742 resultados para Naga (South Asian people)
Global observations of the chemical composition of the atmosphere are essential for understanding and studying the present and future state of the earth's atmosphere. However, by analyzing field experiments the consideration of the atmospheric motion is indispensable, because transport enables different chemical species, with different local natural and anthropogenic sources, to interact chemically and so consequently influences the chemical composition of the atmosphere. The distance over which that transport occurs is highly dependent upon meteorological conditions (e.g., wind speed, precipitation) and the properties of chemical species itself (e.g., solubility, reactivity). This interaction between chemistry and dynamics makes the study of atmospheric chemistry both difficult and challenging, and also demonstrates the relevance of including the atmospheric motions in that context. In this doctoral thesis the large-scale transport of air over the eastern Mediterranean region during summer 2001, with a focus on August during the Mediterranean Intensive Oxidant Study (MINOS) measurement campaign, was investigated from a lagrangian perspective. Analysis of back trajectories demonstrated transport of polluted air masses from western and eastern Europe in the boundary layer, from the North Atlantic/North American area in the middle end upper troposphere and additionally from South Asia in the upper troposphere towards the eastern Mediterranean. Investigation of air mass transport near the tropopause indicated enhanced cross-tropopause transport relative to the surrounding area over the eastern Mediterranean region in summer. A large band of air mass transport across the dynamical tropopause develops in June, and is shifted toward higher latitudes in July and August. This shifting is associated with the development and the intensification of the Arabian and South Asian upper-level anticyclones and consequential with areas of maximum clear-air turbulence, hypothesizing quasi-permanent areas with turbulent mixing of tropospheric and stratospheric air during summer over the eastern Mediterranean as a result of large-scale synoptic circulation. In context with the latex knowledge about the transport of polluted air masses towards the Mediterranean and with increasing emissions, especially in developing countries like India, this likely gains in importance.
Die Linaceae-Linoideae, vor allem die Gattung Linum, wurden unter Verwendung von zwei molekularen Markern (rbcL und ITS) bzgl. ihrer Phylogenie und Biogeographie untersucht. Die Linaceae entstanden während der mittleren Kreide in den frühen tropischen Regenwäldern, von wo aus sich die monophyletischen Linoideae vor etwa 51-46 Mill. Jahren über die temperaten Gebiete der Nordhemisphäre ausbreiteten. Während die drei basal abspaltenden Gattungen Anisadenia, Reinwardtia und Tirpitzia bzgl. ihrer Verbreitung auf Südostasien beschränkt sind, ist die Gattung Linum heute auf allen Kontinenten vertreten. Der Ursprung von Linum liegt wahrscheinlich in Südwestasien bzw. dem östlichen Mediterraneum, wo es im Oligozän zur Aufspaltung in zwei Entwicklungslinien kam ('Blaue Gruppe' und 'Gelbe Gruppe'). Während die überwiegend blaublühenden Linum-Arten ('Blaue Gruppe') vor allem in Europa und Südwestasien vorkommen, weisen die Vertreter der 'Gelben Gruppe' ein wesentlich größeres Verbreitungsgebiet auf. Gelbblühende Linum Arten findet man auf allen Kontinenten mit Diversitätszentren in Nordostamerika und Südwestasien. Interessanterweise wurde Amerika zweimal unabhängig voneinander besiedelt. Während die gelbblühenden Arten vor etwa 22-20 Mill. Jahren von Westeuropa über den Atlantik den amerikanischen Kontinent erreichten, wanderten Vertreter der 'Blauen Gruppe' im Pliozän (vor 3.78-3.33 Mill Jahren) über die Bering-Landbrücke in die Neue Welt ein. Auch in Südafrika sind einige gelbblühende Linum-Arten zu verzeichnen, die nicht über Nordafrika (wo einige Arten der 'Gelben Gruppe' beheimatet sind) die südliche Spitze des Kontinents erreichten, sondern von Amerika aus. Die molekularphylogenetischen Ergebnisse legen eine Eingliederung der Gattungen Cliococca, Hesperolinon, Radiola und Sclerolinon in Linum nahe, die durch morphologische Merkmale gestützt wird. Linopsis, die artenreichste Sektion der Gattung Linum, bedarf einiger Umstrukturierungen auf der Basis der molekularen und morphologischen Daten. Ein interessantes Phänomen innerhalb der Linaceae ist das Vorkommen von heterostylen und homostylen Arten innerhalb der Familie. Die Kombination der molekular-phylogenetischen Ergebnisse mit morphologischen Beobachtungen des Reproduktionssystems lassen darauf schließen, dass sich Homostylie innerhalb von Linum mehrfach unabhängig voneinander entwickelt hat. Das Modell von Primula wurde als Grundlage verwendet, um Aufschluss über die Entstehung der Homostylie innerhalb von Linum zu erlangen. Aus Primula ist bekannt, dass eine Kopplungsgruppe aus mindestens drei Genen an der Vererbung von Heterostylie beteiligt ist: G/g kodiert hierbei die Griffellänge und die Selbstinkompatibilitäts-reaktion der Narbe, A/a die Länge der Filamente und P/p die Selbst-inkompatibilitätsreaktion des Pollens. Umfangreiche Kreuzungs-experimente einer homostylen und einer heterostylen Linum-Art deuten darauf hin, dass die Genotypen der beiden Blütenformen in heterostylen Linum-Arten denen in Primula entsprechen. Langgriffel sind hiernach homozygot rezessiv (gpa/gpa), während die Kurzgriffel heterozygot sind (GPA/gpa). Selbstkompatible, homostyle Arten können theoretisch durch verschiedene Rekombinations-ereignisse entstehen. Erste Ergebnisse der rasterelektronen-mikroskopischen Betrachtung der Pollenkornoberflächen und Narbenpapillen deuten darauf hin, dass innerhalb von Linum Homostylie durch unterschiedliche Rekombinations-ereignisse mehrfach aus heterostylen Arten entstanden ist. So besitzt die homostyle Linum leonii den Genotyp gPA/gPA, während für die homostylen L. tenuifolium und L. nodiflorum der Genotyp Gpa/Gpa wahrscheinlich ist.
Properdin, a serum glycoprotein, is an important component of innate immunity, the only known positive regulator of complement, acting as an initiation point for alternative pathway activation. As an X-linked protein, we hypothesized that properdin may play a modulatory role in the pathogenesis of viral wheeze in children, which tends to be more common and more severe in boys. We aimed to determine properdin levels in a community-based paediatric sample, and to assess whether levels of properdin were associated with childhood wheeze phenotypes and atopy. We studied 137 school-children aged 8-12 yrs, a nested sample from a cohort study. Properdin was measured by a commercial enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay. We assessed wheeze by questionnaire, validated it by a nurse-led interview and performed skin prick tests and a methacholine challenge in all children. Forty children (29%) reported current wheeze. Serum properdin levels ranged between 18 and 40 microg/ml. Properdin was not associated with age, gender, atopy, bronchial responsiveness, current wheeze (neither the viral wheeze nor multiple-trigger wheeze phenotype) or severity of wheeze, but was slightly lower in south Asian (median 21.8 microg/ml) compared with white children (23.3 microg/ml; p = 0.006). Our data make it unlikely that properdin deficiency is common in healthy children or that levels of properdin are a major risk factor for wheeze or atopy.
As a female-only festival in a significantly gender-segregated society, sāmā cakevā provides a window into Maithil women’s understandings of their society and the sacred, cultural subjectivities, moral frameworks, and projects of self-construction. The festival reminds us that to read male-female relations under patriarchal social formations as a dichotomy between the empowered and the disempowered ignores the porous boundaries between the two in which negotiations and tradeoffs create a symbiotic reliance. Specifically, the festival names two oppositional camps—the male world of law and the female world of relationships—and then creates a male character, the brother, who moves between the two, loyal to each, betraying, in a sense, each, but demonstrating, by his movements, the currents and avenues of power. This article makes available to other scholars of South Asian culture and society an extended description and analysis of this distinctive festival, while also contributing to the scholarly discussion of women’s expressive traditions.
We conducted a cross-sectional online survey of men who have sex with men (MSM) living in Britain in 2007-2008 to examine sexual mixing among ethnic minority MSM. The sample comprised 115 black, 112 South Asian, 47 Chinese and 4,434 white MSM who reported unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) in the previous 3 months. In each ethnic minority group, MSM were three times more likely to report UAI with a partner of the same ethnicity than would be expected by chance alone (χ(2) > 8.43, p < 0.05). Nonetheless, most (>80 %) ethnic minority MSM reported UAI with men from an ethnic group other than their own. In multivariable analysis there was statistical evidence that, compared with white British MSM, self-reported HIV seropositivity remained low for South Asian and Chinese MSM after adjusting for UAI with partners of the same ethnicity (e.g. South Asian MSM, adjusted odds ratio 0.35, 95 % CI 0.19-0.66). This analysis suggests that differences in self-reported HIV seropositivity between ethnic minority and white MSM in Britain cannot be explained by sexual mixing with partners from the same ethnic group.
The major 'motor' of the recent Hungarian industrial development has been foreign direct investment, particularly by multinational companies. This has stimulated the development process, as shown by the dynamism of production, exports and profitability of industry in Budapest. On the other hand, this has also led to a split of the industrial sphere into its foreign and domestic sections, or into foreign-owned companies and domestic SMEs. The major question asked in this project is where is Hungarian industry heading and will the gap between the contracting domestic part and the foreign multinationals continue to widen or will they be joined in a much more favourable scenario. Barta sees this as a question of whether Hungary can avoid the 'dead-end street' of South Asian industrialising countries, and instead move towards a new Eastern European or Hungarian model. He concludes that Budapest industry does not follow any given model and indeed its development probably cannot be seen as a 'model' proper in itself, but is, or will be, a mixture of different elements. This would be a welcome fusion of Hungary's rich human resources of accumulated knowledge with foreign direct investment. Budapest would play an exceptional role in such a process, as the gateway for foreign output to the rest of the country. The share of industry in the Budapest economy will continue to decrease, but it will become a more modern and profitable sector. It will also fulfil a technological transfer role between the developed world and the Hungarian countryside (or even a larger region of central and eastern Europe). Barta predicts that Budapest industry will develop a special structure, with a large subcontractor network supporting the large foreign enterprises, and alongside this industrial districts formed by SMEs.
The epidemiology of wheeze in children, when assessed by questionnaires, is dependent on parents' understanding of the term "wheeze". In a questionnaire survey of a random population sample of 4,236 children aged 6-10 yrs, parents' definition of wheeze was assessed. Predictors of a correct definition were determined and the potential impact of incorrect answers on prevalence estimates from the survey was assessed. Current wheeze was reported by 13.2% of children. Overall, 83.5% of parents correctly identified "whistling or squeaking" as the definition of wheeze; the proportion was higher for parents reporting wheezy children (90.4%). Frequent attacks of reported wheeze (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 3.0), maternal history of asthma (OR 1.5) and maternal education (OR 1.5) were significantly associated with a correct answer, while the converse was found for South Asian ethnicity (OR 0.6), first language not English (OR 0.6) and living in a deprived neighbourhood (OR 0.6). In summary, the present study showed that misunderstanding could lead to an important bias in assessing the prevalence of wheeze, resulting in an underestimation in children from South Asian and deprived family backgrounds. Prevalence estimates for the most severe categories of wheeze might be less affected by this bias and questionnaire surveys on wheeze should incorporate measures of parents' understanding of the term wheeze.
The current study aimed to assess prevalence and distribution of use of asthma medication for wheeze in pre-school children in the community. We sent a postal questionnaire to the parents of a random population-based sample of 4,277 UK children aged 1-5 years; 3,410 participated (children of south Asian decent were deliberately over-represented). During the previous 12 months, 18% of the children were reported to have received bronchodilators, 8% inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and 3% oral corticosteroids. Among current wheezers these proportions were 55%, 25%, and 12%, respectively. Use of ICS increased with reported severity of wheeze, but did not reach 60% even in the most severe category. In contrast, 42% of children receiving ICS reported no or very infrequent recent wheeze. Among children with the episodic viral wheeze phenotype, 17% received ICS compared with 40% among multiple-trigger wheezers. Use of ICS by current wheezers was less common in children of South Asian ethnicity and in girls. Although a high proportion of pre-school children in the community used asthma inhalers, treatment seemed to be insufficiently adjusted to severity or phenotype of wheeze, with relative under-treatment of severe wheeze with ICS, especially in girls and South Asian children, but apparent over-treatment of mild and episodic viral wheeze and chronic cough.
Epidemiological data on snoring from preschool children are scarce, although habitual snoring (snoring on almost all nights) has been associated with poor long-term outcomes. In a population survey of 6,811 children aged 1-4 yrs (from Leicestershire, UK) the present authors determined prevalence, severity and risk factors for snoring, especially habitual snoring. In 59.7% of the children, parents reported snoring in the previous 12 months, including 7.9% with habitual snoring and 0.9% with habitual snoring and sleep disturbance. Prevalence of habitual snoring increased with age from 6.6% in 1-yr-olds to 13.0% in 4-yr-olds. Habitual snoring was associated with: one and both parents smoking (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 1.46 and 2.09, respectively); road traffic (OR 1.23); single parent (OR 1.60); and in White but not South Asian children, socioeconomic deprivation (OR 1.25 and 2.03 for middle and upper thirds of Townsend score, respectively). Respiratory tract symptoms related to atopic disorders and to respiratory infections were strongly associated with snoring; however, body mass index was not. In conclusion, habitual snoring is common in preschool children with one-third of cases attributable to avoidable risk factors. The strong association with atopic disorders, viral infections and environmental exposures suggests a complex aetiology, based on a general vulnerability of the respiratory tract.
The welfare state in the UK presents immigrant communities with a set of institutions, which are potentially new and unknown. What is the best way to ensure that the questions of access to the welfare institutions are best managed? Trusting, understanding and feeling solidarity with the welfare state will obviously help with this problem. In order to shed light on this phenomenon, this paper presents a qualitative exploratory study dealing with elements of solidarity as perceived by members of the South Asian Community in the UK. Six indepth interviews with South Asian first generation immigrants who had never experienced mental health problems were conducted. They were asked questions about who their support networks would be in the event of them experiencing mental health problems. The thematic analysis of the interviews suggests that the respondents believed that solidarity and support ties are found to be present in families, within the south Asian community and also with welfare institutions. It is concluded that there although things are far from perfect, assimilation and integration based on dialogue is an observable positive aspect of mental health service provision in the UK.
Since the 1960s, there has been growing awareness regarding the issue of domestic violence as a form of violence against women, which has been largely influenced by the work of feminist activist and scholars in North America and Europe (Dobash and Dobash 1992). Other terms have been used to describe the same phenomenon, including domestic abuse, spousal abuse, wife battering, marital violence, intimate partner violence. Though there is no doubt that this problem has existed for much more than five decades, the tendency to label it as ‘private matters’ or ‘marital disagreements’ has obscured the reality of women living with abuse in their home. At a general level, domestic violence can be defined as the means used by a man in order to assert his control and domination over his intimate partner, whether they are married or not (Mullender 1996). It can involve incidents of physical and sexual violence, as well as verbal, psychological and financial abuse. Though some of its manifestations may be associated with particular cultural or religious groups – e.g. forced marriage and honour killing in South-Asian communities – domestic violence affects women from all classes and backgrounds.
OBJECTIVES Age- and height-adjusted spirometric lung function of South Asian children is lower than those of white children. It is unclear whether this is purely genetic, or partly explained by the environment. In this study, we assessed whether cultural factors, socioeconomic status, intrauterine growth, environmental exposures, or a family and personal history of wheeze contribute to explaining the ethnic differences in spirometric lung function. METHODS We studied children aged 9 to 14 years from a population-based cohort, including 1088 white children and 275 UK-born South Asians. Log-transformed spirometric data were analyzed using multiple linear regressions, adjusting for anthropometric factors. Five different additional models adjusted for (1) cultural factors, (2) indicators of socioeconomic status, (3) perinatal data reflecting intrauterine growth, (4) environmental exposures, and (5) personal and family history of wheeze. RESULTS Height- and gender-adjusted forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expired volume in 1 second (FEV1) were lower in South Asian than white children (relative difference -11% and -9% respectively, P < .001), but PEF and FEF50 were similar (P ≥ .5). FEV1/FVC was higher in South Asians (1.8%, P < .001). These differences remained largely unchanged in all 5 alternative models. CONCLUSIONS Our study confirmed important differences in lung volumes between South Asian and white children. These were not attenuated after adjustment for cultural and socioeconomic factors and intrauterine growth, neither were they explained by differences in environmental exposures nor a personal or family history of wheeze. This suggests that differences in lung function may be mainly genetic in origin. The implication is that ethnicity-specific predicted values remain important specifically for South Asian children.