793 resultados para Non-formal education
A pesquisa examina o cooperativismo sob as óticas da economia solidária e do desenvolvimento sustentável local. A pesquisa objetiva um entendimento sobre os fatores que influenciam no desempenho de cooperativas. Em particular, a pesquisa se concentra nos fatores político-institucionais, organizacionais e de gestão que influenciam no desempenho e resultados de cooperativas de produção. A pesquisa é um estudo de caso múltiplo baseado em duas cooperativas de produção localizadas no Estado do Pará, Brasil. O arcabouço teórico é baseado na economia solidária, no desenvolvimento sustentável local e nas transformações econômicas que podem resultar dessas perspectivas que usam o cooperativismo e a potencialidade local como uma forma de alcançar a gestão dos recursos naturais e o desenvolvimento sustentável local. Os dados obtidos nos casos selecionados mostram que o desempenho e os resultados das cooperativas são derivados de fatores internos e externos, tais como: apoio de organizações externas (organizações governamentais e não governamentais); construção de capacidade para trabalhar sob a ótica do cooperativismo; conhecimento sobre a filosofia do cooperativismo; participação em redes de relações sócio-produtivas; acesso a recursos financeiros externos; práticas produtivas integradas com a gestão dos recursos naturais; e, educação formal.
A presente Dissertação, intitulada Educação Ambiental em Canaã dos Carajás: o Programa de Educação Ambiental desenvolvido pela Vale na Escola Adelaide Molinari, insere-se no contexto da Linha de Pesquisa Políticas Públicas Educacionais do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGED) da Universidade Federal do Pará. O Programa de Educação Ambiental (PEA) da empresa Vale constitui-se no fenômeno pesquisado, instituindo-se como objetivo específico a análise do Programa de Educação Ambiental desenvolvido pela Vale na Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Adelaide Molinari, situada na Vila Planalto, município de Canaã dos Carajás-PA. A pesquisa possui abordagem qualitativa como aporte metodológico, com observações in loco na Escola Adelaide Molinari, estabelecendo-se as falas dos sujeitos entrevistados como as bases de análise do PEA da Vale. O resultado da pesquisa demonstra que o Programa de Educação Ambiental desenvolvido na Escola Adelaide Molinari trata a questão ambiental nos aspectos meramente físicos e naturalísticos em detrimento da questão socioambiental. Esse fato favorece implicitamente a Empresa Vale que, por meio de sua orientação de conteúdo trabalhado dentro da Escola, não enseja questionamentos da comunidade quanto às ações degradantes promovidas pela empresa. A pesquisa apontou a ausência da efetivação da Política Municipal de Educação Ambiental pelo poder público local. Constatou-se também que essa ausência favorece a ação da Vale, que insere suas atividades educativas no Sistema Municipal de Ensino sob a alegação da parceria existente entre a empresa e o poder público local, o que faz com que o referido Programa de Educação Ambiental deixe sua condição de atividade a ser desenvolvida na perspectiva da educação não formal e se transforme numa diretriz de educação ambiental formal no Município.
Comumente, as abordagens de Educação Ambiental (EA) são baseadas em discussões estabelecidas nos encontros que aconteceram fora do Pará. Levantar as experiências em nível local seria mais enriquecedor, uma vez que estaríamos tratando de assuntos pertinentes à nossa realidade e, portanto, mais atraente para os nossos alunos. Nesse contexto, levantei a minha questão de investigação: Como se deu a constituição da EA no Pará a partir do olhar dos seus pioneiros? Assim, tracei como objetivo desta dissertação: obter informações sobre o histórico da E A em nosso Estado, a partir da fala de seus pioneiros; caracterizar as concepções e as práxis presentes na estruturação de EA no Pará e verificar como é que os discursos de EA elaborados em escala mundial e nacional são compreendidos/entendidos pela fala dos pioneiros. Como instrumento investigativo, optei pela pesquisa qualitativa, baseada nas narrativas de cinco professores que se dedicaram/dedicam ao trabalho de implantação e de implementação da EA no estado do Pará e que estão ligados direta ou indiretamente à UFPA. Para coletados depoimentos, foram utilizadas entrevistas, com 12 questões semiestruturadas, gravadas em áudio, salvas em CD ROM e, posteriormente, transcritas. Além das entrevistas, lancei mão de meu diário de campo como fonte de informação, que foi construído ao longo da pesquisa por meio de percepções sobre os sujeitos e seus contextos, além dos registros de ocorrências diversas, no âmbito da pesquisa. Na busca da produção de novas compreensões das narrativas investigadas, apropriei-me da Análise Textual Discursiva para sistematizar as manifestações dos sujeitos, levando em consideração as peculiaridades e as singularidades de cada entrevistado, a qual deu forma a três eixos temáticos, que trato nesta investigação: i) O contexto dos educadores pioneiros em EA no Pará: constituição e práxis; ii) O cenário da criação da EA no estado do Pará e iii) Os paraenses com relação ao trato e ao relacionamento com o patrimônio ambiental: o resultado das bases fincadas. Na análise dos resultados foi possível constatar que eventos internacionais, associados à história da EA, ocorridos principalmente a partir da década de 1970, repercutiram intensamente nas formações dos entrevistados. Na mesma década, no estado do Pará, contatei várias ações de grupos pioneiros e iniciativas isoladas por parte do estado, o qual elaborou leis e programas, visando dar sistematicidade ao emprego de abordagens da EA. Neste contexto, considero que as estratégias historicamente utilizadas para a organização, implantação e difusão da EA em nosso estado - tanto em nível governamental como não governamental e no ensino formal e não formal -, foram elaboradas de forma desarticuladas e descontínuas. Considerei, como motivações para que os entrevistados iniciassem a jornada pelos caminhos da EA, os itens: relevância do meio ambiente para manutenção da vida no planeta e interesses pessoal e profissional. Por fim, percebi a grande contribuição que os entrevistados deram para a implantação e implementação da EA no Pará, quando em “seus agir” procuraram ressignificar os conhecimentos das determinações apregoadas nos documentos oficiais em EA, em nível mundial nacional e local, para lastrear as sua ações ambientalistas, na realidade paraense.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In his work on human knowledge, Vygotsky reveals the second human nature, the one which is historical and cultural, due to people´s learning throughout life, through the mediation of others and the concrete conditions of life and education. In this eminently social process, the child grows into the intellectual life having the adult as a peer and learns human skills from this adult-child interaction. This means that, for working with abstract formulation, it is necessary understanding it as a complex, dynamic and functional act that is built by the insertion of individual performance into culture that is mediated by interaction with others. In this setting, each individual reaches knowledge through formal and non-formal learning that help on the formulation of scientific and everyday concepts. To make studies on the process of concept formation, Vygotsky adopted an experimental methodology based on the philosophical assumptions of Marxist theory of how mental processes occur, once he perceived these processes in a constantly changing and moving. Thus, the method called “Instrumental, Cultural and Historical” differed from conventional experimental studies focused on the performance of the task itself. The method adopted by Vygotsky was concerned with the process of concept formation and not only with fragmentary cutouts of cognitive processes. According to our study, the formation of the social nature of man develops from processes of appropriation and objectification of knowledge, which makes individual the historically constructed achievements by mankind, as, for example, types of sophisticated thinking, which requires the discussion of concept formation.
This study aimed to comprehend the expectancies and realities in Adapted Motor Activities (AMA), of physical education (PE) professionals, public administration inside special institutions of people with disabilities (PwD), families of addicted people with disabilities and independent people with disabilities, living in Muzambinho City/MG/ Brazil, comparing the reality and expectation of EFA in non formal contexts. Participants were selected using criteria related to the central subjects of this research (PwD), totaling 26 individuals. Data were collected through interviews with audio recording and full transcription. It was found that the reality of APE has been moving in opposite ways than expectations, especially regarding the inclusion in non – formal contexts, starting the needing of reflections and discussions to acting in AMA and PE.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The decreasing number of women who are graduating in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields continues to be a major concern. Despite national support in the form of grants provided by National Science Foundation, National Center for Information and Technology and legislation passed such as the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 that encourages women to enter the STEM fields, the number of women actually graduating in these fields is surprisingly low. This research study focuses on a robotics competition and its ability to engage female adolescents in STEM curricula. Data have been collected to help explain why young women are reticent to take technology or engineering type courses in high school and college. Factors that have been described include attitudes, parental support, social aspects, peer pressure, and lack of role models. Often these courses were thought to have masculine and “nerdy” overtones. The courses were usually majority male enrollments and appeared to be very competitive. With more female adolescents engaging in this type of competitive atmosphere, this study gathered information to discover what about the competition appealed to these young women. Focus groups were used to gather information from adolescent females who were participating in the First Lego League (FLL) and CEENBoT competitions. What enticed them to participate in a curriculum that data demonstrated many of their peers avoided? FLL and CEENBoT are robotics programs based on curricula that are taught in afterschool programs in non-formal environments. These programs culminate in a very large robotics competition. My research questions included: What are the factors that encouraged participants to participate in the robotics competition? What was the original enticement to the FLL and CEENBoT programs? What will make participants want to come back and what are the participants’ plans for the future? My research mirrored data of previous findings such as lack of role models, the need for parental support, social stigmatisms and peer pressure are still major factors that determine whether adolescent females seek out STEM activities. An interesting finding, which was an exception to previous findings, was these female adolescents enjoyed the challenge of the competition. The informal learning environments encouraged an atmosphere of social engagement and cooperative learning. Many volunteers that led the afterschool programs were women (role models) and a majority of parents showed support by accommodating an afterschool situation. The young women that were engaged in the competition noted it was a friendly competition, but they were all there to win. All who participated in the competition had a similar learning environment: competitive but cooperative. Further research is needed to determine if it is the learning environment that lures adolescent females to the program and entices them to continue in the STEM fields or if it is the competitive aspect of the culminating activity. Advisors: James King and Allen Steckelberg
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Introduction: US teens are having sex early; however, the vast majority of schools do not implement evidence-based sexual health education (SHE) programs that could delay sexual behavior and/or reduce risky behavior. This study examines middle school staff’s knowledge, attitudes, barriers, self-efficacy, and perceived support (psychosocial factors known to influence SHE program adoption and implementation). Methods: Professional school staff from 33 southeast Texas middle schools completed an internet or paper-based survey. Prevalence estimates for psychosocial variables were computed for the total sample. Chi-square and t-test analyses examined variation by demographic factors. Results: Almost 70% of participants were female, 37% white, 42% black, 16% Hispanic; 20% administrators, 15% nurses/counselors, 31% non-physical education/non-health teachers, 28% physical education/health teachers; mean age = 42.78 years (SD = 10.9). Over 90% favored middle school SHE, and over 75% reported awareness of available SHE curricula or policies. More than 60% expressed confidence for discussing SHE. Staff perceived varying levels of administrator (28%-56%) support for SHE and varying levels of support for comprehensive sex education from outside stakeholders (e.g., parents, community leaders) (42%-85%). Overall, results were more favorable for physical education/health teachers, nurses/counselors, and administrators (when compared to non-physical education/non-health teachers) and individuals with experience teaching SHE. Few significant differences were observed by other demographic factors. Conclusions: Overall, study results were extremely positive, which may reflect a high level of readiness among school staff for adopting and implementing effective middle school SHE programs. Study results highlight the importance of several key action items for schools.
Objective. To measure the demand for primary care and its associated factors by building and estimating a demand model of primary care in urban settings.^ Data source. Secondary data from 2005 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS 2005), a population-based random-digit dial telephone survey, conducted by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research in collaboration with the California Department of Health Services, and the Public Health Institute between July 2005 and April 2006.^ Study design. A literature review was done to specify the demand model by identifying relevant predictors and indicators. CHIS 2005 data was utilized for demand estimation.^ Analytical methods. The probit regression was used to estimate the use/non-use equation and the negative binomial regression was applied to the utilization equation with the non-negative integer dependent variable.^ Results. The model included two equations in which the use/non-use equation explained the probability of making a doctor visit in the past twelve months, and the utilization equation estimated the demand for primary conditional on at least one visit. Among independent variables, wage rate and income did not affect the primary care demand whereas age had a negative effect on demand. People with college and graduate educational level were associated with 1.03 (p < 0.05) and 1.58 (p < 0.01) more visits, respectively, compared to those with no formal education. Insurance was significantly and positively related to the demand for primary care (p < 0.01). Need for care variables exhibited positive effects on demand (p < 0.01). Existence of chronic disease was associated with 0.63 more visits, disability status was associated with 1.05 more visits, and people with poor health status had 4.24 more visits than those with excellent health status. ^ Conclusions. The average probability of visiting doctors in the past twelve months was 85% and the average number of visits was 3.45. The study emphasized the importance of need variables in explaining healthcare utilization, as well as the impact of insurance, employment and education on demand. The two-equation model of decision-making, and the probit and negative binomial regression methods, was a useful approach to demand estimation for primary care in urban settings.^
One of the major challenges in treating mental illness in Nigeria is that the health care facilities and mental health care professionals are not enough in number or well equipped to handle the burden of mental illness. There are several barriers to treatment for individual Nigerians which include the following: such as the lack of understanding of the root causes of mental illness, lack of financial support to get mental treatment, lack of social support (family, friends, neighbors), the fear of stigmatization concerning being labeled as mentally ill or being in association with the mentally ill, and the consultation of traditional native healers who may be unknowingly prolonging illness, rather than addressing and treating them due to lack of formal education and standardization of their treatments. Another barrier is the non-health nature of the mental health services in Nigeria. Traditional healers are essentially the mental health system. The elderly, women, and children are the most vulnerable groups in times of strife and hardships. Their mental well-being must be taken into account as well as their special needs in times of personal or societal crisis. ^ Nigerian mental health policy is geared toward forming a mental health system, but in actuality only a mental illness care system is the observed result of the policy. The government of Nigeria has drafted a mental health policy, yet its actual implementation into the Nigerian health infrastructure and society waits to be materialized. The limited health legislation or policy implementations tend to favor those who have access to these urban areas and the facilities' health services. Nigerians living in rural areas are at a disadvantage; many of them may not even be aware of services available to help them understand and treat mental illness. Perhaps, government driven health interventions geared toward mental illness in rural areas would reach an underserved Nigerians and Africans in general. Issues with political instability and limited infrastructure often hinder crucial financial resources and legislation from reaching the people that are truly in need of governmental leadership in regards to mental health policy.^ Traditional healers are a severely untapped resource in the treatment of mental illness within the Nigerian population. They are abundant within Nigerian communities and are meeting a real need for the mentally ill. However, much can be done to remove the barriers that prevent the integration of traditional healers within the mental health system and improve the quality of care they administer within the population. Mental illness is almost exclusively coped with through traditional medicine practices. Mobilization and education from each strata of Nigerian society and government as well as input from the medical community can improve how traditional medicine is utilized as a treatment for clinical illness and help alleviate the heavy burden of mental illness in Nigeria. Currently, there is no existing policy making structure for a working mental health system in Nigeria, and traditional healers are not taken into account in any formulation of mental health policy. Advocacy for mental illness is severely inadequate due to fear of stigmatization, with no formally recognized national of regional mental health association.^
En estas sociedades occidentales modernas, deviene como “normal" y cotidiano la uniformización de los sujetos; resultando valores cada vez más preciados y exigidos la hegemonía en pensamiento, acción y sensación. En este sentido, y para el logro de tal emprendimiento, se entiende que han ido cambiando a lo largo de estos últimos tres siglos las formas de requerir tal hegemonía, no así la esencia de la misma, orientando a los seres en su individualidad y colectivamente hacia una hegemonía del deber ser. Se considera en este trabajo a la educación formal como uno de los pilares en los que se ha sostenido la formación de los sujetos sociales modernos. Será en base a las demarcaciones propias del disciplinamiento y la normalización adquirida a través de la currícula educativa que se delimiten marginalidades entre lo que se es y lo que se espera de cada sujeto.