1000 resultados para NUCLEON SCATTERING


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We study Raman scattering from 1D antiferromagnets within the Fleury-Loudon scheme by applying a finite temperature Lanczos method to a 1D spin-half Heisenberg model with nearest-neighbor (J(1)) and second-neighbor (J(2)) interactions. The low-temperature spectra are analyzed in terms of the known elementary excitations of the system for J(2) = 0 and J(2) = 1/2. We find that the low-T Raman spectra are very broad for \J(2)/J(1)\ less than or equal to 0.3. This broad peak gradually diminishes and shifts with temperature, so that at T > J(1) the spectra are narrower and peaked at low frequencies. The experimental spectra for CuGeO3 are discussed in light of our calculations.


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Micelles of different dimeric amphiphiles Br-, n-C(16)H(33)NMe(2)(+) -(CH)(m)-N(+)Me(2)-n-C16H33, Br- (where m = 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12) adapt different morphologies and internal packing arrangements in aqueous media depending on their spacer chain length (m). Detailed measurements of small angle neutron scattering (SANS) cross sections from different bis-cationic, dimeric surfactant micelles in aqueous media (D2O) are reported. The data have been analyzed using the Hayter and Penfold model for macro ion solution to compute the interparticle structure factor S(Q) taking into account the screened Coulomb interactions between the dimeric micelles. The SANS analysis clearly indicated that the extent of aggregate growth and the variations of shapes of the dimeric micelles depend primarily on the spacer chain length. With spacer chain length, m less than or equal to 4, the propensity of micellar growth was particularly pronounced. The effects of the variation of the concentration of dimeric surfactants with m = 5 and 10 on the SANS spectra and the effects of the temperature variation for the micellar system with m = 10 were also examined. The critical micelle concentrations (cmc) and their microenvironmental feature, namely, the microviscosities that the dimeric micellar aggregates offer to a solubilized, extrinsic fluorescence probe, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, were also determined. The changes of cmcs and microviscosities as a function of spacer chain length have been explained in terms of conformational variations and progressive looping of the spacer in micellar core upon increasing m values.


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There are three ways in which an electromagnetic wave can undergo scattering in a plasma: (i) when the scattering of radiation occurs by a single electron, it is called Compton Scattering (CS); (ii) if it occurs by a longitudinal electron plasma mode, it is called Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS), and (iii) if it occurs by a highly damped electron plasma mode, it is called Stimulated Compton Scattering (SCS). The non-thermal continuum of quasars is believed to be produced through the combined action of synchrotron and inverse Compton processes, which are essentially single-particle processes. Here, we investigate the role of SRS and SCS in the generation of continuum radiation from these compact objects. It is shown as an example that the complete spectrum of 3C 273 can be reproduced by suitably combining SCS and SRS. The differential contributions of SCS and SRS under different values of the plasma parameters are also calculated.


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Realizing the importance of aerosol characterization and addressing its spatio-temporal heterogeneities over Bay of Bengal (BoB), campaign mode observations of aerosol parameters were carried out using simultaneous cruise, aircraft and land-based measurements during the Winter Integrated Campaign for Aerosols gases and Radiation Budget (W_ICARB). Under this, airborne measurements of total and hemispheric backscatter coefficients were made over several regions of coastal India and eastern BoB using a three wavelength integrating nephelometer. The measurements include high resolution multi-level (ML) sorties for altitude profiles and bi-level (BL) sorties for spatial gradients within and above the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL) over BoB. The vertical profiles of the scattering coefficients are investigated in light of the information on the vertical structure of the atmospheric stability, which was derived from the collocated GPS (Global Positioning System) aided radiosonde ascents. In general, the altitude profiles revealed that the scattering coefficient remained steady in the convectively well-mixed regions and dropped off above the MABL. This decrease was quite rapid off the Indian mainland, while it was more gradual in the eastern BoB. Investigation on horizontal gradients revealed that the scattering coefficients over northern BoB are 3 to 4 times higher compared to that of central BoB within and above the MABL. A north-south gradient in scattering coefficients is observed over Port Blair in the eastern BoB, with values decreasing from south to north, which is attributed to the similar gradient in the surface wind speed, which can be replicated in the sea salt abundance. The gradients are parameterized using best-fit analytical functions.


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Measurements of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) cross sections from different mixed micelles composed of CTAB and Br-, n-C16H33N+Me2-(CH2)(m)N+Me2-n-C16H33, Br- (16-m-16, 2Br(-), where m = 3, 5, and 10), in aqueous media (D2O) are reported. The data have been analyzed using the Hayter and Penfold model for macroion solution to compute the interparticle structure factor S(Q) taking into account the screened Coulomb interactions between the micelles. The aggregate composition matches with that predicted from an ideal mixing model. The SANS analysis further indicates that the extent of aggregate growth and the Variations of shapes of the mixed micelles could be modulated by the amount of dimeric surfactant present in these mixtures. With the spacer chain length m less than or equal to 4 in the dimeric surfactant, the propensity of micellar growth is particularly pronounced. The effect of the variation of the temperature for the mixed micellar system (23.1 mol % of 16-3-16, 2Br(-)) was also examined. The systemic microviscosities that the mixed micellar aggregates offer to a solubilized, extrinsic fluorescence probe, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, were determined. The variation of the microviscosities of the mixed micelles as a function of percentages of the dimeric surfactants could be explained in terms of conformational variations and progressive looping of the spacer chain of dimeric surfactants in mixed micellar aggregates with increasing m values.


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The anomalous X-ray scattering (AXS) method using Mo K absorption edges has been employed for obtaining the local structural information of superionic conducting glass having the composition (AgI)(0.6)(Ag2MoO4)(0.4). The possible atomic arrangements in the near-neighbor region of this glass were estimated by coupling the results with the least-squares variational analysis so as to reproduce the differential intensity profile for Mo as well as the ordinary scattering profile. The coordination number of oxygen around Mo is found to be about 4 at the distance of 0.180 mn. This implies that the most probable structural entity in the glass is the MoO4 tetrahedral unit which has been proposed based on infrared spectroscopy. The value of the coordination number of I- around Ag+ is estimated as 4.4 at 0.287 nm, suggesting an arrangement similar to that of crystalline or molten AgI.


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Dimeric or gemini surfactants consist of two hydrophobic chains and two hydrophilic head groups covalently connected by a hydrophobic or hydrophilic spacer. This paper reports the small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements from aqueous micellar solutions of two different recently developed types of dimeric surfactants: (i) bis-anionic C16H33PO4--(CH2)(m)-PO4-C16H33,2Na(+) dimeric surfactants composed of phosphate head groups and a hydrophobic polymethylene spacer, referred to as 16-m-16,2Na(+), for spacer lengths m = 2, 4, 6, and 10, (ii) bis-cationic C16H33N+(CH3)(2)-CH2-(CH2-O-CH2)(p)-CH2-N+ (CH3)(2)C16H33,2Br(-) dimeric surfactants composed of dimethylammonium head groups and a wettable polyethylene oxide spacer, referred to as 16-CH2-p-CH2-16,2Br(-), for spacer lengths p = 1 - 3. The micellar structures of these surfactants are compared with the earlier studied bis-cationic C16H33N+ (CH3)(2)-(CH2)(m)-N+ (CH3)(2)C16H33,2Br(-) dimeric surfactants composed of dimethylammonium head groups and a hydrophobic polymethylene spacer, referred to as 16-m-16,2Br(-). It is found that 16-m-16,2Na(+), similar to 16-m-16,2Br(-), form various micellar structures depending on the spacer length. Micelles an disklike for rn = 2, rodlike for m = 4, and prolate ellipsoidal fur m = 6 and 10. The micelles of 16-CH2-p-CH2-16,2Br(-) are prolate ellipsoidal for all the values of p = 1 - 3. It is also found that micelles of 16-m-16,2Na(+) and 16-CH2-p-CH2-16,2Br(-) are large in comparison to those of 16-in-16,2Br(-) for similar spacer lengths. This is connected with the fact that both in 16-m-16,2Na(+) and 16-CH2-p-CH2-16,2Br(-), the head group or the spacer is more hydrated as compared to that in the 16-m-16,2Br(-). An increase in the hydration of the spacer or the head group increases the screening of the Coulomb repulsion between the charged head groups. This effect has been found to be more pronounced in the dimeric surfactants having wettable spacers. [S1063-651X(99)00303-7].


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We analyse the Roy equations for the lowest partial waves of elastic ππ scattering. In the first part of the paper, we review the mathematical properties of these equations as well as their phenomenological applications. In particular, the experimental situation concerning the contributions from intermediate energies and the evaluation of the driving terms are discussed in detail. We then demonstrate that the two S-wave scattering lengths a00 and a02 are the essential parameters in the low energy region: Once these are known, the available experimental information determines the behaviour near threshold to within remarkably small uncertainties. An explicit numerical representation for the energy dependence of the S- and P-waves is given and it is shown that the threshold parameters of the D- and F-waves are also fixed very sharply in terms of a00 and a20. In agreement with earlier work, which is reviewed in some detail, we find that the Roy equations admit physically acceptable solutions only within a band of the (a00,a02) plane. We show that the data on the reactions e+e−→ππ and τ→ππν reduce the width of this band quite significantly. Furthermore, we discuss the relevance of the decay K→ππeν in restricting the allowed range of a00, preparing the grounds for an analysis of the forthcoming precision data on this decay and on pionic atoms. We expect these to reduce the uncertainties in the two basic low energy parameters very substantially, so that a meaningful test of the chiral perturbation theory predictions will become possible.


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Detailed small angle neutron scattering ( SANS) studies were carried out with the aqueous vesicular (unilamellar) suspension of dimeric ion-paired lipids (2a-2c) for spacer lengths corresponding to n-values of 2, 6 and 10 and monomeric ion-paired lipid (3) below and above the phase transition temperature of each amphiphile. The vesicular structure strongly depends on the spacer chain length. The mean vesicle size is smallest for the lipid with a short spacer, n = 3 and it increases with the increase in the spacer chain length. The bilayer thickness also decreases with the increase in the spacer chain length. The size polydispersity increases with the increase in the spacer chain length (n-value).


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The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of several surfactants that contain an NLO chromophore, either at the hydrocarbon tail, or at the hydrophilic headgroup, or even as a counterion, was determined by hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS). In all cases, the HRS signal exhibited a similar variation with surfactant concentration, wherein the CMC is inferred from a rather unprecedented drop in the signal intensity. This drop is attributed to the formation of small pre-micellar aggregates, whose concentrations become negligible above CMC. In addition, a probe molecule, which upon protonation yielded a species with significantly enhanced HRS intensity, was developed and its utility for the determination of the CIVIC of simple fatty acids was demonstrated.


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Closed-form analytical expressions are derived for the reflection and transmission coefficients for the problem of scattering of surface water waves by a sharp discontinuity in the surface-boundary-conditions, for the case of deep water. The method involves the use of the Havelock-type expansion of the velocity potential along with an analysis to solve a Carleman-type singular integral equation over a semi-infinite range. This method of solution is an alternative to the Wiener-Hopf technique used previously.


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Titanium dioxide films have been deposited using DC magnetron sputtering technique onto well-cleaned p-silicon substrates at an oxygen partial pressure of 7 x 10(-5) mbar and at a sputtering pressure (Ar + O-2) Of I X 10(-3) mbar. The deposited films were calcinated at 673 and 773 K. The composition of the films as analyzed using Auger electron spectroscopy reveals the stoichiometry with an 0 and Ti ratio 2.08. The influence of post-deposition annealing at 673 and 773 K on the structural properties of the titanium dioxide thin films have been studied using XRD and Raman scattering. The structure of the films deposited at the ambient was found to be amorphous and the films annealed at temperature 673 K and above were crystalline with anatase structure. The lattice constants, grain size, microstrain and the dislocation density of the film are calculated and correlated with annealing temperature. The Raman scattering study was performed on the as-deposited and annealed samples and the existence of Raman active modes A(1g), B-1g and E-g corresponding to the Raman shifts are studied and reported. The improvement of crystallinity of the TiO2 films was also studied using Raman scattering studies. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Temperature dependent Brillouin scattering studies have been performed to ascertain the influence of solvent dynamics on ion-transport in succinonitrile-lithium salt plastic crystalline electrolytes. Though very rarely employed, we observe that Brillouin spectroscopy is an invaluable tool for investigation of solvent dynamics. Analysis of various acoustic (long wavelength) phonon modes observed in the Brillouin scattering spectra reveal the influence of trans-gauche isomerism and as well as ion-association effects on ion transport. Although pristine SN and dilute SN-LiClO(4) samples show only the bulk longitudinal-acoustic (LA) mode, concentrated SN-LiClO(4) (similar to 0.3-1 M) electrolytes display both the bulk LA mode as well as salt induced brillouin modes at ambient temperature. The appearance of more than one brillouin mode is attributed to the scattering of light from regions with different compressibilities (''compactness''). Correspondingly, these modes show a large decrease in the full width at half-maximum (abbreviated as nu(f)) as the temperature decreases. Anomalous temperature dependent behavior of nu(f) with addition of salt could be attributed to the presence of disorder or strong coupling with a neighbor. The shape of the spectrum was evaluated using a Lorentzian and Fano line shape function depending on the nature and behavior of the Brillouin modes.


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The local structural information in the near-neighbor region of superionic conducting glass (AgBr)0.4(Ag2O)0.3(GeO2)0.3 has been estimated from the anomalous X-ray scattering (AXS) measurements using Ge and Br K absorption edges. The possible atomic arrangements in the near-neighbor region of this glass were obtained by coupling the results with the least-squares variational method so as to reproduce two differential intensity profiles for Ge and Br as well as the ordinary scattering profile. The coordination number of oxygen around Ge is found to be 3.6 at a distance of 0.176 nm, suggesting the GeO4 tetrahedral unit as the probable structural entity in this glass. Moreover, the coordination number of Ag around Br is estimated as 6.3 at a distance of 0.284 nm, suggesting an arrangement similar to that in crystalline AgBr.