951 resultados para Molecular markers


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Os Xenarthra são o grupo de mamíferos que inclui os tatus, os tamanduás e as preguiças. A América do Sul serviu de cenário para a história natural do grupo que, somente no fim do Cenozóico, dispersou-se para a América Central e, com uma perda de variedade, chegou à América do Norte e à algu-mas ilhas do Caribe. Trinta e uma espécies estão descritas dentro da linha-gem dos Xenarthra. Elas estão classificadas em 13 gêneros, quatro famílias (Bradypodidae, Megalonychidae, Myrmecophagidae e Dasypodidae) e duas ordens (Cingulata e Pilosa). A filogenia deste grupo tem sido alvo de diver-sas pesquisas que analisaram tanto dados morfológicos, quanto moleculares. Delsuc et al. (2003) analisaram seqüências de genes mitocondriais e nucleares e confirmaram a monofilia das três subfamílias (Dasypodinae, Euphacti-nae e Tolypeutinae) inclusas na família Dasypodidae. Delsuc et al. (2003) geraram a seguinte árvore: (((Bradypus, Choloepus)100, ((Myrmecophaga, Tamandua)100, Cyclopes)100), ((D. kappleri, D. novemcinctus)100, (Toly-pentes, (Priodontes, Cabassous)54)100, (Zaedyus, (Euphractus, Chaetophrac-tus)60)100)). Gaudin (2005) apresentou um trabalho que reviu e ampliou as análises morfológicas apresentadas até então, concluindo que os tatus atu-ais estão divididos em dois grupos, um mais basal (Dasypodinae) e outro mais derivado (Euphractinae), de acordo com o seguinte arranjo: (Bradypus, Tamandua), (Dasypus, (Priodontes, (Cabassous, (Tolypeutes, (Euphractus, Chaetophractus, (Zaedyus, Chlamyphorus)42)36)72)72)40)85). Neste traba-lho utilizou-se parte do gene mitocondrial rRNA 16S de 12 táxons atu-ais de Xenarthra para analisar a filogenia do grupo através do critério de máxima verossimilhança. Nossos resultados são apresentados analisando-se o gene 16S e analisando o banco de dados do 16S mais o de Delsuc et al. (2003). Nas duas situações, as filogenias apresentadas apóiam os resulta-dos de Delsuc et al. (2003): (Bradypus, (Choloepus, ((Cyclopes, (Myrme-cophaga, Tamandua)100)100, (Dasypus, (((Cabassous, Priodontes)68, Toly-peutes)100,((Chaetophractus, Euphractus)65, Zaedyus)100)100)100)100)100). Uma melhora nos valores de bootstrap nos ramos dentro das sub-famílias da família Dasypodidae é percebida em relação ao trabalho de Delsuc et al. (2003). Acreditamos que Elementos de Transposição do tipo (LINES) são os marcadores moleculares mais adequados para confirmar o arranjo obtido com as seqüências de genes mitocondriais e nucleares.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Distinct genetic structure in populations of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) shown by genetic markers ISSR and COI gene. Green lacewings are generalist predators, and the species Chrysoperla externa presents a great potential for use in biological control of agricultural pests due to its high predation and reproduction capacities, as well as its easy mass rearing in the laboratory. The adaptive success of a species is related to genetic variability, so that population genetic studies are extremely important in order to maximize success of the biological control. Thus, the present study used nuclear (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat - ISSR) and mitochondrial (Cytochrome Oxidase I - COI) molecular markers to estimate the genetic variability of 12 populations in the São Paulo State, Brazil, as well as the genetic relationships between populations. High levels of genetic diversity were observed for both markers, and the highest values of genetic diversity appear associated with municipalities that have the greatest areas of native vegetation. There was high haplotype sharing, and there was no correlation between the markers and the geographic distribution of the populations. The AMOVA indicated absence of genetic structure for the COI gene, suggesting that the sampled areas formed a single population unit. However, the great genetic differentiation among populations showed by ISSR demonstrates that these have been under differentiation after their expansion or may also reflect distinct dispersal behavior between males and females.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: The development of sugarcane as a sustainable crop has unlimited applications. The crop is one of the most economically viable for renewable energy production, and CO2 balance. Linkage maps are valuable tools for understanding genetic and genomic organization, particularly in sugarcane due to its complex polyploid genome of multispecific origins. The overall objective of our study was to construct a novel sugarcane linkage map, compiling AFLP and EST-SSR markers, and to generate data on the distribution of markers anchored to sequences of scIvana_1, a complete sugarcane transposable element, and member of the Copia superfamily. Results: The mapping population parents ('IAC66-6' and 'TUC71-7') contributed equally to polymorphisms, independent of marker type, and generated markers that were distributed into nearly the same number of co-segregation groups (or CGs). Bi-parentally inherited alleles provided the integration of 19 CGs. The marker number per CG ranged from two to 39. The total map length was 4,843.19 cM, with a marker density of 8.87 cM. Markers were assembled into 92 CGs that ranged in length from 1.14 to 404.72 cM, with an estimated average length of 52.64 cM. The greatest distance between two adjacent markers was 48.25 cM. The scIvana_1-based markers (56) were positioned on 21 CGs, but were not regularly distributed. Interestingly, the distance between adjacent scIvana_1-based markers was less than 5 cM, and was observed on five CGs, suggesting a clustered organization. Conclusions: Results indicated the use of a NBS-profiling technique was efficient to develop retrotransposon-based markers in sugarcane. The simultaneous maximum-likelihood estimates of linkage and linkage phase based strategies confirmed the suitability of its approach to estimate linkage, and construct the linkage map. Interestingly, using our genetic data it was possible to calculate the number of retrotransposonscIvana_1 (similar to 60) copies in the sugarcane genome, confirming previously reported molecular results. In addition, this research possibly will have indirect implications in crop economics e. g., productivity enhancement via QTL studies, as the mapping population parents differ in response to an important fungal disease.


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The silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) is actually a complex of morphologically indistinct species that vary in their capacity to transmit plant viruses and to induce physiological disorders in plants of economic importance. The worldwide impact of this whitefly has increased greatly, as it is a vector of various types of phytovirus, especially geminiviruses, in plants of economic importance. The adaptability of B. tabaci to many regions of the world has fostered the appearance of various biotypes that attack a broad spectrum of host plants. We developed microsatellite markers to study genetic variability and population structure of this whitefly in Brazil. Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized in 20 individuals from a natural population that were collected in soybean in Campinas (SP). The number of alleles per locus ranged from one to two, and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.000 to 0.505. These microsatellite markers will be useful for studies and management of B. tabaci. The low polymorphism found in these molecular markers is probably associated with homology of genes expressed in these markers.


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Bovine coronavirus has been associated with diarrhoea in newborn calves, winter dysentery in adult cattle and respiratory tract infections in calves and feedlot cattle. In Cuba, the presence of BCoV was first reported in 2006. Since then, sporadic outbreaks have continued to occur. This study was aimed at deepening the knowledge of the evolution, molecular markers of virulence and epidemiology of BCoV in Cuba. A total of 30 samples collected between 2009 and 2011 were used for PCR amplification and direct sequencing of partial or full S gene. Sequence comparison and phylogenetic studies were conducted using partial or complete S gene sequences as phylogenetic markers. All Cuban bovine coronavirus sequences were located in a single cluster supported by 100% bootstrap and 1.00 posterior probability values. The Cuban bovine coronavirus sequences were also clustered with the USA BCoV strains corresponding to the GenBank accession numbers EF424621 and EF424623, suggesting a common origin for these viruses. This phylogenetic cluster was also the only group of sequences in which no recombination events were detected. Of the 45 amino acid changes found in the Cuban strains, four were unique. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.