997 resultados para Llenguatge corporal
Aquest projecte final de Pràcticum I de Psicologia de l'Educació explica totes les activitats que he dut a terme al llarg de la meva estada en practiques al centre Orienta. S'hi descriuen les característiques més rellevants del centre, així com els serveis que ofereix a la comunitat educativa, molt especialment els adreçats a ajudar els infants a millorar les seves capacitats d'aprenentatge, des d'un marc teòric cognitiu-conductual i sistèmic, tot emfatitzant el treball col·laboratiu que mantenen els professionals de l'educació amb les famílies dels nens. El projecte detalla les activitats de col·laboració en la intervenció que he realitzat des de l'àmbit educatiu de la Psicologia, la seva temporització i seguiment i finalment, les conclusions i prospectiva envers el treball realitzat, així com la valoració crítica que en faig de la meva estada en pràctiques.
Estudi del sindicalisme a Espanya des dels seus orígens i fins el 1870. L’autor planteja dues qüestions: la ideologia elaborada pel sindicalisme entre 1840 i 1856, i en segon lloc alguns aspectes de les relacions entre sindicalisme i política, i l’elaboració d’un llenguatge de classes
Chronic renal failure is commonly related to hyponutrition, affecting approximately on third of patients with advanced renal failure. We carried out a longitudinal study to assess nutritional evolution of 73 patients on a regular hemodialysis program, assessing changes in the anthropometrical parameter body mass index (BMI) and its correspondence to biochemical nutritional parameters such as total protein (TP) levels and serum albumin (Alb). Every three months plasma TP and albumin levels were collected and BMI was calculated by the standard formula: post-dialysis weight in kg/height in m2. For classifying by BMI categories, overweight and low weight were defined according to the WHO Expert Committee. Studied patients had a mean age of 53 years, 43 were male and 30 were female patients. BMI in women was lower than that in men (p < 0.001), as well as TP (p < 0.001) and Alb (p < 0.001) levels. Mean BMI was 29.3 kg/m2. Three point two percent of the determinations showed low weight, 12.16% overweight, and 83.97% normal BMI. TP were normal in 90.76% and decreased in 9.24%. Alb was normal in 82.2% and low in 17.78%. After the follow-up time (21.6 months, minimum 18 months, maximum 53 months), the Kruskal-Wallis test did not show a statistically significant change for BMI but it did show a change for the biochemical parameters albumin and total proteins (p < 0.05): nutritional impairment in CRF patients is manifested on biochemical parameters (TP and Alb) with no reflection on anthropometrical data.
Construcció d’una aplicació amb un llenguatge de programació concurrent i distribuït anomenat Erlang. Erlang és un llenguatge de programació funcional amb avaluació estricta, és a dir, assignació única i que inclou una màquina virtual. L’aplicació desenvolupada ha estat la programació d’un xat multiprotocol, el qual s’ha realitzat una primera part que ha consistit en el construcció d’un servidor per la xarxa local i el seu corresponent client. Llavors per poder fer un client més funcional i útil s’ha implementat un altre protocol, IRC. Al tractar-se d’un llenguatge espacialment dissenyat per treballar en processos s’ha intentat dissenyar d’una manera la qual es pugés aprofitar aquesta qualitat
El treball presenta un prototip que ofereix la possibilitat d’obtenir informació d’una base de dades usant consultes en Llenguatge Natural a través d’un entorn web distribuït.
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Profesionales / Salud Pública / Promoción de la Salud / Actividad Física y Alimentación Equilibrada / Consejo dietético)
Los problemas relacionados con el peso y la alimentación, incluyendo los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) y la obesidad, se asocian con una amplia gama de trastornos físicos y mentales. La tasa de obesidad entre adultos y adolescentes se ha duplicado en los últimos 20 años, mientras que, paralelamente, también se ha registrado un aumento en la prevalencia de TCA. A pesar de que la obesidad y los TCA se tratan y estudian como patologías diferentes, diversos estudios han identificado factores de riesgo y protectores que son comunes entre ambas afectaciones. Sin embargo, pocos son los estudios que analizan conjuntamente factores neuropsicológicos, biológicos y ambientales, de manera a determinar las interacciones existentes entre estos aspectos.Objetivos:1) Explorar las diferencias clínicas (conducta alimentaria, actividad y sueño y personalidad), neuropsicológicas (funciones ejecutivas y de atención) y del sistema olfativo-sensorial entre los dos diferentes subtipos de TCA y la obesidad, al ser comparado entre los grupos; 2) Explorar la asociación entre funcionamiento neuropsicológico y características clínicas (conducta alimentaria y perfil de personalidad), IMC y sistema olfativo-sensorial entre los distintos grupos. Método: Estudio transversal de casos y controles. La muestra será dividida en 4 grupos: 2 de casos (30 bajo peso con TCA y 30 Obesas con TCA), formados por pacientes admitidos, tratados en la Unidad de Trastornos Alimentarios y diagnosticados según el DSM-IV; y 2 de controles (30 bajo peso sin TCA y 30 Obesas sin TCA). CRITERIOS DE INCLUSION: Ser mujer, tener entre 18-45 años, Cumplir criterios diagnósticos DSM-IV (en caso TCA). Instrumentos: 1)Neuropsicologicos: TCI-R, WCST, SCWT; 2)Antropométricos: TANITA MC-180 Multifrecuencia; 3)Olfato-sensoriales: SSOT, Taste Strips; 4)Actividad: ACTIWATCH 7; 5)Calidad del sueño: PSQI ,Escala EPWORTH.Variables socio-demográficas también serán recogidas durante la entrevista clínica. Todos los instrumentos serán aplicados en la misma unidad en una única entrevista exceptuando el ACTIWATCH que los sujetos deberán llevar durante 6 días.
INTRODUCTION: Gain weight after transplantation is relatively common, also tends to be multifactorial and can be influenced by glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive medications, delayed graft function and cause serious health complications. OBJECTIVES: Assess changes in weight, degree of obesity and body mass index as well as the effect of immunosuppressive treatment over these 5 years after kidney transplantation. METHODS: The samples were 119 kidney transplant recipients, 70 men and 49 women, that attended the query post for five years. All patients were measured Pretransplant and post (from 1st year to the 5th year) weight, height and body mass index calculated by the formula weight/size2 relating it to immunosuppressive treatment taking. RESULTS: There is a considerable increase of body mass index, weight and degree of obesity in the first year after transplantation to increase more slowly in the next four years. The type of immunosuppressive treatment influence the weight and degree of obesity that occurs in this period of time. CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence there are overweight and obesity after the transplant especially during the first year. A year patients earn an average of 6.6 kg in weight and an average of 2.5 kg/m2 in their BMI. During treatment should minimize doses of steroids and include dietary treatment and adequate physical exercise
Introduction: The quality of life assessment means investigating how patients perceive their disease. Malnutrition-specific characteristics make patients more vulnerable, so it is important to know how these factors impaction patients’ daily life. Aim: To assess the quality of life in malnourished patients who have had hospital admission, and to determine the relationship of the quality of life with age, body mass index, diagnosis of malnutrition, and dependency. Method: Multicenter transversal descriptive study in 106 malnourished patients after hospital admission. The quality of life (SF-12 questionnaire), BMI, functional independency (Barthel index), morbidity, and a dietary intake evaluation were assessed. The relationship between variables was tested by using the Spearman correlation coefficient Results: The patients of the present study showed a SF-12 mean of 38.32 points. The age was significantly correlated with the SF-12 (r= -0.320, p= 0.001). The BMI was correlated with the SF-12 (r= 0.251, p= 0.011) and its mental component (r= 0.289, p= 0.03). It was also reported a significant correlation between the Barthel index and the SF-12 (r= 0.370, p< 0.001). Conclusions: The general health perception in malnourished patients who have had a hospital admission was lower than the Spanish mean. Moreover, the quality of life in these patients is significantly correlated with age, BMI and functional independency.
INTRODUCTION: frequently after kidney transplantation there is an increase in weight with a resulting high percent of obesity in these recipients. This combined with a rapid loss of bone mass, a higher prevalence of osteoporosis and fractures is evident than in normal populations. OBJECTIVES: to explore the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and prevalence of osteoporosis in a population of renal transplant recipients. METHODS: prospective longitudinal study design. The study was conducted on 306 kidney transplant recipients. The relationship between weigh and body mass index with femoral and lumbar osteopenia and osteoporosis prevalence at the moment of transplant and at 12 months post was explored. RESULTS: there was a high prevalence of overweight (35.6%) and obese (14.1%) recipients after renal transplant and 1 year after (42.2% and 24.2% respectively). Significant differences were found(p = 0.049) between the weight at the time of transplant and the presence of osteopenia or osteoporosis at the lumbar level one year after, the highest weights were in recipients with osteoporosis. The mean BMI was higher (p = 0.028) in osteoporotic patients (26.59 kg/m2) than in patients with osteopenia (24.23 kg/m2). CONCLUSION: results seem to be consistent with recent studies in the general population showing excessive weight as a possible factor detrimental to the bone health.
Background: Protein calorie malnutrition as well as systemic inflammation and metabolic disorders are common among patients with chronic renal failure undergoing renal replacement therapy (haemodialysis), which contributes to its morbidity and mortality. Aims: The aims of this work was to evaluate the nutritional status of patients in a hemodialysis treatment through the assessment of biochemical parameters nutritional as albumin, and anthropometric parameters of body mass index during ten years of follow up. Methods: In this work has been followed 90 patients of both sexes with chronic kidney disease who were treated with hemodialysis regularly on our unit for ten years. All patients were conducted quarterly measurements of plasma albumin (Alb), and other biochemical determinations, and anthropometric measurements of height, weight and body mass index calculated by the formula weight/height², grouped n BMI < 23 kg/m2 and albumin levels <3.8 g/dl according to the consensus of the panel of experts of the International Society for renal Nutrition and metabolism. Results: During the 10 years all patients showed a significant decline in the biochemical parameters and the albumin, change in BMI does not presented significant changes in relation to malnutrition. Conclusions: Malnutrition in patients on dialysis is a fact patent, BMI does not correspond with the biochemical parameters were observed, for what nutritional impairment in these patients is mainly expressed by serum albumin.
A movimentação de pacientes no leito, é um procedimento que requer grande esforço físico e utilização de boa mecânica corporal pelo pessoal de enfermagem, afim de prevenir-lhes problemas de dores nas costas. Reconhecendo a importância da movimentação e posicionamento, para promover segurança e conforto ao paciente, e diante das queixas dos profissionais, descritas na literatura, este trabalho tem por objetivos: identificar e analisar as posturas assumidas pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem e, identificar as facilidades e dificuldades encontradas durante a execução da referida atividade. Através da técnica de observação direta foram filmados, através de vídeo tape, trinta procedimentos de movimentação de paciente no leito executados por trabalhadores de enfermagem de uma clínica ortopédica de um hospital universitário. Os resultados evidenciaram que os trinta procedimentos foram executados ao longo de 197,41 minutos e que a postura corporal mais freqüentemente assumida foi coluna inclinada, braço com cotovelo abaixo da bancada, pernas extensão (53,76%). De acordo com os princípios da mecânica corporal e da ergonomia, tal postura é considerada penosa ao homem, devido às agressões músculo-esqueléticas e à sobrecarga física que acarreta. Os trabalhadores apontaram os aspectos: pequeno espaço (58,82%), elevada carga física (52,94%) e falta de pessoal (47,06%) como as principais dificuldades encontradas na execução da movimentação de paciente no leito, corroborando com os achados da literatura, caracterizando essa atividade como penosa, também apontaram que o uso da técnica adequada para movimentar o paciente (35,29%), o uso do lençol (35,29%)e o espaço adequado da enfermaria (23,52%), como aspectos que facilitariam a execução do procedimento.
O presente artigo aborda uma atividade inovadora no campo de ensino na área de Enfermagem. Esta atividade, teórica - vivencial, que chamamos de "Oficina de vivência corporal", tem como propostas: promover a consciência corporal; a apreensão de fundamentos sobre corporalidade; e fomentar a reflexão sobre si e o corpo do "outro ", que é sujeito de cuidados em enfermagem. É desenvolvido com alunos do Primeiro ano do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem - Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESPI EPM. Apresenta uma pesquisa descritiva, onde o fenômeno é descrito e explicado . Propõe-se investigar aspectos relativos a experiência de 202 alunos que participaram das atividades desenvolvidas nas oficinas, durante os anos de 1997, 1998 e 1999.
Verificar a relação entre capacidade cardiorrespiratória e gordura corporal em mulheres. Foram analisadas 229 mulheres com idade entre 50 e 84 anos. Foi realizada avaliação antropométrica e calculada a razão cintura/quadril, bem como o índice de conicidade. A capacidade cardiorrespiratória foi avaliada pelo teste de caminhada de seis minutos. Com o pedômetro foi possível avaliar: velocidade, comprimento da passada e total de passos. Os resultados foram distribuídos em quartil, e a comparação feita pela análise de variância com post-hoc. A relação entre teste de caminhada de seis minutos e a antropometria foi feita pela correlação de Pearson. Os resultados revelaram que mulheres com capacidade cardiorrespiratória no quartil4 apresentaram idade estatisticamente menor (p<0,05) que as do quartil1. As medidas antropométricas apresentaram valores menores (p<0,05), quando comparados os resultados dos quartis3 e 4 com os quartis1 e 2. Conclui-se que mulheres com maior tecido adiposo e acúmulo de gordura central apresentam menor capacidade cardiorrespiratória.
Aquest treball ofereix una crítica i una proposta de traducció de dues novel•les distòpiques: Nineteen Eighty-Four de George Orwell i The Handmaid's Tale de Margaret Atwoodm, les quals tracten el tema del llenguatge com a un dels elements clau del sistema totalitari que descriuen.