953 resultados para Nominal agreement
Key agreement is a cryptographic scenario between two legitimate parties, who need to establish a common secret key over a public authenticated channel, and an eavesdropper who intercepts all their messages in order to learn the secret. We consider query complexity in which we count only the number of evaluations (queries) of a given black-box function, and classical communication channels. Ralph Merkle provided the first unclassified scheme for secure communications over insecure channels. When legitimate parties are willing to ask O(N) queries for some parameter N, any classical eavesdropper needs Omega(N^2) queries before being able to learn their secret, which is is optimal. However, a quantum eavesdropper can break this scheme in O(N) queries. Furthermore, it was conjectured that any scheme, in which legitimate parties are classical, could be broken in O(N) quantum queries. In this thesis, we introduce protocols à la Merkle that fall into two categories. When legitimate parties are restricted to use classical computers, we offer the first secure classical scheme. It requires Omega(N^{13/12}) queries of a quantum eavesdropper to learn the secret. We give another protocol having security of Omega(N^{7/6}) queries. Furthermore, for any k>= 2, we introduce a classical protocol in which legitimate parties establish a secret in O(N) queries while the optimal quantum eavesdropping strategy requires Theta(N^{1/2+k/{k+1}}) queries, approaching Theta(N^{3/2}) when k increases. When legitimate parties are provided with quantum computers, we present two quantum protocols improving on the best known scheme before this work. Furthermore, for any k>= 2, we give a quantum protocol in which legitimate parties establish a secret in O(N) queries while the optimal quantum eavesdropping strategy requires Theta(N^{1+{k}/{k+1}})} queries, approaching Theta(N^{2}) when k increases.
Cette étude décrit le développement des structures morphosyntaxiques et morphophonologiques chez les enfants francophones âgés entre 3 et 6 ans. Ces données pourront contribuer à particulariser certaines difficultés morphosyntaxiques et morphophonologiques retrouvées chez l’enfant déficient auditif québécois porteur d’implant cochléaire. Le premier objectif de notre projet pilote vise à comparer les habiletés morphosyntaxiques et morphophonologiques au niveau expressif de l’enfant porteur d’IC à celles des enfants entendants de même âge auditif et chronologique. L’étude évalue spécifiquement l’accord intra-nominal en genre, et les processus de fusion, d’élision et de liaison. Nous prédisons qu’une entrée auditive inférieure à la norme aura un impact sur l’acquisition des règles morpho(phonolo)giques en français. Le deuxième objectif consiste à observer si la maîtrise de ces structures est liée à la maîtrise de la production phonémique chez l’enfant franco-québécois porteur d’IC. L’élaboration de deux tâches expérimentales et la passation de tâches évaluatives et expérimentales ont permis d’étudier les difficultés morphologiques et phonologiques de l’enfant porteur d'IC. Le groupe témoin a inclus 14 enfants à développement typique. Ils ont été comparés au cas de Vincent, âgé de 59 mois, porteur d’implant cochléaire. Ce dernier présente des étapes de développement linguistique décalées qui correspondent à celles d’enfants appariés sur l’âge auditif (date d’IC) plutôt qu’à l’âge chronologique (AC). Nous avons observé des similitudes et des différences, sur le plan phonologique et morphosyntaxique, entre Vincent et les enfants entendants : il présente des performances significativement moins bonnes que la norme pour certaines de structures morphosyntaxiques et processus morphophonologiques (accord du genre, élision, fusion) mais meilleures que les témoins dans la tâche de liaison. Nous pensons que le gain prothétique n’est pas le seul facteur qui a un impact sur le développement linguistique précoce et que d’autres facteurs l’influenceraient, tels l’âge d’implantation, le mode de communication, l’implantation bilatérale, l’investissement des parents et les effets d’apprentissage. Enfin, notre étude de cas n’a pu étayer si la maîtrise de la production phonémique est en relation avec la maîtrise de certaines structures et processus morphologiques.
The present study examines the type of NTMs, especially the quality regulations and safety standards encountered by the marine product exports of Kerala in its major import markets of the EU, the US and Japan. An analysis of whether the safety and quality standards prescribed by these developed countries on the imported fish and fishery products are purely based on risk assessment and scientific evidence or are they erected as disguised barriers to trade is attempted
This paper deals with brief overview of the developments of international provisions on IPR related to public health. It discusses flexibilities before and after TRIPS Agreement and difficulties faced by developing countries in implementing TRIPS obligations and protecting public health. Also discussed are the reasons for the Doha Declaration and issues relating to implementation of Para 6 of the Declaration. Discusses the inadequacy in the compulsory licence based approach to solve public health crisis and argues for a more comprehensive approach to find a long term solution to the public health issues
Fish and fishery products are regarded as healthy foods and there has been a significant increase in their global trade. Besides that, trade liberalization policies, globalization of food systems and technological innovations have furthered the increase in international trade in fish and fishery products.Fish and fishery product exports have a significant place in the export basket of India. Export earnings of India from fishery products increased from ` 4 crores in 1960-61to ` 12901.47 crores in 2010-11(MPEDA, 2012). The share of export earnings from fish and fishery products as a percentage of total agricultural exports of India increased from a low of 1.76 percent in 1960-61 to a high of 25.06 percent in 1994-95. But its share declined to 16.60 percent in the following year. Though its share in agricultural exports of the country has declined since then, in 2010-11, marine product exports accounted for 9.61 percent of total agricultural exports of India representing a significant share.
The main instrument used in psychological measurement is the self-report questionnaire. One of its major drawbacks however is its susceptibility to response biases. A known strategy to control these biases has been the use of so-called ipsative items. Ipsative items are items that require the respondent to make between-scale comparisons within each item. The selected option determines to which scale the weight of the answer is attributed. Consequently in questionnaires only consisting of ipsative items every respondent is allotted an equal amount, i.e. the total score, that each can distribute differently over the scales. Therefore this type of response format yields data that can be considered compositional from its inception. Methodological oriented psychologists have heavily criticized this type of item format, since the resulting data is also marked by the associated unfavourable statistical properties. Nevertheless, clinicians have kept using these questionnaires to their satisfaction. This investigation therefore aims to evaluate both positions and addresses the similarities and differences between the two data collection methods. The ultimate objective is to formulate a guideline when to use which type of item format. The comparison is based on data obtained with both an ipsative and normative version of three psychological questionnaires, which were administered to 502 first-year students in psychology according to a balanced within-subjects design. Previous research only compared the direct ipsative scale scores with the derived ipsative scale scores. The use of compositional data analysis techniques also enables one to compare derived normative score ratios with direct normative score ratios. The addition of the second comparison not only offers the advantage of a better-balanced research strategy. In principle it also allows for parametric testing in the evaluation
El objetivo principal de este estudio es conocer la concordancia entre informantes, padres y maestros, en cada una de las dimensiones o categorías diagnósticas del Early Childhood Inventory-4 (ECI-4). Además, se pretende analizar la influencia de la presencia de problemas de salud en los padres en la descripción y valoración de la conducta de una muestra de 204 alumnos de preescolar (3 a 6 años) de perfiles socioeconómicos diferentes. Los resultados indican que los padres tienden a valorar con mayor severidad los síntomas, observándose una mayor concordancia entre informantes en los relativos a los trastornos del desarrollo
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo el Estado del arte acerca de la discusión teórica de la repercusión de la unión monetaria en el principio de soberanía nacional, específicamente el caso de Gran Bretaña, ya que éste es el único país que expresa abiertamente su incertidumbre referente a algún tipo de amenaza a su soberanía. Se pretende precisar si existen criterios concluyentes, o por el contrario determinar si no hay claridad con respecto al futuro de Gran Bretaña como miembro de la unión monetaria.A partir de lo anterior, se plantean como sus propósitos particulares construir un marco conceptual acerca de la soberanía. Este estado del arte se inicia con citas de los principales autores de finales de siglo XVII y XVIII y finaliza con las posiciones conceptuales aportadas por los teóricos modernos motivados por el nacimiento de la Unión Europea como un nuevo orden político. Entre las que se citan: modelo centrico o intergubernamentalista, modelo de gobernabilidad multi-nivel, modelo neo-funcionalista y modelo federalista. Igualmente, el trabajo, busca desarrollar un marco conceptual sobre Unión Monetaria y su evolución hasta el logro de una unión fiscal europea en el periodo de 1950-2010, establecer las relaciones teóricas entre Soberanía del Estado y Unión Monetaria y por último realizar un análisis histórico hermenéutico de la Unión Europea y el caso del Reino Unido de acuerdo a las relaciones evidenciadas en los apartados teóricos entre soberanía del Estado y Unión Monetaria.
It is in the interest of most states to eliminate double taxation (i.e. the payment of the same tax in two jurisdictions) of transnational commercial enterprises. Because such disputes involve, on the one hand, the state imposition of taxes, a right universally asserted by all states, and private entities on the other, taxation disputes between such parties are not, on their face, easily susceptible to arbitration. This article analyzes two dispute settlement procedures-the OECD First Model Tax Convention and a similar EU Convention-with the exclusive focus on disputes relating to the imposition of double taxation. It will look at the ways in which state roles may vary under these procedures from assisting in the negotiation process to taking a part similar to, but with important differences from, diplomatic protection on behalf of an affected enterprise. The article will examine the situations under which the settlement procedure is required and/or available, how the procedures are triggered, the obligations and parts played by the parties, the means by which the disputes are resolved (from negotiations to tribunals) and the limitations of the procedures. Are they “taxpayer friendly”? As a result the reader may draw comparisons between the two procedures. Finally, the article will look at the proposed OECD Arbitration Clause which is intended to be incorporated into Article 25 of the OECD Model Tax Convention as well as how these mechanisms relate and/or conflict with bilateral tax treaties and the GATS.
Considering that the employment contract suspension responds to labor stability,one of the most important principles of labor law is important to study it because itsprincipal purpose is to maintain the link between de employer and the employeedespite the presence of adversity or other situations that would break up the relationshipin other fields. However, at the occurrence of any of the grounds of suspensionmay be presented some questions or voids that it will try to be answer in this paper.Consequently we shall refer first to the definition, purpose and characteristics of thesuspension. Subsequently, will be analyzed in detail every single ground of contractsuspension in Colombia. Then, will be studied the effects of the suspension andwe will refer to the resumption of work, and conclude with the comparative analysisof the figure in some Hispanic countries (Mexico, Paraguay and Spain).
Colombia, a partir de 1990, inicia un plan de gobierno enfocado en la apertura económica, con estrategias que propugnaban por un cambio en el modelo económico a través de políticas como la reducción de aranceles a las importaciones y otra serie de medidas proteccionistas, flexibilización laboral, la reducción del papel del Estado para darle protagonismo al sector privado y procesos de privatización de empresas públicas En este entorno internacional se ha adquirido conciencia de que, en un mundo globalizado y cada vez más interdependiente, no puede haber espacio para “aventuras solitarias de Estados soberanos”, lo que justifica la proliferación de organizaciones multilaterales en América Latina y el Caribe en la última década. Recientemente Colombia ha mostrado su interés en entrar a formar parte de un bloque económico de gran relevancia a nivel internacional: el "Transpacific Partnership Agreement" (TPP); tratado integrado por: Canadá, Estados Unidos, México, Perú, Chile, Japón, Vietnam, Malasia, Singapur, Brunei, Australia y Nueva Zelanda, representando el 35% del PIB mundial y el 11% de la población. El presente trabajo pretende presentar una visión objetiva del TPP, generando el espacio para la libre interpretación de sus beneficios o perjuicios. Para ello, se analiza el estado actual del TPP con sus principales indicadores, su desempeño en los últimos años y las relaciones diplomáticas y los flujos comerciales entre Colombia y los países miembros del mismo.