880 resultados para Newly-diagnosed Schizophrenia
BACKGROUND: Measurement of plasma renin activity (PRA) is the gold standard for monitoring mineralocorticoid treatment in humans with primary hypoadrenocorticism (PH). OBJECTIVES: To compare PRA in dogs with newly diagnosed PH, dogs with diseases mimicking PH, and healthy dogs, and evaluate measurement of PRA to monitor therapeutic effects in dogs with PH treated with different mineralocorticoids. ANIMALS: Eleven dogs with newly diagnosed PH (group 1), 10 dogs with diseases mimicking PH (group 2), 21 healthy dogs (group 3), 17 dogs with treated PH (group 4). METHODS: In group 1, PRA was measured before treatment and at different times after initiating treatment. In groups 2 and 3, PRA was measured at initial presentation only. In group 4, no baseline PRA was obtained but PRA was measured once or every 1-6 months during treatment. Mineralocorticoid treatment consisted of fludrocortisone acetate (FC) or desoxycorticosterone pivalate (DOCP). RESULTS: Plasma renin activity before treatment was increased in dogs with PH compared to normal dogs and dogs with diseases mimicking PH with median activity of 27, 0.8, and 1.0 ng/mL/h, respectively. In dogs with PH, PRA decreased and normalized with mineralocorticoid treatment using DOCP but not with FC. In dogs treated with DOCP, PRA was lower than in dogs treated with FC. Plasma sodium concentrations were higher and potassium concentrations were lower with DOCP treatment compared to FC treatment. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Plasma renin activity is a reliable tool for monitoring mineralocorticoid treatment. DOCP treatment more effectively suppresses PRA compared to FC in dogs with PH.
Cilengitide is a cyclic peptide antagonist of integrins alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 that is currently being evaluated as a novel therapeutic agent for recurrent and newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Its mode of action is thought to be mainly antiangiogenic but may include direct effects on tumor cells, notably on attachment, migration, invasion, and viability. In this study we found that, at clinically relevant concentrations, cilengitide (1-100 microM) induces detachment in some but not all glioma cell lines, while the effect on cell viability is modest. Detachment induced by cilengitide could not be predicted by the level of expression of the cilengitide target molecules, alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5, at the cell surface. Glioma cell death induced by cilengitide was associated with the generation of caspase activity, but caspase activity was not required for cell death since ectopic expression of cytokine response modifier (crm)-A or coexposure to the broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk was not protective. Moreover, forced expression of the antiapoptotic protein marker Bcl-X(L) or altering the p53 status did not modulate cilengitide-induced cell death. No consistent effects of cilengitide on glioma cell migration or invasiveness were observed in vitro. Preliminary clinical results indicate a preferential benefit from cilengitide added to temozolomide-based radiochemotherapy in patients with O(6)-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene promoter methylation. Accordingly, we also examined whether the MGMT status determines glioma cell responses to cilengitide alone or in combination with temozolomide. Neither ectopic expression of MGMT in MGMT-negative cells nor silencing the MGMT gene in MGMT-positive cells altered glioma cell responses to cilengitide alone or to cilengitide in combination with temozolomide. These data suggest that the beneficial clinical effects derived from cilengitide in vivo may arise from altered perfusion, which promotes temozolomide delivery to glioma cells.
Acquired genomic aberrations have been shown to significantly impact survival in several hematologic malignancies. We analyzed the prognostic value of the most frequent chromosomal changes in a large series of patients with newly diagnosed symptomatic myeloma prospectively enrolled in homogeneous therapeutic trials. All the 1064 patients enrolled in the IFM99 trials conducted by the Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome benefited from an interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis performed on purified bone marrow plasma cells. They were systematically screened for the following genomic aberrations: del(13), t(11;14), t(4;14), hyperdiploidy, MYC translocations, and del(17p). Chromosomal changes were observed in 90% of the patients. The del(13), t(11;14), t(4;14), hyperdiploidy, MYC translocations, and del(17p) were present in 48%, 21%, 14%, 39%, 13%, and 11% of the patients, respectively. After a median follow-up of 41 months, univariate statistical analyses revealed that del(13), t(4;14), nonhyperdiploidy, and del(17p) negatively impacted both the event-free survival and the overall survival, whereas t(11;14) and MYC translocations did not influence the prognosis. Multivariate analyses on 513 patients annotated for all the parameters showed that only t(4;14) and del(17p) retained prognostic value for both the event-free and overall survivals. When compared with the currently used International Staging System, this prognostic model compares favorably. In myeloma, the genomic aberrations t(4;14) and del(17p), together with beta2-microglobulin level, are important independent predictors of survival. These findings have implications for the design of risk-adapted treatment strategies.
Malignant gliomas, including the most common and fatal form glioblastoma (GBM, WHO grade IV astrocytoma), remain a challenge to treat. In the United States and Europe, more than 30,000 patients per year are newly diagnosed with GBM. Despite ongoing trials, the best currently available multimodal treatment approaches include surgical resection followed by concomitant and adjuvant radiation (RT) and temozolomide (TMZ) therapy, resulting in a low median overall survival (OS) rate ranging from 12.2 - 15.9 months. The important role of genetic and epigenetic changes in DNA, RNA, and protein alteration as well as epigenetic changes secondary to the tumor microenvironment and outside selection pressure (therapeutic interventions), are increasingly being recognized. In GBM treatment, the focus is shifting toward a more patient-centered (personalized) therapy. In this regard, in particular, microRNAs are being increasingly studied. MicroRNAs are non¬protein coding small RNAs that serve as negative gene regulators by binding to a specific sequence in the promoter region of a target gene, thus regulating gene expression. A single microRNA potentially targets hundreds of genes; thus, microRNAs and their cognate target genes have important roles as tumor suppressors and oncogenes as well as regulators of various cancer- specific cellular features, such as proliferation, apoptosis, invasion, and metastasis. The identification of distinct microRNA-gene regulatory networks in GBM patients can be expected to provide novel therapeutic insights by identifying candidate patients for targeted therapies. To this end, in this work we identified and validated clinically relevant and meaningful novel gene- microRNA regulatory networks that correlated with MR tumor phenotypes, histopathology, and patient survival and response rates to therapy. - Le traitement des gliomes malins, y compris sous leur forme la plus commune et meurtrière, le glioblastome (GBM, ou astrocytome de grade IV selon l'OMS), demeure à ce jour un défi. Aux États-Unis et en Europe, un nouveau diagnostic de GBM est prononcé dans plus de 30Ό00 cas par an. En dépit de tests en cours, les meilleures approches thérapeutiques combinées actuellement disponibles comprennent la résection chirurgicale de la tumeur, suivie d'une radiothérapie adjuvante ainsi que d'un traitement au temozolomide (RT/TMZ), thérapies dont résulte une médiane de survie globale basse (overall survival, OS), comprise entre 12.2 et 15.9 mois. On reconnaît de plus en plus le rôle majeur de l'ADN, de l'ARN et de l'altération des protéines ainsi que des modifications épigénétiques, secondaires par rapport au microenvironnement de la tumeur et à la pression de sélection extérieure (les interventions thérapeutiques). Dans le traitement du GBM, le centre d'intérêt se déplace vers une thérapie centrée sur le cas individuel du patient. Dans ce but, en particulier les microARN sont de plus en plus analysés. Les microARN sont de petits ARN non-codants (les protéines) qui servent de régulateurs négatifs de gènes en s'attachant à une séquence spécifique dans la région promotrice d'un gène-cible, régulant ainsi l'expression du gène. Un seul microARN cible potentiellement des centaines de gènes; on a ainsi découvert que les microARN et leurs gènes-cibles apparentés ont une fonction importante en tant que suppresseurs de tumeurs et d'oncogènes, ainsi que comme régulateurs de diverses caractéristiques cellulaires spécifiques du cancer, comme la prolifération, l'apoptose, l'invasion et la métastase. On peut s'attendre à ce que l'identification de réseaux microARN régulateurs de gènes, distincts selon les patients de GBM, fournisse une approche thérapeutique inédite par la détermination des patients susceptibles de réagir favorablement à des thérapies ciblées.
BACKGROUND: NovoTTF is a portable device delivering low-intensity, intermediate-frequency, electric fields using noninvasive, disposable scalp electrodes. These fields physically interfere with cell division. Preliminary studies in recurrent and newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM) have shown promising results. A phase III study in recurrent GBM has recently been concluded. METHODS: Adults (KPS ≥ 70%) with recurrent GBM (any recurrence) were randomized (stratified by surgery and center) to either NovoTTF administered continuously (20-24 hours/day, 7 days/week) or the best available chemotherapy (best physician choice [BPC]). Primary endpoint was overall survival (OS); 6-month progression-free survival (PFS6), 1-year survival, and QOL were secondary endpoints. RESULTS: Two hundred thirty-seven patients were randomized (28 centers in the United States and Europe) to either NovoTTF alone (120 patients) or BPC (117 patients). Patient characteristics were balanced, median age was 54 years (range, 23-80 years), median KPS was 80% (range, 50-100). One quarter had surgery for recurrence, and over half were at their second or more recurrence. A survival advantage for the device group was seen in patients treated according to protocol (median OS, 7.8 months vs. 6.1 months; n = 185; p = 0.01). Moreover, subgroup analysis in patients with better prognostic baseline characteristics (KPS ≥ 80%; age ≤ 60; 1st-3rd recurrence) demonstrated a robust survival benefit for NovoTTF patients compared to matched BPC patients (median OS, 8.8 months vs. 6.6 months; n = 110; p < 0.01). In this group, 1-year survival was 35% vs. 20% and PFS6 was 25.6% vs. 7.7%. Interestingly, in patients who failed bevacizumab prior to the trial, OS was also significantly extended by NovoTTF (4.4 months vs. 3.1 months; n = 23 vs. n = 21; p < 0.02). Quality of life was equivalent or superior in NovoTTF patients. CONCLUSIONS: NovoTTF, a noninvasive, novel cancer treatment modality shows significant therapeutic efficacy with improved quality of life. The impact of NovoTTF was more pronounced when patients with better baseline prognostic factors were treated. A large scale phase III clinical trial in newly diagnosed GBM is currently being conducted.
Objectives: To determine the prevalence of dementia and the proportion of undiagnosed dementia in elderly patients admitted to postacute care, and to identify patients' characteristics associated with undiagnosed dementia. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Academic postacute rehabilitation facility in Lausanne, Switzerland. Participants: Patients (N = 1764) aged 70 years and older. Measurements: Data on socio-demographic, medical, functional, and affective status were collected upon admission. Data on cognitive performance (Mini-Mental State Exam [MMSE]), and cognition-related discharge diagnoses were abstracted through a structured review of discharge summaries. Results: Overall, 24.1% (425/1764) patients had a diagnosis of dementia, most frequently secondary to Alzheimer's disease (260/425, 61.2%). Among dementia cases, 70.8% (301/425) were newly diagnosed during postacute stay. This proportion was lower among patients referred from internal medicine than from orthopedic/surgery services (65.8% versus 74.8%, P = .042). Compared to patients with already diagnosed dementia, those newly diagnosed were older, lived alone more frequently, and had better functional status and MMSE score at admission (all P < .05). In multivariate analysis, previously undetected dementia remained associated with older age (OR = 2.4 for age 85 years and older, 95% CI 1.5-4.0, P = .001) and normal MMSE at admission (OR = 5.9, 95% CI 2.7-12.7, P < .001). Conclusion: Dementia was present in almost a fourth of elderly patients referred to postacute care, but was diagnosed in less than a third before admission. Oldest old patients appear especially at risk for underrecognition. These results emphasize the high diagnostic yield of systematic cognitive assessment in the postacute care setting to improve these patients' management and quality of life.
BACKGROUND: Most patients with glioblastoma are older than 60 years, but treatment guidelines are based on trials in patients aged only up to 70 years. We did a randomised trial to assess the optimum palliative treatment in patients aged 60 years and older with glioblastoma. METHODS: Patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma were recruited from Austria, Denmark, France, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey. They were assigned by a computer-generated randomisation schedule, stratified by centre, to receive temozolomide (200 mg/m(2) on days 1-5 of every 28 days for up to six cycles), hypofractionated radiotherapy (34·0 Gy administered in 3·4 Gy fractions over 2 weeks), or standard radiotherapy (60·0 Gy administered in 2·0 Gy fractions over 6 weeks). Patients and study staff were aware of treatment assignment. The primary endpoint was overall survival. Analyses were done by intention to treat. This trial is registered, number ISRCTN81470623. FINDINGS: 342 patients were enrolled, of whom 291 were randomised across three treatment groups (temozolomide n=93, hypofractionated radiotherapy n=98, standard radiotherapy n=100) and 51 of whom were randomised across only two groups (temozolomide n=26, hypofractionated radiotherapy n=25). In the three-group randomisation, in comparison with standard radiotherapy, median overall survival was significantly longer with temozolomide (8·3 months [95% CI 7·1-9·5; n=93] vs 6·0 months [95% CI 5·1-6·8; n=100], hazard ratio [HR] 0·70; 95% CI 0·52-0·93, p=0·01), but not with hypofractionated radiotherapy (7·5 months [6·5-8·6; n=98], HR 0·85 [0·64-1·12], p=0·24). For all patients who received temozolomide or hypofractionated radiotherapy (n=242) overall survival was similar (8·4 months [7·3-9·4; n=119] vs 7·4 months [6·4-8·4; n=123]; HR 0·82, 95% CI 0·63-1·06; p=0·12). For age older than 70 years, survival was better with temozolomide and with hypofractionated radiotherapy than with standard radiotherapy (HR for temozolomide vs standard radiotherapy 0·35 [0·21-0·56], p<0·0001; HR for hypofractionated vs standard radiotherapy 0·59 [95% CI 0·37-0·93], p=0·02). Patients treated with temozolomide who had tumour MGMT promoter methylation had significantly longer survival than those without MGMT promoter methylation (9·7 months [95% CI 8·0-11·4] vs 6·8 months [5·9-7·7]; HR 0·56 [95% CI 0·34-0·93], p=0·02), but no difference was noted between those with methylated and unmethylated MGMT promoter treated with radiotherapy (HR 0·97 [95% CI 0·69-1·38]; p=0·81). As expected, the most common grade 3-4 adverse events in the temozolomide group were neutropenia (n=12) and thrombocytopenia (n=18). Grade 3-5 infections in all randomisation groups were reported in 18 patients. Two patients had fatal infections (one in the temozolomide group and one in the standard radiotherapy group) and one in the temozolomide group with grade 2 thrombocytopenia died from complications after surgery for a gastrointestinal bleed. INTERPRETATION: Standard radiotherapy was associated with poor outcomes, especially in patients older than 70 years. Both temozolomide and hypofractionated radiotherapy should be considered as standard treatment options in elderly patients with glioblastoma. MGMT promoter methylation status might be a useful predictive marker for benefit from temozolomide. FUNDING: Merck, Lion's Cancer Research Foundation, University of Umeå, and the Swedish Cancer Society.
CONTEXT: A shortening of the atrial refractory period has been considered as the main mechanism for the increased risk of atrial fibrillation in hyperthyroidism. However, other important factors may be involved. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine the activity of abnormal supraventricular electrical depolarizations in response to elevated thyroid hormones in patients without structural heart disease. PATIENTS AND DESIGN: Twenty-eight patients (25 females, three males, mean age 43+/-11 yr) with newly diagnosed and untreated hyperthyroidism were enrolled in a prospective trial after exclusion of heart disease. Patients were followed up for 16 +/- 6 months and studied at baseline and 6 months after normalization of serum TSH levels. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The incidence of abnormal premature supraventricular depolarizations (SVPD) and the number of episodes of supraventricular tachycardia was defined as primary outcome measurements before the start of the study. In addition, heart rate oscillations (turbulence) after premature depolarizations and heart rate variability were compared at baseline and follow-up. RESULTS: SVPDs decreased from 59 +/- 29 to 21 +/- 8 per 24 h (P = 0.003), very early SVPDs (so called P on T) decreased from 36 +/- 24 to 3 +/- 1 per 24 h (P < 0.0001), respectively, and nonsustained supraventricular tachycardias decreased from 22 +/- 11 to 0.5 +/- 0.2 per 24 h (P = 0.01) after normalization of serum thyrotropin levels. The hyperthyroid phase was characterized by an increased heart rate (93 +/- 14 vs. 79 +/- 8 beats/min, P < 0.0001) and a decreased turbulence slope (3.6 vs. 9.2, P = 0.003), consistent with decreased vagal tone. This was confirmed by a significant decrease of heart rate variability. CONCLUSION: Hyperthyroidism is associated with an increased supraventricular ectopic activity in patients with normal hearts. The activation of these arrhythmogenic foci by elevated thyroid hormones may be an important causal link between hyperthyroidism and atrial fibrillation.
BACKGROUND: Prognostic models have been developed to predict survival of patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM). To improve predictions, models should be updated with information at the recurrence. We performed a pooled analysis of European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trials on recurrent glioblastoma to validate existing clinical prognostic factors, identify new markers, and derive new predictions for overall survival (OS) and progression free survival (PFS).¦METHODS: Data from 300 patients with recurrent GBM recruited in eight phase I or II trials conducted by the EORTC Brain Tumour Group were used to evaluate patient's age, sex, World Health Organisation (WHO) performance status (PS), presence of neurological deficits, disease history, use of steroids or anti-epileptics and disease characteristics to predict PFS and OS. Prognostic calculators were developed in patients initially treated by chemoradiation with temozolomide.¦RESULTS: Poor PS and more than one target lesion had a significant negative prognostic impact for both PFS and OS. Patients with large tumours measured by the maximum diameter of the largest lesion (⩾42mm) and treated with steroids at baseline had shorter OS. Tumours with predominant frontal location had better survival. Age and sex did not show independent prognostic values for PFS or OS.¦CONCLUSIONS: This analysis confirms performance status but not age as a major prognostic factor for PFS and OS in recurrent GBM. Patients with multiple and large lesions have an increased risk of death. With these data prognostic calculators with confidence intervals for both medians and fixed time probabilities of survival were derived.
The tumor environment is critical for tumor maintenance and progression. Integrins are a large family of cell surface receptors mediating the interaction of tumor cells with their microenvironment and play important roles in glioma biology, including migration, invasion, angiogenesis and tumor stem cell anchorage. Here, we review preclinical and clinical data on integrin inhibition in malignant gliomas. Various pharmacological approaches to the modulation of integrin signaling have been explored including antibodies and peptide-based agents. Cilengitide, a cyclic RGD-mimetic peptide of αvβ3 and αvβ5 integrins is in advanced clinical development in glioblastoma. Cilengitide had only limited activity as a single agent in glioblastoma, but, when added to standard radiochemotherapy, appeared to prolong progression-free and overall survival in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastomas and methylation of the promoter of the O⁶ methylguanine methyltransferase (MGMT) gene. MGMT gene promoter methylation in turn predicts benefit from alkylating chemotherapy. A phase III randomized clinical trial in conjunction with standard radiochemotherapy in newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients with MGMT gene promoter methylation has recently completed accrual (EORTC 26071-22072). A companion trial explores a dose-escalated regimen of cilengitide added to radiotherapy plus temozolomide in patients without MGMT gene promoter methylation. Promising results in these trials would probably result in a broader interest in integrins as targets for glioma therapy and hopefully the development of a broader panel of anti-integrin agents.
OBJECTIVES: Clinical staging is widespread in medicine - it informs prognosis, clinical course, and treatment, and assists individualized care. Staging places an individual on a probabilistic continuum of increasing potential disease severity, ranging from clinically at-risk or latency stage through first threshold episode of illness or recurrence, and, finally, to late or end-stage disease. The aim of the present paper was to examine and update the evidence regarding staging in bipolar disorder, and how this might inform targeted and individualized intervention approaches. METHODS: We provide a narrative review of the relevant information. RESULTS: In bipolar disorder, the validity of staging is informed by a range of findings that accompany illness progression, including neuroimaging data suggesting incremental volume loss, cognitive changes, and a declining likelihood of response to pharmacological and psychosocial treatments. Staging informs the adoption of a number of approaches, including the active promotion of both indicated prevention for at-risk individuals and early intervention strategies for newly diagnosed individuals, and the tailored implementation of treatments according to the stage of illness. CONCLUSIONS: The nature of bipolar disorder implies the presence of an active process of neuroprogression that is considered to be at least partly mediated by inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis, and changes in neurogenesis. It further supports the concept of neuroprotection, in that a diversity of agents have putative effects against these molecular targets. Clinically, staging suggests that the at-risk state or first episode is a period that requires particularly active and broad-based treatment, consistent with the hope that the temporal trajectory of the illness can be altered. Prompt treatment may be potentially neuroprotective and attenuate the neurostructural and neurocognitive changes that emerge with chronicity. Staging highlights the need for interventions at a service delivery level and implementing treatments at the earliest stage of illness possible.
BACKGROUND: Despite advances in treatment, survival of patients with GBM over 60 years is still often less than 1 year. In the perspective of a short expected survival, the quality of the remaining life and the effects of therapy on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) should be given special emphasis when recommending treatment for the individual patients. Several studies have focused on survival of the elderly, but few data are available on HRQoL for different treatments. In a randomized trial, we compared survival and HRQoL for 3 treatment options, 6 weeks of RT, vs hypofractionated RT, or chemotherapy with TMZ. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Newly diagnosed GBM patients, age ≥60 years with PS 0-2, were randomized to either standard RT (60 Gy in 2-Gy fractions over 6 weeks), hypofractionated RT (34 Gy in 3.4-Gy fractions over 2 weeks), or 6 cycles of chemotherapy with TMZ (200 mg/m2 day 1-5 every 28 days). QoL was determined by the EORTC QLQ 30 questionnaire and the Brain Cancer Module at inclusion, before start of therapy, at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after start of treatment. Patients were followed until death. The primary study endpoint was overall survival (OS) and secondary objectives were HRQoL, neurologic symptom control, and safety. RESULTS: A total of 342 patients were included and 292 patients were randomized between the 3 treatment options and 50 patients between hypofractionated RT and TMZ. Median age was 70 years (range 60-92) with 58% being male. Performance status was 0-1 for 75% of patients and 73% had undergone surgical resection. CONCLUSION: The results from the HRQoL analysis of this trial will be presented together with survival data at the upcoming EANO meeting.
A national information program, focusing on the main recognized risk factors (primary prevention) and on the potential benefits of early detection (secondary prevention) of cutaneous malignant melanoma, was launched in Switzerland in May 1988. The first campaign, based on a pilot study conducted in 1986 in the canton of Basel, was followed by a recall campaign in July 1989. This report describes the organization of this program and presents an assessment of its initial impact. The number of newly diagnosed cases increased more than twofold (+ 116%) in the two months following the launch of the first campaign (May to June 1988). This trend was accompanied by a statistically significant shift of case distribution towards younger ages (< 60 years; p = 0.003), and a non-significant shift was observed towards less advanced lesions (thickness < or = 1.5 mm). The incidence decreased quickly, though in the twelve month period between the two campaigns it remained 21% higher than before the inception of the program. No appreciable effects were detected from the recall campaign and no difference was seen among regions or between sexes.
We report on two elderly patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who were treated in palliative intention because of comorbidities and intermediate or poor risk cytogenetics. Both received G-CSF to reduce the risk of infection related to neutropenia. Interestingly, one patient achieved a full hematological remission and the other a peripheral remission with dramatic reduction of the bone marrow blast count. Although a direct therapeutic effect of myeloid growth factors seems to be unusual in AML, the use of G-CSF or GM-CSF may be recommended in patients such as elderly patients who are not suited for intensive chemotherapy.
Significant progress has been made in understanding the molecular pathogenesis of gliomas and in predicting general outcome depending on a limited set of clinical parameters and molecular markers. However, methylation of the O⁶-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene promoter is the only molecular marker linked to sensitivity of a specific treatment, that is, alkylating agent chemotherapy, and this predictive value may be limited to glioblastoma. Moreover, in the absence of potent alternative drugs, temozolomide chemotherapy should not be withheld from patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma without MGMT promoter methylation in general practice. In the context of clinical trials, however, irrespective of whether classical cytotoxic drugs, tyrosine kinase inhibitors or antiangiogenic agents are used, tissue should be centrally collected. Appropriate research programs should seek to define enriched patient populations for future trials and ultimately facilitate individualized cancer treatments.