195 resultados para Neuropathology


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Objective: To determine whether in cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), the florid-type plaques are derived from the diffuse plaques or whether the 2 plaque types develop independently. Material: Blocks of frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal neocortex and cerebellar cortex from 11 cases of vCJD. Method: The density, distribution and spatial pattern of the florid and diffuse plaques were determined in each brain region using spatial pattern analysis. Results: The density of the diffuse plaques was significantly greater than that of the florid plaques in most areas. The ratio of the diffuse to florid plaques varied between brain regions and was maximal in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. The densities of the florid and diffuse plaques were positively correlated in the parietal cortex, occipital cortex, the inferior temporal gyrus and the dentate gyrus. Plaque densities were not related to disease duration. In the cerebral cortex, the diffuse plaques were more commonly evenly distributed or occurred in large clusters along the cortex parallel to the pia mater compared with the florid plaques which occurred more frequently in regularly distributed clusters. Conclusion: The florid plaques may not be derived from the diffuse plaques, the 2 plaque types appearing to develop independently with unique factors involved in their pathogenesis.


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The frequency of morphological abnormalities in neuronal perikarya was studied in the cerebral cortex in cases of sporadic CJD (sCJD) and in elderly control patients. Three hypotheses were tested, namely that the proportion of neurons exhibiting abnormal morphology was increased: (i) in sCJD compared with control patients; (ii) in sCJD, in areas with significant prion protein (PrP) deposition compared with regions with little or no PrP deposition; and (iii) when neurons were spatially associated with a PrP deposit compared with neurons between PrP deposits. Changes in cell shape (swollen or atrophic cell bodies), nuclei (displaced, indistinct, shrunken or absent nuclei; absence of nucleolus), and cytoplasm (dense or pale cytoplasm, PrP positive cytoplasm, vacuolation) were commonly observed in all of the cortical areas studied in the sCJD cases. The proportion of neurons exhibiting each type of morphological change was significantly increased in sCJD compared with age-matched control cases. In sCJD, neuronal abnormalities were present in areas with little PrP deposition, but at significantly lower frequencies compared with areas with significant densities of PrP deposits. Abnormalities of cell shape, nucleus and the presence of cytoplasmic vacuolation were increased when the neurons were associated with a PrP deposit, but fewer of these neurons were PrP-positive compared with neurons between deposits. The data suggest significant neuronal degeneration in the cerebral cortex in sCJD in areas without significant PrP deposition and a further phase of neuronal degeneration associated with the appearance of PrP deposits.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the spatial patterns of the vacuolation ("spongiform change") in the subcortical white matter in the "classical" form of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). MATERIAL: Frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal lobes of 11 cases of sCJD. METHOD: Spatial patterns were studied across the white matter at the base of the gyri using spatial pattern analysis. RESULTS: In the white matter of all gyri studied, vacuoles were aggregated into clusters, 50 to > 800 microm in diameter and in 22/37 (59%) of gyri, the clusters of vacuoles exhibited a regular distribution across the base of the gyri. In the remaining gyri, the vacuoles were aggregated into large clusters, at least 400 microm or 800 microm in diameter, but without evidence of a regular distribution. In a significant proportion of gyri, the spatial patterns of the vacuolation were similar to those reported previously for spongiform change and prion protein (PrP) deposits in the corresponding grey matter. CONCLUSIONS: Degeneration of the white matter and the formation of clusters of vacuoles may occur before the degeneration of the grey matter or could be a consequence of pathology affecting the cortico-cortical pathways.


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Vacuolation ('spongiform change') and prion protein (PrP) deposition were quantified in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, dentate gyrus and molecular layer of the cerebellum in 11 cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). The density of vacuoles was greater in the cerebral cortex compared to the hippocampus, dentate gyrus and cerebellum. Within the cortex, vacuole density was significantly greater in the occipital compared to the temporal lobe and the density of surviving neurones was greatest in the occipital lobe. The density of the non-florid PrP plaques was greater in the cerebellum compared to the other brain areas. There were significantly more florid-type PrP plaques in the cerebral cortex compared to the hippocampus and the molecular layer of the cerebellum. No significant correlations were observed between the densities of the vacuoles and the PrP plaques. The densities of vacuoles in the parietal cortex and the non-florid plaques in the frontal cortex were positively correlated with the density of surviving neurones. The densities of the florid and the non-florid plaques were positively correlated in the parietal cortex, occipital cortex, inferior temporal gyrus and dentate gyrus. The data suggest: (i) vacuolation throughout the cerebral cortex, especially in the occipital lobe, but less evident in the hippocampus and molecular layer of the cerebellum; (ii) the non-florid plaques are more common than the florid plaques and predominate in the molecular layer of the cerebellum; and (iii) either the florid plaques develop from the non-florid plaques or both types are morphological variants resulting from the same degenerative process.


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The spatial pattern of the prion protein (PrP) deposits was studied in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum in 10 patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD). In all patients the PrP deposits were aggregated into clusters and, in 90% of cortical areas and in 50% of cerebellar sections, the clusters exhibited a regular periodicity parallel to the tissue boundary; a spatial pattern also exhibited by ß-amyloid (Aß) deposits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the cerebral cortex, the incidence of regular clustering of the PrP deposits was similar in the upper and lower cortical laminae. The sizes of the PrP clusters in the upper and lower cortex were uncorrelated. No significant differences in mean cluster size of the PrP deposits were observed between brain regions. The size, location and distribution of the PrP deposit clusters suggest that PrP deposition occurs in relation to specific anatomical pathways and supports the hypothesis that prion pathology spreads through the brain via such pathways. In addition, the data suggest that there are similarities in the pathogenesis of extracellular protein deposits in prion disease and in AD.


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Since publication of the first edition, huge developments have taken place in sensory biology research and new insights have been provided in particular by molecular biology. These show the similarities in the molecular architecture and in the physiology of sensory cells across species and across sensory modality and often indicate a common ancestry dating back over half a billion years. Biology of Sensory Systems has thus been completely revised and takes a molecular, evolutionary and comparative approach, providing an overview of sensory systems in vertebrates, invertebrates and prokaryotes, with a strong focus on human senses. Written by a renowned author with extensive teaching experience, the book covers, in six parts, the general features of sensory systems, the mechanosenses, the chemosenses, the senses which detect electromagnetic radiation, other sensory systems including pain, thermosensitivity and some of the minority senses and, finally, provides an outline and discussion of philosophical implications. New in this edition: - Greater emphasis on molecular biology and intracellular mechanisms - New chapter on genomics and sensory systems - Sections on TRP channels, synaptic transmission, evolution of nervous systems, arachnid mechanosensitive sensilla and photoreceptors, electroreception in the Monotremata, language and the FOXP2 gene, mirror neurons and the molecular biology of pain - Updated passages on human olfaction and gustation. Over four hundred illustrations, boxes containing supplementary material and self-assessment questions and a full bibliography at the end of each part make Biology of Sensory Systems essential reading for undergraduate students of biology, zoology, animal physiology, neuroscience, anatomy and physiological psychology. The book is also suitable for postgraduate students in more specialised courses such as vision sciences, optometry, neurophysiology, neuropathology, developmental biology.


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Lesions in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) have distinct laminar distributions in the cortex. The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis that the lesions characteristic of Pick's disease (PD) and AD have distinctly different laminar distributions in cases of PD. Hence, the laminar distribution of Pick bodies (PB), Pick cells (PC), senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in the frontal and temporal cortex in nine patients with PD. In 57% of analyses of individual cortical areas, the density of PB was maximal in the upper cortex while in 25% of analyses, the distribution of PB was bimodal with density peaks in the upper and lower cortex. The density of PC was maximal in the lower cortex in 77% of analyses while a bimodal distribution was present in 5% of analyses. The density of NFT was maximal in the upper cortex in 50% of analyses, in the lower cortex in 15% of analyses, with a bimodal distribution in 4% of analyses. The density of SP did not vary significantly with cortical depth in 86% of analyses. The vertical densities of PB and PC were negatively correlated in 12/21 (57%) of brain areas. The maximum density of PB in the upper cortex was positively correlated with the maximum density of PC in the lower cortex. In 17/25 (68%) of brain areas, there was no significant correlation between the vertical densities of PB and NFT. The data suggest that the pathogenesis of PB may be related to that of the PC. In addition, although in many areas PB and NFT occur predominantly in the upper cortex, the two lesions appeared to affect different neuronal populations.


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Correlations between the morphology of beta-amyloid (A beta) deposits and the frequency with which they are associated with neurons and glial cells were studied in Down's syndrome. The diameter of diffuse deposits was positively correlated with the frequency of large (> 25 microns) neuronal cell bodies in the isocortex and with glial cells in the hippocampus. Diameters of primitive deposits were positively correlated with glial cells in the hippocampus and with glial cells and neurons in the isocortex. Staining intensity was positively correlated with glial cells especially in the hippocampus. The data suggest that: (i) diffuse deposits develop from neurons and primitive deposits from glia; (ii) the size of A beta deposits depends on the numbers of neurons and glia; (iii) glial cells are also involved in the conversion of A beta to amyloid; and (iv) the increased density of primitive deposits in the hippocampus is determined by the high density of glial cells.


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The spatial patterns of Pick bodies (PB), Pick cells (PC), senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) were studied in the frontal and temporal lobe in nine cases of Pick’s disease (PD). Pick bodies exhibited clustering in 41/44 (93%) of analyses and clusters of PB were regularly distributed parallel to the tissue boundary in 24/41 (58%) of analyses. Pick cells exhibited clustering with regular periodicity of clusters in 14/16 (88%) analyses, SP in three out of four (75%) analyses and NFT in 21/27 (78%) analyses. The largest clusters of PB were observed in the dentate gyrus and PC in the frontal cortex. In 10/17 (59%) brain areas studied, a positive or negative correlation was observed between the densities of PB and PC. The densities of PB and NFT were not significantly correlated in the majority of brain areas but a negative correlation was observed in 7/29 (24%) brain areas. The data suggest that PB and PC in patients with PD exhibit essentially the same spatial patterns as SP and NFT in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Lewy bodies (LB) in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). In addition, there was a spatial correlation between the clusters of PB and PC, suggesting a pathogenic relationship between the two lesions. However, in the majority of tissues examined there was no spatial correlation between the clusters of PB and NFT, suggesting that the two lesions develop in association with different populations of neurons.


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Counts of Pick bodies (PB), Pick cells (PC), senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) were made in the frontal and temporal cortex from patients with Pick's disease (PD). Lesions were stained histologically with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and the Bielschowsky silver impregnation method and labeled immunohistochemically with antibodies raised to ubiquitin and tau. The greatest numbers of PB were revealed by immunohistochemistry. Counts of PB revealed by ubiquitin and tau were highly positively correlated which suggested that the two antibodies recognized virtually identical populations of PB. The greatest numbers of PC were revealed by HE followed by the anti-ubiquitin antibody. However, the correlation between counts was poor, suggesting that HE and ubiquitin revealed different populations of PC. The greatest numbers of SP and NFT were revealed by the Bielschowsky method indicating the presence of Alzheimer-type lesions not revealed by the immunohistochemistry. In addition, more NFT were revealed by the anti-ubiquitin compared with the anti-tau antibody. The data suggested that in PD: (i) the anti-ubiquitin and anti-tau antibodies were equally effective at labeling PB; (ii) both HE and anti-ubiquitin should be used to quantitate PC; and (iii) the Bielschowsky method should be used to quantitate SP and NFT.


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Numerous senile plaques are one of the most characteristic histological findings in SDAT brains. Large classical plaques may develop from smaller uncored forms. There is no strong evidence that, once formed, plaques disappear from the tissue. We have examined cresyl-violet stained sections of the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), hippocampus, frontal lobe and temporal lobe of five SDAT patients. The frequency of various sizes of plaques were determined in each of these brain regions. Statistical analysis showed that the ratio of large plaques to small plaques was greater in the hippocampal formation (especially the PHG) than in the neocortex. One explanation of these results is that plaques grow more rapidly in the hippocampal formation than elsewhere. Alternatively, if the rate of plaque growth is much the same in different brain regions, the data suggest that plaques develop first in the hippocampal formation (especially the PHG) and only later spread to the neocortex. This interpretation is also consistent with the theory that the neuropathology of SDAT spreads from the olfactory cortex via the hippocampal formation to the neocortex. Further development of this technique may help identify the site of the primary lesion in SDAT.


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To determine the spatial pattern of ß-amyloid (Aß) deposition throughout the temporal lobe in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods: Sections of the complete temporal lobe from six cases of sporadic AD were immunolabelled with antibody against Aß. Fourier (spectral) analysis was used to identify sinusoidal patterns in the fluctuation of Aß deposition in a direction parallel to the pia mater or alveus. Results: Significant sinusoidal fluctuations in density were evident in 81/99 (82%) analyses. In 64% of analyses, two frequency components were present with density peaks of Aß deposits repeating every 500–1000 µm and at distances greater than 1000 µm. In 25% of analyses, three or more frequency components were present. The estimated period or wavelength (number of sample units to complete one full cycle) of the first and second frequency components did not vary significantly between gyri of the temporal lobe, but there was evidence that the fluctuations of the classic deposits had longer periods than the diffuse and primitive deposits. Conclusions: (i) Aß deposits exhibit complex sinusoidal fluctuations in density in the temporal lobe in AD; (ii) fluctuations in Aß deposition may reflect the formation of Aß deposits in relation to the modular and vascular structure of the cortex; and (iii) Fourier analysis may be a useful statistical method for studying the patterns of Aß deposition both in AD and in transgenic models of disease.


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Objective: To quantify cortical white matter pathology in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) and to correlate white and grey matter pathologies. Methods: Pathological changes were studied in immunolabeled sections of the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal cortex of eleven cases of vCJD. Results: Vacuolation ("spongiform change"), deposition of the disease form of prion protein (PrPsc), and a glial cell reaction were observed in the white matter. The density of the vacuoles was greatest in the white matter of the occipital cortex and glial cell density in the inferior temporal gyrus (ITG). Florid-type PrPsc deposits were present in approximately 50% of white matter regions studied. In the white matter of the frontal cortex (FC), vacuole density was negatively correlated with the densities of both glial cell nuclei and PrPsc deposits. In addition, in the frontal and parietal cortices the densities of glial cells and PrPsc deposits were positively correlated. In the FC and ITG, there was a negative correlation between the densities of the vacuoles in the white matter and the number of surviving neurons in laminae V/VI of the adjacent grey matter. In the FC, vacuole density in the white matter was negatively correlated with the density of the diffuse PrPsc deposits in laminae II/III and V/VI of the adjacent grey matter. In addition, the densities of PrPsc deposits in the white matter of the FC were positively correlated with the density of the diffuse PrPsc deposits in laminae II/III and V/VI and with the number of surviving neurons in laminae V/VI. Conclusion: The data suggest significant degeneration of cortical white matter in vCJD; the vacuolation being related to neuronal loss in the lower cortical laminae of adjacent grey matter, PrPsc deposits the result of leakage from damaged axons, and gliosis a reaction to these changes.


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A proportion of patients with motor neuron disease (MND) exhibit frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and some patients with FTD develop the clinical features of MND. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the pathological substrate of FTD and some forms of this disease (referred to as FTLD-U) share with MND the common feature of ubiquitin-immunoreactive, tau-negative cellular inclusions in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Recently, the transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) has been found to be a major protein of the inclusions of FTLD-U with or without MND and these cases are referred to as FTLD with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). To clarify the relationship between MND and FTLD-TDP, TDP-43 pathology was studied in nine cases of FTLD-MND and compared with cases of familial and sporadic FTLD–TDP without associated MND. A principal components analysis (PCA) of the nine FTLD-MND cases suggested that variations in the density of surviving neurons in the frontal cortex and neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) in the dentate gyrus (DG) were the major histological differences between cases. The density of surviving neurons in FTLD-MND was significantly less than in FTLD-TDP cases without MND, and there were greater densities of NCI but fewer neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII) in some brain regions in FTLD-MND. A PCA of all FTLD-TDP cases, based on TDP-43 pathology alone, suggested that neuropathological heterogeneity was essentially continuously distributed. The FTLD-MND cases exhibited consistently high loadings on PC2 and overlapped with subtypes 2 and 3 of FTLD-TDP. The data suggest: (1) FTLD-MND cases have a consistent pathology, variations in the density of NCI in the DG being the major TDP-43-immunoreactive difference between cases, (2) there are considerable similarities in the neuropathology of FTLD-TDP with and without MND, but with greater neuronal loss in FTLD-MND, and (3) FTLD-MND cases are part of the FTLD-TDP ‘continuum’ overlapping with FTLD-TDP disease subtypes 2 and 3.


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The objective of this chapter is to quantify the neuropathology of the cerebellar cortex in cases of the prion disease variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). Hence, sequential sections of the cerebellum of 15 cases of vCJD were stained with H/E, or immunolabelled with a monoclonal antibody 12F10 against prion protein (PrP) and studied using quantitative techniques and spatial pattern analysis. A significant loss of Purkinje cells was evident in all cases. Densities of the vacuolation and the protease resistant form of prion protein (PrPSc) in the form of diffuse and florid plaques were greater in the granule cell layer (GL) than the molecular layer (ML). In the ML, vacuoles and PrPSc plaques, occurred in clusters which were regularly distributed along the folia, larger clusters of vacuoles and diffuse plaques being present in the GL. There was a negative spatial correlation between the vacuoles and the surviving Purkinje cells in the ML and a positive spatial correlation between the clusters of vacuoles and the diffuse PrPSc plaques in the ML and GL in five and six cases respectively. A canonical variate analysis (CVA) suggested a negative correlation between the densities of the vacuolation in the GL and the diffuse PrPSc plaques in the ML. The data suggest: 1) all laminae of the cerebellar cortex were affected by the pathology of vCJD, the GL more severely than the ML, 2) the pathology was topographically distributed especially in the Purkinje cell layer and GL, 3) pathological spread may occur in relation to a loop of anatomical projections connecting the cerebellum, thalamus, cerebral cortex, and pons, and 4) there are differences in the pathology of the cerebellum in vCJD compared with the M/M1 subtype of sporadic CJD (sCJD).