402 resultados para MALEATED POLYPROPYLENE


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The effects of 0, 30 and 60 mM NaCl and substrates (red peat, sand or 3:1:1 [w/w] mixture of peat, sand, or soil) on vegetative growth of lulo, an Andean fruit species, during 12 weeks were studied. The experiment was carried out by using 2000 cm³ of polypropylene plastic pots under greenhouse conditions. Plant height, number of leaves and nodes, leaf area, total plant dry matter (DM), and shoot/root ratio were evaluated. With the increase of salt concentration, the plant height, the number of leaves and nodes, the leaf areas and plant dry mass DM decreased, whereas shoot/root ratio increased. Sand grown lulo plants were most affected by salinity and presented total mortality at 60 mM NaCl. On the other hand, plants held either in peat or in substrate mixture developed larger height, greater leaf and node numbers, higher leaf area and dry matter content. Shoot/root ratio in control (soil) and sand-grown plants (30 mM NaCl) was lower.


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'Douradão' peach is a perishable product and when cold stored is subject to chilling injury. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and cold storage on quality and storage life of these peaches. Fruits were packed in polypropylene (PP) trays and placed inside low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags (30, 50, 60, 75 μm thickness) with active modified atmosphere (10 kPa CO2 + 1.5kPa O2, balance N2). The control was made with peaches held in nonwrapped PP trays. Fruits were kept at 1 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% relative humidity (RH) for 28 days and CO2 and O2 within packages was monitored every two days. After 14, 21 and 28 days, samples were withdrawn from MAP and kept in air at 25 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% RH for ripening. On the day of removal from the cold storage and after 4 days, peaches were evaluated for weight loss, decay incidence, flesh firmness, woolliness incidence, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and juice content. The results showed that MAP had influence on reducing weight loss and prevented postharvest decay. MAP of 1-2 kPa O2 and 3-6 kPa CO2 at 1 °C (from 50 and 60 μm LDPE films) were effective for keeping good quality of 'Douradão' peaches during 28 days of storage, the ripe fruits showed reduced incidence of woolliness, adequate juiciness and flesh firmness. Packages of 30 and 75 μm LDPE films were ineffective for reducing woolliness during cold storage. MAP fruits showed lower SSC and no relevant effect on TA. Control fruits did not present marketable conditions after 14 days of cold storage.


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The present study evaluated the effects of modified atmosphere packaging on inhibition of the development of chilling injury symptoms in 'Douradão' peach after cold storage and the possible involvement of cell wall enzymes. Fruits were harvested at the middle stadium of ripening, packed in polypropylene trays and placed inside low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags (30, 50, 60 and 75 µm of thickness) with active modified atmosphere (10 kPa CO2 + 1.5 kPa O2, balance N2). The following treatments were tested: Control: peaches held in nonwrapped trays; MA30: LDPE film - 30 µm; MA50: LDPE film - 50 µm; MA60: LDPE film - 60 µm and MA75: LDPE film - 75 µm. Fruits were kept at 1±1ºC and 90±5% relative humidity (RH) for 28 days. After 14, 21 and 28 days, samples were withdrawn from MAP and kept in air at 25±1ºC and 90±5% RH for ripening. On the day of removal and after 4 days, peaches were evaluated for woolliness incidence, pectolytic enzymes activities. The respiratory rate and ethylene synthesis were monitored during 6 days of ripening. The results showed that MA50 and MA60 treatments had positive effect on the inhibition of the development of woolly texture and reduced pectin methylesterase activity on the ripe fruits, keeping good quality of 'Douradão' peach during 28 days of cold storage. The treatments Control, MA30 and MA75 showed higher woolliness incidence and did not present marketable conditions after 14 days of cold storage.


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Työn aiheena on siistausmassan saostuksessa käytettävä kiekkosuodatinväliaine ja tarkoituksena selvittää lankamateriaalien ja pinnoitusaineiden vaikutusta väliaineen likaantumisherkkyyteen ja suodatusteknisiin ominaisuuksiin. Siistauslaitosten ongelmana on suodatinväliaineen likaantuminen massassa olevien tahmo- ja painoväripartikkelien johdosta. Tällä hetkellä siistauslaitosten kiekkosuodatinpussien valmistuksessa käytetään pääasiassa polypropeeni- ja polyvinylideenifluoridimonofilamenttilankoja, joiden lianhylkivyys on osoittautunut huonoksi. Uusiksi lankamateriaaleiksi tutkimuksiin valittiin Easy Kleen I, Easy Kleen II, Hyflon, Halar ja Polyesteri. Tulosten perusteella Easy Kleen I ja II monofilamenttilangoista kudotun suodatinkankaan lianhylkivyys on polypropeeni- ja polyvinylideenifluoridimonofilamenttilangoista kudottua kangasta parempi. Suodatusteknisissä ominaisuuksissa ei materiaalien välillä havaittu merkittävää eroa. Easy Kleen monofilamenttilangat näyttävät soveltuvan myös keittokutistumiltaan ja mekaanisilta ominaisuuksiltaan kiekkosuodatinpussien materiaaleiksi. Polypropeeni- ja polyesterimonofilamenettilangoista kudottujen suodatinkankaiden pinnoittamisessa käytettiin hydrofiilisiä ja hydrofobisia pinnoitusaineita. Tulosten perusteella on mahdollista parantaa suodatinkankaan lianhylkivyyttä pinnoittamalla. Pinnoitettu kangas on myös suodatusteknisiltä ominaisuuksiltaan toimiva. Ongelmaksi suodatinkankaiden pinnoittamisessa saattaa kuitenkin muodostua pinnoituslämpötila, jossa kangas kutistuu asennuskelvottomaksi.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin erilaisten sisäisten donorien vaikutusta polypropeenin ominaisuuksiin käytettäessä Ziegler-Natta-katalyyttiä, joka valmistettiin Borealiksen aiemmin kehittämällä kaksifaasimenetelmällä. Tällä uudella menetelmällä katalyytti voidaan valmistaa ilman lisättyä sisäistä donoria ja kantajaa. Katalyyttihiukkaset saadaan kaksifaasisysteemin ansiosta muodoltaan pyöreiksi. Työn kokeellisessa osassa valmistettiin erilaisia Mg-komplekseja, jossa sisäinen donori muodostuu in-situ alkoholin ja karboksyylihappokloridin reagoidessa keskenään. Katalyyttisynteesissä Mg-kompleksi reagoi TiCl4:n kanssa. Saatujen katalyyttien ominaisuuksia testattiin polymeroimalla niillä propeenia 70 °C:ssa tunnin ajan. Polymeerien ominaisuuksia tutkittiin useiden eri karakterisointimenetelmien avulla. Lisäksi tutkittiin mahdollisuutta valmistaa katalyytti, joka ei sisältäisi ftalaattia. Työssä havaittiin, että katalyytin valmistusmenetelmä on käyttökelpoinen myös muilla sisäisillä donoreilla kuin referenssinä käytetyllä DOP:lla. Kaksiliuosfaasi-systeemi saatiin aikaan myös kahdella muulla työssä tutkitulla sisäisellä donorilla. Lisäksi faasitasapainokokeissa kahden liuosfaasin systeemi saatiin aikaan sisäisellä donorilla, joka ei sisältänyt ftalaattia. Kyseisellä katalyytillä havaittiin olevan muista katalyyteistä poikkeavia ominaisuuksia. Esimerkiksi se antoi matalamman isotaktisuuden kuin referenssikatalyytti ja se saattaisikin soveltua matalan isotaktisuuden pehmeille tuotteille. Työssä kokeiltiin yhdellä uudella katalyytillä myös eteenin polymerointia, sillä katalyytin donoripitoisuus oli hyvin matala. Katalyytin aktiivisuus eteenipolymeroinnissa oli varsin hyvä.


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Infrared spectroscopy laboratories works under permanent care with respect to water contamination, mainly in liquid samples. In this case crystal plates destruction or damage are frequent, increasing the operational expenses. On the other hand, the laboratory which produces such samples must be very careful in drying liquid samples. In this work we develop a simple and inexpensive way to operate in such conditions using polypropylene and HDPE films which were thermally soldered resulting little containers or sample holders. The spectra of sample/sample holder is achieved having the sample holder as background.


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Though there has been a great deal of work concerning the development of natural fibers in reinforced starch-based composites, there is still more to be done. In general, cellulose fibers have lower strength than glass fibers; however, their specific strength is not far from that of fiberglass. In this work, alpha-fibers were obtained from alpha-grass through a mild cooking process. The fibers were used to reinforce a starch-based biopolymer. Composites including 5 to 35% (w/w) alpha-grass fibers in their formulation were prepared, tested, and subsequently compared with those of wood- and fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene (PP). The term “high-performance” refers to the tensile strength of the studied composites and is mainly due to a good interphase, a good dispersion of the fibers inside the matrix, and a good aspect ratio. The tensile strength of the composites showed a linear evolution for fiber contents up to 35% (w/w). The strain at break of the composites decreased with the fiber content and showed the stiffening effects of the reinforcement. The prepared composites showed high mechanical properties, even approaching those of glass fiber reinforced composites


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This paper deals with the product design, engineering, and material selection intended for the manufacturing of an eco-friendly chair. The final product is expected to combine design attributes with technical and legal feasibility with the implementation of new bio-based materials. Considering the industrial design, a range of objectives and trends were determined after setting the market requirements, and the final concept was proposed and modeled. The product geometry, production technology, and legal specifications were the input data for product engineering. The material selection was based on the technical requirements. Polypropylene (PP) composite materials based on coupled-fiberglass, sized-fiberglass, and coupled-stone ground wood reinforcements were prepared and characterized. Final formulations based on these PP composites are proposed and justified


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The main objective of this research was to study the feasibility of incorporating organosolv semi-chemical triticale fibers as the reinforcing element in recycled high density polyethylene (HDPE). In the first step, triticale fibers were characterized in terms of chemical composition and compared with other biomass species (wheat, rye, softwood, and hardwood). Then, organosolv semi-chemical triticale fibers were prepared by the ethanolamine process. These fibers were characterized in terms of its yield, kappa number, fiber length/diameter ratio, fines, and viscosity; the obtained results were compared with those of eucalypt kraft pulp. In the second step, the prepared fibers were examined as a reinforcing element for recycled HDPE composites. Coupled and non-coupled HDPE composites were prepared and tested for tensile properties. Results showed that with the addition of the coupling agent maleated polyethylene (MAPE), the tensile properties of composites were significantly improved, as compared to non-coupled samples and the plain matrix. Furthermore, the influence of MAPE on the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) was studied. The contributions of both fibers and matrix to the composite strength were also studied. This was possible by the use of a numerical iterative method based on the Bowyer-Bader and Kelly-Tyson equations


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Worldwide cultivation of corn is expanding, due in part to the increasing production of bioethanol. In consequence, huge amounts of corn stalks residues are been produced. Instead of incineration, we transformed the corn stalks into a semichemical pulp and successfully applied it as reinforcement in polypropylene composites. PP composites reinforced with 40% wt corn stalk single fibers were prepared, and their mechanical properties were evaluated. Through mechanical properties modeling of the composites, the intrinsic tensile strength of the cellulosic fibers that constitute the corn stalk have been determined


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Samples of polypropylene (PP) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) were submitted to ultraviolet radiation, in the natural environment and also in the laboratory. Chemical modifications were quantified by the carbonyl index (CI), mechanical properties and melt flow index. The degradation in the laboratory was comparatively faster than in the environment for both types of polymers. The accelerating factor was determined for the various properties investigated. This parameter, however, showed a large variation with the degradation criteria and the type of polymer. The existence of a "universal accelerating factor", therefore, was not observed in the current study.


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In this work a simple and versatile procedure is described for treating water samples using small polypropylene (PP) vials (4 mL) for determining heavy metals by square wave voltammetry (SWV). This procedure involves treatment with nitric acid (0.2 mol L-1) and boiling in a water-bath (~ 100 ºC). This process is completed after one hour and allows the pretreatment of several samples simultaneously. The accuracy was estimated using addition/recovery studies and certified water sample analysis, yielding an agreement near to 100%.


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In this work, we use the rule of mixtures to develop an equivalent material model in which the total strain energy density is split into the isotropic part related to the matrix component and the anisotropic energy contribution related to the fiber effects. For the isotropic energy part, we select the amended non-Gaussian strain energy density model, while the energy fiber effects are added by considering the equivalent anisotropic volumetric fraction contribution, as well as the isotropized representation form of the eight-chain energy model that accounts for the material anisotropic effects. Furthermore, our proposed material model uses a phenomenological non-monotonous softening function that predicts stress softening effects and has an energy term, derived from the pseudo-elasticity theory, that accounts for residual strain deformations. The model’s theoretical predictions are compared with experimental data collected from human vaginal tissues, mice skin, poly(glycolide-co-caprolactone) (PGC25 3-0) and polypropylene suture materials and tracheal and brain human tissues. In all cases examined here, our equivalent material model closely follows stress-softening and residual strain effects exhibited by experimental data


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The preparation of oat-reinforced polypropylene nanocomposites with different fiber contents by means of melt-processing was investigated. Composite properties were evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Flexural Modulus, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Findings confirmed that the oat composite properties were affected by fiber type and content. Improvements in mechanical properties were obtained using fiber contents < 20% w.t.


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Although metals and nitrogen/sulfur compounds have been the main concern of the petroleum industry, issues concerning the harmful effects on catalysts poisoning and product contamination by other contaminants such as oxygen-containing compounds have been raised. Trace amounts of carbonyl and carboxyl compounds in petroleum products can lead to catalyst poisoning. Additionally, oxygenates may be present in final polyethylene and polypropylene resins, affecting the quality of food packaging. In this work, we reviewed potential analytical approaches for oxygenates determination in petroleum products and report the features of each potential technique.