351 resultados para Monopoli, monopoly
Esta investigación busca analizar la incidencia de la opinión pública en la agenda, a partir de herramientas de comunicación facilitadas por Internet. El uso de redes sociales ha incrementado exponencialmente a nivel global y esto ha roto el monopolio informativo que anteriormente tenían los grandes medios masivos de comunicación. Twitter, se ha convertido en el medio predilecto de líderes de opinión, medios informativos tradicionales y personas del común, para expresar opiniones y sondear las de los demás. Esta masa crítica que se desarrolla a través de la red ha logrado tener un impacto político muy alto, que ha desatado grandes debates a nivel nacional. El uso riguroso de esta red social y su incidencia en la agenda pública por parte de Álvaro Uribe, señalan una estrecha relación entre opinión y su vigencia política. La tecnología ha hecho que algunas teorías tradicionales sobre el poder deban re evaluarse.
Antes de la expedición de la Ley 100 de 1993, el ISS prestaba los servicios de salud a los asalariados del sector privado en un monopolio que no le exigía ningún esfuerzo. El déficit acumulado por la falta de los aportes de la nación previstos en la Ley 90 de 1946 y los cambios en su naturaleza jurídica no le permitieron asumir el reto de la libre competencia de los actores dentro del sistema, por lo que su gestión fue cuestionada por los organismos de control y por varios fallos judiciales adversos que profundizaron su crisis financiera, sumado a los altos costos laborales por los beneficios de la convención colectiva de trabajo, cuyos mayores beneficiarios eran los servidores de las clínicas y CAA, llevando a la formulación del Documento Conpes 3219 del 31 de 2003 denominado “PLAN DE MODERNIZACIÓN DEL INSTITUTO DE SEGUROS SOCIALES - SALUD”, cuyo resultado fue la expedición del Decreto 1750 de junio 26 de 2003, que ordenó la escisión de la vicepresidencia prestadora de servicios de salud, clínicas y centros de atención ambulatoria (CAA) y la creación de siete empresas sociales del Estado. La escisión produjo cambios significativos en materia laboral para los servidores que hasta esa fecha laboraban en calidad de trabajadores oficiales del Instituto ya que fueron incorporados automáticamente a las plantas de personal de las nuevas empresas en calidad de empleados públicos, con excepción de los que desempeñaban cargos directivos o funciones de mantenimiento de la planta física hospitalaria y servicios generales, considerados trabajadores oficiales; cuyo régimen salarial y prestacional es el estipulado para los empleados públicos de la rama ejecutiva del orden nacional (artículos 16 y 18), lo que condujo al aparente desconocimiento de los derechos adquiridos por estos servidores en materia de negociación colectiva. El Decreto 1750 de 2003 fue demandado por vulnerar el ordenamiento superior y, en sentencias de control de constitucionalidad y desde la teoría de los derechos adquiridos, la Corte Constitucional estimó que el artículo 18 era restrictivo por hacer referencia solo a los derechos adquiridos en materia prestacional sin contemplar los relativos a materia salarial y los contenidos en convenciones colectivas de trabajo. Al existir entre el Instituto de Seguros Sociales y sus trabajadores una convención colectiva de trabajo vigente, de conformidad con las Sentencias C-314 de 2004 y C 349 de 2004, la Corte Constitucional indicó que dicha convención debía aplicarse a los servidores de las nuevas entidades por el tiempo de su vigencia.
Este trabajo busca identificar los determinantes de la administración pública, que desencadenaron la cooptación corrupta de la contratación de la calle 26. Usando la teoría sobre corrupción de Klitgaard, se propone que la presencia de un poder de monopolio, una alta discrecionalidad y la poco eficacia del control permitieron que la entidad encargada de la contratación del calle 26 fuera sometida a intereses externos. A través de la metodología de gestión del riesgo se reconstruye el contexto de la entidad para identificar las amenazas y debilidades que explican este sometimiento.
How the degree of publicness of goods affect violent conflict? Based on the theoretical model in Esteban and Ray (2001) we find that the effect of the degree of publicness depends on the group size. When the group is small (large), the degree of publicness increases (decreases) the likelihood of conflict. This opens an empirical question that we tackle using microdata from the Colombian conflict at the municipality level. We use three goods with different publicness degree to identify the sign of the effect of publicness on conflict. These goods are coca crops (private good), road density (public good subject to congestion) and average education quality (a purer public good). After dealing with endogeneity issues using an IV approach, we find that the degree of publicness reduces the likelihood of both paramilitary and guerrilla attacks. Moreover, coca production exacerbates conflict and the provision of both public goods mitigates conflict. These results are robust to size, geographical, and welfare controls. Policies that improve public goods provision will help to fight the onset of conflict.
This paper analyzes some optimal fiscal, pricing, and capacity investment policies for controlling regional monopoly power in the natural gas industry. By letting the set of control instruments available to the social planner vary, we provide a characterization of the technological and demand conditions under which “excess” capacity in the transport network arises in response to the loss of the two other control instruments, namely, transfers and pricing. Hence, the analysis yields some insights on an economy’s incentives to invest in infrastructures for the purpose of integrating geographically isolated markets.
In 2003, an electoral reform changed the mechanism to assign seats in the Colombian Congress. I simulate the 2006 Senate elections using the previous assignment mechanism to determine which senators benefited from the reform, i.e. would have not been elected had the reform not been made. With the results of the simulation, I use a regression discontinuity design to compare the senators that would have been barely elected anyways with those who would have lost, but were near to be elected. I check the differences in the amount of law drafts presented, the attendance to voting sessions, and a discipline index for each senator as proxy of their legislative behavior. I find that the senators benefiting from the reform present a different legislative behavior during the 4-year term with respect to the senators that would have been elected anyways. Since the differential legislative behavior cannot be interpreted as being better (worse) politician, I examine if the behavioral difference gives them an electoral advantage. I find no difference in the electoral result of 2010 Senate election in terms of the probability of being (re)elected in 2010, the share of votes, the share of votes within their party list, and the concentration of their votes. Additionally, I check the probability of being investigated for links with paramilitary groups and I find no differences. The results suggest that political reforms can change the composition of governing or legislative bodies in terms of performance, but it does not necessarily translate into an electoral advantage.
Esta investigación se centra en la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) como organización política. Intenta responder dos interrogantes primordiales: 1) ¿cómo la FIFA ha constituido el poder que tiene actualmente y, así, hacerse del monopolio indiscutido del fútbol? Y 2) ¿cómo ha cambiado en el tiempo la política interna de FIFA y su vínculo con la política internacional? Para lograr esto, se realiza un estudio histórico, basado principalmente en documentos, que intenta caracterizar y analizar los cambios de la organización en el tiempo. Se enfatizan las últimas dos presidencias de FIFA, de João Havelange y Joseph Blatter, como casos de estudio.
For a long time, museum’s form and function were impregnated with social exclusion, only accessible for a prosperous and educated minority. It held the monopoly on the past and therefore in a way on the present and the future. However times have changed and different perspectives on museum practices have been taken. In 1989 the British Peter Vergo mentioned as quoted below, a number of possible museologies, including a ‘new’, and therefore presumably an ‘old’ type of museology: “At the simplest level I would define it, as a state of widespread dissatisfaction with the ‘old’ museology, both within and outside the museum profession; and though the reader may object that such a definition is not merely negative, but circular, I would retort that what is wrong with the ‘old’ museology is that it is too much about museum methods, and too little about purposes of museums; that museology has in the past only frequently been seen, if it has been seen at all, as a theoretical and humanistic discipline.” (Vergo, 1989)
Basado en fuentes primarias (epistolarios), el artículo ofrece una aproximación al proceso de formación de grupos armados irregulares, en la provincia de Manabí, a inicios del siglo XIX, como consecuencia de la disputa por el poder y el control del monopolio de la violencia, en el marco de construcción del nuevo régimen republicano. En esta región periférica del Estado central, la sociedad se torna violenta cuando es presionada tanto por el poder estatal, como por los caudillos locales que pretenden formar parte de las estructuras de poder local por medio del reclutamiento forzoso para engrosar las filas de milicias y grupos armados.
Rights as well as democracy play a crucial role in the legitimacy of the EU and constitutional patriotism has been influential in attempting to link them together. The article seeks to engage in a critique of constitutional patriotism on two fronts. First, it distinguishes between the various types of right that exist within EU law-Community, citizenship and fundamental-and then analyses the place of these rights within various political models of the EU ranging from nationalism to republicanism. It argues that constitutional patriotism does not enjoy a monopoly on rights discourse in the EU: most models of the EU see a place for rights; it is just that the type of right supported varies. Secondly, advocates of constitutional patriotism argue that EU rights generate European identity. The article questions the extent to which this is the case, arguing that identity potential varies considerably according to the type of EU right concerned.
Around the time of Clausewitz’s writing, a new element was introduced into partisan warfare: ideology. Previously, under the ancien régime, partisans were what today we would call special forces, light infantry or cavalry, almost always mercenaries, carrying out special operations, while the main action in war took place between regular armies. Clausewitz lectured his students on such ‘small wars’. In the American War of Independence and the resistance against Napoleon and his allies, operations carried out by such partisans merged with counter-revolutionary, nationalist insurgencies, but these Clausewitz analysed in a distinct category, ‘people's war’. Small wars, people's war, etc. should thus not be thought of as monopoly of either the political Right or the Left.
This article discusses the sources of competitive advantage in the interwar British radio industry. Specifically, it examines why sections of the industry that reaped substantial monopoly rents from the downstream value chain failed to dominate the industry. During the 1920s Marconi (which controlled the fundamental UK patents) had a key cost advantage, as had other members of the ‘Big Six’ electrical engineering firms which formed the BBC and were granted preferential royalties. Meanwhile the valve manufacturers' cartel was also able to extract high rents from set manufacturers. The vertical integration literature suggests that input monopolists have incentives to control downstream production. Yet—in contrast to the gramophone industry, which became concentrated into two huge companies following market saturation in the 1930s—radio retained a much more competitive structure. The Big Six failed to capitalize fully on their initial cost advantages owing to logistical weaknesses in supplying markets subject to rapid technical and design obsolescence. Subsequently, during the 1930s, marketing innovations are shown to have played a key role in allowing several independents to establish successful brands. This gave them sufficient scale to provide strong bargaining positions with input suppliers, negating most of their initial cost disadvantage.
We experimentally test how a private monopoly, a duopoly and a public utility allocate water of differing qualities to households and farmers. Most of our results are in line with the theoretical predictions. Overexploitation of the resources is observed independently of the market structure. Stock depletion for the public utility is the fastest, followed by the private duopoly and private monopoly. On the positive aspects of centralized public management, we find that the average quality to price ratio offered by the public monopoly is substantially higher than that offered by the private monopoly or duopoly.
We model strategic interaction in a differentiated input market as a game among two suppliers and n retailers. Each one of the upstream firms chooses the specification of the input which it will offer.Then, retailers choose their type from a continuum of possibilities. The decisions made in these two first stages affect the degree of compatibility between each retailer's ideal input specification and that of the inputs offered by the two upstream firms. In a third stage, upstream firms compete setting input prices. Equilibrium may be of the two-vendor policy or of the technological monopoly type.
I examine the factors underpinning the British radio-equipment sector's particularly poor interwar productivity performance relative to the United States. Differences in socio-legal environments were crucial in allowing key players in the British industry to derive higher monopoly rents than their American counterparts. Higher British rents in turn, had the unintended outcome of stimulating innovation around restrictive patents, initiating a path-dependent process of technical change in favor of expensive multifunctional valves. These valves both raised direct production costs and prevented British firms from following the American path of broadening the radio market beyond the household's prime receiver.