943 resultados para Macapá - AP


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The GTP-binding protein ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) initiates clathrin-coat assembly at the trans-Goli network (TGN) by generating high-affinity membrane-binding sites for the AP-1 adaptor complex. Both transmembrane proteins, which are sorted into the assembling coated bud, and novel docking proteins have been suggested to be partners with GTP-bound ARF in generating the AP-1-docking sites. The best characterized, and probably the major transmembrane molecules sorted into the clathrin-coated vesicles that form on the TGN, are the mannose 6-phosphate receptors (MPRs). Here, we have examined the role of the MPRs in the AP-1 recruitment process by comparing fibroblasts derived from embryos of either normal or MPR-negative animals. Despite major alterations to the lysosome compartment in the MPR-deficient cells, the steady-state distribution of AP-1 at the TGN is comparable to that of normal cells. Golgi-enriched membranes prepared from the receptor-negative cells also display an apparently normal capacity to recruit AP-1 in vitro in the presence of ARF and either GTP or GTPγS. The AP-1 adaptor is recruited specifically onto the TGN and not onto the numerous abnormal membrane elements that accumulate within the MPR-negative fibroblasts. AP-1 bound to TGN membranes from either normal or MPR-negative fibroblasts is fully resistant to chemical extraction with 1 M Tris-HCl, pH 7, indicating that the adaptor binds to both membrane types with high affinity. The only difference we do note between the Golgi prepared from the MPR-deficient cells and the normal cells is that AP-1 recruited onto the receptor-lacking membranes in the presence of ARF1·GTP is consistently more resistant to extraction with Tris. Because sensitivity to Tris extraction correlates well with nucleotide hydrolysis, this finding might suggest a possible link between MPR sorting and ARF GAP regulation. We conclude that the MPRs are not essential determinants in the initial steps of AP-1 binding to the TGN but, instead, they may play a regulatory role in clathrin-coated vesicle formation by affecting ARF·GTP hydrolysis.


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Association of the Golgi-specific adaptor protein complex 1 (AP-1) with the membrane is a prerequisite for clathrin coat assembly on the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The AP-1 adaptor is efficiently recruited from cytosol onto the TGN by myristoylated ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) in the presence of the poorly hydrolyzable GTP analog guanosine 5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPγS). Substituting GTP for GTPγS, however, results in only poor AP-1 binding. Here we show that both AP-1 and clathrin can be recruited efficiently onto the TGN in the presence of GTP when cytosol is supplemented with ARF1. Optimal recruitment occurs at 4 μM ARF1 and with 1 mM GTP. The AP-1 recruited by ARF1·GTP is released from the Golgi membrane by treatment with 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 7) or upon reincubation at 37°C, whereas AP-1 recruited with GTPγS or by a constitutively active point mutant, ARF1(Q71L), remains membrane bound after either treatment. An incubation performed with added ARF1, GTP, and AlFn, used to block ARF GTPase-activating protein activity, results in membrane-associated AP-1, which is largely insensitive to Tris extraction. Thus, ARF1·GTP hydrolysis results in lower-affinity binding of AP-1 to the TGN. Using two-stage assays in which ARF1·GTP first primes the Golgi membrane at 37°C, followed by AP-1 binding on ice, we find that the high-affinity nucleating sites generated in the priming stage are rapidly lost. In addition, the AP-1 bound to primed Golgi membranes during a second-stage incubation on ice is fully sensitive to Tris extraction, indicating that the priming stage has passed the ARF1·GTP hydrolysis point. Thus, hydrolysis of ARF1·GTP at the priming sites can occur even before AP-1 binding. Our finding that purified clathrin-coated vesicles contain little ARF1 supports the concept that ARF1 functions in the coat assembly process rather than during the vesicle-uncoating step. We conclude that ARF1 is a limiting factor in the GTP-stimulated recruitment of AP-1 in vitro and that it appears to function in a stoichiometric manner to generate high-affinity AP-1 binding sites that have a relatively short half-life.


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UVA radiation is the major component of the UV solar spectrum that reaches the earth, and the therapeutic application of UVA radiation is increasing in medicine. Analysis of the cellular effects of UVA radiation has revealed that exposure of human cells to UVA radiation at physiological doses leads to increased gene expression and that this UVA response is primarily mediated through the generation of singlet oxygen. In this study, the mechanisms by which UVA radiation induces transcriptional activation of the human intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) were examined. UVA radiation was capable of inducing activation of the human ICAM-1 promoter and increasing ICAM-1 mRNA and protein expression. These UVA radiation effects were inhibited by singlet oxygen quenchers, augmented by enhancement of singlet oxygen life-time, and mimicked in unirradiated cells by a singlet oxygen-generating system. UVA radiation as well as singlet oxygen-induced ICAM-1 promoter activation required activation of the transcription factor AP-2. Accordingly, both stimuli activated AP-2, and deletion of the putative AP-2-binding site abrogated ICAM-1 promoter activation in this system. This study identified the AP-2 site as the UVA radiation- and singlet oxygen-responsive element of the human ICAM-1 gene. The capacity of UVA radiation and/or singlet oxygen to induce human gene expression through activation of AP-2 indicates a previously unrecognized role of this transcription factor in the mammalian stress response.


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8-Oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase 1 (OGG1), with intrinsic AP lyase activity, is the major enzyme for repairing 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a critical mutagenic DNA lesion induced by reactive oxygen species. Human OGG1 excised the damaged base from an 8-oxoG·C-containing duplex oligo with a very low apparent kcat of 0.1 min–1 at 37°C and cleaved abasic (AP) sites at half the rate, thus leaving abasic sites as the major product. Excision of 8-oxoG by OGG1 alone did not follow Michaelis–Menten kinetics. However, in the presence of a comparable amount of human AP endonuclease (APE1) the specific activity of OGG1 was increased ∼5-fold and Michaelis–Menten kinetics were observed. Inactive APE1, at a higher molar ratio, and a bacterial APE (Nfo) similarly enhanced OGG1 activity. The affinity of OGG1 for its product AP·C pair (Kd ∼ 2.8 nM) was substantially higher than for its substrate 8-oxoG·C pair (Kd ∼ 23.4 nM) and the affinity for its final β-elimination product was much lower (Kd ∼ 233 nM). These data, as well as single burst kinetics studies, indicate that the enzyme remains tightly bound to its AP product following base excision and that APE1 prevents its reassociation with its product, thus enhancing OGG1 turnover. These results suggest coordinated functions of OGG1 and APE1, and possibly other enzymes, in the DNA base excision repair pathway.


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The generation of reactive oxygen species in the cell provokes, among other lesions, the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG) in DNA. Due to mispairing with adenine during replication, 8-oxoG is highly mutagenic. To minimise the mutagenic potential of this oxidised purine, human cells have a specific 8-oxoG DNA glycosylase/AP lyase (hOGG1) that initiates the base excision repair (BER) of 8-oxoG. We show here that in vitro this first enzyme of the BER pathway is relatively inefficient because of a high affinity for the product of the reaction it catalyses (half-life of the complex is >2 h), leading to a lack of hOGG1 turnover. However, the glycosylase activity of hOGG1 is stimulated by the major human AP endonuclease, HAP1 (APE1), the enzyme that performs the subsequent step in BER, as well as by a catalytically inactive mutant (HAP1-D210N). In the presence of HAP1, the AP sites generated by the hOGG1 DNA glycosylase can be occupied by the endonuclease, avoiding the re-association of hOGG1. Moreover, the glycosylase has a higher affinity for a non-cleaved AP site than for the cleaved DNA product generated by HAP1. This would shift the equilibrium towards the free glycosylase, making it available to initiate new catalytic cycles. In contrast, HAP1 does not affect the AP lyase activity of hOGG1. This stimulation of only the hOGG1 glycosylase reaction accentuates the uncoupling of its glycosylase and AP lyase activities. These data indicate that, in the presence of HAP1, the BER of 8-oxoG residues can be highly efficient by bypassing the AP lyase activity of hOGG1 and thus excluding a potentially rate limiting step.


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Transport of proteins through the ALP (alkaline phosphatase) pathway to the vacuole requires the function of the AP-3 adaptor complex and Vps41p. However, unlike other adaptor protein–dependent pathways, the ALP pathway has not been shown to require additional accessory proteins or coat proteins, such as membrane recruitment factors or clathrin. Two independent genetic approaches have been used to identify new mutants that affect transport through the ALP pathway. These screens yielded new mutants in both VPS41 and the four AP-3 subunit genes. Two new VPS41 alleles exhibited phenotypes distinct from null mutants of VPS41, which are defective in vacuolar morphology and protein transport through both the ALP and CPY sorting pathways. The new alleles displayed severe ALP sorting defects, normal vacuolar morphology, and defects in ALP vesicle formation at the Golgi complex. Sequencing analysis of these VPS41 alleles revealed mutations encoding amino acid changes in two distinct domains of Vps41p: a conserved N-terminal domain and a C-terminal clathrin heavy-chain repeat (CHCR) domain. We demonstrate that the N-terminus of Vps41p is required for binding to AP-3, whereas the C-terminal CHCR domain directs homo-oligomerization of Vps41p. These data indicate that a homo-oligomeric form of Vps41p is required for the formation of ALP containing vesicles at the Golgi complex via interactions with AP-3.


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The intracellular pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas’ disease. We have isolated a full-length cDNA encoding uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDGase), a key enzyme involved in DNA repair, from this organism. The deduced protein sequence is highly conserved at the C-terminus of the molecule and shares key residues involved in binding or catalysis with most of the UDGases described so far, while the N-terminal part is highly variable. The gene is single copy and is located on a chromosome of ∼1.9 Mb. A His-tagged recombinant protein was overexpressed, purified and used to raise polyclonal antibodies. Western blot analysis revealed the existence of a single UDGase species in parasite extracts. Using a specific ethidium bromide fluorescence assay, recombinant T.cruzi UDGase was shown to specifically excise uracil from DNA. The addition of both Leishmania major AP endonuclease and exonuclease III, the major AP endonuclease from Escherichia coli, produces stimulation of UDGase activity. This activation is specific for AP endonuclease and suggests functional communication between the two enzymes.


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Proteinase inhibitor I (Inh I) and proteinase inhibitor II (Inh II) from potato tubers are effective proteinase inhibitors of chymotrypsin and trypsin. Inh I and Inh II were shown to suppress irradiation-induced transformation in mouse embryo fibroblasts suggesting that they possess anticarcinogenic characteristics. We have previously demonstrated that Inh I and Inh II could effectively block UV irradiation-induced activation of transcription activator protein 1 (AP-1) in mouse JB6 epidermal cells, which mechanistically may explain their anticarcinogenic actions. In the present study, we investigated the effects of Inh I and Inh II on the expression and composition pattern of the AP-1 complex following stimulation by UV B (UVB) irradiation in the JB6 model. We found that Inh I and Inh II specifically inhibited UVB-induced AP-1, but not NFκB, activity in JB6 cells. Both Inh I and Inh II up-regulated AP-1 constituent proteins, JunD and Fra-2, and suppressed c-Jun and c-Fos expression and composition in bound AP-1 in response to UVB stimulation. This regulation of the AP-1 protein compositional pattern in response to Inh I or Inh II may be critical for the inhibition of UVB-induced AP-1 activity by these agents found in potatoes.


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Epidemiological and animal-based investigations have indicated that the development of skin cancer is in part associated with poor dietary practices. Lipid content and subsequently the derived fatty acid composition of the diet are believed to play a major role in the development of tumorigenesis. Omega 3 (ω3) fatty acids, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), can effectively reduce the risk of skin cancer whereas omega 6 (ω6) fatty acids such as arachidonic acid (AA) reportedly promote risk. To investigate the effects of fatty acids on tumorigenesis, we performed experiments to examine the effects of the ω3 fatty acids EPA and DHA and of the ω6 fatty acid AA on phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate (TPA)-induced or epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced transcription activator protein 1 (AP-1) transactivation and on the subsequent cellular transformation in a mouse epidermal JB6 cell model. DHA treatment resulted in marked inhibition of TPA- and EGF-induced cell transformation by inhibiting AP-1 transactivation. EPA treatment also inhibited TPA-induced AP-1 transactivation and cell transformation but had no effect on EGF-induced transformation. AA treatment had no effect on either TPA- or EGF-induced AP-1 transactivation or transformation, but did abrogate the inhibitory effects of DHA on TPA- or EGF-induced AP-1 transactivation and cell transformation in a dose-dependent manner. The results of this study demonstrate that the inhibitory effects of ω3 fatty acids on tumorigenesis are more significant for DHA than for EPA and are related to an inhibition of AP-1. Similarly, because AA abrogates the beneficial effects of DHA, the dietary ratio of ω6 to ω3 fatty acids may be a significant factor in mediating tumor development.


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The effect of Fos and Jun binding on the structure of the AP-1 recognition site is controversial. Results from phasing analysis and phase-sensitive detection studies of DNA bending by Fos and Jun have led to opposite conclusions. The differences between these assays, the length of the spacer between two bends and the length of the sequences flanking the bends, are investigated here using intrinsic DNA bend standards. Both an increase in the spacer length as well as a decrease in the length of flanking sequences resulted in a reduction in the phase-dependent variation in electrophoretic mobilities. Probes with a wide separation between the bends and short flanking sequences, such as those used in the phase-sensitive detection studies, displayed no phase-dependent mobility variation. This shape-dependent variation in electrophoretic mobilities was reproduced by complexes formed by truncated Fos and Jun. Results from ligase-catalyzed cyclization experiments have been interpreted to indicate the absence of DNA bending in the Fos-Jun-AP-1 complex. However, truncated Fos and Jun can alter the relative rates of inter- and intramolecular ligation through mechanisms unrelated to DNA bending, confounding the interpretation of cyclization data. The analogous phase- and shape-dependence of the electrophoretic mobilities of the Fos-Jun-AP-1 complex and an intrinsic DNA bend confirm that Fos and Jun bend DNA, which may contribute to their functions in transcription regulation.


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The composite transcription factor activating protein 1 (AP-1) integrates various mitogenic signals in a large number of cell types, and is therefore a major regulator of cell proliferation. In the normal human endometrium, proliferation and differentiation alternate in a cyclic fashion, with progesterone being largely implicated in the latter process. However, the effects of progesterone and the progesterone receptor (hPR) on AP-1 activity in the human endometrium are not known. To address this issue, HEC-1-B endometrial adenocarcinoma cells, which are devoid of hPR, were transfected with luciferase reporter constructs driven by two different AP-1-dependent promoters. Unexpectedly, cotransfection of hPR caused a marked induction of luciferase activity in the absence of ligand on both promoters. The magnitude of this induction was similar to that observed in response to the phorbol ester TPA. Addition of ligand reversed the stimulating effect of the unliganded hPR on AM activity in these cells. These effects were specific for hPR, and were not observed with either human estrogen receptor or human glucocorticoid receptor. Furthermore, they strictly depended on the presence of AP-1-responsive sequences within target promoters. Finally, the described effects of hPR on AP-1 activity were shown to be cell-type specific, because they could not be demonstrated in SKUT-1-B, JEG-3, and COS-7 cells. To our knowledge this is the first report of an unliganded steroid receptor stimulating AP-1 activity. This effect and its reversal in the presence of ligand suggest a novel mechanism, through which hPR can act as a key regulator of both proliferation and differentiation in the human endometrium.


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The translocation t(10;11)(p13;q14) is a recurring chromosomal abnormality that has been observed in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia as well as acute myeloid leukemia. We have recently reported that the monocytic cell line U937 has a t(10;11)(p13;q14) translocation. Using a combination of positional cloning and candidate gene approach, we cloned the breakpoint and were able to show that AF10 is fused to a novel gene that we named CALM (Clathrin Assembly Lymphoid Myeloid leukemia gene) located at 11q14. AF10, a putative transcription factor, had recently been cloned as one of the fusion partners of MLL. CALM has a very high homology in its N-terminal third to the murine ap-3 gene which is one of the clathrin assembly proteins. The N-terminal region of ap-3 has been shown to bind to clathrin and to have a high-affinity binding site for phosphoinositols. The identification of the CALM/AF10 fusion gene in the widely used U937 cell line will contribute to our understanding of the malignant phenotype of this line.


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We have used a solution-based DNA cyclization assay and a gel-phasing method to show that contrary to previous reports [Kerppola, T. K. & Curran, T. (1991) Cell 66, 317-326], basic region leucine zipper proteins Fos and Jun do not significantly bend their AP-1 recognition site. We have constructed two sets of DNA constructs that contain the 7-bp 5'-TGACTCA-3' AP-1 binding site, from either the yeast or the human collagenase gene, which is well separated from and phased by 3-4 helical turns against an A tract-directed bend. The cyclization probabilities of DNAs with altered phasings are not significantly affected by Fos-Jun binding. Similarly, Fos-Jun and Jun-Jun bound to differently phased DNA constructs show insignificant variations in gel mobilities. Both these methods independently indicate that Fos and Jun bend their AP-1 target site by <5 degrees, an observation that has important implications in understanding their mechanism of transcriptional regulation.