984 resultados para Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Philips van, 1538-1598.
Letters to the editor
OBJECTIVES: This study sought to investigate whether self-expanding stents are more effective than balloon-expandable stents for reducing stent malapposition at 3 days after implantation in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. BACKGROUND: Acute myocardial infarction is associated with vasoconstriction and large thrombus burden. Resolution of vasoconstriction and thrombus load during the first hours to days after primary percutaneous coronary intervention may lead to stent undersizing and malapposition, which may subsequently lead to stent thrombosis or restenosis. In addition, aggressive stent deployment may cause distal embolization. METHODS: Eighty patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention were randomized to receive a self-expanding stent (STENTYS, STENTYS SA, Paris, France) (n = 43) or a balloon-expandable stent (VISION, Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, California; or Driver, Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota) (n = 37) at 9 European centers. The primary endpoint was the proportion of stent strut malapposition at 3 days after implantation measured by optical coherence tomography. Secondary endpoints included major adverse cardiac events (cardiac death, recurrent myocardial infarction, emergent bypass surgery, or clinically driven target lesion revascularization). RESULTS: At 3 days after implantation, on a per-strut basis, a lower rate of malapposed stent struts was observed by optical coherence tomography in the self-expanding stent group than in the balloon-expandable group (0.58% vs. 5.46%, p < 0.001). On a per-patient basis, none of the patients in the self-expanding stent group versus 28% in the balloon-expandable group presented ≥5% malapposed struts (p < 0.001). At 6 months, major adverse cardiac events were 2.3% versus 0% in the self-expanding and balloon-expandable groups, respectively (p = NS). CONCLUSIONS: Strut malapposition at 3 days is significantly lower in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients allocated to self-expanding stents when than in those allocated to balloon-expandable stents. The impact of this difference on clinical outcome and the risk of late stent thrombosis need to be evaluated further. (Randomized Comparison Between the STENTYS Self-expanding Coronary Stent and a Balloon-expandable Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction [APPOSITION II]; NCT01008085).
Report on the City of Van Wert for the period July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009
Os Latossolos da região do Cerrado brasileiro, em função da mineralogia da fração argila e estrutura granular, apresentam elevado volume de poros grandes e de poros extremamente pequenos, não mostrando significativo volume de poros intermediários, o que faz com que neles a disponibilidade de água para as plantas seja baixa. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar e modelar o comportamento da retenção de água em Latossolos oxÃdicos da região do Cerrado, pertencentes a diferentes classes texturais. Foram coletadas amostras do horizonte Bw de 10 Latossolos oxÃdicos sob vegetação nativa. A retenção de água nos potenciais matriciais de 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 kPa foi obtida em unidade de sucção nos potenciais de 33, 60, 100, 500 e 1.500 kPa no extrator de Richards, e a água retida sob potenciais de 1.500 a 300.000 kPa foi quantificada utilizando o psicrômetro de termopar WP4-T. O modelo duplo van Genuchten foi proposto para ajustar os dados experimentais de retenção de água por meio de procedimentos de ajuste de modelos não lineares do software R 2.10.1; também foi avaliada a relação entre as estimativas dos parâmetros do modelo, bem como a inclinação do ponto de inflexão com as propriedades texturais dos solos, aplicando o teste de correlação de Pearson. Os resultados mostraram o bom ajuste do modelo e alto poder de predição, sendo observada correlação do conteúdo de argila do solo com os parâmetros da equação (Usat, Upmp, Ures), assim como, com a inclinação do segundo ponto de inflexão (Itex). A textura dos Latossolos influenciou o comportamento das curvas de retenção de água. As curvas de retenção de água dos Latossolos em estudo apresentaram comportamento bimodal no intervalo de potencial matricial estudado.