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The electron-retarding range of the current-voltage characteristic of a flat Langmuir probe perpendicular to a strong magnetic field in a fully ionized plasma is analysed allowing for anomalous (Bohm) cross-field transport and temperature changes in the collection process. With probe size and ion thermal gyroradius comparable, and smaller than the electron mean free path, there is an outer quasineutral region with ion viscosity determinant in allowing nonambipolar parallel and cross flow. A potential overshoot lying either at the base or inside the quasineutral region both makes ions follow Boltzmann's law at negative bias and extends the electron-retarding range to probe bias e(j)p ~ +2Too. Electron heating and cooling occur roughly at positive and negative bias, with a re-minimum around efa ~ - 2 7 ^ ; far from the probe heat conduction cools and heats electrons at and radially away from the probe axis, respectively. The potential overshoot with no thermal effects would reduce the electron current Ie, making the In Ie versus 4>p graph downwards-concave,but cooling further reduces Ie substantially, and may tilt the slope upwards past the temperature minimum. The domain of strict validity of our analysis is narrow in case of low ion mass (deuterium), breaking down with the ion Boltzmann law.


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An electrically floating metallic bare tether in a low Earth orbit would be highly negative with respect to the ambient plasma over most of its length, and would be bombarded by ambient ions. This would liberate secondary electrons, which, after acceleration through the same voltage, would form a magnetically guided two-sided planar e-beam. Upon impact on the atmospheric E-layer, at about 120-140 Km altitude auroral effects (ionization and light emission) can be expected. This paper examines in a preliminary way the feasibility of using this effect as an upper atmospheric probe. It is concluded that significant perturbations can be produced along the illuminated planar sheet of the atmosphere, with ionization rates of several thousand cm-3 sec1. Observation of the induced optical emission is made difficult by the narrowness and high moving speed of the illuminated zone, but it is shown that vertical resolution of single spectral lines is possible, as is wider spectral coverage with no vertical resolution.


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The proton-translocating NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (EC is the largest and least understood enzyme complex of the respiratory chain. The mammalian mitochondrial enzyme (also called complex I) contains more than 40 subunits, whereas its structurally simpler bacterial counterpart (NDH-1) in Paracoccus denitrificans and Thermus thermophilus HB-8 consists of 14 subunits. A major unsolved question is the location and mechanism of the terminal electron transfer step from iron–sulfur cluster N2 to quinone. Potent inhibitors acting at this key region are candidate photoaffinity probes to dissect NADH-quinone oxidoreductases. Complex I and NDH-1 are very sensitive to inhibition by a variety of structurally diverse toxicants, including rotenone, piericidin A, bullatacin, and pyridaben. We designed (trifluoromethyl)diazirinyl[3H]pyridaben ([3H]TDP) as our photoaffinity ligand because it combines outstanding inhibitor potency, a suitable photoreactive group, and tritium at high specific activity. Photoaffinity labeling of mitochondrial electron transport particles was specific and saturable. Isolation, protein sequencing, and immunoprecipitation identified the high-affinity specifically labeled 23-kDa subunit as PSST of complex I. Immunoprecipitation of labeled membranes of P. denitrificans and T. thermophilus established photoaffinity labeling of the equivalent bacterial NQO6. Competitive binding and enzyme inhibition studies showed that photoaffinity labeling of the specific high-affinity binding site of PSST is exceptionally sensitive to each of the high-potency inhibitors mentioned above. These findings establish that the homologous PSST of mitochondria and NQO6 of bacteria have a conserved inhibitor-binding site and that this subunit plays a key role in electron transfer by functionally coupling iron–sulfur cluster N2 to quinone.


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Nrd1 is an essential yeast protein of unknown function that has an RNA recognition motif (RRM) in its carboxyl half and a putative RNA polymerase II-binding domain, the CTD-binding motif, at its amino terminus. Nrd1 mediates a severe reduction in pre-mRNA production from a reporter gene bearing an exogenous sequence element in its intron. The effect of the inserted element is highly sequence-specific and is accompanied by the appearance of 3′-truncated transcripts. We have proposed that Nrd1 binds to the exogenous sequence element in the nascent pre-mRNA during transcription, aided by the CTD-binding motif, and directs 3′-end formation a short distance downstream. Here we show that highly purified Nrd1 carboxyl half binds tightly to the RNA element in vitro with sequence specificity that correlates with the efficiency of cis-element-directed down-regulation in vivo. A large deletion in the CTD-binding motif blocks down-regulation but does not affect the essential function of Nrd1. Furthermore, a nonsense mutant allele that produces truncated Nrd1 protein lacking the RRM has a dominant-negative effect on down-regulation but not on cell growth. Viability of this and several other nonsense alleles of Nrd1 appears to require translational readthrough, which in one case is extremely efficient. Thus the CTD-binding motif of Nrd1 is important for pre-mRNA down-regulation but is not required for the essential function of Nrd1. In contrast, the RNA-binding activity of Nrd1 appears to be required both for down-regulation and for its essential function.


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The GTP-binding protein ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) initiates clathrin-coat assembly at the trans-Goli network (TGN) by generating high-affinity membrane-binding sites for the AP-1 adaptor complex. Both transmembrane proteins, which are sorted into the assembling coated bud, and novel docking proteins have been suggested to be partners with GTP-bound ARF in generating the AP-1-docking sites. The best characterized, and probably the major transmembrane molecules sorted into the clathrin-coated vesicles that form on the TGN, are the mannose 6-phosphate receptors (MPRs). Here, we have examined the role of the MPRs in the AP-1 recruitment process by comparing fibroblasts derived from embryos of either normal or MPR-negative animals. Despite major alterations to the lysosome compartment in the MPR-deficient cells, the steady-state distribution of AP-1 at the TGN is comparable to that of normal cells. Golgi-enriched membranes prepared from the receptor-negative cells also display an apparently normal capacity to recruit AP-1 in vitro in the presence of ARF and either GTP or GTPγS. The AP-1 adaptor is recruited specifically onto the TGN and not onto the numerous abnormal membrane elements that accumulate within the MPR-negative fibroblasts. AP-1 bound to TGN membranes from either normal or MPR-negative fibroblasts is fully resistant to chemical extraction with 1 M Tris-HCl, pH 7, indicating that the adaptor binds to both membrane types with high affinity. The only difference we do note between the Golgi prepared from the MPR-deficient cells and the normal cells is that AP-1 recruited onto the receptor-lacking membranes in the presence of ARF1·GTP is consistently more resistant to extraction with Tris. Because sensitivity to Tris extraction correlates well with nucleotide hydrolysis, this finding might suggest a possible link between MPR sorting and ARF GAP regulation. We conclude that the MPRs are not essential determinants in the initial steps of AP-1 binding to the TGN but, instead, they may play a regulatory role in clathrin-coated vesicle formation by affecting ARF·GTP hydrolysis.


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The DNA binding activity of p53 is crucial for its tumor suppressor function and is subject to tight regulation. Previous studies revealed that the inhibitory function of the p53 C terminus is implicated in the latent, low affinity sequence-specific DNA binding activity of p53 in the uninduced state. Sequence-specific DNA binding of p53 has been shown to be activated by several posttranslational modifications and interacting proteins that target predominantly the C terminus. Moreover, several authors have shown that synthetic peptides corresponding to p53 C-terminal sequences activate p53 sequence-specific DNA binding. In an effort to identify the interaction site of p53 with these activating peptides we assessed complex formation between p53 deletion constructs and C-terminal activating peptides by peptide affinity precipitation. This study revealed that two distal regions of the p53 molecule contribute synergistically to the interaction with activating C-terminal peptides: amino acids 80–93 and 364–393. The C-terminal residues 364–393 are already well characterized as having negative regulatory function. DNA binding analyses with these deletion constructs reveal a comparable negative regulatory activity for residues 80–93, defining this region as a previously unidentified negative regulatory domain of p53. Furthermore, synthetic peptides spanning this newly identified proline-rich negative regulatory region (residues 80–93) are able to activate p53 sequence-specific DNA binding in vitro. We suggest that both negative regulatory regions, residues 80–93 and 364–393, contribute cooperatively to the maintenance of the latent, low-affinity DNA binding conformation of p53.


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The Arp2/3 complex is a stable assembly of seven protein subunits including two actin-related proteins (Arp2 and Arp3) and five novel proteins. Previous work showed that this complex binds to the sides of actin filaments and is concentrated at the leading edges of motile cells. Here, we show that Arp2/3 complex purified from Acanthamoeba caps the pointed ends of actin filaments with high affinity. Arp2/3 complex inhibits both monomer addition and dissociation at the pointed ends of actin filaments with apparent nanomolar affinity and increases the critical concentration for polymerization at the pointed end from 0.6 to 1.0 μM. The high affinity of Arp2/3 complex for pointed ends and its abundance in amoebae suggest that in vivo all actin filament pointed ends are capped by Arp2/3 complex. Arp2/3 complex also nucleates formation of actin filaments that elongate only from their barbed ends. From kinetic analysis, the nucleation mechanism appears to involve stabilization of polymerization intermediates (probably actin dimers). In electron micrographs of quick-frozen, deep-etched samples, we see Arp2/3 bound to sides and pointed ends of actin filaments and examples of Arp2/3 complex attaching pointed ends of filaments to sides of other filaments. In these cases, the angle of attachment is a remarkably constant 70 ± 7°. From these in vitro biochemical properties, we propose a model for how Arp2/3 complex controls the assembly of a branching network of actin filaments at the leading edge of motile cells.


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The nuclear LIM domain protein LMO2, a T cell oncoprotein, is essential for embryonic erythropoiesis. LIM-only proteins are presumed to act primarily through protein-protein interactions. We, and others, have identified a widely expressed protein, Ldb1, whose C-terminal 76-residues are sufficient to mediate interaction with LMO2. In murine erythroleukemia cells, the endogenous Lbd1 and LMO2 proteins exist in a stable complex, whose binding affinity appears greater than that between LMO2 and the bHLH transcription factor SCL. However, Ldb1, LMO2, and SCL/E12 can assemble as a multiprotein complex on a consensus SCL binding site. Like LMO2, the Ldb1 gene is expressed in fetal liver and erythroid cell lines. Forced expression of Ldb1 in G1ER proerythroblast cells inhibited cellular maturation, a finding compatible with the decrease in Ldb1 gene expression that normally occurs during erythroid differentiation. Overexpression of the LMO2 gene also inhibited erythroid differentiation. Our studies demonstrate a function for Ldb1 in hemopoietic cells and suggest that one role of the Ldb1/LMO2 complex is to maintain erythroid precursors in an immature state.


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Intramolecular electron transfer in azurin in water and deuterium oxide has been studied over a broad temperature range. The kinetic deuterium isotope effect, kH/kD, is smaller than unity (0.7 at 298 K), primarily caused by the different activation entropies in water (−56.5 J K−1 mol−1) and in deuterium oxide (−35.7 J K−1 mol−1). This difference suggests a role for distinct protein solvation in the two media, which is supported by the results of voltammetric measurements: the reduction potential (E0′) of Cu2+/+ at 298 K is 10 mV more positive in D2O than in H2O. The temperature dependence of E0′ is also different, yielding entropy changes of −57 J K−1 mol−1 in water and −84 J K−1 mol−1 in deuterium oxide. The driving force difference of 10 mV is in keeping with the kinetic isotope effect, but the contribution to ΔS‡ from the temperature dependence of E0′ is positive rather than negative. Isotope effects are, however, also inherent in the nuclear reorganization Gibbs free energy and in the tunneling factor for the electron transfer process. A slightly larger thermal protein expansion in H2O than in D2O (0.001 nm K−1) is sufficient both to account for the activation entropy difference and to compensate for the different temperature dependencies of E0′. Thus, differences in driving force and thermal expansion appear as the most straightforward rationale for the observed isotope effect.


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The chemotherapeutic drug Taxol is known to interact within a specific site on β-tubulin. Although the general location of the site has been defined by photoaffinity labeling and electron crystallography, the original data were insufficient to make an absolute determination of the bound conformation. We have now correlated the crystallographic density with analysis of Taxol conformations and have found the unique solution to be a T-shaped Taxol structure. This T-shaped or butterfly structure is optimized within the β-tubulin site and exhibits functional similarity to a portion of the B9-B10 loop in the α-tubulin subunit. The model provides structural rationalization for a sizeable body of Taxol structure–activity relationship data, including binding affinity, photoaffinity labeling, and acquired mutation in human cancer cells.


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8-Oxoguanine (8-oxoG), induced by reactive oxygen species and arguably one of the most important mutagenic DNA lesions, is prone to further oxidation. Its one-electron oxidation products include potentially mutagenic guanidinohydantoin (Gh) and spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp) because of their mispairing with A or G. All three oxidized base-specific DNA glycosylases of Escherichia coli, namely endonuclease III (Nth), 8-oxoG-DNA glycosylase (MutM) and endonuclease VIII (Nei), excise Gh and Sp, when paired with C or G in DNA, although Nth is less active than the other two. MutM prefers Sp and Gh paired with C (kcat/Km of 0.24–0.26 min–1 nM–1), while Nei prefers G over C as the complementary base (kcat/Km – 0.15–0.17 min–1 nM–1). However, only Nei efficiently excises these paired with A. MutY, a 8-oxoG·A(G)-specific A(G)-DNA glycosylase, is inactive with Gh(Sp)·A/G-containing duplex oligonucleotide, in spite of specific affinity. It inhibits excision of lesions by MutM from the Gh·G or Sp·G pair, but not from Gh·C and Sp·C pairs. In contrast, MutY does not significantly inhibit Nei for any Gh(Sp) base pair. These results suggest a protective function for MutY in preventing mutation as a result of A (G) incorporation opposite Gh(Sp) during DNA replication.


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A 50-kDa hemolymph protein, having strong affinity to the cell wall of Gram(-) bacteria, was purified from the hemolymph of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The cDNA encoding this Gram(-) bacteria-binding protein (GNBP) was isolated from an immunized silkworm fat body cDNA library and sequenced. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with known sequences revealed that GNBP contained a region displaying significant homology to the putative catalytic region of a group of bacterial beta-1,3 glucanases and beta-1,3-1,4 glucanases. Silkworm GNBP was also shown to have amino acid sequence similarity to the vertebrate lipopolysaccharide receptor CD14 and was recognized specifically by a polygonal anti-CD14 antibody. Northern blot analysis showed that GNBP was constitutively expressed in fat body, as well as in cuticular epithelial cells of naive silkworms. Intense transcription was, however, rapidly induced following a cuticular or hemoceolien bacterial challenge. An mRNA that hybridized with GNBP cDNA was also found in the l(2)mbn immunocompetent Drosophila cell line. These observations suggest that GNBP is an inducible acute phase protein implicated in the immune response of the silkworm and perhaps other insects.


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Determination of the crystal structure of an "open" unliganded active mutant (T141D) form of the Escherichia coli phosphate receptor for active transport has allowed calculation of the electrostatic surface potential for it and two other comparably modeled receptor structures (wild type and D137N). A discovery of considerable implication is the intensely negative potential of the phosphate-binding cleft. We report similar findings for a sulfate transport receptor, a DNA-binding protein, and, even more dramatically, redox proteins. Evidently, for proteins such as these, which rely almost exclusively on hydrogen bonding for anion interactions and electrostatic balance, a noncomplementary surface potential is not a barrier to binding. Moreover, experimental results show that the exquisite specificity and high affinity of the phosphate and sulfate receptors for unions are insensitive to modulations of charge potential, but extremely sensitive to conditions that leave a hydrogen bond donor or acceptor unpaired.


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Electron microscopic visualization indicates that the transcription activator NRI (NTRC) binds with exceptional selectivity and efficiency to a sequence-induced superhelical (spiral) segment inserted upstream of the glnA promoter, accounting for its observed ability to substitute for the natural glnA enhancer. The cooperative binding of NRI to the spiral insert leads to protein oligomerization which, at higher concentration, promotes selective coating of the entire superhelical segment with protein. Localization of NRI at apical loops is observed with negatively supercoiled plasmid DNA. With a linear plasmid, bending of DNA is observed. We confirm that NRI is a DNA-bending protein, consistent with its high affinity for spiral DNA. These results prove that spiral DNA without any homology to the NRI-binding sequence site can substitute for the glnA enhancer by promoting cooperative activator binding to DNA and facilitating protein oligomerization. Similar mechanisms might apply to other prokaryotic and eukaryotic activator proteins that share the ability to bend DNA and act efficiently as multimers.


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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase [PARP; NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase; NAD+:poly(adenosine-diphosphate-D-ribosyl)-acceptor ADP-D-ribosyltransferase, EC] is a zinc-dependent eukaryotic DNA-binding protein that specifically recognizes DNA strand breaks produced by various genotoxic agents. To study the biological function of this enzyme, we have established stable HeLa cell lines that constitutively produce the 46-kDa DNA-binding domain of human PARP (PARP-DBD), leading to the trans-dominant inhibition of resident PARP activity. As a control, a cell line was constructed, producing a point-mutated version of the DBD, which has no affinity for DNA in vitro. Expression of the PARP-DBD had only a slight effect on undamaged cells but had drastic consequences for cells treated with genotoxic agents. Exposure of cell lines expressing the wild-type (wt) or the mutated PARP-DBD, with low doses of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) resulted in an increase in their doubling time, a G2 + M accumulation, and a marked reduction in cell survival. However, UVC irradiation had no preferential effect on the cell growth or viability of cell lines expressing the PARP-DBD. These PARP-DBD-expressing cells treated with MNNG presented the characteristic nucleosomal DNA ladder, one of the hallmarks of cell death by apoptosis. Moreover, these cells exhibited chromosomal instability as demonstrated by higher frequencies of both spontaneous and MNNG-induced sister chromatid exchanges. Surprisingly, the line producing the mutated DBD had the same behavior as those producing the wt DBD, indicating that the mechanism of action of the dominant-negative mutant involves more than its DNA-binding function. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that PARP is an element of the G2 checkpoint in mammalian cells.