990 resultados para Numerical calculation


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The present paper deals with the calculation of grounding resistance of an electrode composed of thin wires, that we consider here as perfect electric conductors (PEC) e.g. with null internal resistance, when buried in a soil of uniform resistivity. The potential profile at the ground surface is also calculated when the electrode is energized with low frequency current. The classic treatment by using leakage currents, called Charge Simulated Method (CSM), is compared with that using a set of steady currents along the axis of the wires, here called the Longitudinal Currents Method (LCM), to solve the Maxwell equations. The method of moments is applied to obtain a numerical approximation of the solution by using rectangular basis functions. Both methods are applied to two types of electrodes and the results are also compared with those obtained using a thirth approach, the Average Potential Method (APM), later described in the text. From the analysis performed, we can estimate a value of the error in the determination of grounding resistance as a function of the number of segments in which the electrodes are divided.


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El estudio sísmico en los últimos 50 años y el análisis del comportamiento dinámico del suelo revelan que el comportamiento del suelo es altamente no lineal e histéretico incluso para pequeñas deformaciones. El comportamiento no lineal del suelo durante un evento sísmico tiene un papel predominante en el análisis de la respuesta de sitio. Los análisis unidimensionales de la respuesta sísmica del suelo son a menudo realizados utilizando procedimientos lineales equivalentes, que requieren generalmente pocos parámetros conocidos. Los análisis de respuesta de sitio no lineal tienen el potencial para simular con mayor precisión el comportamiento del suelo, pero su aplicación en la práctica se ha visto limitada debido a la selección de parámetros poco documentadas y poco claras, así como una inadecuada documentación de los beneficios del modelado no lineal en relación al modelado lineal equivalente. En el análisis del suelo, el comportamiento del suelo es aproximado como un sólido Kelvin-Voigt con un módulo de corte elástico y amortiguamiento viscoso. En el análisis lineal y no lineal del suelo se están considerando geometrías y modelos reológicos más complejos. El primero está siendo dirigido por considerar parametrizaciones más ricas del comportamiento linealizado y el segundo mediante el uso de multi-modo de los elementos de resorte-amortiguador con un eventual amortiguador fraccional. El uso del cálculo fraccional está motivado en gran parte por el hecho de que se requieren menos parámetros para lograr la aproximación exacta a los datos experimentales. Basándose en el modelo de Kelvin-Voigt, la viscoelasticidad es revisada desde su formulación más estándar a algunas descripciones más avanzada que implica la amortiguación dependiente de la frecuencia (o viscosidad), analizando los efectos de considerar derivados fraccionarios para representar esas contribuciones viscosas. Vamos a demostrar que tal elección se traduce en modelos más ricos que pueden adaptarse a diferentes limitaciones relacionadas con la potencia disipada, amplitud de la respuesta y el ángulo de fase. Por otra parte, el uso de derivados fraccionarios permite acomodar en paralelo, dentro de un análogo de Kelvin-Voigt generalizado, muchos amortiguadores que contribuyen a aumentar la flexibilidad del modelado para la descripción de los resultados experimentales. Obviamente estos modelos ricos implican muchos parámetros, los asociados con el comportamiento y los relacionados con los derivados fraccionarios. El análisis paramétrico de estos modelos requiere técnicas numéricas eficientemente capaces de simular comportamientos complejos. El método de la Descomposición Propia Generalizada (PGD) es el candidato perfecto para la construcción de este tipo de soluciones paramétricas. Podemos calcular off-line la solución paramétrica para el depósito de suelo, para todos los parámetros del modelo, tan pronto como tales soluciones paramétricas están disponibles, el problema puede ser resuelto en tiempo real, porque no se necesita ningún nuevo cálculo, el solucionador sólo necesita particularizar on-line la solución paramétrica calculada off-line, que aliviará significativamente el procedimiento de solución. En el marco de la PGD, parámetros de los materiales y los diferentes poderes de derivación podrían introducirse como extra-coordenadas en el procedimiento de solución. El cálculo fraccional y el nuevo método de reducción modelo llamado Descomposición Propia Generalizada han sido aplicado en esta tesis tanto al análisis lineal como al análisis no lineal de la respuesta del suelo utilizando un método lineal equivalente. ABSTRACT Studies of earthquakes over the last 50 years and the examination of dynamic soil behavior reveal that soil behavior is highly nonlinear and hysteretic even at small strains. Nonlinear behavior of soils during a seismic event has a predominant role in current site response analysis. One-dimensional seismic ground response analysis are often performed using equivalent-linear procedures, which require few, generally well-known parameters. Nonlinear analyses have the potential to more accurately simulate soil behavior, but their implementation in practice has been limited because of poorly documented and unclear parameter selection, as well as inadequate documentation of the benefits of nonlinear modeling relative to equivalent linear modeling. In soil analysis, soil behaviour is approximated as a Kelvin-Voigt solid with a elastic shear modulus and viscous damping. In linear and nonlinear analysis more complex geometries and more complex rheological models are being considered. The first is being addressed by considering richer parametrizations of the linearized behavior and the second by using multi-mode spring-dashpot elements with eventual fractional damping. The use of fractional calculus is motivated in large part by the fact that fewer parameters are required to achieve accurate approximation of experimental data. Based in Kelvin-Voigt model the viscoelastodynamics is revisited from its most standard formulation to some more advanced description involving frequency-dependent damping (or viscosity), analyzing the effects of considering fractional derivatives for representing such viscous contributions. We will prove that such a choice results in richer models that can accommodate different constraints related to the dissipated power, response amplitude and phase angle. Moreover, the use of fractional derivatives allows to accommodate in parallel, within a generalized Kelvin-Voigt analog, many dashpots that contribute to increase the modeling flexibility for describing experimental findings. Obviously these rich models involve many parameters, the ones associated with the behavior and the ones related to the fractional derivatives. The parametric analysis of all these models require efficient numerical techniques able to simulate complex behaviors. The Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) is the perfect candidate for producing such kind of parametric solutions. We can compute off-line the parametric solution for the soil deposit, for all parameter of the model, as soon as such parametric solutions are available, the problem can be solved in real time because no new calculation is needed, the solver only needs particularize on-line the parametric solution calculated off-line, which will alleviate significantly the solution procedure. Within the PGD framework material parameters and the different derivation powers could be introduced as extra-coordinates in the solution procedure. Fractional calculus and the new model reduction method called Proper Generalized Decomposition has been applied in this thesis to the linear analysis and nonlinear soil response analysis using a equivalent linear method.


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La evaluación de las prestaciones de las embarcaciones a vela ha constituido un objetivo para ingenieros navales y marinos desde los principios de la historia de la navegación. El conocimiento acerca de estas prestaciones, ha crecido desde la identificación de los factores clave relacionados con ellas(eslora, estabilidad, desplazamiento y superficie vélica), a una comprensión más completa de las complejas fuerzas y acoplamientos involucrados en el equilibrio. Junto con este conocimiento, la aparición de los ordenadores ha hecho posible llevar a cabo estas tareas de una forma sistemática. Esto incluye el cálculo detallado de fuerzas, pero también, el uso de estas fuerzas junto con la descripción de una embarcación a vela para la predicción de su comportamiento y, finalmente, sus prestaciones. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo proporcionar una definición global y abierta de un conjunto de modelos y reglas para describir y analizar este comportamiento. Esto se lleva a cabo sin aplicar restricciones en cuanto al tipo de barco o cálculo, sino de una forma generalizada, de modo que sea posible resolver cualquier situación, tanto estacionaria como en el dominio del tiempo. Para ello se comienza con una definición básica de los factores que condicionan el comportamiento de una embarcación a vela. A continuación se proporciona una metodología para gestionar el uso de datos de diferentes orígenes para el cálculo de fuerzas, siempre con el la solución del problema como objetivo. Esta última parte se plasma en un programa de ordenador, PASim, cuyo propósito es evaluar las prestaciones de diferentes ti pos de embarcaciones a vela en un amplio rango de condiciones. Varios ejemplos presentan diferentes usos de PASim con el objetivo de ilustrar algunos de los aspectos discutidos a lo largo de la definición del problema y su solución . Finalmente, se presenta una estructura global de cara a proporcionar una representación virtual de la embarcación real, en la cual, no solo e l comportamiento sino también su manejo, son cercanos a la experiencia de los navegantes en el mundo real. Esta estructura global se propone como el núcleo (un motor de software) de un simulador físico para el que se proporciona una especificación básica. ABSTRACT The assessment of the performance of sailing yachts, and ships in general, has been an objective for naval architects and sailors since the beginning of the history of navigation. The knowledge has grown from identifying the key factors that influence performance(length, stability, displacement and sail area), to a much more complete understanding of the complex forces and couplings involved in the equilibrium. Along with this knowledge, the advent of computers has made it possible to perform the associated tasks in a systematic way. This includes the detailed calculation of forces, but also the use of those forces, along with the description of a sailing yacht, to predict its behavior, and ultimately, its performance. The aim of this investigation is to provide a global and open definition of a set of models and rules to describe and analyze the behavior of a sailing yacht. This is done without applying any restriction to the type of yacht or calculation, but rather in a generalized way, capable of solving any possible situation, whether it is in a steady state or in the time domain. First, the basic definition of the factors that condition the behavior of a sailing yacht is given. Then, a methodology is provided to assist with the use of data from different origins for the calculation of forces, always aiming towards the solution of the problem. This last part is implemented as a computational tool, PASim, intended to assess the performance of different types of sailing yachts in a wide range of conditions. Several examples then present different uses of PASim, as a way to illustrate some of the aspects discussed throughout the definition of the problem and its solution. Finally, a global structure is presented to provide a general virtual representation of the real yacht, in which not only the behavior, but also its handling is close to the experience of the sailors in the real world. This global structure is proposed as the core (a software engine) of a physical yacht simulator, for which a basic specification is provided.


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The present paper addresses the analysis of structural vibration transmission in the presence of structural joints. The problem is tackled from a numerical point of view, analyzing some scenarios by using finite element models. The numerical results obtained making use of this process are then compared with those evaluated using the EN 12354 standard vibration reduction index concept. It is shown that, even for the simplest cases, the behavior of a structural joint is complex and evidences the frequency dependence. Comparison with results obtained by empirical formulas reveals that those of the standards cannot accurately reproduce the expected behavior, and thus indicate that alternative complementary calculation procedures are required. A simple methodology to estimate the difference between numerical and standard predictions is here proposed allowing the calculation of an adaptation term that makes both approaches converge. This term was found to be solution-dependent, and thus should be evaluated for each structure.


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In the present work, a three-dimensional (3D) formulation based on the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) is applied to the study of acoustic horns. The implemented model follows and extends previous works that only considered two-dimensional and axisymmetric horn configurations. The more realistic case of 3D acoustic horns with symmetry regarding two orthogonal planes is addressed. The use of the domain decomposition technique with two interconnected sub-regions along a continuity boundary is proposed, allowing for the computation of the sound pressure generated by an acoustic horn installed on a rigid screen. In order to reduce the model discretization requirements for these cases, Green’s functions derived with the image source methodology are adopted, automatically accounting for the presence of symmetry conditions. A strategy for the calculation of an optimal position of the virtual sources used by the MFS to define the solution is also used, leading to improved reliability and flexibility of the proposed method. The responses obtained by the developed model are compared to reference solutions, computed by well-established models based on the boundary element method. Additionally, numerically calculated acoustic parameters, such as directivity and beamwidth, are compared with those evaluated experimentally.


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Wood is a natural and traditional building material, as popular today as ever, and presents advantages. Physically, wood is strong and stiff, but compared with other materials like steel is light and flexible. Wood material can absorb sound very effectively and it is a relatively good heat insulator. But dry wood burns quite easily and produces a great deal of heat energy. The main disadvantage is the high level of combustion when exposed to fire, where the point at which it catches fire is from 200–400°C. After fire exposure, is need to determine if the charred wooden structures are safe for future use. Design methods require the use of computer modelling to predict the fire exposure and the capacity of structures to resist those action. Also, large or small scale experimental tests are necessary to calibrate and verify the numerical models. The thermal model is essential for wood structures exposed to fire, because predicts the charring rate as a function of fire exposure. The charring rate calculation of most structural wood elements allows simple calculations, but is more complicated for situations where the fire exposure is non-standard and in wood elements protected with other materials. In this work, the authors present different case studies using numerical models, that will help professionals analysing woods elements and the type of information needed to decide whether the charred structures are adequate or not to use. Different thermal models representing wooden cellular slabs, used in building construction for ceiling or flooring compartments, will be analysed and submitted to different fire scenarios (with the standard fire curve exposure). The same numerical models, considering insulation material inside the wooden cellular slabs, will be tested to compare and determine the fire time resistance and the charring rate calculation.


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Wood is a natural and traditional building material, as popular today as ever, and presents advantages. Physically, wood is strong and stiff, but compared with other materiais like steel is light and flexible. Wood material can absorb sound very effectively and it is a relatively good heat insulator. But dry wood does bum quite easily md produces a great deal ofheat energy. The main disadvantage is the high levei ofcombustion when exposed to fíre, where the point at which it catches fire is fi-om 200-400°C. After fu-e exposure, is need to determine if the charred wooden stmctures are safe for future use. Design methods require the use ofcomputer modelling to predict the fíre exposure and the capacity ofstructures to resist fhose action. Also, large or small scale experimental tests are necessary to calibrate and verify the numerical models. The thermal model is essential for wood stmctures exposed to fire, because predicts the charring rate as a fünction offire exposure. The charring rate calculation ofmost stmctural wood elements allows simple calculations, but is more complicated for situations where the fire exposure is non-standard and in wood elements protected with other materiais.


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In most magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, pulsed magnetic gradient fields induce eddy currents in the conducting structures of the superconducting magnet. The eddy currents induced in structures within the cryostat are particularly problematic as they are characterized by long time constants by virtue of the low resistivity of the conductors. This paper presents a three-dimensional (3-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) scheme in cylindrical coordinates for eddy-current calculation in conductors. This model is intended to be part of a complete FDTD model of an MRI system including all RF and low-frequency field generating units and electrical models of the patient. The singularity apparent in the governing equations is removed by using a series expansion method and the conductor-air boundary condition is handled using a variant of the surface impedance concept. The numerical difficulty due to the asymmetry of Maxwell equations for low-frequency eddy-current problems is circumvented by taking advantage of the known penetration behavior of the eddy-current fields. A perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary condition in 3-D cylindrical coordinates is also incorporated. The numerical method has been verified against analytical solutions for simple cases. Finally, the algorithm is illustrated by modeling a pulsed field gradient coil system within an MRI magnet system. The results demonstrate that the proposed FDTD scheme can be used to calculate large-scale eddy-current problems in materials with high conductivity at low frequencies.


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A numerical method is introduced to determine the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of a donor (P-31) doped inside a silicon substrate under the influence of an applied electric field. This phosphorus donor has been suggested for operation as a qubit for the realization of a solid-state scalable quantum computer. The operation of the qubit is achieved by a combination of the rotation of the phosphorus nuclear spin through a globally applied magnetic field and the selection of the phosphorus nucleus through a locally applied electric field. To realize the selection function, it is required to know the relationship between the applied electric field and the change of the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of phosphorus. In this study, based on the wave functions obtained by the effective-mass theory, we introduce an empirical correction factor to the wave functions at the donor nucleus. Using the corrected wave functions, we formulate a first-order perturbation theory for the perturbed system under the influence of an electric field. In order to calculate the potential distributions inside the silicon and the silicon dioxide layers due to the applied electric field, we use the multilayered Green's functions and solve an integral equation by the moment method. This enables us to consider more realistic, arbitrary shape, and three-dimensional qubit structures. With the calculation of the potential distributions, we have investigated the effects of the thicknesses of silicon and silicon dioxide layers, the relative position of the donor, and the applied electric field on the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of the donor.


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Manipulation of micrometer sized particles with optical tweezers can be precisely modeled with electrodynamic theory using Mie's solution for spherical particles or the T-matrix method for more complex objects. We model optical tweezers for a wide range of parameters including size, relative refractive index and objective numerical aperture. We present the resulting landscapes of the trap stiffness and maximum applicable trapping force in the parameter space. These landscapes give a detailed insight into the requirements and possibilities of optical trapping and provide detailed information on trapping of nanometer sized particles or trapping of high index particles like diamond.


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AMS Subj. Classification: 65D07, 65D30.


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Дойчин Бояджиев, Галена Пеловска - В статията се предлага оптимизиран алгоритъм, който е по-бърз в сравнение с по- рано описаната ускорена (модифицирана STS) диференчна схема за възрастово структуриран популационен модел с дифузия. Запазвайки апроксимацията на модифицирания STS алгоритъм, изчислителното времето се намаля почти два пъти. Това прави оптимизирания метод по-предпочитан за задачи с нелинейност или с по-висока размерност.


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This thesis investigates the numerical modelling of Dynamic Position (DP) in pack ice. A two-dimensional numerical model for ship-ice interaction was developed using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). A viscous-elastic ice rheology was adopted to model the dynamic behaviour of the ice floes. Both the ship-ice and the ice-ice contacts were considered in the interaction force. The environment forces and the hydrodynamic forces were calculated by empirical formulas. After the current position and external forces were calculated, a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control and thrust allocation algorithms were applied on the vessel to control its motion and heading. The numerical model was coded in Fortran 90 and validated by comparing computation results to published data. Validation work was first carried out for the ship-ice interaction calculation, and former researchers’ simulation and model test results were used for the comparison. With confidence in the interaction model, case studies were conducted to predict the DP capability of a sample Arctic DP vessel.


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In this work, we introduce the periodic nonlinear Fourier transform (PNFT) method as an alternative and efficacious tool for compensation of the nonlinear transmission effects in optical fiber links. In the Part I, we introduce the algorithmic platform of the technique, describing in details the direct and inverse PNFT operations, also known as the inverse scattering transform for periodic (in time variable) nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). We pay a special attention to explaining the potential advantages of the PNFT-based processing over the previously studied nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) based methods. Further, we elucidate the issue of the numerical PNFT computation: we compare the performance of four known numerical methods applicable for the calculation of nonlinear spectral data (the direct PNFT), in particular, taking the main spectrum (utilized further in Part II for the modulation and transmission) associated with some simple example waveforms as the quality indicator for each method. We show that the Ablowitz-Ladik discretization approach for the direct PNFT provides the best performance in terms of the accuracy and computational time consumption.


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Multi-frequency Eddy Current (EC) inspection with a transmit-receive probe (two horizontally offset coils) is used to monitor the Pressure Tube (PT) to Calandria Tube (CT) gap of CANDU® fuel channels. Accurate gap measurements are crucial to ensure fitness of service; however, variations in probe liftoff, PT electrical resistivity, and PT wall thickness can generate systematic measurement errors. Validated mathematical models of the EC probe are very useful for data interpretation, and may improve the gap measurement under inspection conditions where these parameters vary. As a first step, exact solutions for the electromagnetic response of a transmit-receive coil pair situated above two parallel plates separated by an air gap were developed. This model was validated against experimental data with flat-plate samples. Finite element method models revealed that this geometrical approximation could not accurately match experimental data with real tubes, so analytical solutions for the probe in a double-walled pipe (the CANDU® fuel channel geometry) were generated using the Second-Order Vector Potential (SOVP) formalism. All electromagnetic coupling coefficients arising from the probe, and the layered conductors were determined and substituted into Kirchhoff’s circuit equations for the calculation of the pickup coil signal. The flat-plate model was used as a basis for an Inverse Algorithm (IA) to simultaneously extract the relevant experimental parameters from EC data. The IA was validated over a large range of second layer plate resistivities (1.7 to 174 µΩ∙cm), plate wall thickness (~1 to 4.9 mm), probe liftoff (~2 mm to 8 mm), and plate-to plate gap (~0 mm to 13 mm). The IA achieved a relative error of less than 6% for the extracted FP resistivity and an accuracy of ±0.1 mm for the LO measurement. The IA was able to achieve a plate gap measurement with an accuracy of less than ±0.7 mm error over a ~2.4 mm to 7.5 mm probe liftoff and ±0.3 mm at nominal liftoff (2.42±0.05 mm), providing confidence in the general validity of the algorithm. This demonstrates the potential of using an analytical model to extract variable parameters that may affect the gap measurement accuracy.