298 resultados para Marginalized


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Over the past 30 years the Marlborough Family Service in London has pioneered multi-family work with marginalized families presenting simultaneously with abuse and neglect, family violence, substance misuse, educational failure and mental illness. The approach is based on a systemic multi-contextual mode and this chapter describes the evolving work, including the establishment of the first permanent multiple family day setting, specifically designed for and solely dedicated to the work with seemingly ‘hopeless’ families. The ingredients of ‘therapeutic assessments’ of parents and families are outlined and the importance of initial network meetings with professionals and family members is emphasized.


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Online Distance Education: Towards a Research Agenda offers a systematic overview of the major issues, trends, and areas of priority in online distance education research. In each chapter, an international expert or team of experts provides an overview of one timely issue in online distance education, summarizing major research on the topic, discussing theoretical insights that guide the research, posing questions and directions for future research, and discussing the implications for distance education practice as a whole. Intended as a primary reference and guide for distance educators, researchers, and policymakers, Online Distance Education addresses aspects of distance education practice that have often been marginalized, including issues of cost and economics, concerns surrounding social justice, cultural bias, the need for faculty professional development, and the management and growth of learner communities. At once soundly empirical and thoughtfully reflective, yet also forward-looking and open to new approaches to online and distance teaching, this text is a solid resource for researchers in a rapidly expanding discipline.


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Despite the important role that pastoralism plays in supporting rural livelihoods, national economy and diverse ecological services, its capacity to adapt to change is facing many challenges including adverse policy, pastoral-farmer conflicts and recently, adverse climate change. The recurring conflicts between the two groupings are rather a result of a reaction by a community which has been marginalized over the years. A survey to analyze conflicts, institutional frameworks, policies, laws and regulations governing NRs utilization by pastoral and farmers was conducted in the Lake Rukwa Basin in 2008. The study noted violent conflicts and their causes, including the scarcity of NRs, poor local institutional frameworks and deeper socio-cultural aspects among pastoralists and farmers. The conflicts have become major impediments to the developmental activities in the study areas, to a degree that requires intervention. This, therefore, calls for reorganization of local institutional framework, policies, laws and regulations and participatory planning and co-management of NRs as part of conflicts management and sustainable utilization of them. Key words: Policies, Natural Resources, Conflicts, Pastoralism, Institutional frameworks


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The paper presents the results of a multi-year baseline study project in which 10 sectors ranging from agriculture to natural hazards were assessed by a transdisciplinary Swiss–Tajik research team. This knowledge base was enhanced in a development strategy workshop that brought together stakeholders from the local to the international levels. The methodology applied was found appropriate to initiate a broad reflection and negotiation process among various stakeholder groups, leading to a joint identification of possible measures to be taken. Knowledge—and its enhancement through the involvement of all stakeholder levels— appeared to be an effective carrier of innovation and changes of attitudes, thus containing the potential to effectively contribute to sustainable development in marginalized and resource-poor mountain areas.


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Feeding our growing world population and preserving our natural resource base is a major agricultural challenge set to get harder. Despite agricultural productivity gains in many areas, roughly a billion people continue to suffer from chronic hunger.1 Meanwhile, we will likely add about 2.5 billion people to the planet by 2050.2 Yet providing enough nutrition for current and future generations is entirely possible, if we make the best use of Earth’s finite natural resources, especially arable land. Notably, one agricultural sector – livestock – places excessive demands on our resource base. But this is mainly due to globalized, industrial meat production methods. Tragically, the most sustainable livestock producers – herders and other mobile, smaller-scale livestock keepers – have been marginalized by mainstream agricultural policy for decades. It is high time for a course correction.


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More than 40 years after the agrarian reform, Peru is experiencing a renewed process of concentration of land ownership in the hands of large-scale investors, favoring the development of a sugar cane production cluster along the northern coast. The expansion of the agricultural frontier by means of large irrigation projects – originally developed to benefit medium- and small-scale farmers – is carried out today in order to be sold to large-scale investors for the production of export crops. In the region of Piura the increasing presence of large-scale biofuel investors puts substantial pressure on land and water resources, not only changing the use of and access to land for local communities, but also generating water shortages vis-à-vis the multiple water demands of local food producers. The changes in land relations and the agro-ecosystem, the altering food production regime as well as the increasing proletarization of smallholders, is driving many locals – even those which (initially) welcomed the investment – into resistance activities against the increasing control of land, water and other natural resources in the hands of agribusinesses. The aim of this presentation is to discuss the contemporary political, social and cultural dynamics of agrarian change along the northern Peruvian coast as well as the «reactions from below» emanating from campesino communities, landless laborers, brick producers, pastoralists as well as other marginalized groups. The different strategies, forms and practices of resistance with the goal of the «protection of the territory» shall be explored as well as the reasons for their rather scattered occurrence and the lack of alliances on the land issue. This input shall make a contribution to the on-going debate on individual and communal property rights and the question of what is best in terms of collective defense against land grabbing.


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Persistence of racial and ethnic health disparities and governmental policies based on outdated ideas of aging call for inclusive approaches to the study of elder African Americans. The lived experiences of aging among urban, poor African American women, who comprise a vulnerable population, are not well known, as most studies focus on mainstream populations. Gerontological studies have tended to employ methods that collapse contextual information for ease of analysis, thus failing to capture nuanced information critically relevant to health of marginalized groups. Few researchers have been successful highlighting the importance of local knowledge, resilience, and resources for health by using participatory methods with older Black women. This study utilizes participatory principles to gather discursive data from nine older African American women, engaged in three generational cohorts: those born around World War II, women born after the great depression, and those born before the great depression. Videotaped and transcribed conversations of cohorts were analyzed in search of contextual factors that influence their experience of aging and health. As women responded to general themes that provoked their talk about their lives, they helped answer the study's questions: How do older African American women make sense of their aging experience? What are some of the important social and cultural influences that shape the construction of aging and health by these women? Are generational discourse groups an effective tool for exploring changes in the experiences of aging? A key finding demonstrated rich heterogeneity of experiences with strong generational influences on the construction of aging and health. The participants' moral orders comprised of traditional values of family, reinforced by personal experiences and the church, have guided their lives through oppression and stress but appear to be failing younger women who have greater exposure to new environmental pressures. Limited time and the size of the study were weaknesses although the women's interest in the study and their participation were gratifying. The participants served to highlight the importance of recognizing generational and other contextual factors in formation of ideas of aging and likelihood of additional challenges to the experience of old age among older, poorer, African Americans. ^


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Luego de una década en la cual la planificación no es tenida en cuenta, donde todo se deja librado al juego de oferta y demanda, a la lógica concentradora de la economía, comienza a reclamarse su participación como un paliativo frente a las consecuencias adversas producidas: desequilibrios espaciales, desempleo, pobreza, marginación, contaminación, generación de deseconomías, etc., problemáticas que reclaman en general un mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la población. En este marco no sólo se profundiza la preocupación por las cuestiones socioeconómicas y ambientales, sino por la competitividad y búsqueda de eficiencia en el uso de los recursos y las ventajas de que dispone cada territorio, hechos que encuentran su explicación en la necesidad de no quedar marginados frente a los procesos de cooperación y asociación propios de un mundo cada vez más interdependiente y más integrado debido al avance tecnológico de los medios de comunicación.


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La caries de la infancia temprana es un problema de salud pública que afecta con mayor agresividad a preescolares en riesgo social. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue establecer las asociaciones existentes entre estado dental, demanda de atención odontológica, percepción de salud bucal y condición socio-económica en niños preescolares del Gran Mendoza. Material y método: la población estuvo constituida por escolares en una muestra intencionada de 155 niños de nivel inicial residentes en la provincia de Mendoza, pertenecientes al ámbito escolar urbano- marginal. Se registraron los siguientes índices: ceod, CPOD, ceos, CPOS, y sus componentes discriminados, ICDAS II, íNTC (Bordoni, 1998) e índice de placa (Silness y Löe, 1967). Fue aplicado un cuestionario de percepción parental de salud bucal (ECOHIS) y se realizaron encuestas estructuradas sobre tipología de la demanda de atención odontológica y de condiciones socioeconómicas (NBI). Fue determinada la distribución de frecuencias y los intervalos de confianza para cada variable, las medidas de tendencia central y dispersión y se realizaron comparaciones entre grupos mediante la prueba de chi cuadrado con p=0.05. Resultados: 85.8% de la muestra presentó experiencia de caries. Para cada indicador se registraron los siguientes valores: ceod+CPOD= 5.716 +/- 4.08; cd+CD =5,39+3.79; ed+PD= 0.25+- 0.72; y od+OD= 0.08+-0.34; ceos+CPOS=8.89+-8.39; cs+CS=7.63+-6.25; es+PS= 1.23+-3.62; y os+OS= 0.12+0.46; IP= 1.04+-0.48; y INTC=5.65+-3.19. No se observaron diferencias significativas al agrupar los niños por sexo. Al analizar la demanda de atención bucal se observó que el 54,9% efectuó una consulta odontológica, 25% en el último año y 74% en el subsistema de salud pública. El análisis del cuestionario ECOHIS reveló que obtuvo el máximo porcentaje de respuestas cuando se ordenó según la categoría nunca. El único ítem que se relacionó con el estado dental en forma estadísticamente significativa fue el dolor. Conclusiones: Se observa alta prevalencia de caries dental sin que la demanda de atención odontológica haya producido impacto positivo sobre el estado dentario ni sobre la percepción de los padres respecto de la salud bucal.


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Ciento diez años más tarde de la separación de Panamá de Colombia y con el advenimiento del centenario de la apertura del Canal en 2014 es posible observar que la obra de Amelia Denis de Icaza muestra cómo la poeta romántica panameña, desde una perspectiva femenina, inaugura en 1906 la articulación de la fisura como rasgo característico de la identidad nacional de Panamá. Denis de Icaza inicia el lamento y la crítica por la presencia norteamericana en el Istmo con su poema “Al Cerro Ancón". En sus versos, la autora expresa su desagrado por la nueva realidad de ocupación territorial por fuerzas imperialistas y al mismo tiempo enciende el deseo por recuperar lo perdido, representándolo todo en el iconográfico accidente geográfico del Cerro Ancón. Esta nueva presencia extranjera y las consecuencias que se desprenden de tal ocupación trascienden el imaginario panameño a lo largo del siglo XX y más allá. Denis de Icaza, desde su espacio privado y con su voz intimista problematiza la situación canalera dentro del imaginario panameño, y se convierte en líder de la travesía que enrumbará al discurso istmeño en torno a la búsqueda y promoción por la soberanía en la totalidad del territorio nacional.


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La educación en la Argentina está articulada bajo criterios sociales establecidos pero que son básicamente arbitrarios y sustentados en supuestos no demostrados que afirman que el conocimiento se construye a partir de ciertos contenidos y no de otros. Dichos criterios no han variado mayormente durante las últimas décadas y siguen utilizándose como plataforma inicial a partir de los cuales se articula la educación posterior del educando. Los sistemas de educación superior en América Latina sufren una crisis a raíz de la creciente internacionalización de las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación e información y de los reclamos de inclusión social de los sectores marginados, entre otras razones. Las tecnologías de compresión digital dan origen a un modelo educativo "en red" caracterizado por un funcionamiento no presencial, mediante el cual se produce la transformación del rol de la Universidad, como centro de descubrimiento y posesión del conocimiento, para convertirse en apenas una intermediaria en la búsqueda del saber y la información. Esta nueva modalidad de educación crece en la medida en que puede cubrir una demanda social de educación superior insatisfecha, conformada básicamente por adultos que trabajan, estudiantes de zonas alejadas de los centros educativos, extranjeros que carecen de opciones educativas y alumnos globalizados. Por ello, la educación virtual nace como una nueva respuesta a viejas demandas. La construcción de una sociedad planetaria y la convivencia del multiculturalismo, además de representar la expresión de sociedades abiertas, que quizás no dispongan de bases comunes de cohesión nacional, debe ser parte de un nuevo proyecto de solidaridad y confraternidad mundial.Resulta sumamente importante que las Universidades de América Latina defiendan su participación como tales en los mercados regionales mediante la adquisición de mayor flexibilidad, actualización y excelencia, para erigirse de esta manera como una opción comparativamente válida. Asimismo, creemos que la educación, entendida como todo el corpus del conocimiento que tiene una persona, no se construye de manera arbitraria sino, por el contrario, de manera selectiva de acuerdo a las posibilidades del educando; y es precisamente sobre la base de esta pormenorizada elección el sustento sobre el cual el alumno llega posteriormente a desarrollos intelectuales superiores. El objetivo del presente trabajo se centra en mostrar la importancia de índole social y política que tienen la flexibilización y la personalización en el currículum de estudios universitarios, al momento de observar el resultado final del ejercicio profesional del graduado. Desde este punto de vista, es fundamental que la elección de los contenidos del plan de estudios de la carrera universitaria estén a cargo del educando, con la dirección de una unidad académica, especialmente en relación con lo que hoy se conoce como "aprendizaje justo a tiempo". Dicho en otras palabras, solamente cuando el educando trasciende ese fundamento institucional e inicial de conocimientos para abrevar en otras fuentes, como las Artes, la Religión, la Filosofía, etc., puede relacionar y comparar conocimientos diferentes entre sí, pero cuya elección obedece fundamentalmente a criterios personales y no meramente institucionales


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The growth of Palpalá City (Province of Jujuy, argentina) since the 1940s, is linked to altos Hornos Zapla (ahz) the state-owned steel and iron company whose privatization in the early 1990s as part of the external three-sided opening, privatizations and deregulation which characterized convertibility, meant large changes in the local economic structure. In the 1950s, this city was identified by the town hall as 'mother of Industries' ('madre de Industrias'), whereas today, the municipal slogan is 'City of Tourism' ('Ciudad Turística'). Recovering the recent occupational history of this city meets the need to know the labor and socioeconomic reality of this urban area in the Province of Jujuy, about which information is rare. Although it is included in the Home Survey?s sample, it is shown in blocks, making the information very limited. It is paradigmaticin this city to study the means chosen to try to overcome the traumatic shock that ahz's privatization meant, to analyze the policies developed and evaluate their results, some years after their application. In Palpalá, a local development strategy was applied, with a strong impulse to micro-businesses, following, somehow, the model postulated at national level, what will allow us to know the local reality better, as well as the regional and national realities for its characteristics. The methodology used in this work ('From iron and steel industry to tourist city. Brief occupational history of Palpala city) was the bibliographic research of the rare existing studies, interviews to qualified informers as well as the use of secondary data sources, such as data from different national Censuses. To conclude, it can be said that due to the crisis of the 1990s and its state reducing plan, those who suffered its consequences less are, paradoxically, those who are still related to state jobs. In Palpalá, when ahz was privatized and the buyer company failed to fulfill its contract duly, leaving a great number of the local people unemployed, it was the municipal government who had to assume the responsibility of an answer ( in this case, through training, credit and/or counseling to micro-businessmen) In the last years, however, the possibility to work in informal activities has become important in Palpalá, with a high percentage of people working in city fairs selling different kinds of goods. although the change in the model in the recent years has allowed the reactivation in different areas, a preliminary evaluation is that the improvement does not seem to have reached the core of excluded and marginalized of the previous decade


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El presente trabajo indaga el proceso de reestructuración represiva en el mundo actual, en el contexto de la reorganización del poder hegemónico. Factores como el incremento de las penas, la disminución de la edad penal, la obsesión por una seguridad absoluta y una "tolerancia cero" -la criminalización de la protesta social-, permiten pensar cómo el encierro de ciertos grupos sociales marginados, y con ello el aumento de la población carcelaria, resultan funcionales al nuevo modelo estatal y global en lugares como Estados Unidos, Europa Oriental y Latinoamérica. Sobre este eje de análisis este artículo propone repensar la relación entre el modelo económico-político y el modelo penitenciario en el mundo globalizado.


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La Bahía de Samborombón (provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina) constituye un área de interface entre el ámbito fluvial-marítimo (desembocadura del Río de la Plata en el Mar Argentino) y el terrestre. La franja litoral sur de la misma fue sistemáticamente marginada por los procesos de valorización que dominaron el territorio pampeano. Sin embargo, en los últimos 30 años se han constituido diferentes áreas protegidas, correspondientes a diversas jurisdicciones del sector público (nacional, provincial, municipal) y privado (ONGs). El objetivo de este trabajo apunta a poner de relieve las problemáticas generadas en torno a la valorización del territorio y la gestión de las mencionadas áreas protegidas, en el marco de las actividades económicas dominantes (ganadería, pesca y turismo)


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The world is changing rapidly. People today face numerous challenges in achieving a meaningful and fulfilling life. In many countries, there are enormous systemic barriers to address, such as: massive unemployment, HIV/AIDS, social disintegration, and inadequate infrastructure. One job for life is over. For many it never existed. Old metaphors and old models of career development no longer apply. New ways of thinking about careers are necessary, that take into account the context in which people are living, the reality of today's labour market, and the fact people's career-life journey contains many branching paths, barriers, and obstacles, but also allies and sources of assistance. Flexibility is important, as is keeping options open and making sure the journey is meaningful. Guidance professionals need to begin early, working with other professionals and those seeking assistance to develop attitudes that facilitate people taking charge of their own career-life paths. People need a vision for their life that will drive a purposeful approach to career-life planning and avoid floundering. Helping people achieve that direction can be most effectively accomplished when policy makers and practitioners work together to ensure that effective and accessible services are available for those who need them and when a large part of focus in on addressing the context in which marginalized people work and live.