959 resultados para NEAR-SURFACE STRUCTURE


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Ya en el informe acerca del estado de la tecnología en la excavación profunda y en la construcción de túneles en terreno duro presentado en la 7ª Conferencia en Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería de la Cimentación, Peck (1969) introdujo los tres temas a ser tenidos en cuenta para el diseño de túneles en terrenos blandos: o Estabilidad de la cavidad durante la construcción, con particular atención a la estabilidad del frente del túnel; o Evaluación de los movimientos del terreno inducidos por la construcción del túnel y de la incidencia de los trabajos subterráneos a poca profundidad sobre los asentamientos en superficie; o Diseño del sistema de sostenimiento del túnel a instalar para asegurar la estabilidad de la estructura a corto y largo plazo. Esta Tesis se centra en los problemas señalados en el segundo de los puntos, analizando distintas soluciones habitualmente proyectadas para reducir los movimientos inducidos por la excavación de los túneles. El objeto de la Tesis es el análisis de la influencia de distintos diseños de paraguas de micropilotes, pantalla de micropilotes, paraguas de jet grouting y pantallas de jet grouting en los asientos en superficie durante la ejecución de túneles ejecutados a poca profundidad, con objeto de buscar el diseño que optimice los medios empleados para una determinada reducción de asientos. Para ello se establecen unas premisas para los proyectistas con objeto de conocer a priori cuales son los tratamientos más eficientes (de los propuestos en la Tesis) para la reducción de asientos en superficie cuando se ha de proyectar un túnel, de tal manera que pueda tener datos cualitativos y algunos cuantitativos sobre los diseños más óptimos, utilizando para ello un programa de elementos finitos de última generación que permite realizara la simulación tensodeformación del terreno mediante el modelo de suelo con endurecimiento (Hardening Soil Small model), que es una variante elastoplástica del modelo hiperbólico, similar al Hardening Soil Model. Además, este modelo incorpora una relación entre deformación y el modulo de rigidez, simulando el diferente comportamiento del suelo para pequeñas deformaciones (por ejemplo vibraciones con deformaciones por debajo de 10-5 y grandes deformaciones (deformaciones > 10-3). Para la realización de la Tesis se han elegido cinco secciones de túnel, dos correspondiente a secciones tipo de túnel ejecutado con tuneladora y tres secciones ejecutados mediante convencionales (dos correspondientes a secciones que han utilizado el método Belga y una que ha utilizado el NATM). Para conseguir los objetivos marcados, primeramente se ha analizado mediante una correlación entre modelos tridimensionales y bidimensionales el valor de relajación usado en estos últimos, y ver su variación al cambio de parámetros como la sección del túnel, la cobertera, el procedimiento constructivo, longitud de pase (métodos convencionales) o presión del frente (tuneladora) y las características geotécnicas de los materiales donde se ejecuta el túnel. Posteriormente se ha analizado que diseño de pantalla de protección tiene mejor eficacia respecto a la reducción de asientos, variando distintos parámetros de las características de la misma, como son el empotramiento, el tipo de micropilotes o pilote, la influencia del arriostramiento de las pantallas de protección en cabeza, la inclinación de la pantalla, la separación de la pantalla al eje del túnel y la disposición en doble fila de la pantalla de pantalla proyectada. Para finalizar el estudio de la efectividad de pantalla de protección para la reducción de asiento, se estudiará la influencia de la sobrecarga cercanas (simulación de edificios) tiene en la efectividad de la pantalla proyectada (desde el punto de vista de reducción de movimientos en superficie). Con objeto de poder comparar la efectividad de la pantalla de micropilotes respecto a la ejecución de un paraguas de micropilotes se ha analizado distintos diseños de paraguas, comparando el movimiento obtenido con el obtenido para el caso de pantalla de micropilotes, comparando ambos resultados con los medidos en obras ya ejecutadas. En otro apartado se ha realizado una comparación entre tratamientos similar, comparándolos en este caso con un paraguas de jet grouting y pantallas de jet grouting. Los resultados obtenidos se han con valores de asientos medidos en distintas obras ya ejecutadas y cuyas secciones se corresponden a los empleados en los modelos numéricos. Since the report on the state of technology in deep excavation and tunnelling in hard ground presented at the 7th Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Peck (1969) introduced the three issues to be taken into account for the design of tunnels in soft ground: o Cavity Stability during construction, with particular attention to the stability of the tunnel face; o Evaluation of ground movements induced by tunnelling and the effect of shallow underground workings on surface settlement; o Design of the tunnel support system to be installed to ensure short and long term stability of the structure. This thesis focuses on the issues identified in the second point, usually analysing different solutions designed to reduce the movements induced by tunnelling. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the influence of different micropile forepole umbrellas, micropile walls, jet grouting umbrellas and jet grouting wall designs on surface settlements during near surface tunnelling in order to use the most optimal technique to achieve a determined reduction in settlement. This will establish some criteria for designers to know a priori which methods are most effective (of those proposed in the thesis) to reduce surface settlements in tunnel design, so that it is possible to have qualitative and some quantitative data on the optimal designs, using the latest finite element modelling software that allows simulation of the ground’s infinitesimal strain behaviour using the Hardening Soil Small Model, which is a variation on the elasto-plastic hyperbolic model, similar to Hardening Soil model. In addition, this model incorporates a relationship between strain and the rigidity modulus, simulating different soil behaviour for small deformations (eg deformation vibrations below 10-5 and large deformations (deformations > 10-3). For the purpose of this thesis five tunnel sections have been chosen, two sections corresponding to TBM tunnels and three sections undertaken by conventional means (two sections corresponding to the Belgian method and one corresponding to the NATM). To achieve the objectives outlined, a correlation analysis of the relaxation values used in the 2D and 3D models was undertaken to verify them against parameters such as the tunnel cross-section, the depth of the tunnel, the construction method, the length of step (conventional method) or face pressure (TBM) and the geotechnical characteristics of the ground where the tunnel is constructed. Following this, the diaphragm wall design with the greatest efficiency regarding settlement reduction was analysed, varying parameters such as the toe depth, type of micropiles or piles, the influence of bracing of the head protection diaphragm walls, the inclination of the diaphragm wall, the separation between the diaphragm wall and the tunnel axis and the double diaphragm wall design arrangement. In order to complete the study into the effectiveness of protective diaphragm walls ofn the reduction of settlements, the influence of nearby imposed loads (simulating buildings) on the effectiveness of the designed diaphragm walls (from the point of view of reducing surface movements) will be studied. In order to compare the effectiveness of micropile diaphragm walls regarding the installation of micropile forepole umbrellas, different designs of these forepole umbrellas have been analysed comparing the movement obtained with that obtained for micropiled diaphragm walls, comparing both results with those measured from similar completed projects. In another section, a comparison between similar treatments has been completed, comparing the treatments with a forepole umbrella by jet grouting and jet grouting walls. The results obtained compared with settlement values measured in various projects already completed and whose sections correspond to those used in the numerical models.


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In this paper the very first geochemical and isotopic data related to surface and spring waters and dissolved gases in the area of Hontomín–Huermeces (Burgos, Spain) are presented and discussed. Hontomín–Huermeces has been selected as a pilot site for the injection of pure (>99%) CO2. Injection and monitoring wells are planned to be drilled close to 6 oil wells completed in the 1980s for which detailed stratigraphical logs are available, indicating the presence of a confined saline aquifer at the depth of about 1500 m into which less than 100,000 tons of iquid CO2 will be injected, possibly starting in 2013. The chemical and features of the spring waters suggest that they are related to a shallow hydrogeological system as the concentration of the Total Dissolved Solids approaches 800 mg/L with a Ca2+(Mg2+)-HCO3− composition, similar to that of the surface waters. This is also supported by the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic ratios that have values lying between those of the Global and the Mediterranean Meteoric Water Lines. Some spring waters close to the oil wells are haracterized by relatively high concentrations of NO3− (up to 123 mg/L), unequivocally suggesting an anthropogenic source that adds to the main water–rock interaction processes. The latter can be referred to Ca-Mg-carbonate and, at a minor extent, Al-silicate dissolution, being the outcropping sedimentary rocks characterized by Palaeozoic to Quaternary rocks. Anomalous concentrations of Cl−, SO42−, As, B and Ba were measured in two springs discharging a few hundred meters from the oil wells and in the Rio Ubierna. These contents are significantly higher than those of the whole set of the studied waters and are possibly indicative of mixing processes, although at very low extent, between deep and shallow aquifers. No evidence of deep-seated gases interacting with the Hontomín–Huermeces waters was recognized in the chemistry of the disolved gases. This is likely due to the fact that they are mainly characterized by an atmospheric source as highlighted by the high contents of N2, O2 and Ar and by N2/Ar ratios that approach that of ASW (Air Saturated Water) and possibly masking any contribution related to a deep source. Nevertheless, significant concentrations (up to 63% by vol.) of isotopically negative CO2 (<−17.7‰ V-PDB) were found in some water samples, likely related to a biogenic source. The geochemical and isotopic data of this work are of particular importance when a monitoring program will be established to verify whether CO2 leakages, induced by the injection of this greenhouse gas, may be affecting the quality of the waters in the shallow hydrological circuits at Hontomín–Huermeces. In this respect, carbonate chemistry, the isotopic carbon of dissolved CO2 and TDIC (Total Dissolved Inorganic Carbon) and selected trace elements can be considered as useful parameters to trace the migration of the injected CO2 into near-surface environments.


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Es cada vez más frecuente la rehabilitación de patrimonio construido, tanto de obras deterioradas como para la adecuación de obras existentes a nuevos usos o solicitaciones. Se ha considerado el estudio del refuerzo de obras de fábrica ya que constituyen un importante número dentro del patrimonio tanto de edificación como de obra civil (sistemas de muros de carga o en estructuras principales porticadas de acero u hormigón empleándose las fábricas como cerramiento o distribución con elementos autoportantes). A la hora de reparar o reforzar una estructura es importante realizar un análisis de las deficiencias, caracterización mecánica del elemento y solicitaciones presentes o posibles; en el apartado 1.3 del presente trabajo se refieren acciones de rehabilitación cuando lo que se precisa no es refuerzo estructural, así como las técnicas tradicionales más habituales para refuerzo de fábricas que suelen clasificarse según se trate de refuerzos exteriores o interiores. En los últimos años se ha adoptado el sistema de refuerzo de FRP, tecnología con origen en los refuerzos de hormigón tanto de elementos a flexión como de soportes. Estos refuerzos pueden ser de láminas adheridas a la fábrica soporte (SM), o de barras incluidas en rozas lineales (NSM). La elección de un sistema u otro depende de la necesidad de refuerzo y tipo de solicitación predominante, del acceso para colocación y de la exigencia de impacto visual. Una de las mayores limitaciones de los sistemas de refuerzo por FRP es que no suele movilizarse la resistencia del material de refuerzo, produciéndose previamente fallo en la interfase con el soporte con el consecuente despegue o deslaminación; dichos fallos pueden tener un origen local y propagarse a partir de una discontinuidad, por lo que es preciso un tratamiento cuidadoso de la superficie soporte, o bien como consecuencia de una insuficiente longitud de anclaje para la transferencia de los esfuerzos en la interfase. Se considera imprescindible una caracterización mecánica del elemento a reforzar. Es por ello que el trabajo presenta en el capítulo 2 métodos de cálculo de la fábrica soporte de distintas normativas y también una formulación alternativa que tiene en cuenta la fábrica histórica ya que su caracterización suele ser más complicada por la heterogeneidad y falta de clasificación de sus materiales, especialmente de los morteros. Una vez conocidos los parámetros resistentes de la fábrica soporte es posible diseñar el refuerzo; hasta la fecha existe escasa normativa de refuerzos de FRP para muros de fábrica, consistente en un protocolo propuesto por la ACI 440 7R-10 que carece de mejoras por tipo de anclaje y aporta valores muy conservadores de la eficacia del refuerzo. Como se ha indicado, la problemática principal de los refuerzos de FRP en muros es el modo de fallo que impide un aprovechamiento óptimo de las propiedades del material. Recientemente se están realizando estudios con distintos métodos de anclaje para estos refuerzos, con lo que se incremente la capacidad última y se mantenga el soporte ligado al refuerzo tras la rotura. Junto con sistemas de anclajes por prolongación del refuerzo (tanto para láminas como para barras) se han ensayado anclajes con llaves de cortante, barras embebidas, o anclajes mecánicos de acero o incluso de FRP. Este texto resume, en el capítulo 4, algunas de las campañas experimentales llevadas a cabo entre los años 2000 y 2013 con distintos anclajes. Se observan los parámetros fundamentales para medir la eficacia del anclajes como son: el modo de fallo, el incremento de resistencia, y los desplazamientos que permite observar la ductilidad del refuerzo; estos datos se analizan en función de la variación de: tipo de refuerzo incluyéndose el tipo de fibra y sistema de colocación, y tipo de anclaje. Existen también parámetros de diseño de los propios anclajes. En el caso de barras embebidas se resumen en diámetro y material de la barra, acabado superficial, dimensiones y forma de la roza, tipo de adhesivo. En el caso de anclajes de FRP tipo pasador la caracterización incluye: tipo de fibra, sistema de fabricación del anclajes y diámetro del mismo, radio de expansión del abanico, espaciamiento longitudinal de anclajes, número de filas de anclajes, número de láminas del refuerzo, longitud adherida tras el anclaje; es compleja la sistematización de resultados de los autores de las campañas expuestas ya que algunos de estos parámetros varían impidiendo la comparación. El capítulo 5 presenta los ensayos empleados para estas campañas de anclajes, distinguiéndose entre ensayos de modo I, tipo tracción directa o arrancamiento, que servirían para sistemas NSM o para cuantificar la resistencia individual de anclajes tipo pasador; ensayos de modo II, tipo corte simple, que se asemeja más a las condiciones de trabajo de los refuerzos. El presente texto se realiza con objeto de abrir una posible investigación sobre los anclajes tipo pasador, considerándose que junto con los sistemas de barra embebida son los que permiten una mayor versatilidad de diseño para los refuerzos de FRP y siendo su eficacia aún difícil de aislar por el número de parámetros de diseño. Rehabilitation of built heritage is becoming increasingly frequent, including repair of damaged works and conditioning for a new use or higher loads. In this work it has been considered the study of masonry wall reinforcement, as most buildings and civil works have load bearing walls or at least infilled masonry walls in concrete and steel structures. Before repairing or reinforcing an structure, it is important to analyse its deficiencies, its mechanical properties and both existing and potential loads; chapter 1, section 4 includes the most common rehabilitation methods when structural reinforcement is not needed, as well as traditional reinforcement techniques (internal and external reinforcement) In the last years the FRP reinforcement system has been adopted for masonry walls. FRP materials for reinforcement were initially used for concrete pillars and beams. FRP reinforcement includes two main techniques: surface mounted laminates (SM) and near surface mounted bars (NSM); one of them may be more accurate according to the need for reinforcement and main load, accessibility for installation and aesthetic requirements. One of the main constraints of FRP systems is not reaching maximum load for material due to premature debonding failure, which can be caused by surface irregularities so surface preparation is necessary. But debonding (or delamination for SM techniques) can also be a consequence of insufficient anchorage length or stress concentration. In order to provide an accurate mechanical characterisation of walls, chapter 2 summarises the calculation methods included in guidelines as well as alternative formulations for old masonry walls as historic wall properties are more complicated to obtain due to heterogeneity and data gaps (specially for mortars). The next step is designing reinforcement system; to date there are scarce regulations for walls reinforcement with FRP: ACI 440 7R-10 includes a protocol without considering the potential benefits provided by anchorage devices and with conservative values for reinforcement efficiency. As noted above, the main problem of FRP masonry walls reinforcement is failure mode. Recently, some authors have performed studies with different anchorage systems, finding that these systems are able to delay or prevent debonding . Studies include the following anchorage systems: Overlap, embedded bars, shear keys, shear restraint and fiber anchors. Chapter 4 briefly describes several experimental works between years 2000 and 2013, concerning different anchorage systems. The main parameters that measure the anchorage efficiency are: failure mode, failure load increase, displacements (in order to evaluate the ductility of the system); all these data points strongly depend on: reinforcement system, FRP fibers, anchorage system, and also on the specific anchorage parameters. Specific anchorage parameters are a function of the anchorage system used. The embedded bar system have design variables which can be identified as: bar diameter and material, surface finish, groove dimensions, and adhesive. In FRP anchorages (spikes) a complete design characterisation should include: type of fiber, manufacturing process, diameter, fan orientation, anchor splay width, anchor longitudinal spacing and number or rows, number or FRP sheet plies, bonded length beyond anchorage devices,...the parameters considered differ from some authors to others, so the comparison of results is quite complicated. Chapter 5 includes the most common tests used in experimental investigations on bond-behaviour and anchorage characterisation: direct shear tests (with variations single-shear and double-shear), pullout tests and bending tests. Each of them may be used according to the data needed. The purpose of this text is to promote further investigation of anchor spikes, accepting that both FRP anchors and embedded bars are the most versatile anchorage systems of FRP reinforcement and considering that to date its efficiency cannot be evaluated as there are too many design uncertainties.


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A baixa eficiência da adubação fosfatada em solos altamente intemperizados é devido, entre outros fatores, à adsorção do fósforo (P) à superfície das argilas silicatadas do tipo 1:1 e, principalmente, dos (hidr)óxidos de Fe e de Al. Manejos do solo que induzem a solubilização de formas de P indisponíveis para as plantas têm sido intensamente estudados nos últimos anos. Uma tentativa de aumentar a concentração de P disponível na solução do solo para sua absorção pelas plantas é a mobilização de P por ânions de ácidos orgânicos de baixa massa molar (AOBMM). Ânions derivados de AOBMM exsudados pelas raízes de plantas ou excretados por microrganismos são associados com algumas condições de rizosfera como deficiência de P e fitotoxidez de Al e interagem com o solo de forma a aumentar a biodisponibilidade de P. Dependendo dos atributos do solo, do grau de dissociação, das propriedades e do número de grupos carboxílicos dos ânions orgânicos, o P pode ser mobilizado do solo principalmente devido à dissolução complexométrica de minerais e à adsorção competitiva dos grupos funcionais carboxílicos e fosfato nos sítios de superfície coloidais. A capacidade dos ânions citrato, malato e oxalato em mobilizar P de amostras de um Neossolo Quartzarênico típico (RQ) e de um Latossolo Vermelho ácrico (LVwf) foi avaliada por meio de um estudo de lixiviação de ânions em colunas. Devido a não detecção de P nos efluentes das colunas com LVwf, foi realizado outro estudo em colunas, no qual somente citrato foi lixiviado, mas num volume maior, e as alterações das formas de P nas amostras desse solo induzidas pela lixiviação de citrato foram identificadas por espectroscopia de absorção de raios-X na borda K do fósforo (X-ray absorption near edge structure -XANES - spectroscopy). A capacidade dos ânions de AOBMM em solubilizar P foi mais dependente do teor de P disponível e de outros atributos do solo que do número de grupos funcionais carboxílicos dos ânions orgânicos. Somente o oxalato mobilizou P do RQ, enquanto todos os ânions de AOBMM foram capazes de mobilizar P do LVwf. Quando baixos volumes de solução contendo ânions de AOBMM foram lixiviados no solo, além do aumento do pH, a mobilização de P foi acompanhada pela mobilização de Al no RQ (pH água = 5), e pela mobilização de Ca no LVwf (pH água = 5.6), o que indica solubilização de P pela complexação de Al, Ca, ou Fe, de fosfatos insolúveis, ou pela inibição da precipitação de P com esses metais. Ao lixiviar um volume maior de citrato no LVwf, o P também não foi detectado nos efluentes das colunas, mas houve lixiviação intensa de Al e Fe, bem como mudanças nas proporções de formas de P no solo caracterizadas pelos espectros XANES. Embora tenhamos encontrado indícios da ação dos principais mecanismos de solubilização de P (dissolução complexométrica de minerais e troca de ligantes entre grupos funcionais carboxílicos e P adsorvido ao solo), os ânions de AOBMM mostraram pouco potencial de efetivamente aumentar a biodisponibilidade de P.


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Purpose - In many scientific and engineering fields, large-scale heat transfer problems with temperature-dependent pore-fluid densities are commonly encountered. For example, heat transfer from the mantle into the upper crust of the Earth is a typical problem of them. The main purpose of this paper is to develop and present a new combined methodology to solve large-scale heat transfer problems with temperature-dependent pore-fluid densities in the lithosphere and crust scales. Design/methodology/approach - The theoretical approach is used to determine the thickness and the related thermal boundary conditions of the continental crust on the lithospheric scale, so that some important information can be provided accurately for establishing a numerical model of the crustal scale. The numerical approach is then used to simulate the detailed structures and complicated geometries of the continental crust on the crustal scale. The main advantage in using the proposed combination method of the theoretical and numerical approaches is that if the thermal distribution in the crust is of the primary interest, the use of a reasonable numerical model on the crustal scale can result in a significant reduction in computer efforts. Findings - From the ore body formation and mineralization points of view, the present analytical and numerical solutions have demonstrated that the conductive-and-advective lithosphere with variable pore-fluid density is the most favorite lithosphere because it may result in the thinnest lithosphere so that the temperature at the near surface of the crust can be hot enough to generate the shallow ore deposits there. The upward throughflow (i.e. mantle mass flux) can have a significant effect on the thermal structure within the lithosphere. In addition, the emplacement of hot materials from the mantle may further reduce the thickness of the lithosphere. Originality/value - The present analytical solutions can be used to: validate numerical methods for solving large-scale heat transfer problems; provide correct thermal boundary conditions for numerically solving ore body formation and mineralization problems on the crustal scale; and investigate the fundamental issues related to thermal distributions within the lithosphere. The proposed finite element analysis can be effectively used to consider the geometrical and material complexities of large-scale heat transfer problems with temperature-dependent fluid densities.


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Globally, more than 1000 tonnes of titanium (Ti) is implanted into patients in the form of biomedical devices on an annual basis. Ti is perceived to be ‘biocompatible’ owing to the presence of a robust passive oxide film (approx. 4 nm thick) at the metal surface. However, surface deterioration can lead to the release of Ti ions, and particles can arise as the result of wear and/or corrosion processes. This surface deterioration can result in peri-implant inflammation, leading to the premature loss of the implanted device or the requirement for surgical revision. Soft tissues surrounding commercially pure cranial anchorage devices (bone-anchored hearing aid) were investigated using synchrotron X-ray micro-fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray absorption near edge structure. Here, we present the first experimental evidence that minimal load-bearing Ti implants, which are not subjected to macroscopic wear processes, can release Ti debris into the surrounding soft tissue. As such debris has been shown to be pro-inflammatory, we propose that such distributions of Ti are likely to effect to the service life of the device.


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Melt quenched silicate glasses containing calcium, phosphorus and alkali metals have the ability to promote bone regeneration and to fuse to living bone. Of these glasses 45S5 Bioglass® is the most widely used being sold in over 35 countries as a bone graft product for medical and dental applications; particulate 45S5 is also incorporated into toothpastes to help remineralize the surface of teeth. Recently it has been suggested that adding titanium dioxide can increase the bioactivity of these materials. This work investigates the structural consequences of incorporating 4 mol% TiO2 into Bioglass® using isotopic substitution (of the Ti) applied to neutron diffraction and X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES). We present the first isotopic substitution data applied to melt quench derived Bioglass or its derivatives. Results show that titanium is on average surrounded by 5.2(1) nearest neighbor oxygen atoms. This implies an upper limit of 40% four-fold coordinated titanium and shows that the network connectivity is reduced from 2.11 to 1.97 for small quantities of titanium. Titanium XANES micro-fluorescence confirms the titanium environment is homogenous on the micron length scale within these glasses. Solid state magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR confirms the network connectivity model proposed. Furthermore, the results show the intermediate range order containing Na-O, Ca-O, O-P-O and O-Si-O correlations are unaffected by the addition of small quantities of TiO2 into these systems.


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Bio-molecular interactions exist ubiquitously in all biological systems. This dissertation project was to construct a powerful surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor. The SPR system is used to study bio-molecular interactions in real time and without labeling. Surface plasmon is the oscillation of free electrons in metals coupled with surface electromagnetic waves. These surface electromagnetic waves provide a sensitive probe to study bio-molecular interactions on metal surfaces. This project resulted in the successful construction and optimization of a homemade SPR sensor and the development of several new powerful protocols to study bio-molecular interactions. It was discovered through this project that the limitations of earlier SPR sensors are related not only to the instrumentation design and operating procedures, but also to the complex behaviors of bio-molecules on sensor surfaces that were very different from that in solution. Based on these discoveries the instrumentation design and operating procedures were fully optimized. A set of existing sensor surface treatment protocols were tested and evaluated and new protocols were developed in this project. The new protocols have demonstrated excellent performance to study biomolecular interactions. The optimized home-made SPR sensor was used to study protein-surface interactions. These protein-surface interactions are responsible for many complex organic cell activities. The co-existence of different driving forces and their correlation with the structure of the protein and the surface make the understanding of the fundamental mechanism of protein-surface interactions a very challenging task. Using the improved SPR sensor, the electrostatic interaction and hydrophobic interaction were studied separately. The results of this project directly confirmed the theoretical predictions for electrostatic force between the protein and surface. In addition, this project demonstrated that the strength of the protein-surface hydrophobic interaction does not solely depend on the hydrophobicity as reported earlier. Surface structure also plays a significant role.


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The Ice Station POLarstern (ISPOL) cruise revisited the western Weddell Sea in late 2004 and obtained a comprehensive set of conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) data. This study describes the thermohaline structure and diapycnal mixing environment observed in 2004 and compares them with conditions observed more than a decade earlier. Hydrographic conditions on the central western Weddell Sea continental slope, off Larsen C Ice Shelf, in late winter/early spring of 2004/2005 can be described as a well-stratified environment with upper layers evidencing relict structures from intense winter near-surface vertical fluxes, an intermediate depth temperature maximum, and a cold near-bottom layer marked by patchy property distributions. A well-developed surface mixed layer, isolated from the underlying Warm Deep Water (WDW) by a pronounced pycnocline and characterized by lack of warming and by minimal sea-ice basal melting, supports the assumption that upper ocean winter conditions persisted during most of the ISPOL experiment. Much of the western Weddell Sea water column has remained essentially unchanged since 1992; however, significant differences were observed in two of the regional water masses. The first, Modified Weddell Deep Water (MWDW), comprises the permanent pycnocline and was less saline than a decade earlier, whereas Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW) was horizontally patchier and colder. Near-bottom temperatures observed in 2004 were the coldest on record for the western Weddell Sea over the continental slope. Minimum temperatures were ~0.4 and ~0.3 °C colder than during 1992-1993, respectively. The 2004 near-bottom temperature/salinity characteristics revealed the presence of two different WSBW types, whereby a warm, fresh layer overlays a colder, saltier layer (both formed in the western Weddell Sea). The deeper layer may have formed locally as high salinity shelf water (HSSW) that flowed intermittently down the continental slope, which is consistent with the observed horizontal patchiness. The latter can be associated with the near-bottom variability found in Powell Basin with consequences for the deep water outflow from the Weddell Sea.


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The occurrence of gas hydrates at submarine mud volcanoes (MVs) located within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) is controlled by upward fluid and heat flux associated with MV activity. Determining the spatial distribution of gas hydrates at MVs is crucial to evaluate their sensitivity to known episodic changes in volcanic activity. We determined the hydrocarbon inventory and spatial distribution of hydrates at an individual MV structure. The Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV), located at 1,250 m water depth on the Barents Sea slope, was investigated by combined pressure core sampling, heat flow measurements, and pore water chemical analysis. Quantitative pressure core degassing revealed gas-sediment ratios between 3.1 and 25.7, corresponding to hydrate concentrations of up to 21.3% of the pore volume. Hydrocarbon compositions and physicochemical conditions imply that gas hydrates incipiently crystallize as structure I hydrate, with a dissociation temperature of around 13.8°C at this water depth. Based on numerous in situ measurements of the geothermal gradient in the seabed, pore water sulfate profiles and microbathymetric data, we show that the thickness of the GHSZ increases from less than 1 m at the warm center to around 47 m in the outer parts of the HMMV. We estimate the total mass of hydrate-bound methane stored at the HMMV to be about 102.5 kt, of which 2.8 kt are located within the morphological Unit I around the center and thus are likely to be dissociated in the course of a large eruption.


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The early stages of nanoporous layer formation, under anodic conditions in the absence of light, were investigated for n-type InP with a carrier concentration of ∼3× 1018 cm-3 in 5 mol dm-3 KOH and a mechanism for the process is proposed. At potentials less than ∼0.35 V, spectroscopic ellipsometry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed a thin oxide film on the surface. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) of electrode surfaces showed no pitting below ∼0.35 V but clearly showed etch pit formation in the range 0.4-0.53 V. The density of surface pits increased with time in both linear potential sweep and constant potential reaching a constant value at a time corresponding approximately to the current peak in linear sweep voltammograms and current-time curves at constant potential. TEM clearly showed individual nanoporous domains separated from the surface by a dense ∼40 nm InP layer. It is concluded that each domain develops as a result of directionally preferential pore propagation from an individual surface pit which forms a channel through this near-surface layer. As they grow larger, domains meet, and the merging of multiple domains eventually leads to a continuous nanoporous sub-surface region.


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The anodic behavior of highly doped (> 1018 cm-3) n-InP in aqueous KOH was investigated. Electrodes anodized in the absence of light in 2- 5 mol dm-3 KOH at a constant potential of 0.5- 0.75 V (SCE), or subjected to linear potential sweeps to potentials in this range, were shown to exhibit the formation of a nanoporous subsurface region. Both linear sweep voltammograms and current-time curves at constant potential showed a characteristic anodic peak, corresponding to formation of the nanoporous region. No porous region was formed during anodization in 1 mol dm-3 KOH. The nanoporous region was examined using transmission electron microscopy and found to have a thickness of some 1- 3 μm depending on the anodization conditions and to be located beneath a thin (typically ∼40 nm), dense, near-surface layer. The pores varied in width from 25 to 75 nm and both the pore width and porous region thickness were found to decrease with increasing KOH concentration. The porosity was approximately 35%. The porous layer structure is shown to form by the localized penetration of surface pits into the InP, and the dense, near-surface layer is consistent with the effect of electron depletion at the surface of the semiconductor.


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Porous layers can be formed electrochemically on (100) oriented n-InP substrates in aqueous KOH. A nanoporous layer is obtained underneath a dense near-surface layer and the pores appear to propagate from holes through the near-surface layer. In the early stages of the anodization transmission electron microscopy (TEM) clearly shows individual porous domains that appear to have a square-based pyramidal shape. Each domain appears to develop from an individual surface pit which forms a channel through this near-surface layer. We suggest that the pyramidal structure arises as a result of preferential pore propagation along the <100> directions. AFM measurements show that the density of surface pits increases with time. Each of these pits acts as a source for a pyramidal porous domain. When the domains grow, the current density increases correspondingly. Eventually the domains meet, forming a continuous porous layer, the interface between the porous and bulk InP becomes relatively flat and its total effective surface area decreases resulting in a decrease in the current density. Current-time curves at constant potential exhibit a peak and porous layers are observed to form beneath the electrode surface. The density of pits formed on the surface increases with time and approaches a plateau value. Porous layers are also observed in highly doped InP but are not observed in wafers with doping densities below ~5 × 1017 cm-3. Numerical models of this process have been developed invoking a mechanism of directional selectivity of pore growth preferentially along the <100> lattice directions. Manipulation of the parameters controlling these curves shows that the fall-off in current is controlled by the rate of diffusion of electrolyte through the pore structure with the final decline in current being caused by the termination of growth at the pore tips through the formation of passivating films or some other irreversible modification of the pore tips.


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We review our recent work on the anodization of InP in KOH electrolytes. The anodic oxidation processes are shown to be remarkably different in different concentrations of KOH. Anodization in 2 - 5 mol dm-3 KOH electrolytes results in the formation of porous InP layers but, under similar conditions in a 1 mol dm-3 KOH, no porous structure is evident. Rather, the InP electrode is covered with a thin, compact surface film at lower potentials and, at higher potentials, a highly porous surface film is formed which cracks on drying. Anodization of electrodes in 2 - 5 mol dm-3 KOH results in the formation of porous InP under both potential sweep and constant potential conditions. The porosity is estimated at ~65%. A thin layer (~ 30 nm) close to the surface appears to be unmodified. It is observed that this dense, near-surface layer is penetrated by a low density of pores which appear to connected it to the electrolyte. Well-defined oscillations are observed when InP is anodized in both the KOH and (NH4)2S. The charge per cycle remains constant at 0.32 C cm-2 in (NH4)2S but increases linearly with potential in KOH. Although the characteristics of the oscillations in the two systems differ, both show reproducible and well-behaved values of charge per cycle.


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Spectral albedo has been measured at Dome C since December 2012 in the visible and near infrared (400 - 1050 nm) at sub-hourly resolution using a home-made spectral radiometer. Superficial specific surface area (SSA) has been estimated by fitting the observed albedo spectra to the analytical Asymptotic Approximation Radiative Transfer theory (AART). The dataset includes fully-calibrated albedo and SSA that pass several quality checks as described in the companion article. Only data for solar zenith angles less than 75° have been included, which theoretically spans the period October-March. In addition, to correct for residual errors still affecting data after the calibration, especially at the solar zenith angles higher than 60°, we produced a higher quality albedo time-series as follows: In the SSA estimation process described in the companion paper, a scaling coefficient A between the observed albedo and the theoretical model predictions was introduced to cope with these errors. This coefficient thus provides a first order estimate of the residual error. By dividing the albedo by this coefficient, we produced the "scaled fully-calibrated albedo". We strongly recommend to use the latter for most applications because it generally remains in the physical range 0-1. The former albedo is provided for reference to the companion paper and because it does not depend on the SSA estimation process and its underlying assumptions.