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) gene through a unique AII-responsive promoter element. Both the type 1 and type 2 AII receptors and the downstream cyclic adenosine 1′,3′-monophosphate- and protein kinase C-dependent signaling pathways activate the FGF-2 promoter through a novel signal-transducing mechanism. This mechanism, which we have named integrative nuclear FGF receptor-1 signaling, involves the nuclear translocation of FGF receptor-1 and its subsequent transactivation of the AII-responsive element in the FGF-2 promoter.


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Complement receptor 1 (CR1, CD35) and complement receptor 2 (CR2, CD21) have been implicated as regulators of B-cell activation. We explored the role of these receptors in the development of humoral immunity by generating CR1- and CR2-deficient mice using gene-targeting techniques. These mice have normal basal levels of IgM and of IgG isotypes. B- and T-cell development are overtly normal. Nevertheless, B-cell responses to low and high doses of a T-cell-dependent antigen are impaired with decreased titers of antigen-specific IgM and IgG isotypes. This defect is not complete because there is still partial activation of B lymphocytes during the primary immune response, with generation of splenic germinal centers and a detectable, although reduced, secondary antibody response. These data suggest that certain T-dependent antigens manifest an absolute dependence on complement receptors for the initiation of a normally robust immune response.


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This study examines the question of whether apolipoprotein E (apoE) alters steady-state concentrations of plasma cholesterol carried in low density lipoproteins (LDL-C) by acting as a competitive inhibitor of hepatic LDL uptake or by altering the rate of net cholesterol delivery from the intestinal lumen to the liver. To differentiate between these two possibilities, rates of cholesterol absorption and synthesis and the kinetics of hepatic LDL-C transport were measured in vivo in mice with either normal (apoE+/+) or zero (apoE-/-) levels of circulating apoE. Rates of cholesterol absorption were essentially identical in both genotypes and equaled approximately 44% of the daily dietary load of cholesterol. This finding was consistent with the further observation that the rates of cholesterol synthesis in the liver (approximately 2,000 nmol/h) and extrahepatic tissues (approximately 3,000 nmol/h) were also essentially identical in the two groups of mice. However, the apparent Michaelis constant for receptor-dependent hepatic LDL-C uptake was markedly lower in the apoE-/- mice (44 +/- 4 mg/dl) than in the apoE+/+ animals (329 +/- 77 mg/dl) even though the maximal transport velocity for this uptake process was essentially the same (approximately 400 micrograms/h per g) in the two groups of mice. These studies, therefore, demonstrate that apoE-containing lipoproteins can act as potent competitive inhibitors of hepatic LDL-C transport and so can significantly increase steady-state plasma LDL-C levels. This apolipoprotein plays no role, however, in the regulation of cholesterol absorption, sterol biosynthesis, or hepatic LDL receptor number, at least in the mouse.


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Transcription of the late genes of simian virus 40 (SV40) is repressed during the early phase of the lytic cycle of infection of binding of cellular factors, called IBP-s, to the SV40 late promoter; repression is relieved after the onset of viral DNA replication by titration of these repressors. Preliminary data indicated that one of the major components of IBP-s was human estrogen-related receptor 1 (hERR1). We show here that several members of the steroid/thyroid hormone receptor superfamily, including testis receptor 2, thyroid receptor alpha 1 in combination with retinoid X receptor alpha, chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factors 1 and 2 (COUP-TF1 and COUP-TF2), as well as hERR1, possess the properties of IBP-s. These receptors bind specifically to hormone receptor binding sites present in the SV40 major late promoter. Recombinant COUP-TF1 specifically represses transcription from the SV40 major late promoter in a cell-free transcription system. Expression of COUP-TF1, COUP-TF2, or hERR1 in monkey cells results in repression of the SV40 late promoter, but not the early promoter, in the absence of the virally encoded large tumor antigen. Overexpression of COUP-TF1 leads to a delay in the early-to-late switch in SV40 gene expression during the lytic cycle of infection. Thus, members of this superfamily can play major direct roles in regulating expression of SV40. Possibly, natural or synthetic ligands to these receptors can serve as antiviral drugs. Our findings also provide the basis for the development of assays to screen for the ligands to testis receptor 2 and hERR1.


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The very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) receptor is a recently cloned member of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor family that mediates the binding and uptake of VLDL when overexpressed in animal cells. Its sequence is 94% identical in humans and rabbits and 84% identical in humans and chickens, implying a conserved function. Its high level expression in muscle and adipose tissue suggests a role in VLDL triacylglycerol delivery. Mutations in the chicken homologue cause female sterility, owing to impaired VLDL and vitellogenin uptake during egg yolk formation. We used homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells to produce homozygous knockout mice that lack immunodetectable VLDL receptors. Homozygous mice of both sexes were viable and normally fertile. Plasma levels of cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and lipoproteins were normal when the mice were fed normal, high-carbohydrate, or high-fat diets. The sole abnormality detected was a modest decrease in body weight, body mass index, and adipose tissue mass as determined by the weights of epididymal fat pads. We conclude that the VLDL receptor is not required for VLDL clearance from plasma or for ovulation in mice.


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The low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor plays a central role in mammalian cholesterol metabolism, clearing lipoproteins which bear apolipoproteins E and B-100 from plasma. Mutations in this molecule are associated with familial hypercholesterolemia, a condition which leads to an elevated plasma cholesterol concentration and accelerated atherosclerosis. The N-terminal segment of the LDL receptor contains a heptad of cysteine-rich repeats that bind the lipoproteins. Similar repeats are present in related receptors, including the very low-density lipoprotein receptor and the LDL receptor-related protein/alpha 2-macroglobulin receptor, and in proteins which are functionally unrelated, such as the C9 component of complement. The first repeat of the human LDL receptor has been expressed in Escherichia coli as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein, and the cleaved and purified receptor module has been shown to fold to a single, fully oxidized form that is recognized by the monoclonal antibody IgG-C7 in the presence of calcium ions. The three-dimensional structure of this module has been determined by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and shown to consist of a beta-hairpin structure, followed by a series of beta turns. Many of the side chains of the acidic residues, including the highly conserved Ser-Asp-Glu triad, are clustered on one face of the module. To our knowledge, this structure has not previously been described in any other protein and may represent a structural paradigm both for the other modules in the LDL receptor and for the homologous domains of several other proteins. Calcium ions had only minor effects on the CD spectrum and no effect on the 1H NMR spectrum of the repeat, suggesting that they induce no significant conformational change.


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The 39-kDa receptor-associated protein (RAP) associates with the multifunctional low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-related protein (LRP) and thereby prevents the binding of all known ligands, including alpha 2-macroglobulin and chylomicron remnants. RAP is predominantly localized in the endoplasmic reticulum, raising the possibility that it functions as a chaperone or escort protein in the biosynthesis or intracellular transport of LRP. Here we have used gene targeting to show that RAP promotes the expression of functional LRP in vivo. The amount of mature, processed LRP is reduced in liver and brain of RAP-deficient mice. As a result, hepatic clearance of alpha 2-macroglobulin is impaired and remnant lipoproteins accumulate in the plasma of RAP-deficient mice that also lack functional LDL receptors. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that RAP stabilizes LRP within the secretory pathway. They also suggest a further mechanism by which the activity of an endocytic receptor may be modulated in vivo.


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Two endocytic receptors, the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor (LDLR) and the LDLR-related protein (LRP), are thought to act in concert in the hepatic uptake of partially metabolized dietary lipoproteins, the chylomicron remnants. We have evaluated the role of these two receptors in the hepatic metabolism of chylomicron remnants in normal mice and in LDLR-deficient [LDLR (-/-)] mice. The rate of chylomicron remnant removal by the liver was normal up to 30 min after intravenous injection of chylomicrons into LDLR (-/-) mice and was unaffected by receptor-associated protein (RAP), a potent inhibitor of ligand binding to LRP. In contrast, endocytosis of the remnants by the hepatocytes, measured by their accumulation in the endosomal fraction and by the rate of hydrolysis of component cholesteryl esters, was dramatically reduced in the absence of the LDLR. Coadministration of RAP prevented the continuing hepatic removal of chylomicron remnants in LDL (-/-) mice after 30 min, consistent with blockade of the slow endocytosis by a RAP-sensitive process. Taken together with previous studies, our results are consistent with a model in which the initial hepatic removal of chylomicron remnants is primarily mediated by mechanisms that do not include LDLR or LRP, possibly involving glycosaminoglycan-bound hepatic lipase and apolipoprotein E. After the remnants bind to these alternative sites on the hepatocyte surface, endocytosis is predominantly mediated by the LDLR and also by a slower and less efficient backup process that is RAP sensitive and therefore most likely involves LRP.


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Although low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol lowering with the statins reduces the mortality and morbidity associated with coronary artery disease, considerable mortality and morbidity remains. Berberine upregulates the LDL receptor (LDLR) by a mechanism distinct from that of the statins, which involves stabilising the LDLR mRNA. In hamsters fed a high-fat and high-cholesterol diet for 2 weeks, the oral administration of berberine 100 mg/kg for 10 days reduced total serum cholesterol from ∼ 4.8 to 2.7 mmol/l, and LDL-cholesterol from ∼ 2.5 to 1.4 mmol/l. In subjects with hypercholesterolaemia, berberine hydrochloride (0.5 g b.i.d. for 3 months) reduced LDL-cholesterol (from 3.2 to 2.4 mmol/l) without any effect on high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol. Berberine also caused a reduction in triglyceride levels from 2.3 to 1.5 mmol/l. As berberine and statins both upregulate LDLR, their lipid-lowering profiles are similar. Thus, this mechanism is unlikely to make berberine an attractive alternative to statins for lipid lowering in most circumstances. However, the other effects of berberine (anti hypertensive, inotropic and class III antiarrhythmic properties) may make it a useful agent in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.