934 resultados para Nichtstaatliche Organisation
Collection : Les archives de la Révolution française ; 8.534
Réponse du pape aux évêques de l'Assemblée nationale sur l'organisation civile du clergé ([Reprod.])
Collection : Les archives de la Révolution française ; 8.1459
Polymorbidity affects an increasing number of patients of all ages as demonstrated by a recent epidemiological study and represents a real challenge for the organization of health care. Appropriate management of polymorbid patients requires an interdisciplinary approach associating generalist and specialist physicians, but also nurses, other health professionals and social workers. An improvement in transition care between the community and the hospital is necessary in both directions. Prioritizing the treatment objectives is essential to allow patient adherence and avoid cumulative drug interactions and adverse effects. Those objectives are difficult to attain in the context of our present health care organization. This paper attempts to identify the difficulties involved in caring for polymorbid patients and propose ways to improve it.
La question du harcèlement psychologique, ou mobbing, constitue aujourd'hui une préoccupation importante s'agissant de la santé au travail. Cet article veut engager une réflexion sur les conditions d'émergence du phénomène de mobbing et sur les interprétations qui lui sont données. Alors que des auteurs comme Hirigoyen et Leyman développent le point de vue selon lequel le mobbing est l'effet de personnalités perverses, cet article soutient un point de vue différent, selon lequel le mobbing est en réalité étroitement lié aux nouvelles modalités d'organisation et aux rapports de travail, indépendamment de la présence de personnalités déviantes. L'article décrit les formes d'organisation qui, tout en cassant les anciennes solidarités, poussent à un engagement individualisé dans le projet de l'entreprise. Ceci place les salariés dans des contradictions dont ils sortent en développant des stratégies de survie et d'évitement du conflit, dont le mobbing est l'une des expressions. [Auteurs]
[Décret. 1928-11-01]
Caspofungin at standard dose was evaluated as first-line monotherapy of mycologically documented probable/proven invasive aspergillosis (IA) (unmodified European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycosis Study Group criteria) in allogeneic hematopoietic SCT patients. The primary efficacy end point was complete or partial response at end of caspofungin treatment. Response at week 12, survival and safety were additional end points. Enrollment was stopped prematurely because of low accrual, with 42 enrolled and 24 eligible, giving the study a power of 85%. Transplant was from unrelated donors in 16 patients; acute or chronic GVHD was present in 15. In all, 12 patients were neutropenic (<500/microl) at baseline, 10 received steroids and 16 calcineurin inhibitors or sirolimus. Median duration of caspofungin treatment was 24 days. At the end of caspofungin therapy, 10 (42%) patients had complete or partial response (95% confidence interval: 22-63%); 1 (4%) and 12 (50%) had stable and progressing disease, respectively; one was not evaluable. At week 12, eight patients (33%) had complete or partial response. Survival rates at week 6 and 12 were 79 and 50%, respectively. No patient had a drug-related serious adverse event or discontinued because of toxicity. Caspofungin first-line therapy was effective and well tolerated in allogeneic hematopoietic SCT patients with mycologically documented IA.