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MgTiO3 (MTO) thin films were prepared by the polymeric precursor method with posterior spin-coating deposition. The films were deposited on Pt(111)/Ti/SiO2/Si(100) substrates and heat treated at 350 degrees C for 2 h and then heat treated at 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650 and 700 C for 2 h. The degree of structural order disorder, optical properties, and morphology of the MTO thin films were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), micro-Raman spectroscopy (MR), ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy, photoluminescence (PL) measurements, and field-emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) to investigate the morphology. XRD revealed that an increase in the annealing temperature resulted in a structural organization of MTO thin films. First-principles quantum mechanical calculations based on density functional theory (B3LYP level) were employed to study the electronic structure of ordered and disordered asymmetric models. The electronic properties were analyzed, and the relevance of the present theoretical and experimental results was discussed in the light of PL behavior. The presence of localized electronic levels and a charge gradient in the band gap due to a break in the symmetry are responsible for the PL in disordered MTO lattice.


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Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht das Verhalten von komplexenFluidenunter Scherung, insbesondere den Einfluss von Scherflüssenauf dieStrukturbildung.Dazu wird ein Modell dieser entworfen, welches imRahmen von Molekulardynamiksimulationen verwendet wird.Zunächst werden Gleichgewichtseigenschaften dieses Modellsuntersucht.Hierbei wird unter anderem die Lage desOrdnungs--Unordnungsübergangs von derisotropen zur lamellaren Phase der Dimere bestimmt.Der Einfluss von Scherflüssen auf diese lamellare Phase wirdnununtersucht und mit analytischen Theorien verglichen. Die Scherung einer parallelen lamellaren Phase ruft eineNeuausrichtung des Direktors in Flussrichtung hervor.Das verursacht eine Verminderung der Schichtdicke mitsteigender Scherrateund führt oberhalb eines Schwellwertes zu Ondulationen.Ein vergleichbares Verhalten wird auch in lamellarenSystemengefunden, an denen in Richtung des Direktors gezogen wird.Allerdings wird festgestellt, dass die Art der Bifurkationenin beidenFällen unterschiedlich ist.Unter Scherung wird ein Übergang von Lamellen parallelerAusrichtung zu senkrechter gefunden.Dabei wird beoachtet, dass die Scherspannung in senkrechterOrientierungniedriger als in der parallelen ist.Dies führt unter bestimmten Bedingungen zum Auftreten vonScherbändern, was auch in Simulationen beobachtet wird. Es ist gelungen mit einem einfachen Modell viele Apsekte desVerhalten vonkomplexen Fluiden wiederzugeben. Die Strukturbildung hängt offensichtlich nurbedingt von lokalen Eigenschaften der Moleküle ab.


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Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit standen Untersuchungen zu strukturellen Ordnungs- und Unordnungsphänomenen an natürlichen, substitutionellen Mischkristallen. Aufgrund der enormen Vielfalt an potentiellen Austauschpartnern wurden hierfür Vertreter der Biotit-Mischkristallreihe "Phlogopit-Annit" ausgewählt. Ihr modulartiger Aufbau ermöglichte die gezielte Beschreibung von Verteilungsmustern anionischer und kationischer Merkmalsträger innerhalb der Oktaederschicht der Biotit-Mischkristalle. Basierend auf der postulierten Bindungsaffinität zwischen Mg2+ und F- einerseits und Fe2+ und OH- andererseits, wurde die strukturelle Separation einer Fluor-Phlogopit-Komponente als primäre Ausprägungsform des Mg/F-Ordnungsprinzips abgeleitet. Im Rahmen dieser Modellvorstellung koexistieren im makroskopisch homogenen Biotit-Mischkristall Domänen zweier chemisch divergenter Phasen nebeneinander: Eine rein Mg2+/F- - führende Phlogopit-Phase und eine Wirtskristallphase, die mit fortschreitender Separation bzw. Entmischung der erstgenannten Phase sukzessive reicher an einer hydroxylführenden eisenreichen Annit-Komponente wird. Zwecks numerischer Beschreibung diverser Stadien der Entmischungsreaktion wurden die Begriffe der "Relativen" und "Absoluten Domänengröße" eingeführt. Sie stellen ein quantitatives Maß zur Beurteilung der diskutierten Ordnungsphänomene dar. Basierend auf einem sich stetig ändernden Chemismus der Wirtskristallphase kann jeder Übergangszustand zwischen statistischer Verteilung und vollständiger Ordnung durch das korrespondierende Verteilungsmuster der interessierenden Merkmalsträger ( = Nahordnungskonfiguration und Besetzungswahrscheinlichkeit) charakterisiert und beschrieben werden. Durch mößbauerspektroskopische Untersuchungen konnten die anhand der entwickelten Modelle vorhergesagten Ausprägungsformen von Ordnungs-/Unordnungsphänomenen qualitativ und quantitativ verifiziert werden. Es liessen sich hierbei zwei Gruppen von Biotit-Mischkristallen unterscheiden. Eine erste Gruppe, deren Mößbauer-Spektren durch den OH/F-Chemismus als dominierendes Differenzierungsmerkmal geprägt wird, und eine zweite Gruppe, deren Mößbauer-Spektren durch Gruppierungen von höherwertigen Kationen und Vakanzen ( = Defektchemie) geprägt wird. Auf der Basis von Korrelationsdiagrammen, die einen numerischen und graphischen Bezug zwischen absoluter und relativer Domänengröße einerseits und experimentell zugänglichem Mößbauer-Parameter A (= relativer Flächenanteil, korrespondierend mit der Besetzungswahrscheinlichkeit einer bestimmten Nahordnungs-konstellation) andererseits herstellen, konnten für die erste Gruppe die Volumina der beiden miteinander koexistierenden Komponenten "Hydroxyl-Annit reicher Wirtskristall" und "Fluor-Phlogopit" exakt quantifiziert werden. Das Spektrum der untersuchten Proben umfasste hierbei Kristallspezies, die einerseits durch geringe bis mittlere Mg2+/F- - bzw. Fe2+/OH- -Ordnungsgrade gekennzeichnet sind, andererseits eine nahezu vollständige Ordnung der interessierenden Merkmalsträger Mg2+, Fe2+, OH- und F- widerspiegeln. Desweiteren konnte der Nachweis geführt werden, dass für ausgewählte Proben eine quantitative Bestimmung der Defektvolumina möglich ist.


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CIGS-Dünnschichtsolarzellen verbinden hohe Effizienz mit niedrigen Kosten und sind damit eine aussichtsreiche Photovoltaik-Technologie. Das Verständnis des Absorbermaterials CIGS ist allerdings noch lückenhaft und benötigt weitere Forschung. In dieser Dissertation werden Computersimulationen vorgestellt, die erheblich zum besseren Verständnis von CIGS beitragen. Es wurden die beiden Systeme Cu(In,Ga)Se2 und (Cu,In,Vac)Se betrachtet. Die Gesamtenergie der Systeme wurde in Clusterentwicklungen ausgedrückt, die auf der Basis von ab initio Dichtefunktionalrechnungen erstellt wurden. Damit war es möglich Monte Carlo (MC)-Simulationen durchzuführen. Kanonische MC-Simulationen von Cu(In,Ga)Se2 zeigen das temperaturabhängige Verhalten der In-Ga-Verteilung. In der Nähe der Raumtemperatur findet ein Übergang von einer geordneten zu einer ungeordneten Phase statt. Unterhalb separiert das System in CuInSe2 und CuGaSe2. Oberhalb existiert eine gemischte Phase mit inhomogen verteilten In- und Ga-Clustern. Mit steigender Temperatur verkleinern sich die Cluster und die Homogenität nimmt zu. Bei allen Temperaturen, bis hin zur Produktionstemperatur der Solarzellen (¼ 870 K), ist In-reiches CIGS homogener als Ga-reiches CIGS. Das (Cu,In,Vac)Se-System wurde mit kanonischen und großkanonischen MC-Simulationen untersucht. Hier findet sich für das CuIn5Se8-Teilsystem ein Übergang von einer geordneten zu einer ungeordneten Phase bei T0 = 279 K. Großkanonische Simulationen mit vorgegebenen Werten für die chemischen Potentiale von Cu und In wurden verwendet, um die Konzentrations- Landschaft und damit die sich ergebenden Stöchiometrien zu bestimmen. Stabilitätsbereiche wurden für stöchiometrisches CuInSe2 und für die Defektphasen CuIn5Se8 und CuIn3Se5 bei einer Temperatur von 174 K identifiziert. Die Bereiche für die Defektphasen sind bei T = 696 K verschwunden. Die Konzentrations-Landschaft reproduziert auch die leicht Cu-armen Stöchiometrien, die bei Solarzellen mit guten Effizienzen experimentell beobachtet werden. Die Simulationsergebnisse können verwendet werden, um den industriellen CIGS-Produktionspr


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The reaction of btzmp (1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)-2-methylpropane) with Fe(ClO4)2 generates a 1D polymeric species, [Fe(μ-btzmp)2(btzmp)2](ClO4)2, showing a steep spin transition (T½↑ = 136 K and T ½↓ = 133 K) with a 3 K thermal hysteresis. The crystal structure at 100 and 200 K reveals that, in contrast to other bistetrazole based spin-transition systems such as [Fe(endi)3](BF4)2 and [Fe(btzp)3](ClO4)2, the present compound has only two ligands bridging the metallic centres, while the other two coordination positions are occupied by two mono-coordinated (non-bridging) btzmp ligands. This peculiarity confers an unprecedented crystal packing in the series of 1D bistetrazole based polymers. The change in spin state is accompanied by an order/disorder transition of the ClO4- counterion. A careful examination of the structural changes occurring upon the spin transition indicates that this order/disorder is most likely affected by the modification of the [tetrazole-centroid]-ND-Fe angle (which is typical of bistetrazole spin-transition materials). Apart from X-ray analysis, also magnetic susceptibility, Mössbauer and UV-vis spectroscopies have been used to characterise the HS and the LS states of [Fe(µ-btzmp)2(btzmp)2](ClO4)2. © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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The phase diagram of the simplest approximation to double-exchange systems, the bosonic double-exchange model with antiferromagnetic (AFM) superexchange coupling, is fully worked out by means of Monte Carlo simulations, large-N expansions, and variational mean-field calculations. We find a rich phase diagram, with no first-order phase transitions. The most surprising finding is the existence of a segmentlike ordered phase at low temperature for intermediate AFM coupling which cannot be detected in neutron-scattering experiments. This is signaled by a maximum (a cusp) in the specific heat. Below the phase transition, only short-range ordering would be found in neutron scattering. Researchers looking for a quantum critical point in manganites should be wary of this possibility. Finite-size scaling estimates of critical exponents are presented, although large scaling corrections are present in the reachable lattice sizes.


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We numerically analyse the behavior of the full distribution of collective observables in quantum spin chains. While most of previous studies of quantum critical phenomena are limited to the first moments, here we demonstrate how quantum fluctuations at criticality lead to highly non-Gaussian distributions. Interestingly, we show that the distributions for different system sizes collapse on thesame curve after scaling for a wide range of transitions: first and second order quantum transitions and transitions of the Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless type. We propose and analyse the feasibility of an experimental reconstruction of the distribution using light–matter interfaces for atoms in optical lattices or in optical resonators.


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In many studies of the side-chain liquid crystalline polymers (SCLCPs) bearing azobenzene mesogens as pendant groups, obtaining the orientation of azobenzene mesogens at a macroscopic scale as well as its control is important, because it impacts many properties related to the cooperative motion characteristic of liquid crystals and the trans-cis photoisomerization of the azobenzene molecules. Various means can be used to align the mesogens in the polymers, including rubbed surface, mechanical stretching or shearing, and electric or magnetic field. In the case of azobenzene-containing SCLCPs, another method consists in using linearly polarized light (LPL) to induce orientation of azobenzene mesogens perpendicular to the polarization direction of the excitation light, and such photoinduced orientation has been the subject of numerous studies. In the first study realized in this thesis (Chapter 1), we carried out the first systematic investigation on the interplay of the mechanically and optically induced orientation of azobenzene mesogens as well as the effect of thermal annealing in a SCLCP and a diblock copolymer comprising two SCLCPs bearing azobenzene and biphenyl mesogens, respectively. Using a supporting-film approach previously developed by our group, a given polymer film can be first stretched in either the nematic or smectic phase to yield orientation of azobenzene mesogens either parallel or perpendicular to the strain direction, then exposed to unpolarized UV light to erase the mechanically induced orientation upon the trans–cis isomerization, followed by linearly polarized visible light for photoinduced reorientation as a result of the cis–trans backisomerization, and finally heated to different LC phases for thermal annealing. Using infrared dichroism to monitor the change in orientation degree, the results of this study have unveiled complex and different orientational behavior and coupling effects for the homopolymer of poly{6-[4-(4-methoxyphenylazo)phenoxy]hexyl methacrylate} (PAzMA) and the diblock copolymer of PAzMA-block- poly{6-[4-(4-cyanophenyl) phenoxy]hexyl methacrylate} (PAzMA-PBiPh). Most notably for the homopolymer, the stretching-induced orientation exerts no memory effect on the photoinduced reorientation, the direction of which is determined by the polarization of the visible light regardless of the mechanically induced orientation direction in the stretched film. Moreover, subsequent thermal annealing in the nematic phase leads to parallel orientation independently of the initial mechanically or photoinduced orientation direction. By contrast, the diblock copolymer displays a strong orientation memory effect. Regardless of the condition used, either for photoinduced reorientation or thermal annealing in the liquid crystalline phase, only the initial stretching-induced perpendicular orientation of azobenzene mesogens can be recovered. The reported findings provide new insight into the different orientation mechanisms, and help understand the important issue of orientation induction and control in azobenzene-containing SCLCPs. The second study presented in this thesis (Chapter 2) deals with supramolecular side-chain liquid crystalline polymers (S-SCLCPs), in which side-group mesogens are linked to the chain backbone through non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding. Little is known about the mechanically induced orientation of mesogens in S-SCLCPs. In contrast to covalent SCLCPs, free-standing, solution-cast thin films of a S-SCLCP, built up with 4-(4’-heptylphenyl) azophenol (7PAP) H-bonded to poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (P4VP), display excellent stretchability. Taking advantage of this finding, we investigated the stretching-induced orientation and the viscoelastic behavior of this S-SCLCP, and the results revealed major differences between supramolecular and covalent SCLCPs. For covalent SCLCPs, the strong coupling between chain backbone and side-group mesogens means that the two constituents can mutually influence each other; the lack of chain entanglements is a manifestation of this coupling effect, which accounts for the difficulty in obtaining freestanding and mechanically stretchable films. Upon elongation of a covalent SCLCP film cast on a supporting film, the mechanical force acts on the coupled polymer backbone and mesogenic side groups, and the latter orients cooperatively and efficiently (high orientation degree), which, in turn, imposes an anisotropic conformation of the chain backbone (low orientation degree). In the case of the S-SCLCP of P4VP-7PAP, the coupling between the side-group mesogens and the chain backbone is much weakened owing to the dynamic dissociation/association of the H-bonds linking the two constituents. The consequence of this decoupling is readily observable from the viscoelastic behavior. The average molecular weight between entanglements is basically unchanged in both the smectic and isotropic phase, and is similar to non-liquid crystalline samples. As a result, the S-SCLCP can easily form freestanding and stretchable films. Furthermore, the stretching induced orientation behavior of P4VP-7PAP is totally different. Stretching in the smectic phase results in a very low degree of orientation of the side-group mesogens even at a large strain (500%), while the orientation of the main chain backbone develops steadily with increasing the strain, much the same way as amorphous polymers. The results imply that upon stretching, the mechanical force is mostly coupled to the polymer backbone and leads to its orientation, while the main chain orientation exerts little effect on orienting the H-bonded mesogenic side groups. This surprising finding is explained by the likelihood that during stretching in the smectic phase (at relatively higher temperatures) the dynamic dissociation of the H-bonds allow the side-group mesogens to be decoupled from the chain backbone and relax quickly. In the third project (Chapter 3), we investigated the shape memory properties of a S-SCLCP prepared by tethering two azobenzene mesogens, namely, 7PAP and 4-(4'-ethoxyphenyl) azophenol (2OPAP), to P4VP through H-bonding. The results revealed that, despite the dynamic nature of the linking H-bonds, the supramolecular SCLCP behaves similarly to covalent SCLCP by exhibiting a two-stage thermally triggered shape recovery process governed by both the glass transition and the LC-isotropic phase transition. The ability for the supramolecular SCLCP to store part of the strain energy above T[subscript g] in the LC phase enables the triple-shape memory property. Moreover, thanks to the azobenzene mesogens used, which can undergo trans-cis photoisomerization, exposure the supramolecular SCLCP to UV light can also trigger the shape recovery process, thus enabling the remote activation and the spatiotemporal control of the shape memory. By measuring the generated contractile force and its removal upon turning on and off the UV light, respectively, on an elongated film under constant strain, it seems that the optically triggered shape recovery stems from a combination of a photothermal effect and an effect of photoplasticization or of an order-disorder phase transition resulting from the trans-cis photoisomerization of azobenzene mesogens.


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La expansión urbana mediante asentamientos de origen informal ha ido aumentado en los últimos años debido al déficit en la oferta de vivienda formal, el costo del suelo urbano y factores económicos, sociales y culturales. Estos asentamientos no cuentan con infraestructura básica y los terrenos que generalmente son invadidos se encuentran en zonas de riesgo y no ofrecen las condiciones físicas y habitacionales adecuadas para el habitar de las personas. El distrito a través del Programa de Mejoramiento Integral de Barrios (PMIB) busca intervenir sobre los aspectos críticos en cada barrio, habilitar la infraestructura básica que permita su integración a la ciudad y mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes. Este proceso parte de delimitar las zonas críticas y definir las intervenciones físicas, sociales y ambientales que deben ser llevadas a cabo por diferentes entidades distritales. En este estudio se hace un análisis de las intervenciones que se han llevado a cabo en la Área Prioritaria de Intervención (API) El Tesoro, para analizar cuales intervenciones llevadas a cabo han sido exitosas y cuales requieren de ajustes para lograr un mejor impacto. Se encontró que estas intervenciones no han sido suficientes para mejorar las condiciones habitacionales de las personas, razón por lo cual es necesario revisar la política y formas de intervención.


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The structures of two polymorphs of the anhydrous cocrystal adduct of bis(quinolinium-2-carboxylate) DL-malic acid, one triclinic the other monoclinic and disordered, have been determined at 200 K. Crystals of the triclinic polymorph 1 have space group P-1, with Z = 1 in a cell with dimensions a = 4.4854(4), b = 9.8914(7), c = 12.4670(8)Å, α = 79.671(5), β = 83.094(6), γ = 88.745(6)deg. Crystals of the monoclinic polymorph 2 have space group P21/c, with Z = 2 in a cell with dimensions a = 13.3640(4), b = 4.4237(12), c = 18.4182(5)Å, β = 100.782(3)deg. Both structures comprise centrosymmetric cyclic hydrogen-bonded quinolinic acid zwitterion dimers [graph set R2/2(10)] and 50% disordered malic acid molecules which lie across crystallographic inversion centres. However, the oxygen atoms of the malic acid carboxylic groups in 2 are 50% rotationally disordered whereas in 1 these are ordered. There are similar primary malic acid carboxyl O-H...quinaldic acid hydrogen-bonding chain interactions in each polymorph, extended into two-dimensional structures but in l this involves centrosymmetric cyclic head-to-head malic acid hydroxyl-carboxyl O-H...O interactions [graph set R2/2(10)] whereas in 2 the links are through single hydroxy-carboxyl hydrogen bonds.


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Similar quantum phase diagrams and transitions are found for three classes of one-dimensional models with equally spaced sites, singlet ground states (GS), inversion symmetry at sites and a bond order wave (BOW) phase in some sectors. The models are frustrated spin-1/2 chains with variable range exchange, half-filled Hubbard models with spin-independent interactions and modified Hubbard models with site energies for describing organic charge transfer salts. In some range of parameters, the models have a first order quantum transition at which the GS expectation value of the sublattice spin < S-A(2)> of odd or even-numbered sites is discontinuous. There is an intermediate BOW phase for other model parameters that lead to two continuous quantum transitions with continuous < S-A(2)>. Exact diagonalization of finite systems and symmetry arguments provide a unified picture of familiar 1D models that have appeared separately in widely different contexts.


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Similar quantum phase diagrams and transitions are found for three classes of one-dimensional models with equally spaced sites, singlet ground states (GS), inversion symmetry at sites and a bond order wave (BOW) phase in some sectors. The models are frustrated spin-1/2 chains with variable range exchange, half-filled Hubbard models with spin-independent interactions and modified Hubbard models with site energies for describing organic charge transfer salts. In some range of parameters, the models have a first order quantum transition at which the GS expectation value of the sublattice spin < S-A(2)> of odd or even-numbered sites is discontinuous. There is an intermediate BOW phase for other model parameters that lead to two continuous quantum transitions with continuous < S-A(2)>. Exact diagonalization of finite systems and symmetry arguments provide a unified picture of familiar 1D models that have appeared separately in widely different contexts.


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Four individual quadruplexes, which are self-assembled in ammonium acetate solution from telomeric sequences of closely related DNA strands - d(G(4)T(4)G(4)), d(G(3)T(4)G(4)), d(G(3)T(4)G(3)), and d(G(4)T(4)G(3)) - have been detected in the gas phase using electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS). The bimolecular quadruplexes associate with the same number of NH4+ in the gas phase as NMR shows that they do in solution. The quadruplex structures formed in solution are maintained in the gas phase. Furthermore, the mass spectra show that the bimolecular quadruplexes generated by the strands d(G(3)T(4)G(3)) and d(G(4)T(4)G(3)) are unstable, being converted into trimolecular and tetramolecular structures with increasing concentrations of NH4+ in the solution. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra reveal structural changes during the process of strand stoichiometric transitions, in which the relative orientation of strands in the quadruplexes changes from an antiparallel to a parallel arrangement. Such changes were observed for the strand d(G(4)T(4)G(3)), but not for the strand d(G(3)T(4)G(3)). The present work provides a significant insight into the formation of various DNA quadruplexes, especially the higher-order species.


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The novel poly(aryl ether ketone)s were synthesized by nucleophilic substitution reactions of 4,4'-difluorobenzophenone with 4,4'-biphenyldiol and chlorohydroquinone. As expected, the copolymers have lower melting transitions than the biphenyldiol-based homopoly(aryl ether ketone) because of the copolymerization effect of the crystal-disrupting monomer chlorohydroquinone. Copolymers containing 50 and 70% biphenyldiol show two first-order transitions which are associated with the crystal-to-liquid crystal transition and the liquid crystal-to-isotropic transition.