1000 resultados para Measurements


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Electrical resistivity measurements have been carried out on bulk Ge-Te-Se glasses in a Bridgman anvil System. The resistivity of the Ge-Te-Se samples is found to decrease continuously with increasing pressure, with the metallization occurring around 8 GPa. Ge20TexSe80-x glasses (10 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 50) with the mean co-ordination number Z(av) = 2.4 exhibit a plateau in resistivity up to about 4 GPa pressure, followed by a continuous decrease to metallic values. On the other hand, Ge10TexSe90-x glasses (10 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 40) having Z(av) = 2.2, exhibit a smaller plateau (only up to 1 GPa), followed by a decrease in resistivity with pressure. This subtle difference in the high pressure resistivity of Ge-Te-Se glasses with Z(av) < 2.4 and Z(av) greater than or equal to 2.4 can be associated with the changes in the local structure of the chalcogenide glasses with composition.


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We present noise measurements of a phase fluorometric oxygen sensor that sets the limits of accuracy for this instrument. We analyze the phase sensitive detection measurement system with the signal ''shot'' noise being the only significant contribution to the system noise. Based on the modulated optical power received by the photomultiplier, the analysis predicts a noise spectral power density that was within 3 dB of the measured power spectral noise density. Our results demonstrate that at a received optical power of 20 fW the noise level was low enough to permit the detection of a change oxygen concentration of 1% at the sensor. We also present noise measurements of a new low-cost version of this instrument that uses a photodiode instead of a photomultiplier. These measurements show that the noise for this instrument was limited by noise generated in the preamplifier following the photodiode. (C) 1996 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The anionic surfactant dodecyl sulfate (DDS) has been intercalated in an Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH). Monolayer and bilayer arrangements of the alkyl chains of the intercalated surfactant can be engineered by tuning the Al/Mg ratio of the LDH. In both arrangements the anionic headgroup of the surfactant is tethered to the LDH sheets, and consequently translational mobility of the chains is absent. The degrees of freedom of the confined alkyl chains are restricted to changes in conformation. The effects of the arrangement of the intercalated surfactant chains on conformational order and dynamics have been,investigated by spectroscopic measurements and molecular dynamics simulations. Infrared, Raman, and C-13 NMR spectroscopies were used to investigate conformation of the alkyl chains in the monolayer and bilayer arrangements and variable contact time cross-polarization magic angle spinning (VCT CPMAS) NMR measurements to probe molecular motion. The alkyl chains in the monolayer arrangement of the intercalated DDS chains showed considerably greater conformational disorder and faster dynamics as compared to chains in the bilayer arrangement, in spite of the fact that the volume available per chain in the monolayer is smaller than that in the bilayer. Atomistic MD simulations of the two arrangements of the intercalated surfactant were carried out using an isothermal-isobaric ensemble. The simulations are able to reproduce the essential results of the experiment-greater conformational disorder and faster dynamics for the alkyl chains in the monolayer arrangement of the intercalated surfactant. The MD simulations show that these results are a consequence of the fact that the nature of conformational disorder in the two arrangements is different. In the monolayer arrangement the alkyl chains can sustain isolated gauche defects, whereas in the bilayer arrangement gauche conformers occur only as part of a kink a gauche(+) trans gauche(-) sequence.


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Bulk glasses of Ge(20)Se(80-x)ln(x) (O less than or equal to x less than or equal to 18) have been used for measurements of heat capacity at constant pressure (C-p) using a differential scanning calorimeter. These measurements reveal the chemical threshold in these glasses as a function of composition. The results are discussed in the light of microscopic phase separation in these glasses.


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We have developed a technique for precise measurement of small magnetic fields using nonlinear magneto-optic rotation (NMOR). The technique relies on the resonant laser beam being chopped. During the on time, the atoms are optically pumped into an aligned ground state (Delta m=2 coherence). During the off time, they freely precess around the magnetic field at the Larmor frequency. If the on-off modulation frequency matches (twice) the Larmor precession frequency, the rotation is resonantly enhanced in every cycle, thereby making the process like a repeated Ramsey measurement of the Larmor frequency. We study chopped-NMOR in a paraffin-coated Cs vapor cell. The out-of-phase demodulated rotation shows a Lorentzian peak of linewidth 85 mu G, corresponding to a sensitivity of 0.15nG/root Hz. We discuss the potential of this technique for the measurement of an atomic electric-dipole moment. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011


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Realizing the importance of aerosol characterization and addressing its spatio-temporal heterogeneities over Bay of Bengal (BoB), campaign mode observations of aerosol parameters were carried out using simultaneous cruise, aircraft and land-based measurements during the Winter Integrated Campaign for Aerosols gases and Radiation Budget (W_ICARB). Under this, airborne measurements of total and hemispheric backscatter coefficients were made over several regions of coastal India and eastern BoB using a three wavelength integrating nephelometer. The measurements include high resolution multi-level (ML) sorties for altitude profiles and bi-level (BL) sorties for spatial gradients within and above the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL) over BoB. The vertical profiles of the scattering coefficients are investigated in light of the information on the vertical structure of the atmospheric stability, which was derived from the collocated GPS (Global Positioning System) aided radiosonde ascents. In general, the altitude profiles revealed that the scattering coefficient remained steady in the convectively well-mixed regions and dropped off above the MABL. This decrease was quite rapid off the Indian mainland, while it was more gradual in the eastern BoB. Investigation on horizontal gradients revealed that the scattering coefficients over northern BoB are 3 to 4 times higher compared to that of central BoB within and above the MABL. A north-south gradient in scattering coefficients is observed over Port Blair in the eastern BoB, with values decreasing from south to north, which is attributed to the similar gradient in the surface wind speed, which can be replicated in the sea salt abundance. The gradients are parameterized using best-fit analytical functions.


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Ultra low-load-dynamic microhardness testing facilitates the hardness measurements in a very low volume of the material and thus is suited for characterization of the interfaces in MMC's. This paper details the studies on age-hardening behavior of the interfaces in Al-Cu-5SiC(p) composites characterized using this technique. Results of hardness studies have been further substantiated by TEM observations. In the solution-treated condition, hardness is maximum at the particle/matrix interface and decreases with increasing distance from the interface. This could be attributed to the presence of maximum dislocation density at the interface which decreases with increasing distance from the interface. In the case of composites subjected to high temperature aging, hardening at the interface is found to be faster than the bulk matrix and the aging kinetics becomes progressively slower with increasing distance from the interface. This is attributed to the dislocation density gradient at the interface, leading to enhanced nucleation and growth of precipitates at the interface compared to the bulk matrix. TEM observations reveal that the sizes of the precipitates decrease with increasing distance from the interface and thus confirms the retardation in aging kinetics with increasing distance from the interface.


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Filtering methods are explored for removing noise from data while preserving sharp edges that many indicate a trend shift in gas turbine measurements. Linear filters are found to be have problems with removing noise while preserving features in the signal. The nonlinear hybrid median filter is found to accurately reproduce the root signal from noisy data. Simulated faulty data and fault-free gas path measurement data are passed through median filters and health residuals for the data set are created. The health residual is a scalar norm of the gas path measurement deltas and is used to partition the faulty engine from the healthy engine using fuzzy sets. The fuzzy detection system is developed and tested with noisy data and with filtered data. It is found from tests with simulated fault-free and faulty data that fuzzy trend shift detection based on filtered data is very accurate with no false alarms and negligible missed alarms.


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The surface properties of coal-pyrite play a major role in determining its separation from coal in processes such as flotation. The solution pH is an important parameter in determining the surface properties of both coal and coal-pyrite such as surface free energy and zeta-potential. In the present investigation, the effect of pH on the surface free energy of pyrites from different sources was studied. The surface free energy of solids is made up of two components, i.e. the dispersive surface free energy and the acid-base interaction energy. Various methods have been used by previous researchers to evaluate these two components for different solids. In the present study, a new approach was developed and used to study the surface free energy of pyrite surfaces. Results indicate that the dispersion surface free energy of various pyrites is independent of pH while the acid-base interaction energy is strongly dependent on the pH. The acid-base interaction energy is different for each pyrite sample and also the change with pH varies with the type of pyrite. Coal-pyrite was found to be more hydrophobic than ore-pyrite which may be attributed to the presence of carbon in coal-pyrites. The acid-base interaction energy varied little with pH for coal pyrites than ore-pyrite. Comparison of acid-base interaction energy with zeta-potential measurements shows a good correlation between the minimum in acid-base interaction energy and the pHpzc.


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This paper reports measurements of turbulent quantities in an axisymmetric wall jet subjected to an adverse pressure gradient in a conical diffuser, in such a way that a suitably defined pressure-gradient parameter is everywhere small. Self-similarity is observed in the mean velocity profile, as well as the profiles of many turbulent quantities at sufficiently large distances from the injection slot. Autocorrelation measurements indicate that, in the region of turbulent production, the time scale of ν fluctuations is very much smaller than the time scale of u fluctuations. Based on the data on these time scales, a possible model is proposed for the Reynolds stress. One-dimensional energy spectra are obtained for the u, v and w components at several points in the wall jet. It is found that self-similarity is exhibited by the one-dimensional wavenumber spectrum of $\overline{q^2}(=\overline{u^2}+\overline{v^2}+\overline{w^2})$, if the half-width of the wall jet and the local mean velocity are used for forming the non-dimensional wavenumber. Both the autocorrelation curves and the spectra indicate the existence of periodicity in the flow. The rate of dissipation of turbulent energy is estimated from the $\overline{q^2}$ spectra, using a slightly modified version of a previously suggested method.


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Altitude variations of the mass concentration of black carbon, number concentration of composite aerosols are examined along with the columnar spectral aerosol optical depths using state of the art instruments and the Angstrom parameters are inferred from the ground based measurements at several altitude levels, en route from Manora Peak, Nainital (similar to 1950 m above mean sea level) to a low altitude station Haldwani (similar to 330 m above mean sea level) at its foothill within an aerial distance of <10,000 m. The measurements were done during the winter months (November-February) of 2005, 2006 and 2007 under fair weather conditions. The results show a rapid decrease in all the measured parameters with increase in altitude, with >60% contribution to the AOD coming from the regions below 1000 m. The Angstrom wavelength exponent remained high in the well mixed region, and decreased above. The normalized AOD gradient was used to estimate aerosol mixing height, which was found to be in the altitude range 1000-1500 m, above which the particle concentrations are slowly varying as a function of altitude. The heating rate at the surface is found to be maximum but decreases sharply with increase in altitude. Analysis of the wavelength dependence of absorption aerosol optical depth (AAOD) showed that the aerosol absorption over the site is generally due to mixed aerosols. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.