986 resultados para NATURAL-RUBBER


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Earlier studies5773 in our laboratory showed that when a nucleophile is used along with disulphide or sulphenamide accelerators the vulcanization is accelerated greatly and the reaction mechanism is generally nucleophilic in nature. However it was observed that it also changes with the systems under review. The present study, deals with the use of unsubstituted amidino thiourea i.e. aminoimino methyl thiourea(AMT) V in the vulcanization studies of different elastorners and their blends. One of the aims of this study was to get further proof with regard to the theory of nucleophilic reaction mechanism in such binary systems.Mixes containing thiourea are used as controls. AMT is more nucleophilic than TU and this is clear from the fact that the fonner can condense with isothiocynate even in the absence of alkali while TU cannot". Also the guanidinyl group in AMT can facilitate the polarization of the C=S bond favouring a nucleophilic reaction


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Futures trading in Commodities has three specific economic functions viz. price discovery, hedging and reduction in volatility. Natural rubber possesses all the specifications required for futures trading. Commodity futures trading in India attained momentum after the starting of national level commodity exchanges in 2003. The success of futures trading depends upon effective price risk management, price discovery and reduced volatility which in turn depends upon the volume of trading. In the case of rubber futures market, the volume of trading depends upon the extent of participation by market players like growers, dealers, manufacturers, rubber marketing co-operative societies and Rubber Producer’s Societies (RPS). The extent of participation by market players has a direct bearing on their awareness level and their perception about futures trading. In the light of the above facts and the review of literature available on rubber futures market, it is felt that a study on rubber futures market is necessary to fill the research gap, with specific focus on (1) the awareness and perception of rubber futures market participants viz. (i) rubber growers, (ii) dealers, (iii) rubber product manufacturers, (iv) rubber marketing co-operative societies and Rubber Producer’s Societies (RPS) about futures trading and (2) whether the rubber futures market is fulfilling the economic functions of futures market viz. hedging, reduction in volatility and price discovery or not. The study is confined to growers, dealers, rubber goods manufacturers, rubber marketing co-operative societies and RPS in Kerala. In order to achieve the stated objectives, the study utilized secondary data for the period from 2003 to 2013 from different published sources like bulletins, newsletters, circulars from NMCE, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Warehousing Corporation and traders. The primary data required for this study were collected from rubber growers, rubber dealers, RPS & Rubber Marketing Co-operative Societies and rubber goods manufacturers in Kerala. Data pertaining to the awareness and perception of futures trading, participation in the futures trading, use of spot and futures prices and source of price information by dealers, farmers, manufacturers and cooperative societies also were collected. Statistical tools used for analysis include percentage, standard deviation, Chi-square test, Mann – Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis test, Augmented Dickey – Fuller test statistic, t- statistic, Granger causality test, F- statistic, Johansen co – integration test, Trace statistic and Max –Eigen statistic. The study found that 71.5 per cent of the total hedges are effective and 28.5 per cent are ineffective for the period under study. It implies that futures market in rubber reduced the impact of price risks by approximately 71.5 per cent. Further, it is observed that, on 54.4 per cent occasions, the futures market exercised a stabilizing effect on the spot market, and on 45.6 per cent occasions futures trading exercised a destabilizing effect on the spot market. It implies that elasticity of expectation of futures market in rubber has a predominant stabilizing effect on spot prices. The market, as a whole, exhibits a bias in favour of long hedges. Spot price volatility of rubber during futures suspension period is more than that of the pre suspension period and post suspension period. There is a bi-directional association-ship or bi-directional causality or pair- wise causality between spot price and futures price of rubber. From the results of the hedging efficiency, spot price volatility, and price discovery, it can be concluded that rubber futures market fulfils all the economic functions expected from a commodity futures market. Thus in India, the future of rubber futures is Bright…!!!


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Ageing can lead to the degradation of the tensile properties of natural rubber. The ageing process causes changes in the polymer segmental motion as well as the chemical structure, both of which can be monitored using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. This work demonstrates that NMR can quantify rubber degradation due to ageing, and also that relatively simple NMR equipment can be used. This simpler equipment can be made portable and so could give a simple and fast indication of the condition of rubber in service. The 1H NMR transverse relaxation time, T2, and the 13C NMR spectrum using cross polarization and magic angle spinning (CP MAS) for samples taken at various levels of a degraded natural rubber liner were compared. These experiments showed that, as the level of degradation increased, the 1H NMR transverse relaxation time decreased. The 13C spectra showed considerable peak broadening, indicative of decreased mobility with increased level of degradation as well as the presence of degradation products. Further investigations using lower powered NMR equipment to measure the 1H NMR transverse relaxation times of two different series of natural rubbers were also performed. This work has shown that this simpler method is also sensitive to structural and mechanical property changes in the rubber. This method of monitoring rubber degradation could lead to the non-destructive use of NMR to determine the condition of a part in service.


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Natural rubber (NR)/multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNTs) composites were prepared bycombining self-assembly and latex compounding techniques. The acid-treated MWCNTs (H2SO4: HNO3=3:1,volume ratio) were self-assembled with poly (diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) through electrostaticadhesion. In the second assembling, NR/MWCNTs composites were developed by mixing MWCNTs/PDDAsolution with NR latex. The results show that MWCNTs are homogenously distributed throughout the NRmatrix as single tube and present a great interfacial adhesion with NR phase when MWCNTs contents areless than 3 wt%. Moreover, the addition of the MWCNTs brings about the remarkable enhancement in tensilestrength and crosslink density compared with the NR host, and the data peak at 2 wt% MWCNTs loadings.When more MWCNTs are loaded, aggregations of MWCNTs are gradually generated, and the tensile strengthand crosslink both decrease to a certain extent.


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Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) latex, the source of natural rubber, is synthesised in the cytoplasm of laticifers. Efficient water inflow into laticifers is crucial for latex flow and production since it is the determinant of the total solid content of latex and its fluidity after tapping. As the mature laticifer vessel rings are devoid of plasmodesmata, water exchange between laticifers and surrounding cells is believed to be governed by plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs). To identify the most important PIP aquaporin in the water balance of laticifers, the transcriptional profiles of ten-latex-expressed PIPs were analysed. One of the most abundant transcripts, designated HbPIP2;3, was characterised in this study. When tested in Xenopus laevis oocytes HbPIP2;3 showed a high efficiency in increasing plasmalemma water conductance. Expression analysis indicated that the HbPIP2;3 gene was preferentially expressed in latex, and the transcripts were up-regulated by both wounding and exogenously applied Ethrel (a commonly-used ethylene releaser). Although regular tapping up-regulated the expression of HbPIP2;3 during the first few tappings of the virginal rubber trees, the transcriptional kinetics of HbPIP2;3 to Ethrel stimulation in the regularly tapped tree exhibited a similar pattern to that of the previously reported HbPIP2;1 in the virginal rubber trees. Furthermore, the mRNA level of HbPIP2;3 was associated with clonal yield potential and the Ethrel stimulation response. Together, these results have revealed the central regulatory role of HbPIP2;3 in laticifer water balance and ethylene stimulation of latex production in Hevea.


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Amostras de borracha natural foram reticuladas por meio de radiação gama (doses de 2, 4, 6 e 8 MRad) e intumescidas: a) em n-octano, ciclo-hexano e esqualeno; b) em polibutadieno líquido (Mn=1830 g/mol; alto teor 1,4- cis) a 45°C; C) em solução de polibutadieno de baixo peso molecular (M,= 1830 g/mol; alto teor 1,4-cis) em n-octano e ciclo-hexano; d) em solução de polibutadieno de alto peso molecular (Mn= 175.000 g/rnol; alto teor 1,4-cis) emn-octano e ciclo-hexano ; e) em solução de borracha natural (Mn=779.000 g/mol) em ciclo- hexano, a 25°C. Amostras de polibutadieno (alto teor 1,4-cis) foram reticuladas por meio de radiação gama (doses de 1,s; 18 e 25 MRad) e intumescidas: a) em n-octano, ciclo-hexano e esquaieno. Salvo quando mencionado em contrário, as amostras de borracha natural e de polibutadieno foram intumescidas nas temperaturas de 25, 35 e 45°C. A partir dos ensaios de intumescirnento acima mencionados, foram determinadas as solubilidades de borracha natural e de polibutadieno em n-octano, ciclo-hexano e esqualeno através dos parâmetros de Flory-Huggins, calculados com o emprego da equação de Flory-Rehner. Verificou-se a influência da temperatura e da concentração de polimero no gel sobre o valor do parâmetro de Flory-Huggins. Também através desse parâmetro procurou-se determinar a compatibilidade entre borracha natural e polibutadieno. Foi demonstrado que cadeias lineares de baixo peso molecular de polibutadieno conseguem penetrar em amostras reticuladas de borracha natural, quando o peso molecular das cadeias lineares for bem inferior ao do arco de rede Mc das amostras reticuladas. Cadeias lineares de polibutadieno e de borracha natural com peso molecular superior ao do arco de rede da borracha natural reticulada, entretanto, não conseguem penetrar no retículo. Quranto mais alta a concentração da solução externa em moléculas de alto peso molecular, tanto menor é o grau de intumescimento da amostra reticulada.


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O enfoque da Nova Economia Institucional é utilizado no estudo de sistemas agroindustriais brasileiros, mas ainda há poucos trabalhos sobre as relações entre produtores rurais e indústrias processadoras. O objetivo deste estudo é aferir o alinhamento das características das transações com os modos de governança adotados na comercialização de borracha natural entre produtores rurais e indústrias de beneficiamento primário. Busca-se confrontar os resultados com as previsões da teoria da Economia dos Custos de Transação, que prevê a adoção da governança mais eficiente, contingenciada ao ambiente transacional. Esta pesquisa utiliza um enfoque pioneiro para o setor. A primeira parte consiste na exploração qualitativa das transações entre produtores rurais e usinas beneficiadoras e na descrição dos elementos que compõe o sistema agroindustrial da borracha natural no Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados desta etapa são utilizados para refinar as hipóteses da etapa quantitativa, que relacionam os modos de governança adotados aos investimentos em ativos específicos, como o plantio de seringueiras, à frequência, à incerteza e à assistência técnica associadas à transação. Os resultados, apesar das limitações devido ao tamanho pequeno da amostra, sugerem que a quantidade de borracha comercializada influi positivamente na adoção de modos de governança mais coordenados e que a recorrência das transações provavelmente está associada a contratos relacionais. A hipótese da endogeneidade é rejeitada.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Compósitos de borracha natural (Hevea brasiliensis)-BN/polianilina - PANI, com diferentes composições foram obtidos através da polimerização por emulsão do monômero anilina na presença da BN e do ácido dodecilbenzeno sulfônico (DBSA). Filmes finos e homogêneos foram obtidos por prensagem a quente. Os compósitos foram caracterizados por condutividade elétrica, FTIR, UV-vis-NIR, DSC e difração de raios X. Compósito com condutividade elétrica cerca de 14 ordens de grandeza maior que a BN foi obtido. Este alto valor de condutividade é atribuído à formação da PANI no estado dopado no compósito, que foi verificado através das técnicas de UV-vis-NIR e FTIR. Os resultados obtidos com a técnica de DSC e difratometria de raios X indicaram que os polímeros são imiscíveis e que a presença da borracha não altera significantemente a fase cristalina da PANI-DBSA no compósito.


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Thermal degradation of natural rubber extracted from four different rubber clones of the Hevea brasiliensis species was investigated by thermogravimetry using Ozawa's approach to assess the kinetic parameters of the decomposition process. The results are discussed in terms of the order of reaction, kinetic parameters such as activation energy as a function of conversion degree, and thermal stability for each of the clones.


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Cytotoxicity and subcutaneous tissue reaction of innovative blends composed by polyvinylidene fluoride and polyvinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene associated with natural polymers (natural rubber and native starch) forming membranes were evaluated, aiming its applications associated with bone regeneration. Cytotoxicity was evaluated in mouse fibroblasts culture cells (NIH3T3) using trypan blue staining. Tissue response was in vivo evaluated by subcutaneous implantation of materials in rats, taking into account the presence of necrosis and connective tissue capsule around implanted materials after 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 60, and 100 days of surgery. The pattern of inflammation was evaluated by histomorphometry of the inflammatory cells. Chemical and morphological changes of implanted materials after 60 and 100 days were evaluated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. Cytotoxicity tests indicated a good tolerance of the cells to the biomaterial. The in vivo tissue response of all studied materials showed normal inflammatory pattern, characterized by a reduction of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and an increase in mononuclear leukocytes over the time (p < 0.05 Kruskal-Wallis). On day 60, microscopic analysis showed regression of the chronic inflammatory process around all materials. FTIR showed no changes in chemical composition of materials due to implantation, whereas SEM demonstrated the delivery of starch in the medium. Therefore, the results of the tests performed in vitro and in vivo show that the innovative blends can further be used as biomaterials. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 101B: 1284-1293, 2013. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)