976 resultados para McNeil, Legs: Please kill me
From the experimental data on stepwise thermal release of neutron induced 39Ar (39K (n, p) 39Ar) from rocks and minerals, Arrhenius plots were constructed, which gave activation energies for the thermal release process. The activation energies for DSDP Leg 58 and Leg 60 submarine volcanic rocks range from 12 to 20 kcal/mol, whereas those for granodiorites and the K-feldspar separates have activation energies ranging from 37 to 48 kcal/mol. The smaller activation energies for the submarine volcanic rocks reflect the grain boundary diffusion process, while the thermal diffusion of 39Ar from granodiorites and K-feldspar is essentially controlled by a volume diffusion. The grain boundary diffusion for the submarine volcanic rocks suggests that K resides essentially in the grain boundaries.
Titanomagnetites separated from 15 different rock samples (including ocean-floor basalts from DSDP Legs 37, 45 and 46) were analyzed together with whole-rock samples by instrumental neutron-activation analysis for Sc, Cr, Co, Zn, Hf, Ta, Th and the REE La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Tm, Yb and Lu. In titanomagnetities from ocean-floor basalts and some other rocks, REE are enriched with respect to the whole-rock composition by factors of between 1.5 and 3 for light REE and between 1.0 and 1.9 for heavy REE; that is, REE with larger ionic radii are preferentially incorporated into the magnetite lattice. Three magnetite samples are REE depleted. Their whole-rock samples contain P in appreciable amounts, so apatite, an important REE-accumulating mineral, could have captured REE to some extent. All titanomagnetites show a marked negative Eu anomaly, this is most probably caused by discrimination of Eu(2+) from the magnetite lattice. Co, Zn, Hf and Ta are significantly enriched in magnetites. The distribution behaviour of Sc and Cr is masked chiefly by the crystallization of clinopyroxene and therefore is not easy to estimate. Ulvöspinel contents of about 70% for the titanomagnetites from ocean-floor basalts were estimated from qualitative microprobe analysis. Ulvöspinel contents of all other samples varied in a wide range from 20% to about 90%. No correlation could be observed between this and the REE contents of the magnetites. Ilmenite exsolution lamellae could only be observed in titanomagnetites from a doleritic basalt from Leg 45.
Paleocene and Eocene nannofossil flora from Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 25 and 40 were analyzed in order to provide a basis of comparison with DSDP Legs 36 and 71 and with other South Atlantic assemblages. A mid-latitude biostratigraphic zonation, using previously described zonal markers, was adopted for the southwest Indian Ocean. Various diagenetic effects were noted in the sedimentary sequences. Some of these mask to some extent paleoecologic signals, particularly those generated by the Discoaster/Chiasmolithus ratio.
Sediments from Sites 582 (11 samples), 583 (19 samples), 584 (31 samples), 294 (1 sample), 296 (9 samples), 297 (3 samples), 436 (11 samples), and 439 (3 samples) were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence and/or instrumental neutron activation analysis. Ten major elements and 24 minor and trace elements (including 7 rare earth elements) were determined with these methods. Geochemistry varies systematically with both the site location and sediment age. Such variations are explained in terms of changes in sedimentation processes caused by plate motion and changes in ocean currents.
Understanding phosphorus (P) geochemistry and burial in oceanic sediments is important because of the role of P for modulating oceanic productivity on long timescales. We investigated P geochemistry in seven equatorial Pacific sites over the last 53 Ma, using a sequential extraction technique to elucidate sedimentary P composition and P diagenesis within the sediments. The dominant P-bearing component in these sediments is authigenic P (61-86% of total P), followed in order of relative dominance by iron-bound P (7-17%), organic P (3-12%), adsorbed P (2-9%), and detrital P (0-1%). Clear temporal trends in P component composition exist. Organic P decreases rapidly in younger sediments in the eastern Pacific (the only sites with high sample resolution in the younger intervals), from a mean concentration of 2.3 µmol P/g sediment in the 0-1 Ma interval to 0.4 µmol/g in the 5- 6 Ma interval. Over this same time interval, decreases are also observed for iron-bound P (from 2.1 to 1.1 µmol P/g) and adsorbed P (from 1.5 to 0.7 µmol P/g). These decreases are in contrast to increases in authigenic P (from 6.0-9.6 µmol P/g) and no significant changes in detrital P (0.1 µmol P/g) and total P (12 µmol P/g). These temporal trends in P geochemistry suggest that (1) organic matter, the principal shuttle of P to the seafloor, is regenerated in sediments and releases associated P to interstitial waters, (2) P associated with iron-rich oxyhydroxides is released to interstitial waters upon microbial iron reduction, (3) the decrease in adsorbed P with age and depth probably indicates a similar decrease in interstitial water P concentrations, and (4) carbonate fluorapatite (CFA), or another authigenic P-bearing phase, precipitates due to the release of P from organic matter and iron oxyhydroxides and becomes an increasingly significant P sink with age and depth. The reorganization of P between various sedimentary pools, and its eventual incorporation in CFA, has been recognized in a variety of continental margin environments, but this is the first time these processes have been revealed in deep-sea sediments. Phosphorus accumulation rate data from this study and others indicates that the global pre-anthropogenic input rate of P to the ocean (20x10**10 mol P/yr) is about a factor of four times higher than previously thought, supporting recent suggestions that the residence time of P in the oceans may be as short as 10000-20000 years.
Physical properties of basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 504 and 505, south of the Costa Rica Rift, including wet-bulk density, water content, sonic velocity, and thermal conductivity, were measured on board D/V Glomar Challenger during Legs 69 and 70. The mean wet-bulk density is 2.90±0.06 g/cm**3, porosity 5.0±2.2%, sonic velocity 5.75±0.30 km/s, and thermal conductivity 1.67±0.09 W/m°K. Basalts from this young ocean crust (5.9 m.y.) have relatively low porosity and consequently high density and sonic velocity, as compared to average DSDP basalts. Some systematic trends in depth variation of physical properties were found: down to Core 40 in Hole 504B, grain densities were lower than those deeper in the hole, whereas porosity in the upper section was higher. This can be attributed either to differences in the flow type or in the nature of alteration of basalts at the different levels in the hole.
Volatile C1-C7 components in sediments were examined for Japan Trench DSDP Sites 438, 439, 435, 440, 434 and 436, proceeding from west to east. Levels of all components are lowest in the highly fractured sediments of Sites 440 and 434. A number of alkenes, furans, and sulfur compounds were detected in concentrations higher than noted in any other DSDP sediments examined to date. The types, amounts, and specificity of occurrence are similar to those for 1-meter gravity cores we have examined which bear a significant biological imprint. Site 436 shows high levels of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, as well as olefins, including traces of dimethycyclopentanes and the highest level of cyclohexene detected in any DSDP sediment we have examined to date. The results from Site 436 were unexpected, considering the low organic-carbon content, absence of biogenic methane, and evidence of an aerobic depositional environment at this site.
Sedimentary cover on the bottom of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean is underlain by Late Jurassic - Cretaceous tholeiite-basalt formation. It consists of come sedimentary formations with different lithologic features and age. Their composition, stratigraphic position and, distribution are described on materials of deep-sea drilling. Mineralogical and geochemical studies of DSDP Leg 43 and Leg 44 holes lead to new ideas about composition and genesis of some sediment types of and their associations. High metal contents in the chalk formation of black clays on the Bermuda Rise probably result from exhalations. Connection of red-colored and speckled deposits with hiatuses in sedimentation is shown. Main stages of geological history of the North American Basin are reflected in accumulation of the followed formations: ancient carbonate formation (Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous), formation of black clays rich in organic matter (Cretaceous), formation of speckled clays (Late Cretaceous), siliceous-clayey turbidite formation (Eocene), hemipelagic and pelagic clayey formation (Neogene), and terrigenous turbidite formation (Pleistocene).
Shear-wave and compressional-wave velocities of 26 basalt samples collected at Site 504 during Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 69 and 70 were measured at elevated confining pressures. The young basalts have higher velocities than average DSDP basalts, because of their lack of alteration. Measurements of sample porosity are combined with laboratory and in situ velocity measurements to yield estimates of total crustal porosity: 13% at the top of Layer 2, and very low porosity below a depth of 2.0 km.
About 200 volcanic ash layers were recovered during DSDP Leg 57. The volcanic glass in some of these layers was investigated petrographically and chemically in this study. Volcanic glass is mainly rhyolitic and/or rhyodacitic in chemical composition, and its refractive index ranges from 1.496 to 1.529. Some volcanic ash layers consist of multiple grains of different chemical compositions. All the volcanic glass belongs to the tholeiitic and the calc-alkalic volcanic rock series, in SiO2-(Na2O + K2O) diagram and FeO*/MgO-SiO2 diagram. We correlated successfully three volcanic ash layers from the standpoint of chemical composition and biostratigraphy. Hydration of volcanic glass from Leg 57 is less intense than in other DSDP cores.
We present the data used to construct the Cenozoic and Cretaceous portion of the Phanerozoic curve of seawater 87Sr/86Sr that had been given in summary form by W.H. Burke co-workers. All Cenozoic samples (128) and 22 Cretaceous samples are foram-nannofossil oozes and limestones from DSDP cores distributed among 13 sites in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, and the Caribbean Sea. Non-DSDP Cretaceous samples (126) include limestone, anhydrite and phosphate samples from North America, Europe and Asia. Determination of the 87Sr/86Sr value of seawater at particular times in the past is based on comparison of ratios derived from coeval marine samples from widely separated geographic areas. These samples are characterized by a wide variety of diagenetic and burial histories. The large size and cosmopolitan nature of the data set decreases the likelihood that, among coeval data, systematic error has been introduced by a similar pattern of diagenetic alteration of the ratios. There is good clustering of data points throughout the Cenozoic and Cretaceous curve. The consistency of data is illustrated by Cenozoic and Cretaceous data plots that include a separate symbol for each DSDP site and non-DSDP sample location. More than 98% of the data points are enclosed by upper and lower lines that define a narrow band. For any given time, the correct seawater ratio probably lies within this band. A line drawn within the band represents our estimate of the actual seawater ratio as a function of time. The general configuration of the Cenozoic and Cretaceous curve appears to be strongly influenced by the history of plate interactions and sea-floor spreading. Specific rises and falls in the 87Sr/86Sr of seawater, however, may be caused by a variety of factors such as variation in lithologic composition of the crust exposed to weathering, configuration and topographic relief of continents, volcanic activity, rate of sea-floor spreading, extent of continental inundation by epeiric seas, and variations in both climate and paleooceanographic conditions. Many or all of these factors are probably related to global tectonic processes, yet their combined effect on the temporal variation of seawater 87Sr/86Sr can complicate a direct platetectonic interpretation for portions of the seawater curve.