La auditoría de gestión es una técnica relativamente nueva de asesoramiento que ayuda a analizar, diagnosticar y establecer recomendaciones a las empresas, con el fín de conseguir con éxito una estrategia. Uno de los motivos principales por el cual una empresa puede decidir emprender una auditoría de gestión es el cambio que se hace indispensable para reajustar la gestión o la organización de la misma.
Iowa has about 22,936 bridges on low-volume roads (LVRs). Based on the National Bridge Inventory data, 22 percent of the LVR bridges in Iowa are structurally deficient, while 5 percent of them are functionally obsolete. The substructure components (abutment and foundation elements) are known to be contributing factors for some of these poor ratings. Steel sheet piling was identified as a possible long-term option for LVR bridge substructures; but, due to lack of experience, Iowa needed investigation with regard to vertical and lateral load resistance, construction methods, design methodology, and load test performance. This project was initiated in January 2007 to investigate use of sheet pile abutments. *************Tech Transfer Summary. For full report see: http://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/14832*************
En los primeros días de octubre de 1973, al tener noticia del derribo de la casa nº19 de la calle Gobernador González, de ,Tarragona, recabamos la oportuna autorización al nuevo propietario del inmueble, don Angel Molinero Sisamón, para poder recuperar el mosaico allí existente. El mosaico estaba visible en parte, ya de antiguo, en un pequeño patio de luces de la casa derribada, por lo que se presentaba ahora la ocasión de excavarlo y extraerlo en su totalidad (lám. J, a). La extracción había que realizarla con relativa rapidez para no entorpecer los trabajos preparatorios de la nueva construcción, por lo que pedimos la colaboración de parte de la brigada del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional, que en esas fechas trabajaban en la Plaza del Rey, además del capataz de las excavaciones de Els Munts, práctico ya en el arranque de mosaicos. Nuestra labor no se limitó a salvar el mosaico sino que aprovecharnos la oportunidad para estudiar el solar resultante del derribo de la casa y del jardín situado al norte¡ de la misma. A este fin realizamos una zanja de 5 metros al norte del mosaico hasta llegar a un pozo negro y efectuamos cuatro catas de sondeo de 1,50 por 1,50 metros dentro del área del antiguo jardín. La zanja dio unos resultados positivos, aunque modestos, y no así las catas que nos patentizaron la falta absoluta de restos arqueológicos de alguna importancia en toda aquella zona. La parte situada al sur del mosaico ya había sido rebajada antiguamente hasta el nivel de la calle.
Two cases of neonatal focal spontaneous colic perforations are reported. The 1st infant, born at 36 3/7 weeks gestational age, presented on day 3 with crying, abdominal distension, and liquid stools. Clinical examination showed a slightly irritable hypothermic (35.7 °C) infant with a distended abdomen and few bowel sounds. Blood tests were normal apart from an elevated C-reactive protein level (59 mg/l). The abdomen x-ray was erroneously considered normal. The infant's condition remained stable for nearly 3 days. After reviewing the initial x-ray, pneumoperitoneum was suspected and confirmed by a cross-table lateral abdominal x-ray. The infant was started on antibiotics and operated. Macroscopically, the entire gut was normal apart from a focal sigmoid perforation, which was stitched. A transmural colic biopsy revealed focal vascular dilation but was negative for necrotising enterocolitis or Hirschsprung disease. The infant recovered quickly. She is now a healthy, normal 3-year-old. The 2nd infant, born at 38 5/7 weeks gestational age, presented between day 1 and 2 with clinical signs of infection associated with slowly progressive ileus. The chest and abdomen x-ray was mistakenly considered normal. Frank septicemia developed. After reviewing the initial x-ray, pneumoperitoneum was suspected and confirmed by a cross-table lateral abdominal x-ray. The infant was operated. Macroscopically, the small intestine was normal, the ascending and transverse colons were dilated, and the descending and sigmoid colons were narrow. Three cecal perforations were discovered and stitched. An ileostomy and multiple colic biopsies were also performed. The postoperative course was complicated by persistent septic ileus due to descending and sigmoid colon leaks, which led to colic resections with end-to-end anastomosis. Rectal aspiration biopsies were also performed. At 1 month of age, the infant was discharged from the hospital. The ileostomy was closed in two steps at 2 and 5 months of age. A normal sweat test excluded cystic fibrosis. All colic and rectal biopsies revealed nonspecific inflammatory signs and excluded necrotizing enterocolitis and Hirschsprung disease. Nonspecific irregular thinning of muscularis mucosae and muscularis propria were observed in the two resected colic segments. The boy is now a healthy 7-year-old. The incidence of neonatal focal spontaneous colic perforations at term or close to term is unknown but probably very rare. Our department is the neonatal referral center for approximately 14,000 annual births. In the last 10 years (2000-2009), out of 5115 neonatal admissions in our unit, only ten cases have presented a neonatal spontaneous intestinal perforation, seven of ten in very-low-birth-weight infants and three of ten in term or near-term neonates (one with Hirschsprung disease and the two cases reported herein). In the same period, 108 infants suffered from necrotizing enterocolitis, seven of 108 were term infants and 6 out of 7 had a congenital heart disease. The medical literature is poor on the subject of focal spontaneous colic perforations at term; no risk factor is described. The most specific clinical sign seems to be the abdominal distension. The presence of pneumoperitoneum on an abdominal x-ray is the most sensitive paraclinical sign. In case of an intestinal perforation, surgery must be performed quickly. The vital prognosis seems to be good. The objective of this study was to draw pediatricians' attention to focal spontaneous colic perforations in term or close to term newborns. In the cases reported, the diagnostic delays could have been prevented if the entity - with its radiological manifestation - had been well known.
Much of the nation's rural road system is deteriorating. Many of the roads were built in the 1880s and 1890s with the most recent upgrading done in the 1940s and 1950s. Consequently, many roads and bridges do not have the capacity for the increased loads, speed, and frequent use of today's vehicles. Because of the growing demands and a dense county road system (inherited from the land settlement policies two centuries ago), revenue available to counties is inadequate to upgrade andmaintain the present system. Either revenue must be increased - an unpopular option - or costs must be reduced. To examine cost-saving options, Iowa State University conducted a study of roads and bridges in three 100 square mile areas in Iowa: • A suburban area • A rural area with a large number of paved roads, few bridges, and a high agricultural tax base and •A more rural area in a hilly terrain with many bridges and gravel roads, and a low agricultural tax base. A cost-benefit analysis was made on the present road system in these areas on such options as abandoning roads with limited use, converting some to private drives, and reducing maintenance on these types of roads. In only a few instances does abandonment of low traffic volume roads produce cost savings for counties and abutting land owners that exceed the additional travel costs to the public. In this study, the types of roads that produced net savings when abandoned were: • A small percentage (less than 5 percent) of the nonpaved county roads in the suburban area. However, net savings were very small. Cost savings from reducing the county road system in urbanized areas are very limited. • Slightly more than 5 percent of the nonpaved county roads in the most rural area that had a small number of paved county roads. • More than 12 percent of the nonpaved roads in the rural area that had a relatively large number of paved county and state roads. Converting low-volume roads to low-maintenance or Service B roads produces the largest savings of all solutions considered. However, future bridge deterioration and county liability on Service B roads are potential problems. Converting low-volume roads to private drives also produces large net savings. Abandonment of deadend roads results in greater net savings than continuous roads. However, this strategy shifts part of the public maintenance burden to land owners. Land owners also then become responsible for accident liability. Reconstruction to bring selected bridges with weight restrictions up to legal load limits reduces large truck and tractor-wagon mileage and costs. However, the reconstruction costs exceeded the reduction in travel costs. Major sources of vehicle miles on county roads are automobiles used for household purposes and pickup truck travel for farm purposes. Farm-related travel represents a relatively small percent of total travel miles, but a relatively high percentage of total travel costs.
Results are presented of triaxial testing of three crushed limestones to which either hydrated high-calcium lime, sodium chloride or calcium chloride had been added. Lime was added at rates of 1, 3, 10 and 16 percent, chlorides were added at 0.5 percent rate only. Speciments were compacted using vibratory compaction apparatus and were tested in triaxial compression using lateral pressures from 10 to 100 psi. Triaxial test results indicate that: (1) sodium chloride slightly decreased the angle of internal friction and increased cohesion, (2) calcium chloride slightly increased the angle of internal friction and decreased cohesion, and (3) lime had no appreciable effect on angle of internal friction but increased cohesion, decreased density and increased pore water pressure.
In 2010, 16.5 percent of all fatal vehicle crashes in Iowa involved large trucks compared to the national average of 7.8 percent. Only about 16 percent of these fatalities involved the occupants of the heavy vehicles, meaning that a majority of the fatalities in fatal crashes involve non-heavy-truck occupants. These statistics demonstrate the severe nature of heavy-truck crashes and underscore the serious impact that these crashes can have on the traveling public. These statistics also indicate Iowa may have a disproportionately higher safety risk compared to the nation with respect to heavy-truck safety. Several national studies, and a few statewide studies, have investigated large-truck crashes; however, no rigorous analysis of heavy-truck crashes has been conducted for Iowa. The objective of this study was to investigate and identify the causes, locations, and other factors related to heavy-truck crashes in Iowa with the goal of reducing crashes and promoting safety. To achieve this objective, this study used the most current statewide data of heavy-truck crashes in Iowa. This study also attempted to assess crash experience with respect to length of commercial driver’s license (CDL) licensure using the most recent five years of CDL data linked to the before mentioned crash data. In addition, this study used inspection and citation data from the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Motor Vehicle Division and Iowa State Patrol to investigate the relationship between enforcement activities and crash experience.
This issue review analyzes recent activity related to the Judicial Branch budget. The Judicial Branch budget is 3 percent of the total state general fund budget and consists of 95 percent personnel costs and 5 percent non-personnel costs. As of August 31, 2010, 29 clerks-of-court offices are operating on a part-time basis with reduced public hours. The remaining 70 offices are closed for two hours a day, two days a week. From February 2009 through June 2010, there were 15 court closure days.
Cold In-Place Recycling (CIR) has been used widely in rehabilitating the rural highways because it improves a long-term pavement performance. A CIR layer is normally covered by a hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlay in order to protect it from water ingress and traffic abrasion and obtain the required pavement structure and texture. Curing is the term currently used for the period of time that a CIR layer should remain exposed to drying conditions before an HMA overlay is placed. The industry standard for curing time is 10 days to 14 days or a maximum moisture content of 1.5 percent, which appear to be very conservative. When the exposed CIR layer is required to carry traffic for many weeks before the wearing surface is placed, it increases the risk of a premature failure in both CIR layer and overlay. This study was performed to explore technically sound ways to identify minimum in-place CIR properties necessary to permit placement of the HMA overlay. To represent the curing process of CIR pavement in the field construction, three different laboratory curing procedures were examined: 1) uncovered, 2) semi-covered and 3) covered specimens. The indirect tensile strength of specimens in all three curing conditions did not increase during an early stage of curing but increased during a later stage of curing usually when the moisture content falls below 1.5%. Dynamic modulus and flow number increased as curing time increased and moisture contents decreased. For the same curing time, CIR-foam specimens exhibited the higher tensile strength and less moisture content than CIR-emulsion. The laboratory test results concluded that the method of curing temperature and length of the curing period significantly affect the properties of the CIR mixtures. The moisture loss index was developed to predict the moisture condition in the field and, in the future, this index be calibrated with the measurements of temperature and moisture of a CIR layer in the field.
Based on previous National Bridge Inventory data, the state of Iowa has nearly 20,000 bridges on low-volume roads (LVRs). Thus, these bridges are the responsibility of the county engineers. Of the bridges on the county roads, 24 percent are structurally deficient and 5 percent are functionally obsolete. A large number of the older bridges on the LVRs are built on timber piling with timber back walls. In many cases, as timber abutments and piers age, the piling and back wall planks deteriorate at a rate faster than the bridge superstructure. As a result, a large percentage of the structurally deficient bridges on LVRs are classified as such because of the condition of the timber substructure elements. As funds for replacing bridges decline and construction costs increase, effective rehabilitation and strengthening techniques for extending the life of the timber substructures in bridges with structurally sound superstructures has become even more important. Several counties have implemented various techniques to strengthen/repair damaged piling, however, there is minimal data documenting the effectiveness of these techniques. There are numerous instances where cracked and failed pilings have been repaired. However, there are no experimental data on the effectiveness of the repairs or on the percentage of load transferred from the superstructure to the sound pile below. To address the research needs, a review and evaluation of current maintenance and rehabilitation methods was completed. Additionally, a nationwide survey was conducted to learn the methods used beyond Iowa. Field investigation and live-load testing of bridges with certain Iowa methods was completed. Lastly, laboratory testing of new strengthening and rehabilitation methods was performed.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de sistemas de manejo agroecológico sobre os atributos físicos e químicos de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo. Foram selecionadas as seguintes áreas: preparo convencional (milho/feijão); plantio direto (berinjela/milho); consórcio maracujá/Desmodium sp.; área cultivada com figo; e sistema agroflorestal (SAF). Amostras indeformadas de solo foram coletadas em duas profundidades (0-5 e 5-10 cm) e em duas épocas (verão/2005 e inverno/2006). As propriedades edáficas analisadas foram: densidade do solo (Ds); volume total de poros; diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP) e diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG) de agregados; pH, Al, Ca+Mg, K, H+Al, P e carbono orgânico total (COT). Os maiores valores de Ds, P e K foram verificados na área de figo. O sistema milho/feijão apresentou os menores valores de DMP e DMG. Os maiores valores de DMP e DMG foram observados nos sistemas maracujá/Desmodium e berinjela/milho. As diferenças entre os valores de COT foram maiores à profundidade de 5-10 cm. O SAF apresentou maiores percentuais de porosidade total. A análise de componentes principais mostrou que a área cultivada com figo está associada a maiores índices de fertilidade do solo.
Jefferson County Road H-46 from Redwood Avenue to the southeast corporate limits (SCL) of Fairfield, Iowa, is a paved roadway approximately 6.5 miles long made of asphaltic concrete pavement with curvilinear alignment. The roadway consists of a 22 ft wide pavement, last overlaid in 2002, with 3 to 4 ft wide earth shoulders. Traffic estimates indicated volumes ranging from 500 to 1,590 vehicles per day, with numbers increasing as the route nears Fairfield. This roadway was found to be among the highest 5 percent of similar Iowa roadways in terms of severity of run-off-road crashes. In response, Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) requested a road safety audit to examine the roadway and suggest possible mitigation. Representatives from the Iowa DOT, Federal Highway Administration, Institute for Transportation, local law enforcement, and local government met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment H-46. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team for addressing the safety concerns on this roadway.
OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to assess the 1-year cost-effectiveness of a new combined immunosuppressive and anti-infectious regimen in kidney transplantation to prevent both rejection and infectious complications. METHODS: Patients (pts) transplanted from January 2000 to March 2003 (Group A) and treated with a conventional protocol were compared with pts submitted to a combined regimen including universal cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis between April 2003 and July 2005 (Group B). Costs were computed from the hospital accounting system for hospital stays, and official tariffs for outpatient visits. Patients with incomplete costs data were excluded from analysis. RESULTS: Fifty-three patients were analyzed in Group A, and 60 in Group B. Baseline characteristics including CMV serostatus were not significantly different between the two groups. Over 12 months after transplantation, acute rejections decreased from 41.5 percent in Group A to 6.7 percent in Group B (p < .001), and CMV infections from 47 percent to 15 percent (p < .001). Overall, readmissions decreased from 68 percent to 55 percent (p = .160), and average hospital days from 28 +/- 19 to 20 +/- 11 days (p < .007). The average number of outpatient visits decreased from 49 +/- 10 to 39 +/- 8 (p < .001). Average 1-year immunosuppressive and CMV prophylaxis costs (per patient) increased from CHF20,402 +/- 7,273 to 27,375 +/- 6,063 (p < .001), graft rejection costs decreased from CHF4,595 +/- 10,182 to 650 +/- 3,167 (p = .005), CMV treatment costs from CHF2,270 +/- 6,161 to 101 +/- 326 (p = .008), and outpatient visits costs from CHF8,466 +/- 1'721 to 6,749 +/- 1,159 (p < .001). Altogether, 1-year treatment costs decreased from CHF39'957 +/- 16,573 to 36,204 +/- 6,901 (p = .115). CONCLUSIONS: The new combined regimen administered in Group B was significantly more effective, and its additional costs were more than offset by savings associated with complications avoidance.
A videira 'Itália' (Vitis vinifera L.) é a cultivar de uva fina para mesa mais consumida no Brasil. A qualidade dos cachos é uma característica fundamental, sendo o tamanho das bagas o componente mais valorizado pelos consumidores. Uma das alternativas para incrementar a qualidade das bagas é o uso de biorreguladores. Avaliaram-se, em três ciclos de produção, os efeitos de doses de ácido giberélico (AG3) isolado e associado com forchlorfenuron (CPPU), na qualidade dos cachos de uva Itália produzida em Porto Feliz-SP. A aplicação dos biorreguladores foi realizada aos 25 dias após o florescimento, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em fatorial 4X4 (zero, 10; 20 e 30 mg L-1 AG3 X zero, 5; 10 e 15 mg L-1 CPPU), com oito repetições para o primeiro ciclo, e fatorial 3X3 (zero, 20 e 30 mg L-1 AG3 X zero, 10 e 20 mg L-1 CPPU) com dez repetições para o segundo e terceiro ciclos. A mistura de 20 mg L-1 de AG3 com 10 mg L-1 de CPPU promoveu o incremento do comprimento e do diâmetro das bagas sem prejuízo da massa dos cachos, melhorando sua qualidade, em Porto Feliz-SP. O uso de CPPU isoladamente acarretou em redução do teor de sólidos solúveis das bagas.
Background: Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) is a form of male infertility in which mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene have been identified. The molecular basis of CBAVD is not completely understood. Although patients with cystic fibrosis have mutations in both copies of the CFTR gene, most patients with CBAVD have mutations in only one copy of the gene. Methods: To investigate CBAVD at the molecular level, we have characterized the mutations in the CFTR gene in 102 patients with this condition. None had clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis. We also analyzed a DNA variant (the 5T allele) in a noncoding region of CFTR that causes reduced levels of the normal CFTR protein. Parents of patients with cystic fibrosis, patients with types of infertility other than CBAVD, and normal subjects were studied as controls. Results: Nineteen of the 102 patients with CBAVD had mutations in both copies of the CFTR gene, and none of them had the 5T allele. Fifty-four patients had a mutation in one copy of CFTR, and 34 of them (63 percent) had the 5T allele in the other CFTR gene. In 29 patients no CFTR mutations were found, but 7 of them (24 percent) had the 5T allele. In contrast, the frequency of this allele in the general population was about 5 percent. Conclusions: Most patients with CBAVD have mutations in the CFTR gene. The combination of the 5T allele in one copy of the CFTR gene with a cystic fibrosis mutation in the other copy is the most common cause of CBAVD. The 5T allele mutation has a wide range of clinical presentations, occurring in patients with CBAVD or moderate forms of cystic fibrosis and in fertile men.