942 resultados para Non-uniform heat intensity


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Seed dormancy is a frequent phenomenon in tropical species, causing slow and non-uniform germination. To overcome this, treatments such as scarification on abrasive surface and hot water are efficient. The objective of this study was to quantify seed germination with no treatment (Experiment 1) and identify an efficient method of breaking dormancy in Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex Ducke seeds (Experiment 2). The effects of manual scarification on electric emery, water at 80ºC and 100ºC and manual scarification on wood sandpaper were studied. Seeds were sown either immediately after scarification or after immersion in water for 24h in a sand and sawdust mixture. Germination and hard seed percentages and germination speed were recorded and analyzed in a completely randomized design. Analysis of germination was carried out at six, nine, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 days after sowing as a 4x2 factorial design and through regression analysis. Treatment means of the remaining variables were compared by the Tukey test. Seed germination with no treatment started on the 7th day after sowing and reached 90% on the 2310th day (Experiment 1). Significant interaction between treatments to overcome dormancy and time of immersion in water was observed (Experiment 2). In general, immersion in water increased the germination in most evaluations. The regression analyses were significant for all treatments with exception of the control treatment and immersion in water at 80ºC. Germination speed was higher when seeds were scarified on an abrasive surface (emery and sandpaper) and, in these treatments, the germination ranged from 87% to 96%, with no hard seeds. S. amazonicum seeds coats are impermeable to water, which hinders quick and uniform germination. Scarification on electric emery followed by immediate sowing, scarification on sandpaper followed by immediate sowing and sowing after 24h were the most efficient treatments for overcoming dormancy in S. amazonicum seeds.


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Nous présenterons le procédé de fabrication, la caractérisation, ainsi qu’un modèle numérique permettant l’optimisation d’un nouveau dispositif permettant d’effectuer des mesures de nanocalorimétrie sur un échantillon de silicium monocristallin. Ce dernier possède entre autre des propriétés thermiques nous permettant d’effectuer des mesures à des températures supérieures à 900 C, avec une résolution meilleure que 16 C. Ceci nous a permis d’étudier la dynamique des défauts induits par implantation ionique dans le silicium monocristallin. Deux comportements différents sont observés dans la germination de la phase amorphe induite par implantation à 10 et 80 keV. Ces résultats ont été confrontés à des simulations Monte-Carlo basées sur le modèle des paires lacunesinterstitiels. La comparaison entre les simulations et les mesures expérimentales ont montré que ce modèle est incomplet car il ne reproduit qualitativement que certaines caractéristiques observées expérimentalement. Des mesures réalisées à partir de -110 C dans le silicium monocristallin et amorphisé implanté avec des ions légers, ont mis en évidence des différences claires entre la relaxation dans le silicium amorphe et le recuit des défauts dans le silicium monocristallin. Deux processus à des énergies d’activation de 0.48 et 0.6 eV ont été observés pour les implantations réalisées dans le silicium monocristallin tandis qu’un relâchement de chaleur uniforme ne révélant qu’un spectre continu d’énergie d’activation a été observé dans le silicium amorphe.


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clRNG et clProbdist sont deux interfaces de programmation (APIs) que nous avons développées pour la génération de nombres aléatoires uniformes et non uniformes sur des dispositifs de calculs parallèles en utilisant l’environnement OpenCL. La première interface permet de créer au niveau d’un ordinateur central (hôte) des objets de type stream considérés comme des générateurs virtuels parallèles qui peuvent être utilisés aussi bien sur l’hôte que sur les dispositifs parallèles (unités de traitement graphique, CPU multinoyaux, etc.) pour la génération de séquences de nombres aléatoires. La seconde interface permet aussi de générer au niveau de ces unités des variables aléatoires selon différentes lois de probabilité continues et discrètes. Dans ce mémoire, nous allons rappeler des notions de base sur les générateurs de nombres aléatoires, décrire les systèmes hétérogènes ainsi que les techniques de génération parallèle de nombres aléatoires. Nous présenterons aussi les différents modèles composant l’architecture de l’environnement OpenCL et détaillerons les structures des APIs développées. Nous distinguons pour clRNG les fonctions qui permettent la création des streams, les fonctions qui génèrent les variables aléatoires uniformes ainsi que celles qui manipulent les états des streams. clProbDist contient les fonctions de génération de variables aléatoires non uniformes selon la technique d’inversion ainsi que les fonctions qui permettent de retourner différentes statistiques des lois de distribution implémentées. Nous évaluerons ces interfaces de programmation avec deux simulations qui implémentent un exemple simplifié d’un modèle d’inventaire et un exemple d’une option financière. Enfin, nous fournirons les résultats d’expérimentation sur les performances des générateurs implémentés.


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For the discrete-time quadratic map xt+1=4xt(1-xt) the evolution equation for a class of non-uniform initial densities is obtained. It is shown that in the t to infinity limit all of them approach the invariant density for the map.


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Electroosmotic flow is a convenient mechanism for transporting polar fluid in a microfluidic device. The flow is generated through the application of an external electric field that acts on the free charges that exists in a thin Debye layer at the channel walls. The charge on the wall is due to the chemistry of the solid-fluid interface, and it can vary along the channel, e.g. due to modification of the wall. This investigation focuses on the simulation of the electroosmotic flow (EOF) profile in a cylindrical microchannel with step change in zeta potential. The modified Navier-Stoke equation governing the velocity field and a non-linear two-dimensional Poisson-Boltzmann equation governing the electrical double-layer (EDL) field distribution are solved numerically using finite control-volume method. Continuities of flow rate and electric current are enforced resulting in a non-uniform electrical field and pressure gradient distribution along the channel. The resulting parabolic velocity distribution at the junction of the step change in zeta potential, which is more typical of a pressure-driven velocity flow profile, is obtained.


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During the last decade, large and costly instruments are being replaced by system based on microfluidic devices. Microfluidic devices hold the promise of combining a small analytical laboratory onto a chip-sized substrate to identify, immobilize, separate, and purify cells, bio-molecules, toxins, and other chemical and biological materials. Compared to conventional instruments, microfluidic devices would perform these tasks faster with higher sensitivity and efficiency, and greater affordability. Dielectrophoresis is one of the enabling technologies for these devices. It exploits the differences in particle dielectric properties to allow manipulation and characterization of particles suspended in a fluidic medium. Particles can be trapped or moved between regions of high or low electric fields due to the polarization effects in non-uniform electric fields. By varying the applied electric field frequency, the magnitude and direction of the dielectrophoretic force on the particle can be controlled. Dielectrophoresis has been successfully demonstrated in the separation, transportation, trapping, and sorting of various biological particles.


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We present an experimental study on the behavior of bubbles captured in a Taylor vortex. The gap between a rotating inner cylinder and a stationary outer cylinder is filled with a Newtonian mineral oil. Beyond a critical rotation speed (ω[subscript c]), Taylor vortices appear in this system. Small air bubbles are introduced into the gap through a needle connected to a syringe pump. These are then captured in the cores of the vortices (core bubble) and in the outflow regions along the inner cylinder (wall bubble). The flow field is measured with a two-dimensional particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) system. The motion of the bubbles is monitored by using a high speed video camera. It has been found that, if the core bubbles are all of the same size, a bubble ring forms at the center of the vortex such that bubbles are azimuthally uniformly distributed. There is a saturation number (N[subscript s]) of bubbles in the ring, such that the addition of one more bubble leads eventually to a coalescence and a subsequent complicated evolution. Ns increases with increasing rotation speed and decreasing bubble size. For bubbles of non-uniform size, small bubbles and large bubbles in nearly the same orbit can be observed to cross due to their different circulating speeds. The wall bubbles, however, do not become uniformly distributed, but instead form short bubble-chains which might eventually evolve into large bubbles. The motion of droplets and particles in a Taylor vortex was also investigated. As with bubbles, droplets and particles align into a ring structure at low rotation speeds, but the saturation number is much smaller. Moreover, at high rotation speeds, droplets and particles exhibit a characteristic periodic oscillation in the axial, radial and tangential directions due to their inertia. In addition, experiments with non-spherical particles show that they behave rather similarly. This study provides a better understanding of particulate behavior in vortex flow structures.


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This paper describes the improvements achieved in our mosaicking system to assist unmanned underwater vehicle navigation. A major advance has been attained in the processing of images of the ocean floor when light absorption effects are evident. Due to the absorption of natural light, underwater vehicles often require artificial light sources attached to them to provide the adequate illumination for processing underwater images. Unfortunately, these flashlights tend to illuminate the scene in a nonuniform fashion. In this paper a technique to correct non-uniform lighting is proposed. The acquired frames are compensated through a point-by-point division of the image by an estimation of the illumination field. Then, the gray-levels of the obtained image remapped to enhance image contrast. Experiments with real images are presented


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This paper proposes a parallel architecture for estimation of the motion of an underwater robot. It is well known that image processing requires a huge amount of computation, mainly at low-level processing where the algorithms are dealing with a great number of data. In a motion estimation algorithm, correspondences between two images have to be solved at the low level. In the underwater imaging, normalised correlation can be a solution in the presence of non-uniform illumination. Due to its regular processing scheme, parallel implementation of the correspondence problem can be an adequate approach to reduce the computation time. Taking into consideration the complexity of the normalised correlation criteria, a new approach using parallel organisation of every processor from the architecture is proposed


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El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi aprofundeix i aporta solucions innovadores en el camp orientat a tractar el problema de la correspondència en imatges subaquàtiques. En aquests entorns, el que realment complica les tasques de processat és la falta de contorns ben definits per culpa d'imatges esborronades; un fet aquest que es deu fonamentalment a il·luminació deficient o a la manca d'uniformitat dels sistemes d'il·luminació artificials. Els objectius aconseguits en aquesta tesi es poden remarcar en dues grans direccions. Per millorar l'algorisme d'estimació de moviment es va proposar un nou mètode que introdueix paràmetres de textura per rebutjar falses correspondències entre parells d'imatges. Un seguit d'assaigs efectuats en imatges submarines reals han estat portats a terme per seleccionar les estratègies més adients. Amb la finalitat d'aconseguir resultats en temps real, es proposa una innovadora arquitectura VLSI per la implementació d'algunes parts de l'algorisme d'estimació de moviment amb alt cost computacional.


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A wind-tunnel study was conducted to investigate ventilation of scalars from urban-like geometries at neighbourhood scale by exploring two different geometries a uniform height roughness and a non-uniform height roughness, both with an equal plan and frontal density of λ p = λ f = 25%. In both configurations a sub-unit of the idealized urban surface was coated with a thin layer of naphthalene to represent area sources. The naphthalene sublimation method was used to measure directly total area-averaged transport of scalars out of the complex geometries. At the same time, naphthalene vapour concentrations controlled by the turbulent fluxes were detected using a fast Flame Ionisation Detection (FID) technique. This paper describes the novel use of a naphthalene coated surface as an area source in dispersion studies. Particular emphasis was also given to testing whether the concentration measurements were independent of Reynolds number. For low wind speeds, transfer from the naphthalene surface is determined by a combination of forced and natural convection. Compared with a propane point source release, a 25% higher free stream velocity was needed for the naphthalene area source to yield Reynolds-number-independent concentration fields. Ventilation transfer coefficients w T /U derived from the naphthalene sublimation method showed that, whilst there was enhanced vertical momentum exchange due to obstacle height variability, advection was reduced and dispersion from the source area was not enhanced. Thus, the height variability of a canopy is an important parameter when generalising urban dispersion. Fine resolution concentration measurements in the canopy showed the effect of height variability on dispersion at street scale. Rapid vertical transport in the wake of individual high-rise obstacles was found to generate elevated point-like sources. A Gaussian plume model was used to analyse differences in the downstream plumes. Intensified lateral and vertical plume spread and plume dilution with height was found for the non-uniform height roughness


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Root characteristics of seedlings of five different barley genotypes were analysed in 2D using gel chambers, and in 3D using soil sacs that were destructively harvested and pots of soil that were assessed non-invasively using X-ray microtomography. After 5 days, Chime produced the greatest number of root axes (similar to 6) and Mehola significantly less (similar to 4) in all growing methods. Total root length was longest in GSH01915 and shortest in Mehola for all methods, but both total length and average root diameter were significantly larger for plants grown in gel chambers than those grown in soil. The ranking of particular growth traits (root number, root angular spread) of plants grown in gel plates, soil sacs and X-ray pots was similar, but plants grown in the gel chambers had a different order of ranking for root length to the soil-grown plants. Analysis of angles in soil-grown plants showed that Tadmore had the most even spread of individual roots and Chime had a propensity for non-uniform distribution and root clumping. The roots of Mehola were less well spread than the barley cultivars supporting the suggestion that wild and landrace barleys tend to have a narrower angular spread than modern cultivars. The three dimensional analysis of root systems carried out in this study provides insights into the limitations of screening methods for root traits and useful data for modelling root architecture.


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Laboratory determined mineral weathering rates need to be normalised to allow their extrapolation to natural systems. The principle normalisation terms used in the literature are mass, and geometric- and BET specific surface area (SSA). The purpose of this study was to determine how dissolution rates normalised to these terms vary with grain size. Different size fractions of anorthite and biotite ranging from 180-150 to 20-10 mu m were dissolved in pH 3, HCl at 25 degrees C in flow through reactors under far from equilibrium conditions. Steady state dissolution rates after 5376 h (anorthite) and 4992 h (biotite) were calculated from Si concentrations and were normalised to initial- and final- mass and geometric-, geometric edge- (biotite), and BET SSA. For anorthite, rates normalised to initial- and final-BET SSA ranged from 0.33 to 2.77 X 10(-10) mol(feldspar) m(-2) s(-1), rates normalised to initial- and final-geometric SSA ranged from 5.74 to 8.88 X 10(-10) mol(feldspar) m(-2) s(-1) and rates normalised to initial- and final-mass ranged from 0.11 to 1.65 mol(feldspar) g(-1) s(-1). For biotite, rates normalised to initial- and final-BET SSA ranged from 1.02 to 2.03 X 10(-12) mol(biotite) m(-2) s(-1), rates normalised to initial- and final-geometric SSA ranged from 3.26 to 16.21 X 10(-12) mol(biotite) m(-2) s(-1), rates normalised to initial- and final-geometric edge SSA ranged from 59.46 to 111.32 x 10(-12) mol(biotite) m(-2) s(-1) and rates normalised to initial- and final-mass ranged from 0.81 to 6.93 X 10(-12) mol(biotite) g(-1) s(-1). For all normalising terms rates varied significantly (p <= 0.05) with grain size. The normalising terms which gave least variation in dissolution rate between grain sizes for anorthite were initial BET SSA and initial- and final-geometric SSA. This is consistent with: (1) dissolution being dominated by the slower dissolving but area dominant non-etched surfaces of the grains and, (2) the walls of etch pits and other dissolution features being relatively unreactive. These steady state normalised dissolution rates are likely to be constant with time. Normalisation to final BET SSA did not give constant ratios across grain size due to a non-uniform distribution of dissolution features. After dissolution coarser grains had a greater density of dissolution features with BET-measurable but unreactive wall surface area than the finer grains. The normalising term which gave the least variation in dissolution rates between grain sizes for biotite was initial BET SSA. Initial- and final-geometric edge SSA and final BET SSA gave the next least varied rates. The basal surfaces dissolved sufficiently rapidly to influence bulk dissolution rate and prevent geometric edge SSA normalised dissolution rates showing the least variation. Simple modelling indicated that biotite grain edges dissolved 71-132 times faster than basal surfaces. In this experiment, initial BET SSA best integrated the different areas and reactivities of the edge and basal surfaces of biotite. Steady state dissolution rates are likely to vary with time as dissolution alters the ratio of edge to basal surface area. Therefore they would be more properly termed pseudo-steady state rates, only appearing constant because the time period over which they were measured (1512 h) was less than the time period over wich they would change significantly. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A large number of processes are involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis but it is unclear which of them play a rate-limiting role. One way of resolving this problem is to investigate the highly non-uniform distribution of disease within the arterial system; critical steps in lesion development should be revealed by identifying arterial properties that differ between susceptible and protected sites. Although the localisation of atherosclerotic lesions has been investigated intensively over much of the 20th century, this review argues that the factor determining the distribution of human disease has only recently been identified. Recognition that the distribution changes with age has, for the first time, allowed it to be explained by variation in transport properties of the arterial wall; hitherto, this view could only be applied to experimental atherosclerosis in animals. The newly discovered transport variations which appear to play a critical role in the development of adult disease have underlying mechanisms that differ from those elucidated for the transport variations relevant to experimental atherosclerosis: they depend on endogenous NO synthesis and on blood flow. Manipulation of transport properties might have therapeutic potential. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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In this paper, we study a model economy that examines the optimal intraday rate. In Freeman’s (1996) paper, he shows that the efficient allocation can be implemented by adopting a policy in which the intraday rate is zero. We modify the production set and show that such a model economy can account for the non-uniform distribution of settlements within a day. In addition, by modifying both the consumption set and the production set, we show that the central bank may be able to implement the planner’s allocation with a positive intraday interest rate.