966 resultados para Maxwell, James Clerk, 1831-1879


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The Queensland Centre for Social Science Innovation was formed in 2012 to develop collaborations among the Queensland Government and five Queensland universities—The University of Queensland, Griffith University, Queensland University of Technology, James Cook University and Central Queensland University. Three priorities for initial projects were established by the Queensland Government with response by the participating universities. This project addressed the identified priority area: factors affecting educational achievement and investigation of the link between school design, refurbishment and educational outcomes. The proposal for this project indicated that a Review of research literature would be undertaken that linked school and classroom design with educational outcomes for learners in the 21st century. Further, research would be examined for impact of technology on staff and students, as well as learning spaces that addressed the diversity of student learners. Specific investigation of research on effective design to enhance learning outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students was to be undertaken. The project therefore consists of a Review of research literature to provide an evidence base on the impact of school and classroom on educational outcomes. The original proposal indicated that indicators of successful school and classroom design would be student learning outcomes on a range of variables, with input, the specific architectural design elements. The review was undertaken during the period July 2012 to June 2013. A search was undertaken of journals, databases, and websources to identify relevant material. These were examined for evidence-based statements and design of learning spaces to enhance learning. The Review is comprehensive, and representative of issues raised in research, and conceptualisations and debates informing modern educational design. Initial findings indicated two key findings central to reading this Review. The first key finding is that the predominant focus of modern design of learning space is on process and the engagement of stakeholders. Schools are social institutions and development of a school as a learning space to suit 21st century learning needs necessarily involves the staff, students and other members of the community as key participants. The concept of social aspects of design is threaded throughout the Review. The second key finding is that little research explicitly examined the relationship between the design of learning spaces and educational outcomes. While some research does exist, the most explicitly-focused research uses narrow test-based achievement as the learning outcomes. These are not sympathetic to the overall framings of the research on 21st century learning, future schooling and the needs of the new generation of learners and society.


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Nutrition plays an important role in the development of all organisms and in particular that of farmed aquatic species where costs associated with feed can often exceed 60% of total production costs. Crustacean species in addition, have the added metabolic requirement for regular moulting to allow normal growth and this requires large amounts of energy in the form of sugars (glucose). The current study explored the capacity of the giant freshwater prawn to produce endogenous cellulose-degrading enzymes capable of extracting nutrients (simple sugars) from plant sources in formulated feeds used in the prawn aquaculture industry. We identified a putative cellulase cDNA fragment in the target organism of 1576 base pairs in length of non-microbial origin that after protein modelling exhibited a TM-score of 0.916 with a described cellulase reported from another crustacean species. The functional role of cellulase enzymes is to hydrolyse cellulose to glucose and the fragment identified in GFP was highly expressed in the hepatopancreas, the site of primary food digestion and absorption in crustaceans. Hepatopancreatic tissue from Macrobrachium rosenbergii also showed active digestion of cellulose to glucose following an endoglucanase assay. Cellulase gene(s) are present in the genomes of many invertebrate taxa and play an active role in the conversion of cellulose to available energy. Identification and characterization of endogenous cellulase gene(s) in giant freshwater prawn can assist development of the culture industry because the findings confirm that potentially greater levels of low-cost plant-material could be included in artificial formulated diets in the future without necessarily compromising individual growth performance. Ultimately, this development may contribute to more efficient, cost-effective production systems for freshwater prawn culture stocks that meet the animal's basic nutritional requirements and that also support good individual growth rates.


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Public Relations and Marketing for Archives: A How-to-do-it Manual, New York, Neal-Schuman Publishers with the Society of American Archivists, 2011. xiv + 273 pp. ISBN 978-1-5557-0733-0. US$80.00 Public Relations and Marketing for Archives – A How-To-Do-It Manual provides a brief, but broad overview of the key elements of marketing, public relations and stakeholder engagement for archives...


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In absolute terms, there have been improvements in social resources for all racial and ethnic groups in the United States. The rise in education levels among blacks and Hispanics, for instance, suggests a lessening of the gap between classes, beginning in the later part of the 1960’s (Kao & Thompson, 2003). Yet the divide in income and to a lesser extent education between peoples who differ in gender, skin color and ethnic origin continues and in many ways is greater now than ever (Danziger & Gottschalk, 1997); (Gottschalk, 1997). The psychological distance between those high and those low in social-economic status continues unabated and threatens to undermine the capacity of communities to foster the positive architecture of hope, optimism and equal opportunity that holds us together as a nation...


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In the past few decades, the humanities and social sciences have developed new methods of reorienting their conceptual frameworks in a “world without frontiers.” In this book, Bernadette M. Baker offers an innovative approach to rethinking sciences of mind as they formed at the turn of the twentieth century, via the concerns that have emerged at the turn of the twenty-first. The less-visited texts of Harvard philosopher and psychologist William James provide a window into contemporary debates over principles of toleration, anti-imperial discourse, and the nature of ethics. Baker revisits Jamesian approaches to the formation of scientific objects including the child mind, exceptional mental states, and the ghost to explore the possibilities and limits of social scientific thought dedicated to mind development and discipline formation around the construct of the West.


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Pitkärannan kaivokselle Laatokan Karjalaan saapui vuonna 1880 24 ruotsalaista vuorimiestä perheineen käynnistääkseen sen uudella teholla, tekemään siitä modernin ja johtamaan sen toimintaa. Heidät oli rekrytoinut sinne pietarilainen kansainvälisten liikemiesten omistama pankki suomalaisen vuoriteollisuuden asiantuntijan Hjalmar Furuhjelmin avulla. Pankki oli hankkinut lupaavalla malmialueella sijainneen kaivoksen omistukseensa muutamaa vuotta aikaisemmin. Ruotsalaisten saapumisesta käynnistyi 25 vuotta jatkunut ketjusiirtolaisuus Ruotsin vuoriteollisuuden keskusalueelta Bergslagenista Pitkärantaan, mikä oli pituutensa ja toimintansa vuoksi merkittävä. Vaikka Pitkäranta sijaitsi periferiassa, oli se hyvin kansainvälinen paikka, jossa oli myös muutamia muunmaalaisia työntekijöitä. Pitkäranta eli ruotsalaisten johdossa teollisen kultakautensa. Sieltä louhittiin pääasiassa kuparia, mutta loppuaikoina toiminta keskittyi rautamalmiin, jota rikastettiin. Kaivoksen yhteydessä toimi eri aikoina myös muuta teollisuutta kuten pullotehdas. Monet Pitkärannan ruotsalaisista olivat siirtolaisina perheensä kanssa. Naimattomista muutamat solmivat avioliiton suomalaisen kanssa ja kaksi kaivoksen saksalaisen johtajan O. G. Trüstedtin tyttärien kanssa. Ruotsalaiset siirtolaiset olivat Pitkärannassa johtavassa asemassa niin tehtäviensä pohjalta kuin sosiaalisestikin. Pitkärannan ruotsalaiset eivät pääsaantöisesti integroituneet Suomeen, vaan säilyttivät ruotsalaisen identiteettinsä ja palasivat jossain vaiheessa takaisin Ruotsiin - jopa sellaiset, jotka olivat Suomessa yli kymmenen vuotta. Vain muutama ruotsalainen vuorimies jäi Suomeen. Ruotsalaiset loivat Pitkärannassa ollessaan tiiviin suhdeverkon, johon kuului keskeisesti myös Trüstedtien perhe. Verkosto toimi tiiviisti muutama vuosi Pitkärannan jälkeen perustetun Outokummun kaivoksen alkutaipaleen aikana. Pitkärannan ruotsalaiset liittyivät vielä Petsamon nikkelinkin löytymiseen. Pitkärannan ruotsalaisuus kuului kolmeen historialliseen kontekstiin. Taustalla oli vuosisatoja Ruotsista Suomeen jatkunut vuoriammattilaisten siirtolaisuus, joka ei ollut loppunut, vaikka maiden valtiollinen side oli päättynyt vuonna 1809. Tästä syytä rekrytoijien kannalta Ruotsi oli luonnollinen kohde. Rekrytoidut taas elivät Ruotsin suurinta siirtolaisuusaaltoa, jolloin suuret siirtolaisvirrat suuntautuivat Pohjois-Amerikkaan ja siirtolaisuus kosketti lähes jokaista ruotsalaista. Kolmas taustalla vaikuttanut historiallinen kehitys oli Pietarin nopea kasvu ja kansainvälistyminen sekä sen imussa tapahtunut vaikutusalueiden ja koko Suomen teollistuminen. Pitkärannan kaivos oli Pietarin kansainvälisten liikemiesten omistama ja sen tuotanto palveli täysin Pietaria, jonka laajaan vaikutusalueeseen Pitkäranta kuului hyvin voimakkaasti. Monessa mielessä ruotsalaisten vuorimiesten siirtolaisuus Pitkärantaan olikin enemmän siirtolaisuutta Pietarin vaikutusalueelle kuin Suomeen. Pitkärannan side Suomeen oli lähinnä vain sen fyysinen sijainti, muuten sitä täytyy arvioida kiinteästi osana Pietarin vaiheita. Pitkäranta oli Amerikan siirtolaisuuteen ja vähän myöhemmin alkaneeseen Norrbotteniin muuttoon verrattuna vain pieni sivujuonne ruotsalaisessa 1800-luvun lopun siirtolaisuudessa. Suomeen ja Venäjälle tapahtuneen ruotsalaissiirtolaisuuden joukossa se oli kuitenkin aikanaan merkittävä, monimuotoinen ja kauaskantoinen tapahtuma. Avainsanat: ruotsalaiset, siirtolaisuus, vuoriteollisuus, ruukki, kaivos, Pitkäranta, Impilahti, Falun, Pietari, Bergslagen, kupari, ketjusiirtolaisuus


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In dealing with electromagnetic phenomena and in particular the phenomena of optics, despite the recognition of the quanta of light people tend to talk of the amplitudes and field strengths, as if the electromagnetic field were a classical field. For example we measure the wavelength of light by studying interference fringes. In this paper we study the inter-relationship of three ways of looking at the problem: in terms of classical wave fields, wave function of the photon; and the quantized wave field. The comparison and contrasts of these three modes of description are carefully analyzed in this paper. The ways in which these different modes complement our intuition and insight are also discussed.


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Spontaneous mutation: discovered in February 2001 as a superior plant growing among “Common” buffalo grass growing on the breeder’s property at Saltash in the Hunter Valley (NSW). The selected material has smaller (finer) leaves and showed better growth and colour than the parent variety with minimal inputs (water, fertiliser) under stressful climatic conditions. Subsequently, it also showed better leaf colour retention than the parent variety during winter. A vegetative plug taken from the original plant has now undergone four subsequent vegetative divisions to expand the original material for performance trials in NSW and Queensland without showing any discernible off types. Main selection criteria: winter colour retention, small leaves, low fertiliser requirement. Propagation: vegetative. Breeder: Brent Redman, Maitland North, NSW. PBR Certificate Number 2715, Application Number 2002/283, granted 18 March 2005.


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Left to right: Ralph Grahme, Joan Grahme, Ilse Schuster nee Gottschalk, and James Schuster;


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Gaussian-beam-type solutions to the Maxwell equations are constructed by using results from relativistic front analysis, and the propagation characteristics of these beams are analyzed. The rays of geometrical optics are shown to be the trajectories of energy flow, as given by the Poynting vector. The longitudinal components of the field vectors in the direction of the beam axis, though small, are shown to be essential for a consistent description.


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Purpose: This is a study of the social consequences of accounting controls over labour. It examines the system of tasking used to control Indian indentured workers using a governmentality approach in the historical context of Fijian sugar plantations during the British colonial period, from 1879 to 1920. Method/ Methodology: Archival data consisting of documents from the Colonial Secretary’s Office, reports and related literature on Indian indentured labour was accessed from the National Archives of Fiji. In addition, documented accounts of the experiences of indentured labourers over the period of the study give voice to the social costs of the indenture system, highlighting the social impact of accounting control systems. Findings: Accounting and management controls were developed to extract surplus value from Indian labour. The practice of tasking was implemented in a plantation structure where indentured labourers were controlled hierarchically through a variety of calculative monitoring practices. This resulted in the exploitation and consequent economic, social and racial marginalisation of indentured workers. Originality: The paper contributes to the growing body of literature highlighting the social effects of accounting control systems. It exposes the social costs borne by indentured workers employed on Fijian sugar plantations. Practice/ Research Implications: The study promotes better understanding of the practice and impact of accounting as a technology of government and control within a particular institutional setting, in this case the British colony of Fiji. By highlighting the social implications of these controls in their historical context, we alert corporations, government policy makers, accountants and workers to the socially damaging effects of exploitive management control systems.