989 resultados para Nuclear science


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Each plasma physics laboratory has a proprietary scheme to control and data acquisition system. Usually, it is different from one laboratory to another. It means that each laboratory has its own way to control the experiment and retrieving data from the database. Fusion research relies to a great extent on international collaboration and this private system makes it difficult to follow the work remotely. The TCABR data analysis and acquisition system has been upgraded to support a joint research programme using remote participation technologies. The choice of MDSplus (Model Driven System plus) is proved by the fact that it is widely utilized, and the scientists from different institutions may use the same system in different experiments in different tokamaks without the need to know how each system treats its acquisition system and data analysis. Another important point is the fact that the MDSplus has a library system that allows communication between different types of language (JAVA, Fortran, C, C++, Python) and programs such as MATLAB, IDL, OCTAVE. In the case of tokamak TCABR interfaces (object of this paper) between the system already in use and MDSplus were developed, instead of using the MDSplus at all stages, from the control, and data acquisition to the data analysis. This was done in the way to preserve a complex system already in operation and otherwise it would take a long time to migrate. This implementation also allows add new components using the MDSplus fully at all stages. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The photons scattered by the Compton effect can be used to characterize the physical properties of a given sample due to the influence that the electron density exerts on the number of scattered photons. However, scattering measurements involve experimental and physical factors that must be carefully analyzed to predict uncertainty in the detection of Compton photons. This paper presents a method for the optimization of the geometrical parameters of an experimental arrangement for Compton scattering analysis, based on its relations with the energy and incident flux of the X-ray photons. In addition, the tool enables the statistical analysis of the information displayed and includes the coefficient of variation (CV) measurement for a comparative evaluation of the physical parameters of the model established for the simulation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electron densities of 33 samples of normal (adipose and fibroglangular) and neoplastic (benign and malignant) human breast tissues were determined through Compton scattering data using a mono-chromatic synchrotron radiation source and an energy dispersive detector. The area of Compton peaks was used to determine the electron densities of the samples. Adipose tissue exhibits the lowest values of electron density whereas malignant tissue the highest. The relationship with their histology was discussed. Comparison with previous results showed differences smaller than 4%. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work we present results of the first Townsend coefficient (alpha) in pure isobutane by measuring the current growth as a function of the electric field strength in a pulsed irradiation regime. A Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC)-like configuration was used. To validate this method, as well as to crosscheck the experimental apparatus, measurements of the alpha parameter were firstly carried out with pure nitrogen and the results compared to the accurate data available in the literature. The data obtained with isobutane in a field range from 145 Td up to 200 Td were well-matched to those calculated with Magboltz versions 2.7.1 and 2.8.6. The experimental consistency of these results with other published data in the range of 550-1300 Td was very good, as demonstrated by the use of the Korff parameterization. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the energy response functions of Si(Li), SDD and CdTe detectors were studied in the mammographic energy range through Monte Carlo simulation. The code was modified to take into account carrier transport effects and the finite detector energy resolution. The results obtained show that all detectors exhibit good energy response at low energies. The most important corrections for each detector were discussed, and the corrected mammographic x-ray spectra obtained with each one were compared. Results showed that all detectors provided similar corrected spectra, and, therefore, they could be used to accurate mammographic x-ray spectroscopy. Nevertheless, the SDD is particularly suitable for clinic mammographic x-ray spectroscopy due to the easier correction procedure and portability. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phosphorus is an essential element for plants and animals, playing a fundamental role in the production of biochemical energy. Despite its relevance, phosphorus is not commonly determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), because (32)P does not emit gamma-rays in its decay. There are alternative methods for the determination of phosphorus by INAA, such as the use of beta counting or the measurement of bremsstrahlung originated from the high energy beta particle from (32)P. Here the determination of phosphorus in plant materials by measuring the bremsstrahlung production was further investigated, to optimize an analytical protocol for minimizing interferences and overcoming the poor specificity. Eight certified reference materials of plant matrices with phosphorus ranging between 171 and 5,180 mg kg(-1) were irradiated at a thermal neutron flux of 9.5 x 10(12) cm(-2) s(-1) and measured with a HPGe detector at decay times varying from 7 to 60 days. Phosphorus solutions added to a certified reference material at three levels were used for calibration. Counts accumulated in the baseline at four different regions of the gamma-ray spectra were tested for the determination of phosphorus, with better results for the 100 keV region. The Compton scattering contribution in the selected range was discounted using an experimental peak-to-Compton factor and the net areas of all peaks in the spectra with energies higher than 218 keV, i.e. Compton edge above 100 keV. Amongst the interferences investigated, the production of (32)P from sulfur, and the contribution of Compton scattering should be considered for producing good results.


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The availability of chemical elements for plants is mainly dependent on the nature of the soil and characteristics of each species. The transfer factors of lanthanides from the soil to the tree leaves of the Atlantic Forest, Brazil, were calculated for one fern species (Alsophila sternbergii-Pteridophyta division) and four magnoliophytes species (Bathysa australis, Euterpe edulis, Garcinia gardneriana and Guapira opposita-Magnoliophyta division) obtained in two areas of Serra do Mar State Park and collected in two different seasons. Samples were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The soil-to-plant transfer factor (TF = C(plant):C(soil)) in magnoliophytes species was correlated to the mass fraction of lanthanides in the soil, described by a exponential model (TF = a.C (soil) (-b) ). Despite the tree fern Alsophila sternbergii presented a hyperaccumulation of lanthanides, this species did not have a significant relationship between TF and mass fraction in soil. Results indicated that plants of Magnoliophyta division selected the input of lanthanides from the soil, while the same was not observed in Alsophila sternbergii.


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The marine environment is constantly affected by anthropic actions, with causes consequent degradation of the waters and marine biota by various discharges of xenobiotics. In the present study, the focus was the study of a region of the marine coast of the State of So Paulo (city of Santos), which is one of the most industrialized parts of Brazil and suffers also from a strong impact of domestic effluents. The mussel Perna perna, very abundant in the coast of the State of So Paulo, Brazil, was selected as the biomonitoring organism for the determination of inorganic elements and a passive biomonitoring was performed. The organisms were collected at two sites in So Paulo State coast: Cocanha beach in Caraguatatuba (mussel farm) and Santos Bay (Itaipu and Palmas). Seasonally, the Perna perna were collected between September/08 and July/09 in each study sites. After removal and sample preparation, the elements As, Co, Cr, Fe, Se and Zn were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and Cd, Pb and Hg were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) in this organism.


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The extrapolation chamber is a parallel-plate ionization chamber that allows variation of its air-cavity volume. In this work, an experimental study and MCNP-4C Monte Carlo code simulations of an ionization chamber designed and constructed at the Calibration Laboratory at IFEN to be used as a secondary dosimetry standard for low-energy X-rays are reported. The results obtained were within the international recommendations, and the simulations showed that the components of the extrapolation chamber may influence its response up to 11.0%. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present work, we report experimental results of He stopping power into Al2O3 films by using both transmission and Rutherford backscattering techniques. We have performed measurements along a wide energy range, from 60 to 3000 key, covering the maximum stopping range. The results of this work are compared with previously published dap-, showing a good agreement for the high-energy range, but evidencing discrepancies in the low-energy region. The existing theories follow the same tendency: good theoretical-experimental agreement for higher energies, but they failed to reproduce previous and present results in the low energy regime. On the other hand it is interesting to note that the semi-empirical SRIM code reproduces quite well the present data. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work we measured X-ray scatter spectra from normal and neoplastic breast tissues using photon energy of 17.44 key and a scattering angle of 90 degrees, in order to study the shape (FWHM) of the Compton peaks. The obtained results for FWHM were discussed in terms of composition and histological characteristics of each tissue type. The statistical analysis shows that the distribution of FWHM of normal adipose breast tissue clearly differs from all other investigated tissues. Comparison between experimental values of FWHM and effective atomic number revealed a strong correlation between them, showing that the FWHM values can be used to provide information about elemental composition of the tissues. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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PTFE foils were irradiated with different ion beams (Xe, Au and U) with energies up to 1.5 GeV and fluences between 1 x 10(8) and 1 x 10(13) ions/cm(2) at room temperature. The induced modifications in the polymer were analyzed by FTIR, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and XRD. In the FTIR spectra, the CF2 degradation accompanied by the formation of CF3 terminal and side groups were observed. In the UV-Vis spectra, the observed increase in the absorption at UV wavelengths is an indication of polymer carbonization. From XRD, the amorphization of the material was evidenced by the decrease in the intensity of the main diffraction peak. An exponential fit of the intensity of the IR absorption peaks resulted in the following values: 2.9 +/- 0.8; 4.5 +/- 0.9 and 5.6 +/- 0.8 nm for the latent track radius after irradiation with Xe, Au and U beams, respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The study of ionizing radiation effects on semiconductor devices is of great relevance for the global technological development and is a necessity in some strategic areas in Brazil. This work presents preliminary results of radiation effects in MOSFETs that were exposed to 3.2 Grad radiation dose produced by a 2.6-MeV proton beam. The focus of this work was to electrically characterize a Rectangular-Gate MOSFET (RGT) and a Circular-Gate MOSFET (CGT), manufactured with the On Semiconductor 0.5 mu m standard CMOS fabrication process and to verify a suitable geometry for space applications. During the experiment, I-DS x V-GS curves were measured. After irradiation, the RGT off-state current (I-OFF) increased approximately two orders of magnitude reaching practically the same value of the I-OFF in the CGT, which only doubled its value. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Brazil is one of the largest mango producers and the third largest mango exporter worldwide. Irradiation treatment and its commercial feasibility have been studied in our country to make it possible to develop new markets and, consequently, to compete with the major exporters of mangoes, Mexico and India. This work was designed to compare irradiation treatment with the hot water dip treatment in mangoes cv. Tommy Atkins for export and to verify that the main attributes for acceptance, color and texture, as well as carbohydrate and organic acid contents, were maintained. In this study, the fruit was divided into groups: control, hot water dip-treated (46 degrees C for 90 min), and irradiation-treated at doses of 0.4 kGy and 1.0 kGy. The fruit was stored at low temperature (11 degrees C +/- 2) for 14 days and then at room temperature (23 degrees C +/- 2) until the end of the study. The results indicated that the fruit given a dose of 1.0 kGy remained in a less advanced stage of ripening (stage 3) throughout the storage period, but experienced a greater loss of texture in the beginning of the experiment. It was noted that only the control group had higher levels of citric acid and succinic acid on the last day of the experiment. There were no significant differences in the total sugar content between any treatment groups. Gamma radiation can be used as a quarantine treatment and does not interfere negatively with the quality attributes of mangoes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work we have studied the radiation effects on MOSFET electronic devices. The integrated circuits were exposed to 10 key X-ray radiation and 2.6 MeV energy proton beam. We have irradiated MOSFET devices with two different geometries: rectangular-gate transistor and circular-gate transistor. We have observed the cumulative dose provokes shifts on the threshold voltage and increases or decreases the transistor's off-state and leakage current. The position of the trapped charges in modern CMOS technology devices depends on radiation type, dose rate, total dose, applied bias and is a function of device geometry. We concluded the circular-gate transistor is more tolerant to radiation than the rectangular-gate transistor. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.