The thesis is concerned with the electron properties of single-polepiece magnetic electron lenses especially under conditions of extreme polepiece saturation. The electron optical properties are first analysed under conditions of high polepiece permeability. From this analysis, a general idea can be obtained of the important parameters that affect ultimate lens performance. In addition, useful information is obtained concerning the design of improved lenses operating under conditions of extreme polepiece saturation, for example at flux densities of the order of 10 Tesla. It is shown that in a single-polepiece lens , the position and shape of the lens exciting coil plays an important role. In particular, the maximum permissible current density in the windings,rather than the properties of the iron, can set a limit to lens performance. This factor was therefore investigated in some detail. The axial field distribution of a single-polepiece lens, unlike that of a conventional lens, is highly asymmetrical. There are therefore two possible physical arrangements of the lens with respect to the incoming electron beam. In general these two orientations will result in different aberration coefficients. This feature has also been investigated in some detail. Single-pole piece lenses are thus considerably more complicated electron- optically than conventional double polepiece lenses. In particular, the absence of the usual second polepiece causes most of the axial magnetic flux density distribution to lie outside the body of the lens. This can have many advantages in electron microscopy but it creates problems in calculating the magnetic field distribution. In particular, presently available computer programs are liable to be considerably in error when applied to such structures. It was therefore necessary to find independent ways of checking the field calculations. Furthermore, if the polepiece is allowed to saturate, much more calculation is involved since the field distribution becomes a non-linear function of the lens excitation. In searching for optimum lens designs, care was therefore taken to ensure that the coil was placed in the optimum position. If this condition is satisfied there seems to be no theoretical limit to the maximum flux density that can be attained at the polepiece tip. However , under iron saturation condition, some broadening of the axial field distribution will take place, thereby changing the lens aberrations . Extensive calculations were therefore made to find the minimum spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients . The focal properties of such lens designs are presented and compared with the best conventional double-polepiece lenses presently available.
A distributed temperature sensor for transient threshold monitoring with a 22 km sensing length, based on the Brillouin loss in standard communications fibre, is demonstrated. The system can be used for real-time monitoring of a preset temperature threshold. Good S/N ratios were achieved with only 8–16 sample averages giving a response time of 2 to 4 s with a temperature uncertainty of ±1 °C.
Purpose: To demonstrate the importance of OCT examination of fellow, normal eyes in unilateral nAMD follow up clinics. Methods: The authors present three cases of unilateral nAMD who were undergoing treatment with ranibizumab, in whom OCT evaluation of the previously unaffected, asymptomatic fellow eye allowed early diagnosis, treatment and preservation of vision. Fundus examination had previously failed to demonstrate abnormality. Results: Intravitreal anti-VEGF treatment for nAMD has caused a sharp increase in the number of subjects attending macular clinics, frequently overburdening the system. It may sometimes be tempting for hospitals to reduce the workload by for example, concentrating only on OCT examination of the affected eye in cases of unilateral nAMD. The three reported cases demonstrate that OCT scanning of the fellow, previously unaffected eye is essential in detecting asymptomatic nAMD, which gives a better chance of preservation of vision. Conclusions: Patients with unilateral neovascular AMD undergoing review in macular clinics should always undergo OCT scanning of normal, fellow eyes, as otherwise asymptomatic, “invisible” choroidal neovascular membranes may be missed.
The diagnosis and monitoring of ocular disease presents considerable clinical difficulties for two main reasons i) the substantial physiological variation of anatomical structure of the visual pathway and ii) constraints due to technical limitations of diagnostic hardware. These are further confounded by difficulties in detecting early loss or change in visual function due to the masking of disease effects, for example, due to a high degree of redundancy in terms of nerve fibre number along the visual pathway. This thesis addresses these issues across three areas of study: 1. Factors influencing retinal thickness measures and their clinical interpretation As the retina is the principal anatomical site for damage associated with visual loss, objective measures of retinal thickness and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness are key to the detection of pathology. In this thesis the ability of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to provide repeatable and reproducible measures of retinal structure at the macula and optic nerve head is investigated. In addition, the normal physiological variations in retinal thickness and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness are explored. Principal findings were: • Macular retinal thickness and optic nerve head measurements are repeatable and reproducible for normal subjects and diseased eyes • Macular and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness around the optic nerve correlate negatively with axial length, suggesting that larger eyes have thinner retinae, potentially making them more susceptible to damage or disease • Foveola retinal thickness increases with age while retinal nerve fibre layer thickness around the optic nerve head decreases with age. Such findings should be considered during examination of the eye with suspect pathology or in long-term disease monitoring 2. Impact of glucose control on retinal anatomy and function in diabetes Diabetes is a major health concern in the UK and worldwide and diabetic retinopathy is a major cause of blindness in the working population. Objective, quantitative measurements of retinal thickness. particularly at the macula provide essential information regarding disease progression and the efficacy of treatment. Functional vision loss in diabetic patients is commonly observed in clinical and experimental studies and is thought to be affected by blood glucose levels. In the first study of its kind, the short term impact of fluctuations in blood glucose levels on retinal structure and function over a 12 hour period in patients with diabetes are investigated. Principal findings were: • Acute fluctuations in blood glucose levels are greater in diabetic patients than normal subjects • The fluctuations in blood glucose levels impact contrast sensitivity scores. SWAP visual fields, intraocular pressure and diastolic pressure. This effect is similar for type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients despite the differences in their physiological status. • Long-term metabolic control in the diabetic patient is a useful predictor in the fluctuation of contrast sensitivity scores. • Large fluctuations in blood glucose levels and/or visual function and structure may be indicative of an increased risk of development or progression of retinopathy 3. Structural and functional damage of the visual pathway in glaucomatous optic neuropathy The glaucomatous eye undergoes a number of well documented pathological changes including retinal nerve fibre loss and optic nerve head damage which is correlated with loss of functional vision. In experimental glaucoma there is evidence that glaucomatous damage extends from retinal ganglion cells in the eye, along the visual pathway, to vision centres in the brain. This thesis explores the effects of glaucoma on retinal nerve fibre layer thickness, ocular anterior anatomy and cortical structure, and its correlates with visual function in humans. Principal findings were: • In the retina, glaucomatous retinal nerve fibre layer loss is less marked with increasing distance from the optic nerve head, suggesting that RNFL examination at a greater distance than traditionally employed may provide invaluable early indicators of glaucomatous damage • Neuroretinal rim area and retrobulbar optic nerve diameter are strong indicators of visual field loss • Grey matter density decreases at a rate of 3.85% per decade. There was no clear evidence of a disease effect • Cortical activation as measured by fMRI was a strong indicator of functional damage in patients with significant neuroretinal rim loss despite relatively modest visual field defects These investigations have shown that the effects of senescence are evident in both the anterior and posterior visual pathway. A variety of anatomical and functional diagnostic protocols for the investigation of damage to the visual pathway in ocular disease are required to maximise understanding of the disease processes and thereby optimising patient care.
The tolerance of a 42.65 Gbit/s dual-gate asynchronous digital optical regenerator using a single Mach-Zehnder modulator to optical signal-to-noise-ratio degradation and chromatic dispersion is experimentally demonstrated.
We present the impact of Asymmetric filtering of strong (e.g. 35 GHz) optical filters on the performance of 42.7 Gb/s 50% RZ-DPSK systems. The performance is evaluated when offsetting the filter by substantial amounts and it is found that with an offset of almost half the bit rate there is a significant improvement in the calculated Q.
This work numerically analyzes the performances of a 2R (reamplification and reshaping) regenerator based on a nonlinear optical loop mirror and a 3R (reamplification, reshaping, and retiming) regenerator using a nonlinearly enhanced amplitude modulator in 40-Gb/s standard single-mode fiber (SMF)-based optical networks with large amplifier spacing. The characteristics of one(600 km of SMF) and two-step regeneration are examined and the feasibility of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) operation is demonstrated.
We have proposed a new technique of all-optical nonlinear pulse processing for use at a RZ optical receiver, which is based on an AM or any device with a similar function of temporal gating/slicing enhanced by the effect of Kerr nonlinearity in a NDF. The efficiency of the technique has been demonstrated by application to timing jitter and noise-limited RZ transmission at 40 Gbit/s. Substantial suppression of the signal timing jitter and overall improvement of the receiver performance has been demonstrated using the proposed method.
We have reduced signal-signal four-wave mixing crosstalk in a fiber optical parametric amplifier (OPA) by using a short nonlinear fiber for the gain medium and a high-power pump. This allowed us to obtain less than 1 dB penalty for amplification of 26 dense wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) channels modulated at 43.7Gb/s return to zero-differential phase-shift keying, with the OPA placed between transmitter and receiver. We then used the same OPA in several different roles for a long-haul transmission system. We did not insert the OPA within the loop, but investigated this role indirectly by using equivalent results for small numbers of loop recirculations. We found that standard erbium-doped fiber amplifiers currently hold an advantage over this OPA, which becomes negligible for long distances. This paper shows that at this time OPAs can handle amplification of WDM traffic in excess of 1 Tb/s with little degradation. It also indicates that with further improvements, fiber OPAs could be a contender for wideband amplification in future optical communication networks.
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) ensures the structural health and safety of critical structures covering a wide range of application areas. This thesis presents novel, low-cost and good-performance fibre Bragg grating (FBG) based systems for detection of Acoustic Emission (AE) in aircraft structures, which is a part of SHM. Importantly a key aim, during the design of these systems, was to produce systems that were sufficiently small to install in an aircraft for lifetime monitoring. Two important techniques for monitoring high frequency AE that were developed as a part of this research were, Quadrature recombination technique and Active tracking technique. Active tracking technique was used extensively and was further developed to overcome the limitations that were observed while testing it at several test facilities and with different optical fibre sensors. This system was able to eliminate any low frequency spectrum shift due to environmental perturbation and keeps the sensor always working at optimum operation point. This is highly desirable in harsh industrial and operationally active environments. Experimental work carried out in the laboratory has proved that such systems can be used for high frequency detection and have capability to detect up to 600 kHz. However, the range of frequency depends upon the requirement and design of the interrogation system as the system can be altered accordingly for different applications. Several optical fibre configurations for wavelength detection were designed during the course of this work along with industrial partners. Fibre Bragg grating Fabry-Perot (FBG-FP) sensors have shown higher sensitivity and usability than the uniform FBGs to be used with such system. This was shown experimentally. The author is certain that further research will lead to development of a commercially marketable product and the use of active tracking systems can be extended in areas of healthcare, civil infrastructure monitoring etc. where it can be deployed. Finally, the AE detection system has been developed to aerospace requirements and was tested at NDT & Testing Technology test facility based at Airbus, Filton, UK on A350 testing panels.
We develop an analytical theory which allows us to identify the information spectral density limits of multimode optical fiber transmission systems. Our approach takes into account the Kerr-effect induced interactions of the propagating spatial modes and derives closed-form expressions for the spectral density of the corresponding nonlinear distortion. Experimental characterization results have confirmed the accuracy of the proposed models. Application of our theory in different FMF transmission scenarios has predicted a ~10% variation in total system throughput due to changes associated with inter-mode nonlinear interactions, in agreement with an observed 3dB increase in nonlinear noise power spectral density for a graded index four LP mode fiber. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
A distributed temperature sensor for transient threshold monitoring with a 22 km sensing length, based on the Brillouin loss in standard communications fibre, is demonstrated. The system can be used for real-time monitoring of a preset temperature threshold. Good S/N ratios were achieved with only 8–16 sample averages giving a response time of 2 to 4 s with a temperature uncertainty of ±1 °C.
This paper numerically analyzes the performances of a 2R (reamplification and reshaping) regenerator based on a nonlinear optical loop mirror and a 3R (reamplification, reshaping, and retiming) regenerator using a nonlinearly enhanced amplitude modulator in 40-Gb/s standard single-mode fiber (SMF)-based optical networks with large amplifier spacing. The characteristics of one- (600 km of SMF) and two-step regeneration are examined and the feasibility of wavelength-division multiplexing operation is demonstrated. © 2005 IEEE.
We discuss practical designs of coherent optical fast OFDM, and compare the performance of this scheme to conventional OFDM to identify its suitable application scenarios. © OSA 2013
A new generation of surface plasmonic optical fibre sensors is fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fibre. Post-deposition UV laser irradiation using a phase mask produces a nano-scaled surface relief grating structure, resembling nano-wires. The overall length of the individual corrugations is approximately 14 μm with an average full width half maximum of 100 nm. Evidence is presented to show that these surface structures result from material compaction created by the silicon dioxide and germanium layers in the multi-layered coating and the surface topology is capable of supporting localised surface plasmons. The coating compaction induces a strain gradient into the D-shaped optical fibre that generates an asymmetric periodic refractive index profile which enhances the coupling of the light from the core of the fibre to plasmons on the surface of the coating. Experimental data are presented that show changes in spectral characteristics after UV processing and that the performance of the sensors increases from that of their pre-UV irradiation state. The enhanced performance is illustrated with regards to change in external refractive index and demonstrates high spectral sensitivities in gaseous and aqueous index regimes ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity. The devices generate surface plasmons over a very large wavelength range, (visible to 2 μm) depending on the polarization state of the illuminating light. © 2013 SPIE.