977 resultados para Matrix metalloproteinase-9


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Salivary gland cancer (SGC) is a rare cancer. The histological classification of SGC is complex and its biological behavior highly variable: it may vary from a low-grade tumor to a high-grade and often fatal malignancy. These circumstances make this cancer a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Older age and exposure to ionizing radiation are known risk factors. The mainstay of treatment is surgery combined with adjuvant radiation therapy, when appropriate. In addition to the histological type, the only well known prognostic factor is the TNM classification, which describes the tumor size and the amount of metastases. This study was performed using a full population-based nationwide cohort of SGC patients and tumors diagnosed in Finland in 1991-1996. The annual incidence of SGC in the entire population was, on average, 47.7 per year. By histological re-evaluation of 237 specimens the most frequent histological types were the adenoid cystic carcinoma (n=65; 27%), the mucoepidermoid carcinoma (n=45; 19%) and the acinic cell carcinoma (n=41; 17%). The highest 10-year disease-specific survival rate occurred among patients with acinic cell carcinoma (90%), followed by mucoepidermoid carcinoma (81%) and adenoid cystic carcinoma (60%). A high volume-corrected index (VCI) of Ki-67 correlated with worse survival of patients with SGC. Computer-assisted morphometric analyses of CD34-positive vessels indicated an unfavorable prognosis for patients with mucoepidermoid carcinoma and an association with poor survival among patients with acinic cell carcinoma. A high level of expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) showed a trend for a poorer prognosis in salivary duct carcinoma, and a high level of MMP-13 and a low level of MMP-1 had a trend for a poorer prognosis of patients with SGC. A low level of MMP-7 was associated with a poor prognosis of patients with acinic cell and mucoepidermoid carcinoma.


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Studies on 68Ga-Based Agents for PET Imaging of Cancer and Inflammation Positron emission tomography (PET) is based on the use of radiolabeled agents and facilitates in vivo imaging of biological processes, such as cancer. Because the detection of cancer is demanding and is often obscured by inflammation, there is a demand for better PET imaging agents. The aim was to preliminarily evaluate new PET agents for imaging cancer and inflammation using experimental models. 68Ga-chloride and peptides, 68Ga-labeled through 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA), targeting matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) were tested for tumor imaging. In addition, a 68Ga-DOTA-conjugated peptide targeting vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1), was tested for inflammation imaging. The 68Ga-based imaging agents described here showed potential features by passing the essential in vitro tests, proceeding further to preclinical in vivo evaluation and being able to visualize the target. The target uptake and target-to-background ratios of 68Ga-based agents were, however, not optimal. 68Ga-chloride showed slow clearance caused by its binding to blood transferrin. In the case of 68Ga-DOTA-peptides low in vivo stability and/or low lipophilicity led to too rapid blood clearance and urinary excretion. The properties of 68Ga-labeled peptides are modifiable, as shown with matrix metalloproteinase-9 targeting ligands. In the conclusion of this PhD thesis, 68Ga-based agents for PET imaging of cancer and inflammation could be applied in the development of drugs, earlier diagnostics and following-up of the efficacy of therapies.


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The RECK gene was initially isolated as a transformation suppressor gene encoding a novel membrane-anchored glycoprotein and later found to suppress tumor invasion and metastasis by regulating matrix metalloproteinase-9. Its expression is ubiquitous in normal tissues, but undetectable in many tumor cell lines and in fibroblastic lines transformed by various oncogenes. The RECK gene promoter has been cloned and characterized. One of the elements responsible for the oncogene-mediated downregulation of mouse RECK gene is the Sp1 site, where the Sp1 and Sp3 factors bind. Sp1 transcription factor family is involved in the basal level of promoter activity of many genes, as well as in dynamic regulation of gene expression; in a majority of cases as a positive regulator, or, as exemplified by the oncogene-mediated suppression of RECK gene expression, as a negative transcription regulator. The molecular mechanisms of the downregulation of mouse RECK gene and other tumor suppressor genes are just beginning to be uncovered. Understanding the regulation of these genes may help to develop strategies to restore their expression in tumor cells and, hence, suppress the cells' malignant behavior.


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Reports remain insufficient on whether and how prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) can influence in vivo osseous metastasis of prostate cancer (PCa). In the present study, the authors induced stable expression of PSMA in mouse PCa cell line RM-1. In vivo osseous metastasis was induced in 37 6-week-old female C57BL/6 mice weighing 22.45 ± 0.456 g. RM-1 cells were actively injected into the femoral bone cavity, leading to bilateral dissymmetry of bone density in the femoral bone. Tumor cells were also detected in bone tissue by pathological examination. The impact on bone density was demonstrated by the significant difference between animals injected with RM-PSMA cells (0.0738 ± 0.0185 g/cm²) and animals injected with RM-empty plasmid cells (0.0895 ± 0.0241 g/cm²). The lytic bone lesion of the RM-PSMA group (68.4%) was higher than that of the control group (27.8%). Immunohistochemistry showed that the expression of both vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) was distinctly higher in the RM-PSMA group than in the control group, while ELISA and Western blot assay indicated that VEGF and MMP-9 were higher in the RM-PSMA group compared to the control group (in vitro). Thus, the present study proposed and then confirmed for the first time that PSMA can promote in vivo osseous metastasis of PCa by increasing sclerotic destruction of PCa cells. Further analyses also suggested that PSMA functions positively on the invasive ability of RM-1 by increasing the expression of MMP-9 and VEGF by osseous metastases in vivo


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Chronic inflammation induced by amyloid-beta (Aβ) plays a key role in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-8 may be associated with chronic inflammation in AMD. Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) regulates inflammation via inhibition of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signaling, and resveratrol has been reported to prevent Aβ-induced retinal degeneration; therefore, we investigated whether this action was mediated via activation of SIRT1 signaling. Human adult retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells were exposed to Aβ, and overactivation and knockdown of SIRT1 were performed to investigate whether SIRT1 is required for abrogating Aβ-induced inflammation. We found that Aβ-induced RPE barrier disruption and expression of IL-6, IL-8, and MMP-9 were abrogated by the SIRT1 activator SRT1720, whereas alterations induced by Aβ in SIRT1-silenced RPE cells were not attenuated by SRT1720. In addition, SRT1720 inhibited Aβ-mediated NF-κB activation and decrease of the NF-κB inhibitor, IκBα. Our findings suggest a protective role for SIRT1 signaling in Aβ-dependent retinal degeneration and inflammation in AMD.


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This study aims to explore the effect of microRNA-21 (miR-21) on the proliferation of human degenerated nucleus pulposus (NP) by targeting programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) tumor suppressor. NP tissues were collected from 20 intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) patients, and from 5 patients with traumatic spine fracture. MiR-21 expressions were tested. NP cells from IDD patients were collected and divided into blank control group, negative control group (transfected with miR-21 negative sequences), miR-21 inhibitor group (transfected with miR-21 inhibitors), miR-21 mimics group (transfected with miR-21 mimics) and PDCD4 siRNA group (transfected with PDCD4 siRNAs). Cell growth was estimated by Cell Counting Kit-8; PDCD4, MMP-2,MMP-9 mRNA expressions were evaluated by qRT-PCR; PDCD4, c-Jun and p-c-Jun expressions were tested using western blot. In IDD patients, the expressions of miR-21 and PDCD4 mRNA were respectively elevated and decreased (both P<0.05). The miR-21 expressions were positively correlated with Pfirrmann grades, but negatively correlated with PDCD4 mRNA (both P<0.001). In miR-21 inhibitor group, cell growth, MMP-2 and MMP-9 mRNA expressions, and p-c-Jun protein expressions were significantly lower, while PDCD4 mRNA and protein expressions were higher than the other groups (all P<0.05). These expressions in the PDCD4 siRNA and miR-21 mimics groups was inverted compared to that in the miR-21 inhibitor group (all P<0.05). MiR-21 could promote the proliferation of human degenerated NP cells by targeting PDCD4, increasing phosphorylation of c-Jun protein, and activating AP-1-dependent transcription of MMPs, indicating that miR-21 may be a crucial biomarker in the pathogenesis of IDD.


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Le PCK3145 est un peptide de 15 acides aminés inhibant la sécrétion de MMP-9 et démontrant une activité anti-tumorale contre le cancer de la prostate. Comme les cancers hématologiques sécrètent MMP-9, nous avons donc évalué l’effet du PCK3145 sur ces cancers. Nous avons démontré que les lignées humaines de lymphome non- Hodgkinien (LNH) SR et de myélome multiple RPMI-8226 ainsi que la lignée murine de mastocytome P815 ont une prolifération réduite suite à une exposition au PCK3145. Ce peptide diminue également la clonogénicité de ces cellules. In vivo, le PCK3145 diminue significativement la croissance des tumeurs sous-cutanées P815 comparativement au PBS (p<0.001) et aux peptides contrôles (« scrambled peptide » (p<0.05) et PCK5266 (p<0.01)). De plus, le traitement au PCK3145 diminue le nombre de métastases au niveau du foie par rapports aux contrôles (p<0.05). Les niveaux de MMP-9 dans le sang des souris traitées au PCK3145 sont similaires à ceux dans le sang des souris sans tumeur. Par contre, chez les souris recevant le PBS ou le « scrambled peptide », les niveaux de MMP-9 étaient significativement plus élevés que dans les souris sans tumeur et les souris traitées au PCK3145 (p<0.05). De surcroît, dans un modèle de xénogreffe, le PCK3145 diminue significativement la croissance des lymphomes SR par rapport au PBS (p<0.01) et au « scrambled peptide » (p<0.001). Ces résultats indiquent que le PCK3145 possède une activité anti-tumorale et pourrait représenter un agent intéressant pour le traitement de plusieurs cancers hématologiques.


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Le syndrome de Wernicke-Korsakoff (SWK) est un désordre neuropsychiatrique causé par la déficience en thiamine (DT). Dans la DT expérimentale comme dans le SWK, on observe une mort neuronale et des hémorragies dans certaines régions précises du diencéphale et du tronc cérébral. Les lésions diencéphaliques du SWK sont particulièrement sévères et entraînent souvent des séquelles amnésiques permanentes. Le lien entre la dysfonction métabolique induite par la DT et la mort neuronale n’est pas connu. Des rapports précédents ont démontré que la perméabilité de la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE) était altérée et ce, précédant l’apparition du dommage neuronal, suggérant un rôle critique de la dysfonction vasculaire. Les jonctions serrées (JS) interendothéliales, la base anatomique de la BHE, constituent un réseau moléculaire incluant l’occludin et les zonula occludens (ZOs). Cette thèse démontre une perte d’expression et une altération de la morphologie de ces protéines en relation avec la dysfonction de la BHE dans le thalamus de souris déficientes en thiamine, fournissant une explication pour la présence d’hémorragies. Le stress oxydatif peut entraîner des dommages directs aux protéines des JS et interférer avec leurs mécanismes de régulation. De plus, l’oxyde nitrique (NO) peut induire la métalloprotéinase matricielle-9 (MMP-9) impliquée dans la dégradation de ces protéines. L’endothélium vasculaire cérébral (EVC) semble être une source importante de NO dans la DT, l’expression de l’oxyde nitrique synthase endothéliale (eNOS) étant sélectivement induite dans les régions vulnérables. Le NO peut réagir avec les espèces réactives oxygénées et former du peroxynitrite, entraînant un stress oxydatif/nitrosatif endothélial. Les résultats présentés démontrent que la délétion du gène de eNOS prévient le stress oxydatif/nitrosatif cérébrovasculaire, l’extravasation des immunoglobulins G (IgGs) et l’altération de l’occludin et des ZOs dans le thalamus de souris déficientes en thiamine. De plus, cette délétion prévient l’induction de l’expression de MMP-9 dans l’EVC. Des résultats similaires ont été obtenus avec l’antioxydant N-acétylcystéine (NAC). Les mécanismes précis par lesquels les espèces réactives altèrent les protéines des JS sont inconnus. Caveolin-1, une composante majeure du caveolæ de l’EVC, est impliquée dans la régulation de l’expression des protéines des JS, et celle-ci est modulée par le stress oxydatif/nitrosatif; l’altération de l’expression de caveolin-1 a été récemment associée à la rupture de la BHE. Les résultats présentés démontrent que l’expression de caveolin-1 est sélectivement altérée dans l’EVC du thalamus de souris déficientes en thiamine, coïcidant avec la rupture de la BHE, et démontrent que la normalisation de l’expression de caveolin-1 par le NAC est associée avec l’atténuation du dommage à la BHE. Pris ensemble, ces résultats démontrent un rôle central du stress oxydatif/nitrosatif cérébrovasculaire, particulièrement celui provenant de eNOS, dans l’altération des JS de la BHE via des dommages directs et via l’induction de MMP-9 et de caveolin-1. Cette rupture de la BHE contribue par conséquent à la mort neuronale dans le thalamus, puisque la prévention des altérations cérébrovasculaires par la délétion du gène de eNOS et le NAC atténue significativement la mort neuronale. L’administration précoce d’antioxydants en combinaison avec la thiamine devrait donc être une considération importante pour le traitement du SWK.


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Purpose: We compared and characterized the effects of intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin and/or staphylococcal enterotoxin B for nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer.Materials and Methods: A total of 75 female Fisher 344 rats were anesthetized. of the rats 15 received 0.3 ml saline (control) and 60 received 1.5 mg/kg MNU (N-methyl-n-nitrosourea) intravesically every other week for 6 weeks. The rats were divided into 5 groups. The MNU and control groups received 0.3 ml saline. The bacillus Calmette-Guerin group received 10(6) cfu bacillus Calmette-Guerin. The staphylococcal enterotoxin B group received 10 mu g/ml staphylococcal enterotoxin B. The bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus staphylococcal enterotoxin B group received the 2 treatments simultaneously. Each group was treated intravesically for 6 weeks. At 15 weeks all bladders were collected for histopathological and immunological evaluation, and Western blot.Results: Papillary carcinoma (pTa) and high grade intraepithelial neoplasia (carcinoma in situ) were more common in the MNU group. Papillary hyperplasia was more common in the bacillus Calmette-Guerin and enterotoxin groups. Flat hyperplasia was more common in the bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus enterotoxin group. No significant toxicity was observed. The apoptosis and cellular proliferation indexes decreased in the bacillus Calmette-Guerin, enterotoxin and bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus enterotoxin groups compared to the MNU group. Intensified vascular endothelial growth factor, matrix metalloproteinase-9, Ki-67 and insulin-like growth factor receptor-1 immunoreactivity was verified in the MNU group, moderate in the bacillus Calmette-Guerin and enterotoxin groups, and weak in the bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus enterotoxin and control groups. In contrast, intense endostatin immunoreactivity was verified in the control and bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus enterotoxin groups.Conclusions: Bacillus Calmette-Guerin and staphylococcal enterotoxin B showed similar anti-angiogenic effects. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus enterotoxin treatment had additional activity compared to that of monotherapy. It was more effective in restoring apoptosis and balancing cellular proliferation, and it correlated with increased endostatin, and decreased vascular endothelial growth factor, matrix metalloproteinase-9, Ki-67 and insulin-like growth factor receptor-1 reactivity.


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High-grade prostate cancers express high levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), major enzymes involved in tumor invasion and metastasis. However, the tumor cell lines commonly employed for prostate cancer research express only small amounts of MMPs when cultivated as monolayer cultures, in common culture media. The present study was conducted to ascertain whether culture conditions that include fibronectin can alter MMP2 and MMP9 expression by the human prostatic epithelial cell lines RWPE-1, LNCaP and PC-3. These cells were individually seeded at 2×104cells/cm2, cultivated until they reached 80% confluence, and then exposed for 4h to fibronectin, after which the conditioned medium was analyzed by gelatin zymography. Untreated cells were given common medium. Only RWPE-1 cells express detectable amounts of MMP9 when cultivated in common medium, whereas the addition of fibronectin induced high expression levels of pro and active forms of MMP2 in all tested cell lines. Our findings demonstrate that normal and tumor prostate cell lines express MMP2 activity when in contact with extracellular matrix components or blood plasma proteins such as fibronectin. Future studies of transcriptomes and proteomes in prostate cancer research using these cell lines should not neglect these important conclusions. © 2012 Elsevier Inc..


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Since little information is available regarding cellular antigen mapping and the involvement of non-neuronal cells in the pathogenesis of bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BHV-5) infection, it were determined the BHV-5 distribution, the astrocytic reactivity, the involvement of lymphocytes and the presence of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 in the brain of rabbits experimentally infected with BHV-5. Twelve New Zealand rabbits that were seronegative for BHV-5 were used for virus inoculation, and five rabbits were used as mock-infected controls. The rabbits were kept in separate areas and were inoculated intranasally with 500 μl of virus suspension (EVI 88 Brazilian isolate) into each nostril (virus titer, 107.5 TCID50). Control rabbits were inoculated with the same volume of minimum essential medium. Five days before virus inoculation, the rabbits were submitted to daily administration of dexamethasone. After virus inoculation, the rabbits were monitored clinically on a daily basis. Seven rabbits showed respiratory symptoms and four animals exhibited neurological symptoms. Tissue sections were collected for histological examination and immunohistochemistry to examine BHV-5 antigens, astrocytes, T and B lymphocytes and MMP-9. By means of immunohistochemical and PCR methods, BHV-5 was detected in the entire brain of the animals which presented with neurological symptoms, especially in the trigeminal ganglion and cerebral cortices. Furthermore, BHV-5 antigens were detected in neurons and/or other non-neural cells. In addition to the neurons, most infiltrating CD3 T lymphocytes observed in these areas were positive for MMP-9 and also for BHV-5 antigen. These infected cells might contribute to the spread of the virus to the rabbit brain along the trigeminal ganglia and olfactory nerve pathways. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Despite recent advances in understanding the biological basis ofprostate cancer (PCa), the management of this disease remains a challenge. Chemoprotective agents have been usedto protect against or eradicateprostatemalignancies. Here, we investigated the protective effect of -tocopherol on N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced epithelial dysplasia in the rat ventral prostate (VP). Thirty-two male Wistar rats were divided into four groups (n=8): control (CT): healthy control animals fed a standard diet; control+-tocopherol (CT+T): healthy control animals without intervention fed a -tocopherol-enriched diet (20mg/kg); N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU): rats that received a single dose of MNU (30mg/kg) plus testosterone propionate (100mg/kg) and were fed a standard diet; and MNU+-tocopherol (MNU+T): rats that received the same treatment of MNU plus testosterone and were fed with a -tocopherol-enriched diet (20mg/kg). After 4months, the VPs were excised to evaluate morphology, cell proliferation and apoptosis, as well as cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2), glutathione-S-transferase-pi (GST-pi) and androgen receptor (AR) protein expression, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) activity. An increase in the incidence of epithelial dysplasias, such as stratified epithelial hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia, in the MNU group was accompanied by augmented cell proliferation, GST-pi and Cox-2 immunoexpression and pro-MMP-9 activity. Stromal thickening and inflammatory foci were also observed. The administration of a -tocopherol-enriched diet significantly attenuated the adverse effects of MNU in the VP. The incidence of epithelial dysplasia decreased, along with the cell proliferation index, GST-pi and Cox-2 immunoexpression. The gelatinolytic activity of pro-MMP-9 returned to the levels observed for the CT group. These results suggest that -tocopherol acts as a protective agent against MNU-induced prostatic disorders in the rat ventral prostate.


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Background: The hallmark of Chagas disease (CD) is multifocal myocarditis and extensive fibrosis. We investigated the potential effect of colchicine on myocardial remodeling in experimental CD. Methods and Results: One hundred Syrian hamsters were randomly divided into noninfected untreated control (CG), noninfected control treated with colchicine (COLG 0.4 mg kg(-1) d(-1) by gavage), infected (IG), and infected treated with colchicine (ICOLG, 0.4 mg kg(-1) d(-1)) groups. The interstitial collagen volume fraction (ICVF) was evaluated by videomorphometry with picrosirius red staining. The gelatinolytic activities of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 2 were examined with the use of zymography. Myocarditis was described according to the Dallas criteria. Statistical comparisons were performed with parametric analysis of variance and Tukey test. ICVF (%) accumulation was attenuated in infected colchicine-treated animals in the left (CG 0.81 +/- 0.13, COLG 0.85 +/- 0.13, IG: 1.35 +/- 0.31,* ICOLG 1.06 +/- 0.19; *P < .05 compared with ICOLG) and right ventricles (CG 1.4 +/- 0.36, COLG 1.26 +/- 0.14, IG 1.97 +/- 0.058,* ICOLG: 1.52 +/- 0.23; *P < .05 compared with ICOLG). A significant increase in MMP-2 enzymatic activity (UA) was observed in ICOLG (17,432.8*) compared with GC (3731.6), COLG (2,792.6), and IG (4,286.3; *P < .001). In IG, 66% of animals had myocarditis compared with only 49% in ICOLG. Conclusions: Colchicine had a protective effect on myocardium, indicated by decreased interstitial myocardial fibrosis, increased intensity of MMP-2, and attenuated myocardial inflammation. (J Cardiac Fail 2012;18:654-659)


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Objectives: Chronic right ventricular (RV) pressure overload results in pathologic RV hypertrophy and diminished RV function. Although aortic constriction has been shown to improve systolic function in acute RV failure, its effect on RV responses to chronic pressure overload is unknown. Methods: Adjustable vascular banding devices were placed on the main pulmonary artery and descending aorta. In 5 animals (sham group), neither band was inflated. In 9 animals (PAB group), only the pulmonary arterial band was inflated, with adjustments on a weekly basis to generate systemic or suprasystemic RV pressure at 28 days. In 9 animals, both pulmonary arterial and aortic devices were inflated (PAB+AO group), the pulmonary arterial band as for the PAB group and the aortic band adjusted to increase proximal systolic blood pressure by approximately 20 mm Hg. Effects on the functional performance were assessed 5 weeks after surgery by conductance catheters, followed by histologic and molecular assessment. Results: Contractile performance was significantly improved in the PAB+AO group versus the PAB group for both ventricles. Relative to sham-operated animals, both banding groups showed significant differences in myocardial histologic and molecular responses. Relative to the PAB group, the PAB+AO group showed significantly decreased RV cardiomyocyte diameter, decreased RV collagen content, and reduced RV expression of endothelin receptor type B, matrix metalloproteinase 9, and transforming growth factor beta genes. Conclusions: Aortic constriction in an experimental model of chronic RV pressure overload not only resulted in improved biventricular systolic function but also improved myocardial remodeling. These data suggest that chronically increased left ventricular afterload leads to a more physiologically hypertrophic response in the pressure-overloaded RV. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012;144:1494-501)