408 resultados para MIM
Dyssegmental dysplasia, Silverman-Handmaker type (DDSH; #MIM 224410) is an autosomal recessive form of lethal dwarfism characterized by a defect in segmentation and fusion of vertebral bodies components ("anisospondyly") and by severe limb shortening. It is caused by mutations in the perlecan gene (HSPG2), but so far, only three molecularly confirmed cases have been reported. We report a novel case of DDSH in a fetus that presented at 15 weeks gestation with encephalocele, severe micromelic dwarfism and narrow thorax. After termination of pregnancy, radiographs showed short ribs, short and bent long bones and anisospondyly of two vertebral bodies. The fetus was homozygous for a previously undescribed null mutation in HSPG2.
PURPOSE: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP; MIM 268000) is a hereditary disease characterized by poor night vision and progressive loss of photoreceptors, eventually leading to blindness. This degenerative process primarily affects peripheral vision due to the loss of rods. Autosomal recessive RP (arRP) is clinically and genetically heterogeneous. It has been associated with mutations in different genes, including CRB1 (crumbs homolog 1). The aim of this study was to determine the causative gene in a Tunisian patient with arRP born to non-consanguineous parents. METHODS: Four accessible family members were included. They underwent full ophthalmic examination with best-corrected Snellen visual acuity, fundus photography and fluorescein angiography. Haplotype analysis was used to evaluate homozygosity in the family to 20 arRP loci. All exons and intron-exon junctions of candidate genes not excluded by haplotype analysis were PCR amplified and directly sequenced. RESULTS: The proband was a 43-year-old female patient. Best-corrected visual acuity was 20/63 (right eye) and 20/80 (left eye). Visual loss began during the third decade. Funduscopic examination and fluorescein angiography revealed typical advanced RP changes with bone spicule-like pigment deposits in the posterior pole and the midperiphery along with retinal atrophy, narrowing of the vessels, and waxy optic discs. Haplotype analysis revealed homozygosity with microsatellite markers D1S412 and D1S413 on chromosome 1q31.3. These markers flanked CRB1. Our results excluded linkage of all the other arRP loci/genes tested. Sequencing of the 12 coding exons and splice sites of CRB1 disclosed a homozygous missense mutation in exon 7 at nucleotide c. 2291G>A, resulting in an arginine to histidine substitution (p.R764H). CONCLUSIONS: R764H is a novel mutation associated with CRB1-related arRP. Previously, an R764C mutation was reported. Extending the mutation spectrum of CRB1 with additional families is important for genotype-phenotype correlations and characterization of the scope of mutation.
The theory of language has occupied a special place in the history of Indian thought. Indian philosophers give particular attention to the analysis of the cognition obtained from language, known under the generic name of śābdabodha. This term is used to denote, among other things, the cognition episode of the hearer, the content of which is described in the form of a paraphrase of a sentence represented as a hierarchical structure. Philosophers submit the meaning of the component items of a sentence and their relationship to a thorough examination, and represent the content of the resulting cognition as a paraphrase centred on a meaning element, that is taken as principal qualificand (mukhyaviśesya) which is qualified by the other meaning elements. This analysis is the object of continuous debate over a period of more than a thousand years between the philosophers of the schools of Mimāmsā, Nyāya (mainly in its Navya form) and Vyākarana. While these philosophers are in complete agreement on the idea that the cognition of sentence meaning has a hierarchical structure and share the concept of a single principal qualificand (qualified by other meaning elements), they strongly disagree on the question which meaning element has this role and by which morphological item it is expressed. This disagreement is the central point of their debate and gives rise to competing versions of this theory. The Mïmāmsakas argue that the principal qualificand is what they call bhāvanā ̒bringing into being̒, ̒efficient force̒ or ̒productive operation̒, expressed by the verbal affix, and distinct from the specific procedures signified by the verbal root; the Naiyāyikas generally take it to be the meaning of the word with the first case ending, while the Vaiyākaranas take it to be the operation expressed by the verbal root. All the participants rely on the Pāninian grammar, insofar as the Mimāmsakas and Naiyāyikas do not compose a new grammar of Sanskrit, but use different interpretive strategies in order to justify their views, that are often in overt contradiction with the interpretation of the Pāninian rules accepted by the Vaiyākaranas. In each of the three positions, weakness in one area is compensated by strength in another, and the cumulative force of the total argumentation shows that no position can be declared as correct or overall superior to the others. This book is an attempt to understand this debate, and to show that, to make full sense of the irreconcilable positions of the three schools, one must go beyond linguistic factors and consider the very beginnings of each school's concern with the issue under scrutiny. The texts, and particularly the late texts of each school present very complex versions of the theory, yet the key to understanding why these positions remain irreconcilable seems to lie elsewhere, this in spite of extensive argumentation involving a great deal of linguistic and logical technicalities. Historically, this theory arises in Mimāmsā (with Sabara and Kumārila), then in Nyāya (with Udayana), in a doctrinal and theological context, as a byproduct of the debate over Vedic authority. The Navya-Vaiyākaranas enter this debate last (with Bhattoji Dïksita and Kaunda Bhatta), with the declared aim of refuting the arguments of the Mïmāmsakas and Naiyāyikas by bringing to light the shortcomings in their understanding of Pāninian grammar. The central argument has focused on the capacity of the initial contexts, with the network of issues to which the principal qualificand theory is connected, to render intelligible the presuppositions and aims behind the complex linguistic justification of the classical and late stages of this debate. Reading the debate in this light not only reveals the rationality and internal coherence of each position beyond the linguistic arguments, but makes it possible to understand why the thinkers of the three schools have continued to hold on to three mutually exclusive positions. They are defending not only their version of the principal qualificand theory, but (though not openly acknowledged) the entire network of arguments, linguistic and/or extra-linguistic, to which this theory is connected, as well as the presuppositions and aims underlying these arguments.
Recently, pathogenic variants in the MLL2 gene were identified as the most common cause of Kabuki (Niikawa-Kuroki) syndrome (MIM#147920). To further elucidate the genotype-phenotype correlation, we studied a large cohort of 86 clinically defined patients with Kabuki syndrome (KS) for mutations in MLL2. All patients were assessed using a standardized phenotype list and all were scored using a newly developed clinical score list for KS (MLL2-Kabuki score 0-10). Sequencing of the full coding region and intron-exon boundaries of MLL2 identified a total of 45 likely pathogenic mutations (52%): 31 nonsense, 10 missense and four splice-site mutations, 34 of which were novel. In five additional patients, novel, i.e. non-dbSNP132 variants of clinically unknown relevance, were identified. Patients with likely pathogenic nonsense or missense MLL2 mutations were usually more severely affected (median 'MLL2-Kabuki score' of 6) as compared to the patients without MLL2 mutations (median 'MLL2-Kabuki score' of 5), a significant difference (p < 0.0014). Several typical facial features such as large dysplastic ears, arched eyebrows with sparse lateral third, blue sclerae, a flat nasal tip with a broad nasal root, and a thin upper and a full lower lip were observed more often in mutation positive patients.
Este experimento teve como objetivo avaliar a influência de diferentes concentrações de ferro, cobre e zinco do meio MS (MURASHIGE & SKOOG, 1962) no controle da oxidação de explantes iniciais de bananeira-Prata (Musa AAB). Foram utilizadas três concentrações (100, 50 e 0 miM) de FeEDTA, duas concentrações (0,1 e 0miM) de (CuSO4).5H2O e duas concentrações (30 e 0miM) de (ZnSO4).7H2O, num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, arranjado em um fatorial completo 3 x 2 x 2, utilizando-se de 15 repetições. Ápices caulinares foram inoculados em meio MS modificado e, decorridos 28 dias após a inoculação, avaliaram-se a massa de matéria fresca, altura e grau de oxidação. Observou-se que esses micronutrientes são essenciais para o crescimento dos explantes e que a concentração de ferro influencia na oxidação de explantes, sendo que maiores graus de escurecimento foram observados nas concentrações mais elevadas. A redução ou retirada destes elementos do meio MS, isoladamente ou em combinações, não foi suficiente para eliminar a oxidação dos explantes.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer o protocolo para a produção de plântulas in vitro a partir da conversão de embriões zigóticos de açaizeiro (Euterpe oleracea Mart.). Os embriões zigóticos maduros foram excisados sob condições assépticas, a partir de sementes obtidas de frutos maduros, e cultivados em tubos de ensaio com 10 mL de meio MS modificado pela presença de 0,17 g.L-1 de NaH2PO4, com 0,6 % de ágar, 0,25 % de carvão ativado e 3 % de sacarose. Foram testadas diferentes combinações de ANA (0,54; 2,68 e 5,37 miM) e BAP (0,44; 1,11; 1,55 e 2,22 miM) e uma testemunha adicional. Em média, os tratamentos constituídos da combinação de ANA e BAP foram superiores à testemunha para todas as variáveis avaliadas. As concentrações de 0,54 e 2,68 miM de ANA promoveram, em média, maior formação de plântulas normais quando comparado com 5,37 miM de ANA. O maior comprimento da parte aérea foi induzido pela presença de 2,68 miM de ANA combinado com 1,11; 1,55 e 2,22 miM de BAP. Não foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre as concentrações de ANA e BAP para a percentagem de conversão de embriões e número de raízes por plântula
Experimentos testando o tipo de auxina (AIB, AIA e ANA) e concentração (0; 0,01; 0,1 e 1,0 mM) foram realizados para cada um dos quatro porta-enxertos utilizados (G x N22, Mr.S 2/5, Marianna e Mirabolano). Cada porta-enxerto constituiu-se num experimento, uma vez que, apesar de ser o mesmo meio básico, MS ¾, com exceção de Marianna, onde o meio foi o MS, as concentrações da citocinina BAP foram diferentes. A cada meio, foram adicionados os tipos e as concentrações das auxinas a serem testadas. Os porta-enxertos apresentaram comportamentos distintos quanto ao tipo e concentração das auxinas. O AIB e o AIA foram superiores ao ANA nas variáveis analisadas. Na fase de multiplicação, o 'Mirabolano' não respondeu a concentrações de auxinas de até 1,0 mM. O 'G x N22' apresentou as melhores respostas na concentração de 0,01 miM de AIB ou AIA. O porta-enxerto Marianna respondeu positivamente a concentrações de auxinas entre 0,01 e 1,0 miM. O ANA não proporciona bons resultados na multiplicação in vitro de porta-enxertos do gênero Prunus, sendo muitas vezes superado pela testemunha.
Com o objetivo de avaliar qual a melhor forma de preservar polpa de manga 'Tommy-Atkins', realizou-se este trabalho, visando a testar duas formas de conservação: polpa triturada e polpa processada em fatias, acondicionadas, respectivamente, em sacos plásticos de polietileno fechados hermeticamente e bandejas de poliestireno revestidas com filme plástico de PVC auto-aderente e esticável, com espessura de 12 mim, respectivamente, congeladas e posteriormente armazenadas a -18°C até a perda do valor comercial. Pelos resultados obtidos, pode-se observar que a polpa na forma triturada apresentou aspecto razoável até 20 semanas, enquanto, na forma de fatia, até 18 semanas, em decorrência da perda de firmeza; os teores de sólidos solúveis aumentaram e os de vitamina C decresceram em ambas as formas de preservação; a textura das fatias variou em função do tempo de armazenamento. No geral, verificou-se que a aparência, textura e o sabor foram afetados pelo tempo de armazenamento.
Progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia (PPRD) is a genetic, non-inflammatory arthropathy caused by recessive loss of function mutations in WISP3 (Wnt1-inducible signaling pathway protein 3; MIM 603400), encoding for a signaling protein. The disease is clinically silent at birth and in infancy. It manifests between the age of 3 and 6 years with joint pain and progressive joint stiffness. Affected children are referred to pediatric rheumatologists and orthopedic surgeons; however, signs of inflammation are absent and anti-inflammatory treatment is of little help. Bony enlargement at the interphalangeal joints progresses leading to camptodactyly. Spine involvement develops in late childhood and adolescence leading to short trunk with thoracolumbar kyphosis. Adult height is usually below the 3rd percentile. Radiographic signs are relatively mild. Platyspondyly develops in late childhood and can be the first clue to the diagnosis. Enlargement of the phalangeal metaphyses develops subtly and is usually recognizable by 10 years. The femoral heads are large and the acetabulum forms a distinct "lip" overriding the femoral head. There is a progressive narrowing of all articular spaces as articular cartilage is lost. Medical management of PPRD remains symptomatic and relies on pain medication. Hip joint replacement surgery in early adulthood is effective in reducing pain and maintaining mobility and can be recommended. Subsequent knee joint replacement is a further option. Mutation analysis of WISP3 allowed the confirmation of the diagnosis in 63 out of 64 typical cases in our series. Intronic mutations in WISP3 leading to splicing aberrations can be detected only in cDNA from fibroblasts and therefore a skin biopsy is indicated when genomic analysis fails to reveal mutations in individuals with otherwise typical signs and symptoms. In spite of the first symptoms appearing in early childhood, the diagnosis of PPRD is most often made only in the second decade and affected children often receive unnecessary anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive treatments. Increasing awareness of PPRD appears to be essential to allow for a timely diagnosis. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estabelecer a melhor concentração de sais do meio MS e da citocinina BAP para a multiplicação dos porta-enxertos de Prunus sp. 'Barrier' e 'Cadaman'. Segmentos nodais foram introduzidos em tubos de ensaio contendo 10 mL de meio de cultura com variações na concentração de sais (MS; ½MS; e 2/3MS) combinadas com cinco concentrações de BAP (0; 1,5; 2,5; 3,5 e 4,5 miM). Utilizou-se um fatorial 2x3x5, distribuído em blocos casualizados, compostos por quatro repetições contendo cinco tubos de ensaio cada uma, sendo inoculado um segmento nodal por tubo. As avaliações foram realizadas após cinco semanas de cultivo em ambiente com intensidade luminosa de 20 miE m-2 s-1, fotoperíodo de 16 horas e temperatura de 24 ± 4ºC. Verificou-se maior número médio de gemas e de brotações para a cultivar Barrier. À medida que se reduziu a concentração de sais do meio de cultura, obteve-se maior número de brotações, porém com menor tamanho. As regressões polinomiais das variáveis número de gemas, brotações por explante e comprimento das brotações apresentaram um ajustamento quadrático para níveis de BAP, atingindo os pontos de máximo 31,2 gemas/explante; 4,6 brotações por explante, e 8,1 mm de comprimento nas concentrações 3,3; 3,1, e 3,1 miM de BAP, respectivamente.
Este trabalho avaliou o efeito das embalagens de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), em diferentes espessuras, no prolongamento da vida útil pós-colheita de carambolas cv. 'Golden Star'. Os frutos foram colhidos fisiologicamente maturos, sendo selecionados pela ausência de defeitos e acondicionados nas embalagens de PEBD, constituindo os seguintes tratamentos: T1 - controle (sem embalagem); T2 - PEBD de 6 mim; T3 - PEBD de 10 mim; T4 - PEBD de 15 mim. Os frutos foram armazenados a 12 +/- 0,5 ºC e 95 +/- 5% de UR, por 45 dias, e mais 5 dias a 22 +/- 3ºC e 72 +/- 5% de UR. Vinte e quatro horas após a colheita e a cada nove dias, amostras eram retiradas do armazenamento refrigerado (AR), mantidas por 12 horas em condições ambiente (22 +/- 3ºC e 72 +/- 5% UR) e analisadas quanto à firmeza de polpa (FP), à perda de massa fresca, à coloração da epiderme, aos sólidos solúveis totais (SST), à acidez total titulável (ATT) e à ocorrência de distúrbios fisiológicos. Realizou-se também uma análise sensorial ao final do experimento. A maior firmeza de polpa e acidez total titulável, o melhor padrão de coloração, o menor conteúdo de sólidos solúveis totais, a ausência de manchas e podridões, e a melhor aceitabilidade pelos julgadores foram obtidos com os frutos acondicionados em embalagens de 10 mim.
Cerebral, ocular, dental, auricular, skeletal anomalies (CODAS) syndrome (MIM 600373) was first described and named by Shehib et al, in 1991 in a single patient. The anomalies referred to in the acronym are as follows: cerebral-developmental delay, ocular-cataracts, dental-aberrant cusp morphology and delayed eruption, auricular-malformations of the external ear, and skeletal-spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia. This distinctive constellation of anatomical findings should allow easy recognition but despite this only four apparently sporadic patients have been reported in the last 20 years indicating that the full phenotype is indeed very rare with perhaps milder or a typical presentations that are allelic but without sufficient phenotypic resemblance to permit clinical diagnosis. We performed exome sequencing in three patients (an isolated case and a brother and sister sib pair) with classical features of CODAS. Sanger sequencing was used to confirm results as well as for mutation discovery in a further four unrelated patients ascertained via their skeletal features. Compound heterozygous or homozygous mutations in LONP1 were found in all (8 separate mutations; 6 missense, 1 nonsense, 1 small in-frame deletion) thus establishing the genetic basis of CODAS and the pattern of inheritance (autosomal recessive). LONP1 encodes an enzyme of bacterial ancestry that participates in protein turnover within the mitochondrial matrix. The mutations cluster at the ATP-binding and proteolytic domains of the enzyme. Biallelic inheritance and clustering of mutations confirm dysfunction of LONP1 activity as the molecular basis of CODAS but the pathogenesis remains to be explored.
We and others have reported mutations in LONP1, a gene coding for a mitochondrial chaperone and protease, as the cause of the human CODAS (cerebral, ocular, dental, auricular and skeletal) syndrome (MIM 600373). Here, we delineate a similar but distinct condition that shares the epiphyseal, vertebral and ocular changes of CODAS but also included severe microtia, nasal hypoplasia, and other malformations, and for which we propose the name of EVEN-PLUS syndrome for epiphyseal, vertebral, ear, nose, plus associated findings. In three individuals from two families, no mutation in LONP1 was found; instead, we found biallelic mutations in HSPA9, the gene that codes for mHSP70/mortalin, another highly conserved mitochondrial chaperone protein essential in mitochondrial protein import, folding, and degradation. The functional relationship between LONP1 and HSPA9 in mitochondrial protein chaperoning and the overlapping phenotypes of CODAS and EVEN-PLUS delineate a family of "mitochondrial chaperonopathies" and point to an unexplored role of mitochondrial chaperones in human embryonic morphogenesis.
A identificação de fontes de resistência é uma etapa básica em programas de melhoramento que visam o desenvolvimento de cultivares resistentes a doenças. Neste trabalho, foram inoculadas, sob condições controladas, oito linhagens de feijoeiro-comum (Phaseolus vulgaris) desenvolvidas pelo Departamento de Agricultura dos Estados Unidos, com quatro raças conhecidas de Uromyces appendiculatus coletadas no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. A cultivar Ouro Negro foi utilizada como padrão de resistência e US Pinto 111 (suscetível universal) como padrão de suscetibilidade. Foi avaliada a freqüência de infecção (FI) e estimado o tamanho médio das pústulas (TMP). As linhagens BelMiDak-RMR-12 e BelMiDak-RR-3 destacaram-se como as mais resistentes, apresentando, para todas as raças, apenas pústulas (com diâmetro < 300mim) na face abaxial da folha. As linhagens BelDakMi-RMR-10 e BelNeb RR-2 apresentaram baixa FI média e foram resistentes a quatro e três raças, respectivamente. A linhagem BelDak-RR-2, apesar de sua resistência a todas as raças, apresentou uma FI média relativamente alta. As linhagens BelMiNeb-RMR-3 e BelDakMi RR-7 também foram resistentes às quatro raças testadas, porém apresentaram alta FI média e algumas pústulas com diâmetro maior que 300 mim. A linhagem BelDakMi-RMR-11 foi resistente às raças 45, 46 e 49 e moderadamente resistente à raça 52. A cultivar Ouro Negro foi resistente às quatro raças, com um nível de resistência igual às melhores linhagens norte americanas.
Foram realizados três experimentos em Botucatu, estado de São Paulo (22º51'S e 48º26'W), em túnel plástico completamente fechado para verificar a eficiência da solarização do solo na sobrevivência de Phytophthora capsici, agente causal da murchadeira do pimentão (Capsicum annuum). Os experimentos, com duração de 35 dias cada, foram instalados nos períodos de fevereiro a março, abril a maio e junho a julho do ano de 1998. O patógeno, cultivado em grãos de trigo, contidos em bolsas de tecido sintético, foi colocado a 5, 15 e 25 cm de profundidade em duas parcelas idênticas de 33,25 m², sendo uma coberta com plástico de polietileno transparente de 75 mim (solarizada) e a outra sem cobertura (testemunha). Constatou-se que a solarização, aplicada em ambiente protegido, foi eficiente nesses experimentos no controle de P. capsici artificialmente colocada no solo nos três períodos testados, variando apenas o tempo de cobertura do solo de acordo com a época do ano.