956 resultados para Metronidazole vaginal gel
Endometriosis is a frequent, benign, chronic disease associated with pain and/or infertility. Classically the lesions are found on the pelvic peritoneum, ovary (endometrioma), rectovaginal septum and bladder. Management of endometrioma has evolved over the last few years to individualised treatment. Indeed endometrioma cystectomy can decrease pain and the risk of recurrence but is also associated with a decrease in ovarian reserve. A multi-disciplinary team should manage recto-vaginal or bladder endometriosis. Surgical resection of these lesions must be as complete as possible and can be complex.
WO3 nanocrystalline powders were obtained from tungstic acid following a sol-gel process. Evolution of structural properties with annealing temperature was studied by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. These structural properties were compared with those of WO3 nanopowders obtained by the most common process of pyrolysis of ammonium paratungstate, usually used in gas sensors applications. Sol-gel WO3 showed a high sensor response to NO2 and low response to CO and CH4. The response of these sensor devices was compared with that of WO3 obtained from pyrolysis, showing the latter a worse sensor response to NO2. Influence of operating temperature, humidity, and film thickness on NO2 detection was studied in order to improve the sensing conditions to this gas.
New formulation of vasoactive intestinal peptide using liposomes in hyaluronic acid gel for uveitis.
We evaluated the benefits of a novel formulation of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) based on the incorporation of VIP-loaded rhodamine-conjugated liposomes (VIP-Rh-Lip) within hyaluronic acid (HA) gel (Gel-VIP-Rh-Lip) for the treatment of endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) in comparison with VIP-Rh-Lip alone. In vitro release study and rheological analysis showed that interactions between HA chains and liposomes resulted in increased viscosity and reinforced elasticity of the gel. In vivo a single intravitreal injection of Gel-VIP-Rh-Lip was performed in rats 7 days prior to uveitis induction by subcutaneous lipopolysaccharide injection. The maximal ocular inflammation occurs within 16-24 h in controls (VIP-Rh-Lip, unloaded-Rh-Lip). Whereas intraocular injection of VIP-Rh-Lip had no effect on EIU severity compared with controls, Gel-VIP-Rh-Lip reduced significantly the clinical score and number of inflammatory cells infiltrating the eye. The fate of liposomes, VIP and HA in the eyes, regional and inguinal lymph nodes and spleen was analyzed by immunostaining and fluorescence microscopy. Retention of liposomes by HA gel was observed in vitro and in vivo. Inflammation severity seemed to impact on system stability resulting in the delayed release of VIP. Thus, HA gel containing VIP-Rh-Lip is an efficient strategy to obtain a sustained delivery of VIP in ocular and lymph node tissues.
Gel electrophoresis can be used to separate nicked circular DNA molecules of equal length but forming different knot types. At low electric fields, complex knots drift faster than simpler knots. However, at high electric field the opposite is the case and simpler knots migrate faster than more complex knots. Using Monte Carlo simulations we investigate the reasons of this reversal of relative order of electrophoretic mobility of DNA molecules forming different knot types. We observe that at high electric fields the simulated knotted molecules tend to hang over the gel fibres and require passing over a substantial energy barrier to slip over the impeding gel fibre. At low electric field the interactions of drifting molecules with the gel fibres are weak and there are no significant energy barriers that oppose the detachment of knotted molecules from transverse gel fibres.
Gel electrophoresis allows one to separate knotted DNA (nicked circular) of equal length according to the knot type. At low electric fields, complex knots, being more compact, drift faster than simpler knots. Recent experiments have shown that the drift velocity dependence on the knot type is inverted when changing from low to high electric fields. We present a computer simulation on a lattice of a closed, knotted, charged DNA chain drifting in an external electric field in a topologically restricted medium. Using a Monte Carlo algorithm, the dependence of the electrophoretic migration of the DNA molecules on the knot type and on the electric field intensity is investigated. The results are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with electrophoretic experiments done under conditions of low and high electric fields.
Tissue-engineered grafts for the urinary tract are being investigated for the potential treatment of several urologic diseases. These grafts, predominantly tubular-shaped, usually require in vitro culture prior to implantation to allow cell engraftment on initially cell-free scaffolds. We have developed a method to produce tubular-shaped collagen scaffolds based on plastic compression. Our approach produces a ready cell-seeded graft that does not need further in vitro culture prior to implantation. The tubular collagen scaffolds were in particular investigated for their structural, mechanical and biological properties. The resulting construct showed an especially high collagen density, and was characterized by favorable mechanical properties assessed by axial extension and radial dilation. Young modulus in particular was greater than non-compressed collagen tubes. Seeding densities affected proliferation rate of primary human bladder smooth muscle cells. An optimal seeding density of 10(6) cells per construct resulted in a 25-fold increase in Alamar blue-based fluorescence after 2 wk in culture. These high-density collagen gel tubes, ready seeded with smooth muscle cells could be further seeded with urothelial cells, drastically shortening the production time of graft for urinary tract regeneration.
The ability to entrap drugs within vehicles and subsequently release them has led to new treatments for a number of diseases. Based on an associative phase separation and interfacial diffusion approach, we developed a way to prepare DNA gel particles without adding any kind of cross-linker or organic solvent. Among the various agents studied, cationic surfactants offered particularly efficient control for encapsulation and DNA release from these DNA gel particles. The driving force for this strong association is the electrostatic interaction between the two components, as induced by the entropic increase due to the release of the respective counter-ions. However, little is known about the influence of the respective counter-ions on this surfactant-DNA interaction. Here we examined the effect of different counter-ions on the formation and properties of the DNA gel particles by mixing DNA (either single- (ssDNA) or double-stranded (dsDNA)) with the single chain surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium (DTA). In particular, we used as counter-ions of this surfactant the hydrogen sulfate and trifluoromethane sulfonate anions and the two halides, chloride and bromide. Effects on the morphology of the particles obtained, the encapsulation of DNA and its release, as well as the haemocompatibility of these particles, are presented, using the counter-ion structure and the DNA conformation as controlling parameters. Analysis of the data indicates that the degree of counter-ion dissociation from the surfactant micelles and the polar/hydrophobic character of the counter-ion are important parameters in the final properties of the particles. The stronger interaction with amphiphiles for ssDNA than for dsDNA suggests the important role of hydrophobic interactions in DNA.
Our objective was to assess the applicability of hysterectomy by the vaginal route completely performed with Autosuture staples. Between January 1992 and September 1993, 5 vaginal hysterectomies using Autosuture staplers were performed by the authors. Five vaginal hysterectomies matched for age, parity, and uterine size performed by the same surgeons using reabsorbable sutures during the same period were used as case controls. No febrile morbidity, cuff infections, thrombophlebitis, bladder injury, or hemorrhage complications were observed in the 10 women who entered the study. In summary, vaginal hysterectomy can be performed with Autosutures easily, probably faster with experience, and with less oozing from the operative field, thus providing a safe procedure.
The objective of this study was to assess the applicability of posterior wall repair with a synthetic absorbable mesh. Between January and September 1996, five posterior repairs using absorbable synthetic meshes were performed. Five posterior wall repairs in patients matched for age, parity, and rectocele degree were performed according to usual procedures during the same period, and were used as controls. No febrile morbidity, cuff or posterior vaginal wall infections, thrombophlebitis, rectal injury, or hemorrhagic complications were observed in the 10 women who entered the study. In summary, posterior wall repair can be easily performed with an absorbable soft tissue patch, theoretically preserving sexual activity, and probably offers better functional results with longer experience, thus providing a safe and useful procedure in sexually active women.
Rapport de synthèse : Objectif de l'étude : étudier si l'administration orale ou vaginale d'hormones contraceptives influence les concentrations sériques d'hormone antimüllérienne (AMH). Design : essai prospectif chez des femmes recrutées par annonce. Les femmes désireuses d'avoir une contraception ont été randomisées entre une contraception orale et une contraception vaginale. Celles qui ne souhaitaient pas de contraception ont été incluses dans le groupe témoin. Cadre de l'étude : unité de médecine de la reproduction d'un hôpital universitaire. Patientes : vingt-quatre jeunes femmes en bonne santé avec des cycles menstruels réguliers qui n'avaient pas utilisé de contraception hormonale pendant les trois mois précédant l'étude. Intervention : contraception orale ou vaginale du 5ème au 25ème jour du cycle menstruel dans les groupes contraception versus pas de contraception dans le groupe témoin. Mesure d'issue : variations inter et intra-cycle des concentrations sériques d'AMH dans les trois groupes: groupe témoin en cycle spontané et groupes sous contraception oestroprogestative orale ou vaginale. Résultats : les fluctuations d'AMH observées pendant le cycle menstruel (variations intra-cycle) restent dans les valeurs des variations entre deux cycles (variations inter-cycles) tant chez les femmes en cycle spontané que chez les femmes sous contraception orale ou vaginale. Conclusions : nos résultats confirment que les concentrations sériques d'AMH restent stables pendant le cycle menstruel et indiquent qu'elles ne sont pas influencées par l'administration exogène de stéroïdes sexuels contraceptifs, que ce soit par voie orale ou vaginale.
A general understanding of interactions between DNA andoppositely charged compounds forms the basis for developing novelDNA-based materials, including gel particles. The association strength,which is altered by varying the chemical structure of the cationiccosolute, determines the spatial homogeneity of the gelation process,creating DNA reservoir devices and DNA matrix devices that can bedesigned to release either single- (ssDNA) or double-stranded(dsDNA) DNA. This paper reviews the preparation of DNA gelparticles using surfactants, proteins and polysaccharides. Particlemorphology, swelling/dissolution behaviour, degree of DNAentrapment and DNA release responses as a function of the nature ofthe cationic agent used are discussed. Current directions in thehaemocompatible and cytotoxic characterization of these DNA gelparticles have been also included.
Differential protein labeling with 2-DE separation is an effective method for distinguishing differences in the protein composition of two or more protein samples. Here, we report on a sensitive infrared-based labeling procedure, adding a novel tool to the many labeling possibilities. Defined amounts of newborn and adult mouse brain proteins and tubulin were exposed to maleimide-conjugated infrared dyes DY-680 and DY-780 followed by 1- and 2-DE. The procedure allows amounts of less than 5 microg of cysteine-labeled protein mixtures to be detected (together with unlabeled proteins) in a single 2-DE step with an LOD of individual proteins in the femtogram range; however, co-migration of unlabeled proteins and subsequent general protein stains are necessary for a precise comparison. Nevertheless, the most abundant thiol-labeled proteins, such as tubulin, were identified by MS, with cysteine-containing peptides influencing the accuracy of the identification score. Unfortunately, some infrared-labeled proteins were no longer detectable by Western blots. In conclusion, differential thiol labeling with infrared dyes provides an additional tool for detection of low-abundant cysteine-containing proteins and for rapid identification of differences in the protein composition of two sets of protein samples.
Congenital malformations or injuries of the urethra can be treated using existing autologous tissue, but these procedures are sometimes associated with severe complications. Therefore, tissue engineering may be advantageous for generating urethral grafts. We evaluated engineered high-density collagen gel tubes as urethral grafts in 16 male New Zealand white rabbits. The constructs were either acellular or seeded with autologous smooth muscle cells, isolated from an open bladder biopsy. After the formation of a urethral defect by excision, the tissue-engineered grafts were interposed between the remaining urethral ends. No catheter was placed postoperatively. The animals were evaluated at 1 or 3 months by contrast urethrography and histological examination. Comparing the graft caliber to the control urethra at 3 months, a larger caliber was found in the cell-seeded grafts (96.6% of the normal caliber) than in the acellular grafts (42.3%). Histology of acellular and cell-seeded grafts did not show any sign of inflammation, and spontaneous regrowth of urothelium could be demonstrated in all grafts. Urethral fistulae, sometimes associated with stenosis, were observed, which might be prevented by urethral catheter application. High-density collagen gel tubes may be clinically useful as an effective treatment of congenital and acquired urethral pathologies.
Les femmes concernées par cette recherche sont des femmes bosniaques, requérantes d'asile en Suisse, suivies au sein de l'association « Appartenances ». Elles ont quitté leur pays à la suite de la prise de la ville de Srebrenica, en juillet 1995. Lors de cet exode, elles ont été séparées de leurs maris, qui sont aujourd'hui encore portés disparus. Ces femmes partagent une expérience douloureuse qui transparaît derrière un certain nombre de symptômes physiques et psychiques. Nous avons été frappés par la répétition de pertes importantes, sans que les conditions permettant un travail de deuil soient réunies. Aucune signification ne peut être attribuée aux disparitions et aux décès, masqués par le silence politique et par l'impossibilité d'accomplir un rituel. Le deuil peut ainsi se compliquer jusqu'à devenir un deuil impossible, dont le prototype pourrait être le « deuil gelé » lors d'une disparition. D'autre part, le stress et l'attaque de l'identité occasionnés par les traumatismes et l'exil ont coupé ces femmes de leurs ressources personnelles et culturelles. La perte d'une image entière de soi est prolongée par le statut précaire de requérant d'asile et par la perte des espoirs mis dans le pays d'accueil. Devant la complexité de cette problématique, nous nous sommes demandés sur quel aspect axer la prise en charge thérapeutique. Nous avons décidé de travailler sur le vécu et les deuils actuels de ces patientes (stress post-traumatique et statut précaire en Suisse). Le concept-clé qui a étayé cette recherche s'inspire de Pollock (7): « le processus de deuil devient très significatif, dans le sens qu 'il est apparemment une des formes les plus universelles de l'adaptation et de la croissance à travers la structuration, disponible pour l'homme. » Dès lors, nous avons fait l'hypothèse que si le deuil est une forme universelle d'adaptation, l'élaboration d'un travail de deuil ou d'un processus d'adaptation quel qu'il soit, pourra servir d'apprentissage pour l'élaboration d'autres deuils. Concrètement, en travaillant sur le rétablissement de leur identité, les femmes pourront retrouver un accès à leurs ressources personnelles et culturelles, tandis que travailler sur les espoirs et déceptions face au statut en Suisse permettra de développer des moyens permettant plus de contrôle sur l'environnement. Leur autonomie rétablie, elles pourront consacrer leurs énergies à attribuer une signification à leur vécu et faire face aux autres deuils paralysant leur guérison. Nous avons assisté aux entretiens thérapeutiques, en récoltant des témoignages sur la base d'un canevas d'entretien semi-structuré, puis nous avons transposé les éléments sur une grille d'analyse regroupant les informations en items. L'analyse de ces entretiens nous a permis de préciser notre hypothèse et de développer des pistes de réflexion pour l'accompagnement thérapeutique de personnes vivant une disparition. A l'issue de ce travail, nous pouvons tirer des parallèles entre les processus d'élaboration des divers deuils. Les femmes sont entrées peu à peu dans le souvenir de la personne aimée et non plus dans le souvenir des événements traumatiques qui ont marqué sa disparition. S'appuyant alors sur la « mémoire sereine » de Kristeva (1) une recherche de signification a pu être entreprise, rejoignant ce que Métraux et Fleuiy (43) définissent comme la santé : « ... se voir créateur du sens qu'on veut donner à sa propre existence, à ses actes et à ses projets. »