717 resultados para Maternal Anxiety


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Bridled nailtail wallabies Onychogalea fraenata are endangered, medium-sized, nocturnal macropodids that persist at only one location in central Queensland, Australia. Characteristics of juvenile development, shelter use, anti-predator behaviour and maternal care were investigated in the wild using trapping, radio-tracking and spotlighting observations., Timing of developmental stages was identical to the pattern previously found in captivity, except for age at weaning which was much earlier in the wild. After young had left the pouch permanently at 17 weeks of age and weighing c. 800 g, they always spent the day concealed in dense cover, generally > 200 m from their mothers. Juveniles were also alone in > 50% of observations at night, and stayed closer to cover than did adult females. Young became independent of their mothers 7-8 weeks after permanent exit from the pouch and weighing c. 1800 g. Females with dependent juveniles changed their behaviour in ways likely to reduce predation on young. They reduced their home ranges, stayed closer to cover and became more wary than other females. Juveniles differed from adult females in their habitat use, anti-predator behaviour and shelter site preferences. Juveniles were more likely than adults to respond to threats by standing still or lying flat on the ground, whether or not they were in concealing cover. Juveniles used a wider range of smaller shelters than adults, and were less likely to use solid shelters such as hollow logs during the day. Because bridled nailtail wallabies have a 'hider' strategy of maternal care and the young rely on crypsis, successful breeding in the wild requires dense vegetation cover.


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The relationships between reproductive condition, level of reproductive investment and adrenocortical modulation to capture stress in marine turtles form the basis of this study. When subjected to either capture or ecological stressors, nesting marine turtles have demonstrated adrenocortical responses that are both small in magnitude, and slow in responsiveness. These observations were further investigated to determine whether this minimal stress response was a physiological strategy to maximize reproductive investment in adult green Chelonia mydas and hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata turtles. Female green and hawksbill turtles exhibited a decrease in adrenocortical responsiveness with progressive reproductive condition. Breeding turtles exhibited most suppression of their adrenocortical response to capture compared to both non-breeding and pre-breeding female counterparts. Nesting green turtles maintained a suppressed adrenocortical response to capture throughout the nesting season despite decreased reproductive investment. In contrast, male green and hawksbill turtles were less able to modulate their corticosterone (B) response to acute capture stress. During breeding, male turtles possessed significantly greater adrenocortical responses to capture than females. These results could indicate that the large reproductive investment necessary for female marine turtle reproduction might underlie the marked decrease in adrenocortical responsiveness. This hormonal mechanism could function as one strategy by which female marine turtles maximize their current reproductive event, even though under certain situations this mechanism could entail costs to female survival.


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The study aimed to identify significant antenatal risk factors for cerebral palsy (CP) among extremely preterm infants with a matched case-control design. Infants born between 1989 and 1996 at 24 to 27 weeks' gestation who survived to hospital discharge were evaluated: 30 with a proven diagnosis of CP at 2 years corrected for prematurity and 120 control children matched for gestational age without CP. Information on maternal obstetric risk factors and medication was obtained. Matched analyses were performed and odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. An antenatal diagnosis of intrauterine growth restriction was associated with an increased risk of CP (OR 6.6; 95% CI 1.8 to 25.2), while maternal administration of corticosteroids was associated with a reduced risk of CP (OR 0.4; 95% CI 0.1 to 0.98). A high rate of placental histopathology was achieved but no relation between clinical or histological chorioamnionitis or funisitis and CP was demonstrated. Maternal preeclampsia was not associated with a statistically significant reduction in the risk of CP. It is concluded that a reduced risk of CP in extremely preterm infants is associated with the antenatal use of corticosteroids.


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Mammals show extensive interspecific variation in the form of maternal care. Among ungulates, there is a dichotomy between species in which offspring follow the mother (following strategy) versus species in which offspring remain concealed (hiding strategy). Here we reveal that the same dichotomy exists among macropods (kangaroos, wallabies and allies). We test three traditional adaptive explanations and one new life history hypothesis. and find very similar patterns among both ungulates and macropods. The three traditional explanations that we tested were that a ''following'' strategy is associated with (1) open habitat, (2) large mothers, and (3) gregariousness. Our new life-history hypothesis is that a following strategy'' is associated with delayed weaning, and thus with the slow end of the slow-fast mammalian life-history continuum, because offspring devote resources to locomotion rather than rapid growth. Our comparative test strongly supports the habitat structure hypothesis and provides some support for this new delayed weaning hypothesis for both ungulates and macropods. We propose that sedentary young in closed habitats benefit energetically by having milk brought to them. In open habitats, predation pressure will select against hiding. Followers will suffer slower growth to independence. Taken together, therefore, our results provide the first quantitative evidence that macropods and ungulates are convergent with respect to interspecific variation in maternal care strategy. In both clades, differences between species in the form of parental care are due to a similar interaction between habitat, social behavior, and life history.


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The use of maternal epidural analgesia in labor may be associated with nonreassuring fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns. Fetal oxygen saturation (FSpO(2)) monitoring may improve assessment of fetal well-being during this time. Mean FSpO(2) values were compared over seven 5-minute epochs: 5 minutes prior to an epidural event (combined insertion of epidural/top-up epidural analgesia and infusion pump bolus), to 30 minutes following the event, including possible effects of maternal position and FHR pattern on FSpO(2) values. Mean FSpO(2) values were significantly different between the 5 minutes prior (49.5%) versus 16-20 minutes (44.3%, p


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The study examines whether adolescent twins' attachment style mediates the association between their perceptions of differential parental treatment and their reported adjustment. Data from a survey of 174 adolescent twins are used to assess the links between twins' reports of differential parental affection and differential parental control, their attachment style, and their reported personal self-esteem, social self-esteem, and anxiety. Twins' reports of having been disfavored in comparison with their co-twin were associated with attachment insecurity, anxiety, and lower personal self-esteem. Attachment was found to mediate the association between the twins' reports of differential parental affection and their reported anxiety and personal self-esteem. The strongest evidence for mediation was found for twins' reports of differential maternal affection in predicting adolescent twins' anxiety.


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Objective To determine whether one should aim for glycaemia that is statistically 'normal' or for levels of glycaemia low enough to prevent macrosomia (if such a threshold exists) when glucose intolerance is detected during pregnancy Design An audit of pregnancy outcomes in women with impaired glucose tolerance in pregnancy as compared to a local age-matched reference group with normal glucose tolerance. Results Our study suggests that for most patients, more intensive therapy would not have been justified. Maternal smoking appeared to convey some 'advantages' in terms of neonatal outcomes, with reduction in large-for-gestational-age (LGA) infants and jaundice in babies of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) mothers. Conclusions These observations demonstrate the importance of considering risk factors other than GTT results in analysing pregnancy outcomes, while emphasising that 'normalisation' of fetal size should not be our only therapeutic endpoint. Our detailed outcome review allows us to reassure patients with GDM that with current treatment protocols, they should have every expectation of a positive pregnancy outcome.


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Trata-se de um estudo sobre avaliação da qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes com câncer que objetivou-se a produção de duas propostas de artigo. A primeira proposta de artigo teve como objetivo conhecer as médias dos escores geral ou por dimensões encontrados nos estudos realizados os quais utilizaram o Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 3.0 Cancer Module. Aplicou-se a estratégia de busca nas bases Scopus, Web of Science, Bireme, PsycoInfo e a EBSCO host. Encontrou-se 210 resumos e títulos, excluiu-se 189 por duplicidade e por não atender aos critérios de inclusão. Analisou-se e elegeu-se 21 para compor o estudo. Todos os artigos publicados na língua inglesa, em sua maioria na América (47,6%) e no período de 2011 a 2013 (61,9%), utilizaram-se do questionário para a coleta de dados tanto para criança e adolescentes quanto para seus pais na maioria dos artigos (61,9%). A variação dos escores por dimensões e geral provavelmente esteve relacionada com a seleção dos grupos de comparação pois, pode-se perceber a diversidade dos critérios de inclusão e das variáveis para a análise em cada estudo. Concluiu-se que as médias dos escores por dimensões e geral não alcançaram valores abaixo de 30 e os maiores escores por dimensões estão acima de 80. Sugere-se que a dimensão ansiedade frente ao tratamento, no relato das crianças, pode ter obtido os maiores escores dentro de cada estudo. A segunda proposta de artigo objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes com câncer em tratamento ou em acompanhamento e verificar associações com as variáveis socioeconômicas e clínicas. Realizou-se um estudo transversal com 98 crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico de câncer de uma unidade de referência em oncologia pediátrica no estado do Espírito Santo - Brasil. Aplicou-se o questionário PedsQLTM e coletou-se informações sociodemográficas e clínicas. A amostra caracterizou-se com predominância do sexo masculino, de faixa etária de 08 a 12 anos, de classe econômica C e com diagnóstico de leucemia. Houve associação entre a faixa etária nas médias escores de 5 das 8 dimensões da avaliação da qualidade de vida. Não houveram diferenças estatisticamente significante em nenhuma das dimensões nem no escore total da qualidade de vida com as variáveis sexo da criança e adolescente, tipo de tumor, classe econômica e a escolaridade da mãe. Concluiu-se que faixa etária, o status do tratamento e frequentar a escola são fatores que modificam a avaliação qualidade de vida no relato das crianças e adolescentes, aumentando ou diminuindo as dificuldades frente ao tratamento e a doença.


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Nos equinos, um grande número de eventos das fases iniciais do desenvolvimento embrionário são únicos e distintos daqueles que se verificam em outras espécies, incluindo os críticos mas pouco esclarecidos mecanismos de reconhecimento materno da gestação. Este processo fisiológico, através do qual o concepto sinaliza a sua presença ao organismo materno assegurando a manutenção do corpo lúteo (CL) primário e, consequentemente, dos níveis de progesterona necessários à sobrevivência e desenvolvimento do embrião, está pouco esclarecido. De facto, ainda não é claro qual o sinal embrionário primário que assegura a manutenção do CL nos equinos e, apesar do número de potenciais factores que contribuem para o reconhecimento e manutenção da gestação não parar de crescer, nenhum é capaz por si só de satisfazer todos os critérios que caracterizam um factor anti-luteolítico ou luteostático. Por outro lado, é geralmente aceite o conceito de que o reconhecimento materno da gestação é um fenómeno fisiológico de extrema importância e que qualquer falha, quer no envio quer na recepção do sinal apropriado, pode levar a morte embrionária. De facto, a perda de gestações durante ou à volta do espaço de tempo em que ocorre o reconhecimento materno da gestação (i.e dias 10-16 após a ovulação) é comum mas imprevisível (e, portanto, difícil de controlar e prevenir) na prática clínica, sendo uma causa de grandes perdas económicas.


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A previously calculated predictive model for health risk selects infants who suffer 4-5 times more morbidity than their unselected peers. Preliminary results suggested that this risk is related to maternal neurotic symptomatology. To evaluate this hypothesis, 52 consecutive mothers whose infants had a positive predictive score (Group 1) and 52 in whom this was negative (Group 2) were evaluated by means of Goldberg's General Health Questionnaire (GHQ - 30). A total of 41.9% and 20.5% of the mothers in Groups 1 and 2, respectively, scored above 11 points in GHQ-30, established as the cut off point. It is concluded that among poor urban families in Santiago mothers of infants with high risk of persistent diarrhoea have increased frequency of detectable neurotic symptoms. New programs aimed at this type of infant should include psychological support for their mothers.