889 resultados para Normas Técnicas
Nossa dissertação tem como objetivo estudar a Educação e a Segurança do Trabalho em Eletricidade frente à Norma Regulamentadora NR-10 (Segurança em Instalações e Serviços em Eletricidade). Segundo os aspectos aparentes da própria NR-10 em seus noventa e nove (99) itens e nos dois anexos de treinamento: curso básico (NR-10) e complementar (Sistema Elétrico de Potência SEP), sua finalidade consiste na garantia da segurança do trabalho em eletricidade, todavia, a partir de nossa análise (da NR-10) e de nossa experiência no trabalho em eletricidade surgiu à demanda representada na hipótese de que: os trabalhadores em eletricidade percebem que as medidas preconizadas na NR-10 e em seus treinamentos não correspondem integralmente as suas necessidades. Nossa estratégia é testar a NR-10 ao examinarmos: a) sua formatação e aplicação baseada do modelo tripartite; b) seus conceitos de segurança do trabalho; c) as consolidações de seus artigos jurídicos; d) as programações, carga horária, as estratégias didáticas e educacionais de seus treinamentos. Isto é, examinaremos a NR-10 frente aos conteúdos dos processos de Educação, Luta por Saúde e Condições de Vida da Classe Trabalhadora, excepcionalmente do trabalhador em eletricidade.(AU)
The final quality of the works accomplished by the building construction industry depends directly on the quality of the materials supplied and used during all their phases of execution. The federal government participation and several state programs have established conditions to stimulate and require the increment of the quality level in the building construction industry´s product chain. These programs aim at the product conformity to the technical standards. Within this context, the evaluation program of the ceramic product conformity in Rio Grande do Norte state is assessing the conformity degree to Brazilian Technical Standards of ceramic bricks and tiles made in the ceramic production area in the state. In this work, is determine the degree of conformity of the sealing ceramic bricks made by some companies in different areas of the state, such as Assú, São Gonçalo do Amarante, Apodi, Parelhas, São José do Mipibu e Macaíba. Using the technical standards as a point of reference, we attempted to reproduce in the laboratory the experimental procedures to the analysis execution, according to the specifications. It was possible to determine that none of the evaluated samples are in strict conformity with the current technical standards, what reflects the real situation of the products available on the market.
The oil industry is one of the activities that generates more waste to the environment. The drill cuttings is a waste generated in large quantities in the drilling process and that may cause environmental damage such as soil contamination and consequently the contamination of groundwater if disposed of without prior treatment. Arises the need to develop scientific activities and research ways to adapt these wastes the current environmental standards. In the case of solid wastes, the NBR 10004: 2004 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) classifies them into class I waste (hazardous) and class II (not dangerous), which determines which wastes may or may not be discarded in the environment without causing environmental impact. This study presents a novel alternative for treating drill cuttings, where this waste was classified as class I (Abreu & Souza, 2005), mainly by removing the n-paraffin present in it, since this arises when using drilling fluids base oil. Using microemulsion systems promotes the removal of this contaminant drill cuttings samples from wells located in Alto do Rodrigues - RN. Initially, we determined the concentration of paraffin using infrared method in samples were extracted with ultrasound, we obtained a paraffin concentration in the range from 36.59 to 43.52 g of paraffin per kilogram of cuttings. Used two microemulsion systems containing two nonionic surfactants from different classes, one is an alcohol ethoxylated (UNTL-90) and the other an nonylphenol ethoxylated (RNX 110). The results indicated that the system UNTL-90 surfactant has better efficiency than the system with RNX 110. The study of the influence of contact time at the extraction showed that for times greater than 25 minutes has a tendency to increase the percentage extraction with increasing contact time. It was also observed that the extraction is fast because at 1 minute contact has 22.7% extraction. The reuse of the microemulsion system without removing the paraffin extracted in previous steps, showed reduction of 29.32 in percentage of extraction by comparing the first and third extraction, but by comparing the first and second extractions reduction is 8.5 in percentage extraction, so the systems reuse optimization can be an option for economically viable removing paraffin from cuttings. The extraction with shaking is more effective in the treatment of cuttings, reaching the extraction percentage of 87.04%, that is, obtaining a drill cuttings with 0.551% paraffin. Using the percentage of paraffin employed in non-aqueous drilling fluids and fluid maximum limit on cuttings for disposal established by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (US EPA), one arrives at the conclusion that the level of paraffin on gravel cannot exceed 3.93%. Conclude that the amount of paraffin in the treated cuttings with the microemulsion system with shaking is below the established by US EPA, showing that the system used was efficient in removing the paraffin from the drill cuttings.
In States of Paraíba (PB) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN), northeast of Brazil, the most significant deposits of non-metallic industrial minerals are pegmatites, quartzites and granites, which are located in Seridó region. Extraction of clay, quartz, micas and feldspars occurs mainly in the cities of Várzea (PB), OuroBranco (RN) and Parelhas (RN). Mining companies working in the extraction and processing of quartzite generate large volumes of waste containing about 90% SiO2 in their chemical composition coming from quartz that is one of the basic constituents of ceramic mass for the production of ceramic coating. Therefore, this work evaluates the utilization of these wastes on fabrication of high-quality ceramic products, such as porcelain stoneware, in industrial scale. Characterization of raw materials was based on XRF, XRD, GA, TGA and DSC analysis, on samples composed by 57% of feldspar, 37% of argil and 6% of quartzite residues, with 5 different colors (white, gold, pink, green and black). Samples were synthesized in three temperatures, 1150°C, 1200°C and 1250°C, with one hour isotherm and warming-up tax of 10°C/min. After synthesizing, the specimens were submit to physical characterization tests of water absorption, linear shrinkage, apparently porosity, density, flexural strain at three points. The addition of 6% of quartzite residue to ceramic mass provided a final product with technological properties attending technical norms for the production of porcelain stoneware; best results were observed at a temperature of 1200°C. According to the results there was a high iron oxide on black quartzite, being their use in porcelain stoneware discarded by ethic and structural question, because the material fused at 1250°C. All quartzite formulations had low water absorption when synthesized at 1200°C, getting 0.1% to 0.36% without having gone through the atomization process. Besides, flexural strain tests overcame 27 MPa reaching the acceptance limits of the European Directive EN 100, at 1200°C synthesizing. Thus, the use of quartzite residues in ceramic masses poses as great potential for the production of porcelain stoneware.
This analysis on the ambient licensing is based on a research that identifies the fragilities and advances of the application of this instrument of politics of the environment in the ambient politics of the Rio Grande do Norte, in the period of 1992 the 2003. The isolated urban area of Búzios, situated in the City of Nísia Floresta/RN, situated in the eastern coast of the State, where concentrates the boarding of the ambient question as a matter in the Brazilian process of urbanization, over all the institutionalization and implementation of the ambient licensing. They are distinguished in the used methodology in consultation to the diverse involved social segments with the ambient subject in study, the example of the managers, technician and specialists, as well as the application of the legislation and norms techniques, the forms of appropriation of the common wealth and the procedures of ambient licensing of the competent agencies. The results of the research designate that the ambient licensing while instrument of the ambient politics is one of the alternatives more efficient as techniques in the process of sustainable development, since it is beyond the prerogatives to conciliate the activities and enterprises with the conservation of the environmental resources and natural benefits to the societies. In the RN one evidenced progress in the ambient legislation and the instructions techniques, and that the imperfections and limitations in the system of ambient licensing are not directly on to the instruments, but in the implementation of mechanisms of the ambient agencies. This because they do not make use of operational structure to apply in practical and established abilities, as an ambient management, institutional joint and deliberations of the State Counselor for Environment
The objectives of this research were to investigate the agrotoxic most used in the Gramorezinho region in the green belt of Natal, and to evaluate the acute toxicity of these, based on the LC50-48h values estimated in tests for Danio rerio, internationally used as test organism. The acute toxicity tests were performed under laboratory conditions, according to standardized methods (ABNT/NBR/15088/04) for this species. The LC50-48h estimated to Tamaron BR was 352.89 mg.L-1, which characterizes that as practically non-toxic, according to toxicological classes cited by Zucker. For Decis 25EC, the LC50-48h estimated was 0.0004156 mg.L-1 (4.156 X 10-4 mg.L-1), which classifies it as highly toxic to this species
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, 2016.
This research presents an outlook of the industries of red ceramic in the region next to the city of Teresina and an analysis of the ceramic products producted in this pole. The microregion investigated possesses 13 boroughs where were identified 32 ceramic in operation, being that 24 are located in Teresina, the ceramic region more important of Piauí, 1 is located in the city of Miguel Leão and 7 is located in Timon city that belongs to the state of Maranhão. The majority of ceramics are pulverized in these two cities, Teresina and Timon , responsible by a largely production independent of distance between fabric and consumer market. Furthermore, there is an artisanal production realized in other boroughs, mainly manual conformation bricks, where are producted diverse types of handicraft and ceramics utilitarian. The objective of this research is to evalue the conformity of ceramic blocks for brick of obstruction made by red ceramic industry of microregion at studying, verifying their pontentialities and adequacy in terms of production. In this research universe made a search of ceramic industries related to the Foundation CEPRO (Foundation Center of Research Social and Economic of Piauí). For the analysis of the ceramic products , were colected 60 crude bricks sample in three industries for their characterization, and 39 burned bricks sample for the Evaluation of Conformity. The results of the characterization made reached a accetptable standard in all formulations and temperature studied. The burned samples were applied to the geometric, physical and mechanical assays according to the ABNT standards (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards). The results of the physical assays showed that all the samples are at the same band recommended by standard. However, through the geometric assays just two industries did not present results according to the standard, due to lack of control in their process such as in their equipments. Taking into account the mechanical properties, only one industry investigated was not according to the standard
26 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
13 hojas : ilustraciones.
En el presente trabajo se pretende evidenciar el proceso de desarrollo de una pieza de arcilla cocida de gran formato en las instalaciones de la planta de Itagüí de la Ladrillera San Cristóbal S.A. y posteriormente analizar, a través de la metodología del Análisis de ciclo de vida, los resultados de la medición de los impactos ambientales al construir un metro cuadrado de muro no estructural empleando dicha pieza -- Y compararlos, finalmente, con los efectos provocados por un ladrillo convencional de medidas nominales (10 cm x 20 cm x 40 cm), el cual se usa con mayor frecuencia en la mampostería no estructural en Antioquia -- El proceso de fabricación de una pieza de cerámica roja comprende las siguientes etapas: extracción minera, preparación de materias primas, moldeo, secado y cocción -- Para el desarrollo de la pieza cerámica se tomaron materias primas de varios de los títulos mineros de la empresa, haciendo siempre énfasis en aquellos que estuvieran más próximos al centro de producción -- Con ellas, se formuló una pasta cerámica que presentó el mejor comportamiento en cada una de las etapas críticas del proceso y condujo a lograr las mejores propiedades cerámicas y mecánicas de la pieza desarrollada -- Inicialmente, la pasta cerámica se acondicionó en los molinos del laboratorio, consecutivamente fue llevada a producción industrial una cantidad de 30 toneladas que procedió con la realización de los lotes en diferentes oportunidades -- La conformación de la pieza se efectuó con un molde “boquilla” que fue planteado con el equipo de diseño de la empresa y el personal de mantenimiento que la fabricó -- Posteriormente, se proyectaron ensayos de secado a diferentes piezas, para lograr simular los valores obtenidos de la pasta cerámica desarrollada a escala de laboratorio -- De esta manera, se pudo secar la pieza en un periodo inferior a las 24 horas, el tiempo aproximado que requiere la línea de producción sin ser afectada en el proceso continuo que funciona los siete días de la semana -- En caso de tener que someter la pieza a secados más extensos, el proyecto se vería perjudicado en su viabilidad -- En el horno se emplearon dos curvas de cocción de las piezas secas, debido a que inicialmente la pasta cerámica desarrollada en el laboratorio fue sometida a temperaturas entre 900 y 1000 grados centígrados -- En este rango se lograron valores de absorción de agua inferiores al 16% y una buena estabilidad del material a la quema, lo cual condujo a una aceptación de los obtenidos en cuanto a resistencia a la compresión de las piezas se refiere -- El Análisis de ciclo de vida realizado para comparar los impactos ambientales de un ladrillo tradicional versus una pieza de gran formato utilizando las metodologías de análisis de los inventarios de ciclo de vida Ecoindicador99, CML2001 Y ReciPe reforzó la hipótesis de que la principal reducción de los impactos de un tipo de ladrillo a otro se encuentra asociada a la etapa de manufactura y uso del producto -- En esa medida, se evidenció que los consumos de materiales y energía de una pieza de gran formato son menores que los de un ladrillo tradicional a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida
De acordo com Brasil (1997a, 1997b), as áreas de manipulação de alimento, como as Casas de embalagens de morango, devem atender a uma série de critérios. Os pisos devem ser de material resistente ao trânsito, impermeáveis, laváveis, antiderrapantes, não possuírem frestas e serem fáceis de limpar ou desinfetar. As superfícieis devem ser de material de fácil higienização. Atualmente, na região produtora de morango de Atibaia e Jarinu (SP), grande parte das Casas de embalagem convencionais são precárias, feitas somente de uma estrutura de madeira sem revestimento, coberta por folhas de Tetra Pak® e chão de terra-batida. Essas Casas não oferecem as condições mínimas de higiene previstas pelas Portarias mencionadas nem nas Normas Técnicas Específicas da Produção Integrada de Morango - NTE-PIMo (BRASIL, 2008), que estão sendo adotadas por um grupo de produtores da região. Devido ao fato do chão não ser lavável e as madeiras não receberem tratamento, as construções inadequadas podem se transformar em locais de propagação de patógenos, colocando em risco a segurança do morango embalado. No entanto, a falta de recursos financeiros dos pequenos produtores limita a compra de materiais ideais e de alto custo (aço inoxidável, por exemplo), a serem utilizados na construção. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma proposta de construção de uma Casa de embalagem simples, economicamente viável e que atenda minimamente às normas e portarias mencionadas, usando materiais de baixo custo e disponíveis na região.
A fruticultura é uma atividade promissora para o desenvolvimento do agronegócio brasileiro, que apresenta um ambiente favorável ao seu crescimento com o aumento do consumo de frutas in natura por parte da população brasileira, possibilidade de avanços nas exportações, capacidade de geração de emprego e renda para a agricultura familiar, valorização de produtores e trabalhadores rurais devido à capacitação e adoção de tecnologias adequadas, e ainda, complementação e segurança alimentar. Entretanto, para a atividade se desenvolver é preciso profissionalizar o setor, ou seja, criar mecanismos de produção de frutas de qualidade para o mercado interno e externo. Diante desta necessidade e das exigências do mercado internacional, o Sistema Agropecuário de Produção Integrada (SAPI) do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento ? MAPA (ANDRIGUETO et al., 2006), tem recebido maior atenção dos governantes, produtores e membros de instituições de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). A Produção Integrada (PI) é um sistema de produção que preconiza a adoção de tecnologias menos agressivas ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana, visando à qualidade e segurança do alimento, qualidade ambiental, rentabilidade econômica e equidade social (ANDRIGUETO et al., 2006). Este sistema adota práticas sustentáveis, baseadas no uso racional de recursos naturais e na substituição de insumos poluentes, e utiliza ferramentas de monitoramento dos procedimentos e de rastreabilidade. No Brasil, a implantação do sistema de PI teve início no final da década de 90. Neste processo de implantação, são requeridas atividades de capacitação de recursos humanos. Os primeiros projetos de PI priorizaram a disseminação de tecnologias adequadas ao sistema e diretamente relacionadas à condução dos cultivos. No momento atual, com a consolidação da implantação do sistema para várias culturas, os temas ambientais, particularmente os relacionados aos recursos naturais, que compõem a Área Temática 3, do Marco Legal da Produção Integrada de Frutas (ANDRIGUETO & KOSOSKI, 2002) e de todas as Normas Técnicas Específicas oriundas dele, merecem maior atenção.
33 hojas.