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Herbivorous turtle, Chelonia mydas, inhabiting the south China Sea and breeding in Peninsular Malaysia, and Natator depressus, a carnivorous turtle inhabiting the Great Barrier Reef and breeding at Curtis Island in Queensland, Australia, differ both in diet and life history. Analysis of plasma metabolites levels and six sex steroid hormones during the peak of their nesting season in both species showed hormonal and metabolite variations. When compared with results from other studies progesterone levels were the highest whereas dihydrotestosterone was the plasma steroid hormone present at the lowest concentration in both C. mydas and N. depressus plasma. Interestingly, oestrone was observed at relatively high concentrations in comparison to oestradiol levels recorded in previous studies suggesting that it plays a significant role in nesting turtles. Also, hormonal correlations between the studied species indicate unique physiological interactions during nesting. Pearson correlation analysis showed that in N. depressus the time of oviposition was associated with elevations in both plasma corticosterone and oestrone levels. Therefore, we conclude that corticosterone and oestrone may influence nesting behaviour and physiology in N. depressus. To summarise, these two nesting turtle species can be distinguished based on the hormonal profile of oestrone, progesterone, and testosterone using discriminant analysis.


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Despite substantial progress in measuring the anatomical and functional variability of the human brain, little is known about the genetic and environmental causes of these variations. Here we developed an automated system to visualize genetic and environmental effects on brain structure in large brain MRI databases. We applied our multi-template segmentation approach termed "Multi-Atlas Fluid Image Alignment" to fluidly propagate hand-labeled parameterized surface meshes, labeling the lateral ventricles, in 3D volumetric MRI scans of 76 identical (monozygotic, MZ) twins (38 pairs; mean age = 24.6 (SD = 1.7)); and 56 same-sex fraternal (dizygotic, DZ) twins (28 pairs; mean age = 23.0 (SD = 1.8)), scanned as part of a 5-year research study that will eventually study over 1000 subjects. Mesh surfaces were averaged within subjects to minimize segmentation error. We fitted quantitative genetic models at each of 30,000 surface points to measure the proportion of shape variance attributable to (1) genetic differences among subjects, (2) environmental influences unique to each individual, and (3) shared environmental effects. Surface-based statistical maps, derived from path analysis, revealed patterns of heritability, and their significance, in 3D. Path coefficients for the 'ACE' model that best fitted the data indicated significant contributions from genetic factors (A = 7.3%), common environment (C = 38.9%) and unique environment (E = 53.8%) to lateral ventricular volume. Earlier-maturing occipital horn regions may also be more genetically influenced than later-maturing frontal regions. Maps visualized spatially-varying profiles of environmental versus genetic influences. The approach shows promise for automatically measuring gene-environment effects in large image databases.


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An overwhelming majority of all the research on soil phosphorus (P) has been carried out with soil samples taken from the surface soils only, and our understanding of the forms and the reactions of P at a soil profile scale is based on few observations. In Finland, the interest in studying the P in complete soil profiles has been particularly small because of the lack of tradition in studying soil genesis, morphology, or classification. In this thesis, the P reserves and the retention of orthophosphate phosphorus (PO4-P) were examined in four cultivated mineral soil profiles in Finland (three Inceptisols and one Spodosol). The soils were classified according to the U.S. Soil Taxonomy and soil samples were taken from the genetic horizons in the profiles. The samples were analyzed for total P concentration, Chang and Jackson P fractions, P sorption properties, concentrations of water-extractable P, and for concentrations of oxalate-extractable Al and Fe. Theoretical P sorption capacities and degrees of P saturation were calculated with the data from the oxalate-extractions and the P fractionations. The studied profiles can be divided into sections with clearly differing P characteristics by their master horizons Ap, B and C. The C (or transitional BC) horizons below an approximate depth of 70 cm were dominated by, assumingly apatitic, H2SO4-soluble P. The concentration of total P in the C horizons ranged from 729 to 810 mg kg-1. In the B horizons between the depths of 30 and 70 cm, a significant part of the primary acid-soluble P has been weathered and transformed to secondary P forms. A mean weathering rate of the primary P in the soils was estimated to vary between 230 and 290 g ha-1 year-1. The degrees of P saturation in the B and C horizons were smaller than 7%, and the solubility of PO4-P was negligible. The P conditions in the Ap horizons differed drastically from those in the subsurface horizons. The high concentrations of total P (689-1870 mg kg-1) in the Ap horizons are most likely attributable to long-term cultivation with positive P balances. A significant proportion of the P in the Ap horizons occurred in the NH4F- and NaOH-extractable forms and as organic P. These three P pools, together with the concentrations of oxalate-extractable Al and Fe, seem to control the dynamics of PO4-P in the soils. The degrees of P saturation in the Ap horizons were greater (8-36%) than in the subsurface horizons. This was also reflected in the sorption experiments: Only the Ap horizons were able to maintain elevated PO4-P concentrations in the solution phase − all the subsoil horizons acted as sinks for PO4-P. Most of the available sorption capacity in the soils is located in the B horizons. The results suggest that this capacity could be utilized in reducing the losses of soluble P from excessively fertilized soils by mixing highly sorptive material from the B horizons with the P-enriched surface soil. The drastic differences in the P characteristics observed between adjoining horizons have to be taken into consideration when conducting soil sampling. Sampling of subsoils has to be made according to the genetic horizons or at small depth increments. Otherwise, contrasting materials are likely to be mixed in the same sample; and the results of such samples are not representative of any material present in the studied profile. Air-drying of soil samples was found to alter the results of the sorption experiments and the water extractions. This indicates that the studies on the most labile P forms in soil should be carried out with moist samples.


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Mapping the shear wave velocity profile is an important part in seismic hazard and microzonation studies. The shear wave velocity of soil in the city of Bangalore was mapped using the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) technique. An empirical relationship was found between the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) corrected N value ((N1)60cs) and measured shear wave velocity (Vs). The survey points were selected in such a way that the results represent the entire Bangalore region, covering an area of 220 km2. Fifty-eight 1-D and 20 2-D MASW surveys were performed and their velocity profiles determined. The average shear wave velocity of Bangalore soils was evaluated for depths of 5 m, 10 m, 15 m, 20 m, 25 m and 30 m. The sub-soil classification was made for seismic local site effect evaluation based on average shear wave velocity of 30-m depth (Vs30) of sites using the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) and International Building Code (IBC) classification. Mapping clearly indicates that the depth of soil obtained from MASW closely matches with the soil layers identified in SPT bore holes. Estimation of local site effects for an earthquake requires knowledge of the dynamic properties of soil, which is usually expressed in terms of shear wave velocity. Hence, to make use of abundant SPT data available on many geotechnical projects in Bangalore, an attempt was made to develop a relationship between Vs (m/s) and (N1)60cs. The measured shear wave velocity at 38 locations close to SPT boreholes was used to generate the correlation between the corrected N values and shear wave velocity. A power fit model correlation was developed with a regression coefficient (R2) of 0.84. This relationship between shear wave velocity and corrected SPT N values correlates well with the Japan Road Association equations.


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Transmission of bulk power at high voltages over very long distances has become very imperative. At present, throughout the globe, this task has been mostly performed by overhead transmission lines. The dual task of mechanically supporting and electrically isolating the live phase conductors from the support tower is performed by string insulators. Whether in clean condition or under polluted conditions, the electrical stress distribution along the insulators governs the possible flashover, which is quite detrimental to the system. However, a reliable data on stress distribution in commonly employed string insulators are rather scarce. Considering this, the present work has made an attempt to study accurately, the field distribution in 220 kV strings for six different types of porcelain/ceramic insulators (Normal and Antifog discs) used for high voltage transmission. The surface charge simulation method is employed for the required field computation. Voltage and electric stress distribution is deduced and compared across different types of discs. A comparison on normalised surface resistance, which is an indicator for the stress concentration under polluted condition, is also attempted.


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Since the end of second world war, extra high voltage ac transmission has seen its development. The distances between generating and load centres as well as the amount of power to be handled increased tremendously for last 50 years. The highest commercial voltage has increased to 765 kV in India and 1,200 kV in many other countries. The bulk power transmission has been mostly performed by overhead transmission lines. The dual task of mechanically supporting and electrically isolating the live phase conductors from the support tower is performed by string insulators. Whether in clean condition or under polluted conditions, the electrical stress distribution along the insulators governs the possible flashover, which is quite detrimental to the system. Hence the present investigation aims to study accurately, the field distribution for various types of porcelain/ceramic insulators (Normal and Antifog discs) used for high-voltage transmission. The surface charge simulation method is employed for the field computation. A comparison on normalised surface resistance, which is an indicator for the stress concentration under polluted condition, is also attempted.


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The demixing behavior, transient morphologies and mechanism of phase separation in PS/PVME blends were greatly altered in the presence of a very low concentration of rod-like particles (multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWNTs). This phenomenon is due to the specific interaction of one of the phases (PVME) with the anisotropic MWNTs, which creates a heterogeneous environment in the blend. This specific interaction alters the chain dynamics in the interfacial region as against the bulk. A comprehensive analysis using isochronal temperature sweep was performed to understand the demixing temperature in the blends. The evolution of phase morphology as a function of time and temperature was assessed by polarizing optical microscopy (POM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The addition of MWNTs increased the rheological demixing temperature and the spinodal temperature in almost all the compositions. The intriguing transient morphologies were mapped, which varied from nucleation and growth to coalescence-induced viscoelastic phase separation (C-VPS) in PVME-rich blends, to spinodal decomposition in the near-critical compositions, to transient gel-induced VPS (T-VPS) in the PS-rich compositions. Mapping of the morphology development displayed two types of fracture mechanisms: ductile fracture for near-critical compositions and brittle fracture for off-critical composition. The change in the phase separation mechanism in the presence of MWNTs was due to the variation in dynamic asymmetry brought about by these anisotropic particles. All these observations were correlated by POM, SEM and AFM studies. The length of the cooperatively rearranging region (CRR), as evaluated using modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) measurements, was found to be composition-independent. The observed variation of effective glass transition of PVME (low T-g component) on blending with PS (high Tg component) and by the addition of MWNTs accounts for the dynamic heterogeneity introduced by MWNTs in the system.


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Despite the important role of supraglacial debris in ablation, knowledge of debris thickness on Himalayan glaciers is sparse. A recently developed method based on reanalysis data and thermal band satellite imagery has proved to be potentially suitable for debris thickness estimation without the need for detailed field data. In this study, we further develop the method and discuss possibilities and limitations arising from its application to a glacier in the Himalaya with scarce in situ data. Surface temperature patterns are consistent for 13 scenes of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat 7 imagery and correlate well with incoming shortwave radiation and air temperature. We use an energy-balance approach to subtract these radiation or air temperature effects, in order to estimate debris thickness patterns as a function of surface temperature. Both incoming shortwave and longwave radiation are estimated with reasonable accuracy when applying parameterizations and reanalysis data. However, the model likely underestimates debris thickness, probably due to incorrect representation of vertical debris temperature profiles, the rate of heat storage and turbulent sensible heat flux. Moreover, the uncertainty of the result was found to increase significantly with thicker debris, a promising result since ablation is enhanced by thin debris of 1-2 cm.


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To improve the spatial distribution of nano particles in a polymeric host and to enhance the interfacial interaction with the host, the use of chain-end grafted nanoparticle has gained popularity in the field of polymeric nanocomposites. Besides changing the material properties of the host, these grafted nanoparticles strongly alter the dynamics of the polymer chain at both local and cooperative length scales (relaxations) by manipulating the enthalpic and entropic interactions. It is difficult to map the distribution of these chain-end grafted nanoparticles in the blend by conventional techniques, and herein, we attempted to characterize it by unique technique(s) like peak force quantitative nanomechanical mapping (PFQNM) through AFM (atomic force microscopy) imaging and dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS). Such techniques, besides shedding light on the spatial distribution of the nanoparticles, also give critical information on the changing elasticity at smaller length scales and hierarchical polymer chain dynamics in the vicinity of the nanoparticles. The effect of one-dimensional rodlike multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), with the characteristic dimension of the order of the radius of gyration of the polymeric chain, on the phase miscibility and chain dynamics in a classical LCST mixture of polystyrene/ poly(vinyl methyl ether) (PS/PVME) was examined in detail using the above techniques. In order to tune the localization of the nanotubes, different molecular weights of PS (13, 31, and 46 kDa), synthesized using RAFT (reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer) polymerization, was grafted onto MWNTs in situ. The thermodynamic miscibility in the blends was assessed by low-amplitude isochronal temperature sweeps, the spatial distribution of MWNTs in the blends was evaluated by PFQNM, and the hierarchical polymer chain dynamics was studied by DRS. It was observed that the miscibility, concentration fluctuation, and cooperative relaxations of the PS/PVME blends are strongly governed by the spatial distribution of MWNTs in the blends. These findings should help guide theories and simulations of hierarchical chain dynamics in LCST mixtures containing rodlike nanoparticles.


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To improve the spatial distribution of nano particles in a polymeric host and to enhance the interfacial interaction with the host, the use of chain-end grafted nanoparticle has gained popularity in the field of polymeric nanocomposites. Besides changing the material properties of the host, these grafted nanoparticles strongly alter the dynamics of the polymer chain at both local and cooperative length scales (relaxations) by manipulating the enthalpic and entropic interactions. It is difficult to map the distribution of these chain-end grafted nanoparticles in the blend by conventional techniques, and herein, we attempted to characterize it by unique technique(s) like peak force quantitative nanomechanical mapping (PFQNM) through AFM (atomic force microscopy) imaging and dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS). Such techniques, besides shedding light on the spatial distribution of the nanoparticles, also give critical information on the changing elasticity at smaller length scales and hierarchical polymer chain dynamics in the vicinity of the nanoparticles. The effect of one-dimensional rodlike multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), with the characteristic dimension of the order of the radius of gyration of the polymeric chain, on the phase miscibility and chain dynamics in a classical LCST mixture of polystyrene/ poly(vinyl methyl ether) (PS/PVME) was examined in detail using the above techniques. In order to tune the localization of the nanotubes, different molecular weights of PS (13, 31, and 46 kDa), synthesized using RAFT (reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer) polymerization, was grafted onto MWNTs in situ. The thermodynamic miscibility in the blends was assessed by low-amplitude isochronal temperature sweeps, the spatial distribution of MWNTs in the blends was evaluated by PFQNM, and the hierarchical polymer chain dynamics was studied by DRS. It was observed that the miscibility, concentration fluctuation, and cooperative relaxations of the PS/PVME blends are strongly governed by the spatial distribution of MWNTs in the blends. These findings should help guide theories and simulations of hierarchical chain dynamics in LCST mixtures containing rodlike nanoparticles.


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Depth profiles of carrier concentrations in GaMnSb/GaSb are investigated by electrochemistry capacitance-voltage profiler and electrolyte of Tiron. The carrier concentration in GaMnSb/GaSb measured by this method is coincident with the results of Hall and X-ray diffraction measurements. It is indicated that most of the Mn atoms in GaMnSb take the site of Ga, play a role of acceptors, and provide shallow acceptor level(s).


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[EN]Trans fatty acids are found naturally in foods, particularly in those derived from ruminant animals, such as beef and dairy cattle. Over the past few decades, human consumption of trans fatty acids has increased, but this has been mainly from products containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. The correlation of trans fatty acid consumption with diseases such as coronary heart disease has been cause for concern, and led to recommendations to reduce their consumption. Trans fatty acids, however, have differing effects on human health. Therefore, in foods produced from ruminant animals, it is important to know their trans fatty acid composition, and how to enrich or deplete fatty acids that have positive or negative health effects. This review will cover the analysis of trans fatty acids in beef, their origin, how to manipulate their concentrations, and give a brief overview of their health effects.


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Depth profiles of carrier concentrations in GaMnSb/GaSb are investigated by electrochemistry capacitance-voltage profiler and electrolyte of Tiron. The carrier concentration in GaMnSb/GaSb measured by this method is coincident with the results of Hall and X-ray diffraction measurements. It is indicated that most of the Mn atoms in GaMnSb take the site of Ga, play a role of acceptors, and provide shallow acceptor level(s).


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Maps of surface chlorophyllous pigment (Chl a + Pheo a) are currently produced from ocean color sensors. Transforming such maps into maps of primary production can be reliably done only by using light-production models in conjuction with additional information about the column-integrated pigment content and its vertical distribution. As a preliminary effort in this direction. $\ticksim 4,000$ vertical profiles pigment (Chl a + Pheo a) determined only in oceanic Case 1 waters have been statistically analyzed. They were scaled according to dimensionless depths (actual depth divided by the depth of the euphotic layer, $Z_e$) and expressed as dimensionless concentrations (actual concentration divided by the mean concentration within the euphotic layer). The depth $Z_e$ generally unknown, was computed with a previously develop bio-optical model. Highly sifnificant relationships were found allowing $\langle C \rangle_tot$, the pigment content of the euphotic layer, to be inferred from the surface concentration, $\bar C_pd$, observed within the layer of one penetration depth. According to their $\bar C_pd$ values (ranging from $0.01 to > 10 mg m^-3$), we categorized the profiles into seven trophic situations and computed a mean vertical profile for each. Between a quasi-uniform profile in eutrophic waters and a profile with a strong deep maximum in oligotrophic waters, the shape evolves rather regularly. The wellmixed cold waters, essentially in the Antarctic zone, have been separately examined. On average, their profiles are featureless, without deep maxima, whatever their trophic state. Averaged values their profiles are featureless, without deep maxima, whatever their trophic state. Averaged values their profiles are featureless, without deep maxima, whatever their trophic state. Averaged values of $ρ$, the ratio of Chl a tp (Chl a + Pheo a), have also been obtained for each trophic category. The energy stored by photosynthesizing algae, once normalized with respect to the integrated chlorophyll biomass $\langle C \rangle _tot $ is proportional to the available photosythetic energy at the surface via a parameter $ψ∗$ which is the cross-section for photosynthesis per unit of areal chlorophyll. By tanking advantage of the relative stability of $ψ∗.$ we can compute primary production from ocean color data acquired from space. For such a computation, inputs are the irradiance field at the ocean surface, the "surface" pigment from which $\langle C \rangle _tot$ can be derived, the mean $ρ value pertinent to the trophic situation as depicted by the $\bar C_pd or $\langle C \rangle _tot$ values, and the cross-section $ψ∗$. Instead of a contant $ψ∗.$ value, the mean profiles can be used; they allow the climatological field of the $ψ∗.$ parameter to be adjusted through the parallel use of a spectral light-production model.


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In this study, we report on the use of NMR-based metabolomics to access variation in low molecular weight polar metabolites between the European wheat cultivars Apache, Charger, Claire and Orvantis. Previous unassigned resonances in the published NMR spectra of wheat extracts were identified using C NMR and two dimensional proton-carbon NMR. These included a peak for trans-aconitate (d3.43) and resonances corresponding to fructose in the crowded carbohydrate region of the spectra. Large metabolite differences were observed between two different growth stages, namely the coleoptile and two week old leaf tissue extracts which were consistent across cultivars. Two week old leaf tissue extracts had higher abundances of glutamine, glutamate, sucrose and trans-aconitate and less glucose and fructose than were observed in the coleoptile extracts. Across both growth stages the cultivars Apache and Charger showed the greatest differences in metabolite profiles. Charger had higher abundances of betaine, the single most influential metabolite in the principal component analysis, in addition to fructose and sucrose. However, Charger had lower levels of aspartate, choline and glucose than Apache. These findings demonstrate the potential for a biochemical mapping approach using NMR, across European wheat germplasm, for metabolites of known importance to functional characteristics. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009.