451 resultados para Mesostructured Lamellar Aluminophosphates


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The phase diagram for diblock copolymer melts is evaluated from lattice-based Monte Carlo simulations using parallel tempering, improving upon earlier simulations that used sequential temperature scans. This new approach locates the order-disorder transition (ODT) far more accurately by the occurrence of a sharp spike in the heat capacity. The present study also performs a more thorough investigation of finite-size effects, which reveals that the gyroid (G) morphology spontaneously forms in place of the perforated-lamellar (PL) phase identified in the earlier study. Nevertheless, there still remains a small region where the PL phase appears to be stable. Interestingly, the lamellar (L) phase next to this region exhibits a small population of transient perforations, which may explain previous scattering experiments suggesting a modulated-lamellar (ML) phase.


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Two mononuclear complexes of manganese(II), [Mn(OCN)(2)(phen)(2)] 1 and [Mn(NCO)(2)(bpy)(2)] 2 [1,10-phenanthroline (phen); 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy)], have been synthesized and characterized by single crystal X-ray analysis, infra-red spectroscopy and magnetic studies. The coordination structure of complex 2 is already reported. The cyanate anions are pendent in both the complexes. In 1, cyanate anion links manganese(II) through O-atom, whereas in 2 it coordinates through N-atom. The mononuclear fragments of 1 are built up to a supramolecular lamellar 3D architecture by pi-pi interactions only. On the other hand, mononuclear fragments of 2 are assembled to a 2D supramolecular brick-wall architecture by C-H-... pi interactions.


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The crystallization of well-defined poly(L-lactide)-b-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) diblock copolymers, PLLA-b-PCL, was investigated by time-resolved X-ray techniques, polarized optical microscopy (POM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Two compositions were studied that contained 44 and 60 wt % poly(L-lactide), PLLA (they are referred to as (L44C5614)-C-11 and (L60C409)-C-12, respectively, with the molecular weight of each block in kg/mol as superscript). The copolymers were found to be initially miscible in the melt according to small-angle X-ray scattering measurements (SAXS). Their thermal behavior was also indicative of samples whose crystallization proceeds from a mixed melt. Sequential isothermal crystallization from the melt at 100 degreesC (for 30 min) and then at 30 degreesC (for 15 min) was measured. At 100 degreesC only the PLLA block is capable of crystallization, and its crystallization kinetics was followed by both WAXS and DSC; comparable results were obtained that indicated an instantaneous nucleation with three-dimensional superstructures (Avrami index of approximately 3). The spherulitic nature of the superstructure was confirmed by POM. When the temperature was decreased to 30 degreesC, the PCL block was able to crystallize within the PLLA negative spherulites (with an Avrami index of 2, as opposed to 3 in homo-PCL), and its crystallization rate was much slower than an equivalent homo-PCL. Time-resolved SAXS experiments in (L60C409)-C-12 revealed an initial melt mixed morphology at 165 degreesC that upon cooling transformed into a transient microphase-separated lamellar structure prior to crystallization at 100 degreesC.


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Hierarchical ordering in a side group liquid crystal block copolymer is investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, polarized optical microscopy, small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering (SAXS and SANS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A series of block copolymers with a range of compositions was prepared by atom transfer radical polymerization, comprising a polystyrene block and a poly(methyl methacrylate) block bearing chiral cholesteryl mesogens. Smectic ordering is observed as well as microphase separation of the block copolymer. Lamellar structures were observed for far larger volume fractions than for coil-coil copolymers (up to a volume fraction of liquid crystal block, f(LC) = 0.8). A sample with f(LC) = 0.86 exhibited a hexagonal-packed cylinder morphology, as confirmed by SAXS and TEM. The matrix comprised the liquid crystal block, with the mesogens forming smectic layers. For the liquid crystal homopolymer and samples with high f(LC), a smectic-smectic phase transition was observed below the clearing point. At low temperature, the smectic phase comprises coexisting domains with monolayer S-A,S-1 coexisting with interdigitated S-A,S-d domains. At high temperature a SA,1 phase is observed. This is the only structure observed for samples with lower f(LC). These unprecedented results point to the influence of block copolymer microphase separation on the smectic ordering.


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Sequential crystallization of poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) followed by poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) in double crystalline PLLA-b-PCL diblock copolymers is studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarized optical microscopy (POM), wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Three samples with different compositions are studied. The sample with the shortest PLLA block (32 wt.-% PLLA) crystallizes from a homogeneous melt, the other two (with 44 and 60% PLLA) from microphase separated structures. The microphase structure of the melt is changed as PLLA crystallizes at 122 degrees C (a temperature at which the PCL block is molten) forming spherulites regardless of composition, even with 32% PLLA. SAXS indicates that a lamellar structure with a different periodicity than that obtained in the melt forms (for melt segregated samples). Where PCL is the majority block, PCL crystallization at 42 degrees C following PLLA crystallization leads to rearrangement of the lamellar structure, as observed by SAXS, possibly due to local melting at the interphases between domains. POM results showed that PCL crystallizes within previously formed PLLA spherulites. WAXS data indicate that the PLLA unit cell is modified by crystallization of PCL, at least for the two majority PCL samples. The PCL minority sample did not crystallize at 42 degrees C (well below the PCL homopolymer crystallization temperature), pointing to the influence of pre-crystallization of PLLA on PCL crystallization, although it did crystallize at lower temperature. Crystallization kinetics were examined by DSC and WAXS, with good agreement in general. The crystallization rate of PLLA decreased with increase in PCL content in the copolymers. The crystallization rate of PCL decreased with increasing PLLA content. The Avrami exponents were in general depressed for both components in the block copolymers compared to the parent homopolymers. Polarized optical micrographs during isothermal crystalli zation of (a) homo-PLLA, (b) homo-PCL, (c) and (d) block copolymer after 30 min at 122 degrees C and after 15 min at 42 degrees C.


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Two types of poly(epsilon-caprolactone (CLo)-co-poly(epsilon-caprolactam (CLa)) copolymers were prepared by catalyzed hydrolytic ring-opening polymerization. Both cyclic comonomers were added simultaneously in the reaction medium for the First type or materials where copolymers have a random distribution of counits, as evidenced by H-1 and C-13 NMR. For the second type of copolymers, the cyclic comonomers were added sequentially, yielding diblock poly(ester-amides). The materials were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), wide- and small-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS and SAXS), and transmission and scanning electron microscopies (TEM and SEM). Their biodegradation in compost was also studied. All copolymers were found to be miscible by the absence of structure in the melt. TEM revealed that all samples exhibited a crystalline lamellar morphology. DSC and WAXS showed that in a wide composition range (CLo contents from 6 to 55%) only the CLa units were capable of crystallization in the random copolymers. The block copolymer samples only experience a small reduction of crystallization and melting temperature with composition, and this was attributed to a dilution effect caused by the miscible noncrystalline CLo units. The comparison between block and random copolymers provided a unique opportunity to distinguish the dilution effect of the CLo units on the crystallization and melting of the polyamide phase from the chemical composition effect in the random copolymers case, where the CLa sequences are interrupted statistically by the CLo units, making the crystallization of the polyamide strongly composition dependent. Finally, the enzymatic degradation of the copolymers in composted soil indicate a synergistic behavior where much faster degradation was obtained for random copolymers witha CLo content larger than 30% than for neat PCL.


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The structure and thermal properties of polymers containing dibenzo-18-crown-6 ether units in the main chain linked to an aliphatic spacer of different lengths (C10-C14) is reported. X-ray diffraction patterns of all the studied samples exhibit a peak in the medium angle region, revealing the existence of a lamellar structure. Simultaneous calorimetry and small, medium (SAXS-MAXS) and wide (WAXS) X-ray measurements during cooling and subsequent heating of the samples reveal that a layer phase is formed upon cooling. In the case of the homopolymers, this phase is almost simultaneously accompanied by the appearance of some reflections in the wide angle region as an indication of lateral crystallization. However, by copolymerization, the formation of the layer phase is decoupled from lateral crystallization, being stable in a wide temperature region.


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The morphology in the solid state of a series of triblock copolymers comprising a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) midblock and symmetric poly(gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate) (PBLG) end blocks has been studied using X-ray scattering and microscopy techniques. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on samples selectively stained with uranyl acetate provided clear assignment of morphologies for as-cast and annealed samples. The thickness of both PEG and PBLG domains was in good agreement with calculations based on the conformations of the respective chains, allowing for the crystal or amorphous state of PEG and the a-helical or P-sheet structure of the PBLG. Atomic force microscopy provided complementary information on surface morphology for several samples that was in good agreement with the structure observed by TEM. A morphology diagram was constructed. Cylindrical structures were observed for ordered samples with low f(PBLG), whereas at higher f(PLBG) there was evidence for broken lamellar and "hockey puck" nanostructures. Regular lamellae were observed for intermediate compositions.


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In this paper, we give an overview of our studies by static and time-resolved X-ray diffraction of inverse cubic phases and phase transitions in lipids. In 1, we briefly discuss the lyotropic phase behaviour of lipids, focusing attention on non-lamellar structures, and their geometric/topological relationship to fusion processes in lipid membranes. Possible pathways for transitions between different cubic phases are also outlined. In 2, we discuss the effects of hydrostatic pressure on lipid membranes and lipid phase transitions, and describe how the parameters required to predict the pressure dependence of lipid phase transition temperatures can be conveniently measured. We review some earlier results of inverse bicontinuous cubic phases from our laboratory, showing effects such as pressure-induced formation and swelling. In 3, we describe the technique of pressure-jump synchrotron X-ray diffraction. We present results that have been obtained from the lipid system 1:2 dilauroylphosphatidylcholine/lauric acid for cubic-inverse hexagonal, cubic-cubic and lamellar-cubic transitions. The rate of transition was found to increase with the amplitude of the pressure-jump and with increasing temperature. Evidence for intermediate structures occurring transiently during the transitions was also obtained. In 4, we describe an IDL-based 'AXCESS' software package being developed in our laboratory to permit batch processing and analysis of the large X-ray datasets produced by pressure-jump synchrotron experiments. In 5, we present some recent results on the fluid lamellar-Pn3m cubic phase transition of the single-chain lipid 1-monoelaidin, which we have studied both by pressure-jump and temperature-jump X-ray diffraction. Finally, in 6, we give a few indicators of future directions of this research. We anticipate that the most useful technical advance will be the development of pressure-jump apparatus on the microsecond time-scale, which will involve the use of a stack of piezoelectric pressure actuators. The pressure-jump technique is not restricted to lipid phase transitions, but can be used to study a wide range of soft matter transitions, ranging from protein unfolding and DNA unwinding and transitions, to phase transitions in thermotropic liquid crystals, surfactants and block copolymers.


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Nanocomposites of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and carbon nanotubes (CNT) of different geometries (single wall, double wall, and multiwall; SWNT, DWNT, and MWNT) were prepared by in situ polymerization of ethylene on CNT whose surface had been previously treated with a metallocene catalytic system. In this work, we have studied the effects of applying the successive self-nucleation and annealing thermal fractionation technique (SSA) to the nanocomposites and have also determined the influence of composition and type of CNT on the isothermal crystallization behavior of the HDPE. SSA results indicate that all types of CNT induce the formation of a population of thicker lamellar crystals that melt at higher temperatures as compared to the crystals formed in neat HDPE prepared under the same catalytic and polymerization conditions and subjected to the same SSA treatment. Furthermore, the peculiar morphology induced by the CNT on the HDPE matrix allows the resolution of thermal fractionation to be much better. The isothermal crystallization results indicated that the strong nucleation effect caused by CNT reduced the supercooling needed for crystallization. The interaction between the HDPE chains and the surface of the CNT is probably very strong as judged by the results obtained, even though it is only physical in nature. When the total crystallinity achieved during isothermal crystallization is considered as a function of CNT content, it was found that a competition between nucleation and topological confinement could account for the results. At low CNT content the crystallinity increases (because of the nucleating effect of CNT on HDPE), however, at higher CNT content there is a dramatic reduction in crystallinity reflecting the increased confinement experienced by the HDPE chains at the interfaces which are extremely large in these nanocomposites. Another consequence of these strong interactions is the remarkable decrease in Avrami index as CNT content increases. When the Avrami index reduces to I or lower, nucleation dominates the overall kinetics as a consequence of confinement effects. Wide-angle X-ray experiments were performed at a high-energy synchrotron source and demonstrated that no change in the orthorhombic unit cell of HDPE occurred during crystallization with or without CNT.


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We study the numerical efficiency of solving the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for periodic block-copolymer morphologies by combining the spectral method with Anderson mixing. Using AB diblock-copolymer melts as an example, we demonstrate that this approach can be orders of magnitude faster than competing methods, permitting precise calculations with relatively little computational cost. Moreover, our results raise significant doubts that the gyroid (G) phase extends to infinite $\chi N$. With the increased precision, we are also able to resolve subtle free-energy differences, allowing us to investigate the layer stacking in the perforated-lamellar (PL) phase and the lattice arrangement of the close-packed spherical (S$_{cp}$) phase. Furthermore, our study sheds light on the existence of the newly discovered Fddd (O$^{70}$) morphology, showing that conformational asymmetry has a significant effect on its stability.


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We study the equilibrium morphology of droplets of symmetric AB diblock copolymer on a flat substrate. Using self-consistent field theory (SCFT), we provide the first predictions for the equilibrium droplet shape and its internal structure. When the sustrate affinity for the A component, $\eta_A$, is small, the droplet adopts a nearly spherical shape much like that of simple fluids. Inside the spherical droplet, however, concentric circular lamellar layers stack on top of each other; hence the thickness of the droplet is effectively quantized by a half-integer or integer number of layers. At larger $\eta_A$ and smaller contact angle, the area of the upper-most layer becomes relatively large, resulting in a nearly flat, faceted top surface, followed by a semi-spherical slope. This geometry is remarkably reminiscent of the droplet shapes observed with smetic liquid crystals.


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This review discusses liquid crystal phase formation by biopolymers in solution. Lyotropic mesophases have been observed for several classes of biopolymer including DNA, peptides, polymer/peptide conjugates, glycopolymers and proteoglycans. Nematic or chiral nematic (cholesteric) phases are the most commonly observed mesophases, in which the rod-like fibrils have only orientational order. Hexagonal columnar phases are observed for several systems (DNA, PBLG, polymer/peptide hybrids) at higher concentration. Lamellar (smectic) phases are reported less often, although there are examples such as the layer arrangement of amylopectin side chains in starch. Possible explanations for the observed structures are discussed. The biological role of liquid crystal phases for several of these systems is outlined. Commonly, they may serve as a template to align fibrils for defined structural roles when the biopolymer is extruded and dried, for instance in the production of silk by spiders or silkworms, or of chitin in arthropod shells. In other cases, liquid crystal phase formation may occur in vivo simply as a consequence of high concentration, for instance the high packing density of DNA within cell nuclei.


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This review discusses liquid crystal phase formation by biopolymers in solution. Lyotropic mesophases have been observed for several classes of biopolymer including DNA, peptides, polymer/peptide conjugates, glycopolymers and proteoglycans. Nematic or chiral nematic (cholesteric) phases are the most commonly observed mesophases, in which the rod-like fibrils have only orientational order. Hexagonal columnar phases are observed for several systems (DNA, PBLG, polymer/peptide hybrids) at higher concentration. Lamellar (smectic) phases are reported less often, although there are examples such as the layer arrangement of amylopectin side chains in starch. Possible explanations for the observed structures are discussed. The biological role of liquid crystal phases for several of these systems is outlined. Commonly, they may serve as a template to align fibrils for defined structural roles when the biopolymer is extruded and dried, for instance in the production of silk by spiders or silkworms, or of chitin in arthropod shells. In other cases, liquid crystal phase formation may occur in vivo simply as a consequence of high concentration, for instance the high packing density of DNA within cell nuclei.


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The self-assembly of PEGylated peptides containing a modified sequence from the amyloid beta peptide, YYKLVFF, has been studied in aqueous solution. Two PEG molar masses, PEG1k and PEG3k, were used in the conjugates. It is shown that both YYKLVFF–PEG hybrids form fibrils comprising a peptide core and a PEG corona. The fibrils are much longer for YYKLVFF–PEG1k, pointing to an influence of PEG chain length. The beta-sheet secondary structure of the peptide is retained in the conjugate. Lyotropic liquid crystal phases, specifically nematic and hexagonal columnar phases, are formed at sufficiently high concentration. Flow alignment of these mesophases was investigated by small-angle neutron scattering with in situ steady shearing in a Couette cell. On drying, PEG crystallization occurs leading to characteristic peaks in the X-ray diffraction pattern, and to lamellar structures imaged by atomic force microscopy. The X-ray diffraction pattern retains features of the cross-beta pattern from the beta-sheet structure, showing that this is not disrupted by PEG crystallization.