962 resultados para Neural cell type-substrate interactions
It is estimated that the adult human brain contains 100 billion neurons with 5–10 times as many astrocytes. Although it has been generally considered that the astrocyte is a simple supportive cell to the neuron, recent research has revealed new functionality of the astrocyte in the form of information transfer to neurons of the brain. In our previous work we developed a protocol to pattern the hNT neuron (derived from the human teratocarcinoma cell line (hNT)) on parylene-C/SiO2 substrates. In this work, we report how we have managed to pattern hNT astrocytes, on parylene-C/SiO2 substrates to single cell resolution. This article disseminates the nanofabrication and cell culturing steps necessary for the patterning of such cells. In addition, it reports the necessary strip lengths and strip width dimensions of parylene-C that encourage high degrees of cellular coverage and single cell isolation for this cell type. The significance in patterning the hNT astrocyte on silicon chip is that it will help enable single cell and network studies into the undiscovered functionality of this interesting cell, thus, contributing to closer pathological studies of the human brain.
Two types of poleward moving plasma concentration enhancements (PMPCEs) were observed during a sequence of pulsed reconnection events, both in the morning convection cell: Type L (low density) was associated with a cusp flow channel and seems likely to have been produced by ionization associated with particle precipitation, while Type H (high density) appeared to originate from the segmentation of the tongue of ionization by the processes which produced the Type L events. As a result, the Type L and Type H PMPCEs were interspersed, producing a complex density structure which underlines the importance of cusp flow channels as a mechanism for segmenting and structuring electron density in the cusp and shows the necessity of differentiating between at least two classes of electron density patches.
Neural precursor cells (NPCs) are lineage-restricted neural stem cells with limited self-renewal, giving rise to a broad range of neural cell types such as neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Despite this developmental potential, the differentiation capacity of NPCs has been controversially discussed concerning the trespassing lineage boundaries, for instance resulting in hematopoietic competence. Assessing their in vitro plasticity, we isolated nestin+/Sox2+, NPCs from the adult murine hippocampus. In vitro-expanded adult NPCs were able to form neurospheres, self-renew, and differentiate into neuronal, astrocytic, and oligodendrocytic cells. Although NPCs cultivated in early passage efficiently gave rise to neuronal cells in a directed differentiation assay, extensively cultivated NPCs revealed reduced potential for ectodermal differentiation. We further observed successful differentiation of long-term cultured NPCs into osteogenic and adipogenic cell types, suggesting that NPCs underwent a fate switch during culture. NPCs cultivated for more than 12 passages were aneuploid (abnormal chromosome numbers such as 70 chromosomes). Furthermore, they showed growth factor-independent proliferation, a hallmark of tumorigenic transformation. In conclusion, our findings substantiate the lineage restriction of NPCs from adult mammalian hippocampus. Prolonged cultivation results, however, in enhanced differentiation potential, which may be attributed to transformation events leading to aneuploid cells.
Both the estrogen receptor (ER) and thyroid hormone receptor (TR) are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Two isoforms of the ER, alpha and beta, exist. The TRalpha and beta isoforms are products of two distinct genes that are further differentially spliced to give TRalpha1 and alpha2, TRbeta1 and beta2. The TRs have been shown to interfere with ER-mediated transcription from both the consensus estrogen response element (ERE) and the rat preproenkephalin (PPE) promoter, possibly by competing with ER binding to the ERE or by squelching coactivators essential for ER-mediated transcription. The rat oxytocin receptor (OTR) gene is thought to be involved in several facets of reproductive and affiliative behaviors. 17beta-Estradiol-bound ERs upregulate the OTR gene in the ventromedial hypothalamus, a region critical for the induction of lordosis behavior in several species. We investigated the effects of the ligand-binding TR isoforms on the ER-mediated transcription from a physiological promoter of a behaviorally relevant gene such as the OTR. Only ERalpha could induce the OTR gene in two cell lines tested, the CV-1 and the SK-N-BE2C neuroblastoma cell lines. ERbeta was incapable of inducing the gene in either cell line. ERalpha is therefore not equivalent to ERbeta on this physiological promoter. Indeed, in the neural cell line, ERbeta can inhibit ERalpha-mediated induction from the OTR promoter. While the TRalpha1 isoform inhibited ERalpha-mediated induction in the neural cell line, the TRbeta1 isoform stimulated induction, thus demonstrating isoform specificity in the interaction. The use of a DNA-binding mutant, the TR P box mutant, showed that inhibition of ERalpha-mediated induction of the rat OTR gene promoter by the TRalpha1 isoform does not require DNA-binding ability. SRC-1 overexpression relieved TRalpha1-mediated inhibition in both cell lines, suggesting that squelching for coactivators is an important molecular mechanism in TRalpha-mediated inhibition. Such interactions between TR and ER isoforms on the rat OTR promoter provide a mechanism to achieve neuroendocrine integration.
Purpose of review Novel analyses of the relations between thyroid hormone receptor signaling and estrogen receptor—dependent mechanisms are timely for two sets of reasons. Clinically, both affect mood and foster neuronal growth and regeneration. Mechanistically, they overlap at the levels of DNA recognition elements, coactivators, and signal transduction systems. Crosstalk between thyroid hormone receptors and estrogen receptors is possibly important to integrate external signals to transcription within neurons. Recent findings It has been shown that reproductive functions, including behaviors, driven by estrogens can be antagonized by thyroid hormones, and it has been argued that such crosstalk is biologically adaptive to ensure optimal reproduction. Transcriptional facilitation during transient transfunction studies show that the interactions between thyroid receptor isoforms and estrogen receptor isoforms depend on cell type and promoter context. Overall, this pattern of interactions assures multiple and flexible means of transcriptional regulation. Surprisingly, in some brain areas, thyroid hormone actions can synergize with estrogenic effects, particularly when nongenomic modes of action are considered, such as kinase activation, which, as has been reported, affect later estrogen receptor—induced genomic events. Summary In summary, recent work with nerve cells has contributed to a paradigm shift in how the molecular and behavioral effects of hormones which act through nuclear receptors are viewed.
Melatonin, the pineal gland hormone, provides entrainment of many circadian rhythms to the ambient light/dark cycle. Recently, cardiovascular studies have demostrated melatonin interactions with many physiological processes and diseases, such as hypertension and cardiopathologies. Although membrane melatonin receptors (MT1, MT2) and the transcriptional factor ROR alpha have been reported to be expressed in the heart, there is no evidence of the cell-type expressing receptors as well as the possible role of melatonin on the expression of the circadian clock of cardiomyocytes, which play an important role in cardiac metabolism and function. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the mRNA and protein expressions of MT1, MT2, and ROR alpha and to determine whether melatonin directly influences expression of circadian clocks within cultured rat cardiomyocytes. Adult rat cardiomyocyte cultures were created, and the cells were stimulated with 1 nM melatonin or vehicle. Gene expressions were assayed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The mRNA and protein expressions of membrane melatonin receptors and RORa were established within adult rat cardiomyocytes. Two hours of melatonin stimulation did not alter the expression pattern of the analyzed genes. However, given at the proper time, melatonin kept Rev-erb alpha expression chronically high, specifically 12 h after melatonin treatment, avoiding the rhythmic decline of Rev-erb alpha mRNA. The blockage of MT1 and MT2 by luzindole did not alter the observed melatonin-induced expression of Rev-erb alpha mRNA, suggesting the nonparticipation of MT1 and MT2 on the melatonin effect within cardiomyocytes. It is possible to speculate that melatonin, in adult rat cardiomyocytes, may play an important role in the light signal transduction to peripheral organs, such as the heart, modulating its intrinsic rhythmicity. (Author correspondence: cipolla@icb.usp.br)
The role of PPAR-gamma in ciglitazone and 15-d PGJ(2)-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest of Jurkat (before and after PPAR gamma gene silencing), U937 (express high levels of PPAR gamma) and HeLa (that express very low levels of PPAR gamma) cells was investigated. PPAR gamma gene silencing, per se, induced a G2/M cell arrest, loss of membrane integrity and DNA fragmentation of Jurkat cells, indicating that PPAR gamma is important for this cell survival and proliferation. Ciglitazone-induced apoptosis was abolished after knockdown of PPAR gamma suggesting a PPAR gamma-dependent pro-apoptotic effect. However, ciglitazone treatment was toxic for U937 and HeLa cells regardless of the presence of PPAR gamma. This treatment did not change the cell cycle distribution corroborating with a PPAR gamma-independent mechanism. On the other hand, 15-d PGJ(2) induced apoptosis of the three cancer cell lines regardless of the expression of PPAR gamma. These results suggest that PPAR gamma plays an important role for death of malignant T lymphocytes (Jurkat cells) and PPAR gamma agonists exert their effects through PPAR gamma-dependent and -independent mechanisms depending on the drug and the cell type. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Burst firing is ubiquitous in nervous systems and has been intensively studied in central pattern generators (CPGs). Previous works have described subtle intraburst spike patterns (IBSPs) that, despite being traditionally neglected for their lack of relation to CPG motor function, were shown to be cell-type specific and sensitive to CPG connectivity. Here we address this matter by investigating how a bursting motor neuron expresses information about other neurons in the network. We performed experiments on the crustacean stomatogastric pyloric CPG, both in control conditions and interacting in real-time with computer model neurons. The sensitivity of postsynaptic to presynaptic IBSPs was inferred by computing their average mutual information along each neuron burst. We found that details of input patterns are nonlinearly and inhomogeneously coded through a single synapse into the fine IBSPs structure of the postsynaptic neuron following burst. In this way, motor neurons are able to use different time scales to convey two types of information simultaneously: muscle contraction (related to bursting rhythm) and the behavior of other CPG neurons (at a much shorter timescale by using IBSPs as information carriers). Moreover, the analysis revealed that the coding mechanism described takes part in a previously unsuspected information pathway from a CPG motor neuron to a nerve that projects to sensory brain areas, thus providing evidence of the general physiological role of information coding through IBSPs in the regulation of neuronal firing patterns in remote circuits by the CNS.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV), exhibits considerable genetic diversity, but presents a relatively well conserved 5 ` noncoding region (5 ` NCR) among all genotypes. In this study, the structural features and translational efficiency of the HCV 5 ` NCR sequences were analyzed using the programs RNAfold, RNAshapes and RNApdist and with a bicistronic dual luciferase expression system, respectively. RNA structure prediction software indicated that base substitutions will alter potentially the 5 ` NCR structure. The heterogeneous sequence observed on 5 ` NCR led to important changes in their translation efficiency in different cell culture lines. Interactions of the viral RNA with cellular transacting factors may vary according to the cell type and viral genome polymorphisms that may result in the translational efficiency observed. J. Med. Virol. 81: 1212-1219, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This work presents the structure and ultrastructure of the interrenal gland and chromaffin cells, as well as the morphology of the head kidney of Brycon cephalus, the head kidney is composed of fused bilateral lobes located anterior to the swim bladder and ventrolateral to the spinal column, the parenchyma revealed lympho-haematopoietic tissue, melano-macrophage centres, interrenal gland and chromaffin cells. The interrenal gland consisted of cords or strands of cells grouped around the posterior cardinal vein and their branches. Chromaffin cells are found in small groups, closely associated with the interrenal gland and/or under the endothelium of the posterior cardinal vein. So far, the ultrastructural analysis has revealed only one interrenal cell type which contained abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and numerous mitochondria with tubulo-vesicular cristae, characteristic of steroid-producing cells. Two types of chromaffin cells were observed. The first type was characterized by the presence of vesicles with round, strongly electron-dense granules, which were eccentrically located, Such cells were interpreted as noradrenaline cells, Meanwhile, cells which contained smaller vesicles and electron-lucent granules, with a small halo separating the granule from the vesicular limiting membrane, were identified as adrenaline cells.
In this paper we present the results of the use of a methodology for multinodal load forecasting through an artificial neural network-type Multilayer Perceptron, making use of radial basis functions as activation function and the Backpropagation algorithm, as an algorithm to train the network. This methodology allows you to make the prediction at various points in power system, considering different types of consumers (residential, commercial, industrial) of the electric grid, is applied to the problem short-term electric load forecasting (24 hours ahead). We use a database (Centralised Dataset - CDS) provided by the Electricity Commission de New Zealand to this work.
We describe a case of a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with extensive emperipolesis phenomenon. Light microscopy revealed numerous CD68-positive/S-100-negative histiocytes containing viable neoplastic hematopoietic cells in their cytoplasm. Electron microscopy confirmed these findings. In this case, there was no evidence of Rosai-Dorfman disease either clinically or histologically. This report emphasizes that emperipolesis is not restricted to Rosai-Dorfman disease and can be found in other conditions including non-Hodgkin lymphomas. © 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The correct diagnosis of renal allograft rejection may be difficult using only clinical and/or histopathological criteria. Immunological assays should be considered in order to evaluate the phenotype of inflammatory infiltrate in renal allograft biopsies. Immunohistochemical studies were performed to detect mononuclear cells, CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, macrophages, null cells, and positive cells for interleukin-2 receptors. A total of 41 allograft biopsies classified into three groups were studied: acute cellular rejection (28 biopsies/22 patients), borderline (7 biopsies/5 patients) and control (6 biopsies/6 patients). In the rejection group (RG), increased cellularity was found mainly at the tubulo-interstitial level. Expression of CD8 positive cells was higher in RG when compared to borderline (BG) and control (CG) groups, respectively (0.9 vs. 0.0 vs. 0.35 cells/mm2; p < 0.001). Expression of macrophages was not statistically significant among the three groups (RG = 0.6 vs. BG = 0.2 vs. CG = 0.0 cells/mm2; p < 0.02). In the BG, CD4 + cells predominated (BG = 0.2 vs. RG = 0.05 vs. CG = 0.0 cells/mm2; p < 0.05). Clinically these patients were treated as cases of acute rejection. The numbers and different types of infiltrating cells did not correlate with patient's clinical outcome. Copyright © Informa Healthcare.
The gerbil is a rodent considered a good model for studies of prostatic morphophysiology under different experimental conditions. Studies involving castration and steroidal blockers of aged gerbils showed that the glandular epithelium persists after long-term therapy, preventing the organ atrophy. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic characteristics and behavior of prostatic epithelial cells that remained after different periods of hormone ablation in aged gerbils. The identification of elements that influenced the survival of this cell type was performed by morphometric, nuclear phenotypes, ultrastructural and immune histochemical analysis. The most significant responses to treatment, by analyzing morphometric features, were observed during the first three time points (day 1, day 3, and day 7), after which there appeared to be an adjustment of the gland to the hormone ablation. All treatments led to changes in the state of chromatin condensation, DNA methylation pattern and phenotypic changes indicated cell senescence. Additionally, an increase in the basal cells seemed to guarantee self-renewal properties to the epithelium. These data indicate that changes occur at many levels, including gene expression and nuclear architecture in the epithelial cells, when aging and steroidal blockade are associated. These aspects are important when considering castration-resistant prostate cancer, a malignant tumor posing difficult therapeutic intervention. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
As redes neurais artificiais têm provado serem uma poderosa técnica na resolução de uma grande variedade de problemas de otimização. Nesta dissertação é desenvolvida uma nova rede neural, tipo recorrente, sem realimentação (self-feedback loops) e sem neurônios ocultos, para o processamento do sinal sísmico, para fornecer a posição temporal, a polaridade e as amplitudes estimadas dos refletores sísmicos, representadas pelos seus coeficientes de reflexão. A principal característica dessa nova rede neural consiste no tipo de função de ativação utilizada, a qual permite três possíveis estados para o neurônio. Busca-se estimar a posição dos refletores sísmicos e reproduzir as verdadeiras polaridades desses refletores. A idéia básica desse novo tipo de rede, aqui denominada rede neural discreta (RND), é relacionar uma função objeto, que descreve o problema geofísico, com a função de Liapunov, que descreve a dinâmica da rede neural. Deste modo, a dinâmica da rede leva a uma minimização local da sua função de Liapunov e consequentemente leva a uma minimização da função objeto. Assim, com uma codificação conveniente do sinal de saída da rede tem-se uma solução do problema geofísico. A avaliação operacional da arquitetura desta rede neural artificial é realizada em dados sintéticos gerados através do modelo convolucional simples e da teoria do raio. A razão é para explicar o comportamento da rede com dados contaminados por ruído, e diante de pulsos fonte de fases mínima, máxima e misturada.