342 resultados para MACROECONOMICS


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Provides a theoretical explanation of Australian macroeconomic fluctuations, identifies the major driving forces and measures the relative importance of different factors. The research shows that technology, the terms of trade and other real factors are the major driving forces behind Australian macroeconomic fluctations.


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Using ‘low-frequency’ volatility extracted from aggregate volatility shocks in interest rate swap (hereafter, IRS) market, this paper investigates whether Japanese yen IRS volatility can be explained by macroeconomic risks. The analysis suggests that this low-frequency yen IRS volatility has strong and positive association with most of the macroeconomic risk proxies (e.g., volatility of consumer price index, industrial production volatility, foreign exchange volatility, slope of the term structure and money supply) with the exception of the unemployment rate, which is negatively related to IRS volatility. This finding is fairly consistent with the argument that the greater the macroeconomic risk the greater is the use of derivative instruments to hedge or speculate. The relationship between the macroeconomic risks and IRS volatility varies slightly across the different swap maturities but is robust to alternative volatility specifications. This linkage between swap market and macroeconomy has practical implications since market makers and hedgers use the swap rate as benchmark for pricing long-term interest rates, corporate bonds and various other securities.


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The presence of deterministic or stochastic trend in U.S. GDP has been a continuing debate in the literature of macroeconomics. Ben-David and Papell (1995) found evindence in favor of trend stationarity using the secular sample of Maddison (1995). More recently, Murray and Nelson (2000) correctly criticized this nding arguing that the Maddison data are plagued with additive outliers (AO), which bias inference towards stationarity. Hence, they propose to set the secular sample aside and conduct inference using a more homogeneous but shorter time-span post-WWII sample. In this paper we re-visit the Maddison data by employing a test that is robust against AO s. Our results suggest the U.S. GDP can be modeled as a trend stationary process.


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The study aims to assess the empirical adherence of the permanent income theory and the consumption smoothing view in Latin America. Two present value models are considered, one describing household behavior and the other open economy macroeconomics. Following the methodology developed in Campbell and Schiller (1987), Bivariate Vector Autoregressions are estimated for the saving ratio and the real growth rate of income concerning the household behavior model and for the current account and the change in national cash ‡ow regarding the open economy model. The countries in the sample are considered separately in the estimation process (individual system estimation) as well as jointly (joint system estimation). Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (SURE) estimates of the coe¢cients are generated. Wald Tests are then conducted to verify if the VAR coe¢cient estimates are in conformity with those predicted by the theory. While the empirical results are sensitive to the estimation method and discount factors used, there is only weak evidence in favor of the permanent income theory and consumption smoothing view in the group of countries analyzed.


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Although there has been substantial research on long-run co-movement (common trends) in the empirical macroeconomics literature. little or no work has been done on short run co-movement (common cycles). Investigating common cycles is important on two grounds: first. their existence is an implication of most dynamic macroeconomic models. Second. they impose important restrictions on dynamic systems. Which can be used for efficient estimation and forecasting. In this paper. using a methodology that takes into account short- and long-run co-movement restrictions. we investigate their existence in a multivariate data set containing U.S. per-capita output. consumption. and investment. As predicted by theory. the data have common trends and common cycles. Based on the results of a post-sample forecasting comparison between restricted and unrestricted systems. we show that a non-trivial loss of efficiency results when common cycles are ignored. If permanent shocks are associated with changes in productivity. the latter fails to be an important source of variation for output and investment contradicting simple aggregate dynamic models. Nevertheless. these shocks play a very important role in explaining the variation of consumption. Showing evidence of smoothing. Furthermore. it seems that permanent shocks to output play a much more important role in explaining unemployment fluctuations than previously thought.


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this article addresses the welfare and macroeconomics effects of fiscal policy in a frarnework where govemment chooses tax rates and the distribution of revenues between consumption and investment. We construct and simulate a model where public consumption affects individuaIs' utility and public capital is an argument of the production function. The simulations suggest that by simply reallocating expenditures from consumption to investment, the govemment can increase the equilibrium leveIs of capital stock, hours worked, output and labor productivity. Funhennore, we 'show that the magnitude and direction of the long run impact of fiscal policy depends on the size of the elasticity of output to public capital. If this parameter is high enough, it may be the case that capital stock, within limits, increases with tax rates.


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Interest rates are key economic variables to much of finance and macroeconomics, and an enormous amount of work is found in both fields about the topic. Curiously, in spite of their common interest, finance and macro research on the topic have seldom interacted, using different approaches to address its main issues with almost no intersection. Concerned with interest rate contingent claims, finance term structure models relate interest rates to lagged interest rates; concerned with economic relations and macro dynamics, macro models regress a few interest rates on a wide variety of economic variables. If models are true though simplified descriptions of reality, the relevant factors should be captured by both the set of bond yields and that of economic variables. Each approach should be able to address the other field concerns with equal emciency, since the economic variables are revealed by the bond yields and these by the economic variables.


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Com o emprego ao modelo de dois setores de acumulação ótima de capital em economia aberta, determina-se o impacto sobre a trajetória do câmbio, dos salários, do investimento, da poupança e portanto, da dívida externa e do estoque de capital, de uma elevação permanente e não antecipada da produtividade da economia. Em geral, após um choque positivo permanente de produtividade há redução da poupança, piora do balanço de pagamentos em transações correntes e valorização do câmbio. Todos fenômenos que do ponto de vista do modelo são de equilíbrio intertemporal, consequência da elevação da renda permanente e do excesso de demanda por bens domésticos que sucede o ganho de produtividade. Supondo que os programas de estabilização elevaram a produtividade da economia é possível com a estrutura analítica construída racionalizar qualitativamente os fenômenos observados após estes planos.


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Economic theory deals with a complex reality, which may be seen through various perspectives, using different methods. Economics’ three major branches – development economics, macroeconomics, and microeconomics – cannot be unified because the former two use preferentially a historical-deductive, while the later, an essentially hypothetical-deductive or aprioristic method. Smith, Marx and Keynes used an essentially the method of the new historical facts, while Walras, an aprioristic one to devise the neoclassical general equilibrium model. The historical-deductive method looks for the new historical facts that condition the economic reality. Economic theory remains central, but it is more modest, or less general, as the economist that adopt principally this method is content to analyze stabilization and growth in the framework of a given historical phase or moment of the economic process. As a trade off, his models are more realistic and conducive to more effective economic policies, as long as he is not required to previously abandon, one by one, the unrealistic assumptions required by a excessively general theory, but already starts from more realistic ones


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O Estado e o mercado são instituições complementares. O Estado é a instituição principal que coordena as sociedades modernas; é o sistema constitucional e a organização que o garante; é o principal instrumento através do qual as sociedades democráticas estão moldando o capitalismo de modo a alcançar seus próprios objetivos políticos. Os mercados são instituições baseadas na competição, regulada pelo Estado para que contribuam com a coordenação da economia. Enquanto o liberalismo emergiu no século 18 para combater o estado autocrático, desde os anos 1980 o neoliberalismo (uma distorção maior do liberalismo econômico) tornou-se dominante e montou um assalto ao estado em nome do mercado, mas eventualmente também atacou o mercado. A macroeconomia neoclássica e a teoria da escolha pública foram as meta-ideologias que deram a esse assalto um apelo ‘científico’ e matemático.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é o de mostrar que a necessidade de fundamentar a macroeconomia na micro, é um falso problema, pois na medida em que certas decisões microeconômicas afetam a macroeconomia é verdade também que decisões macroeconômicas afetam a realidade microeconômica. O reconhecimento destes fatos nos permitirá construir modelos econômicos mais relevantes , bem como entender mais adequadamente a estrutura dos sistema econômico e as implicações para aplicação de políticas econômicas.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é o de apresentar um modelo que tenha condições de analisar as inter-relações entre macro e microeconomia, sem supor, de maneira apriorística, que todo o comportamento de variáveis macroeconômicas deva ter uma fundamentação microeconômica. Em tal análise se procurará mostrar como as variáveis macroeconômicas podem alterar a natureza e as reações dos agentes ao nível microeconômico e, ao mesmo tempo, chamar atenção para como as microvariáveis condicionam o ajustamento macroeconômico. Tal abordagem permite levar em consideração as configurações institucionais da economia, podendo constituir-se em um útil instrumento da análise dos processos de estabilização econômica.


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O objetivo deste artigo é discutir a necessidade de uma microfundamentação para a macroeconomia. Para tanto procurará mostrar que este é um falso problema para a análise Keynesiana, na medida em que esta supõe que a coordenação da economia não pode ser feita mediante os mecanismos de preços, mas que depende de certos arranjos institucionais. De outro lado, a análise procurará mostrar que os mecanismos de preços não podem coordenar uma economia real, no caso a capitalista, se supusermos realisticamente que esta apresenta, através do mecanismo de preços, comportamentos complexos e/ou caóticos.


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The aim of this paper is to relate the macroeconomic and the microeconomic aspects of stabilization policies, with a special regard to the situation in Latin America, mainly Brazil and Argentina. In order to make this analysis, it was firstly necessary to rethink on a critical basis the failures of microfoundations of macroeconomics, and from this point on to assess the main problems of stabilization policies formulation if these critical considerations are not undertaken.