749 resultados para Literacy scores


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These guidelines were created by a Task Force appointed by the State Library of Iowa and the Iowa Department of Education to provide assistance to local school districts in developing school library programs. These include a summary of the data collected annually by the State Library of Iowa in its Survey of School Libraries. This data will allow local schools to compare themselves in terms of collections, budgets and staffing to schools of similar size throughout the state.


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Adult Education has a rich history in Iowa of providing services that assist adults in improving their skills, achieving their educational goals, and transitioning to further education or employment. Instruction is designed for adults functioning at the lowest levels of basic skills and English language instruction to advanced levels of learning.


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Chaque jour, le médecin utilise dans sa pratique des scores cliniques. Ces scores sont souvent des aides à la décision médicale. Les étapes de validation des scores cliniques sont par contre souvent méconnues du médecin. Cette revue rappelle les bases théoriques de la validation d'un score clinique et propose des exercices pratiques. [Abstract] Physicians are using clinical scores on a regular basis. These scores are generally helpful in making medical decisions. However, the process of validation of clinical scores is often unknown to the physicians. This paper reviews the theory of validation of clinical scores and proposes practical exercises.


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Background: The Geneva Prognostic Score (GPS), the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI), and its simplified version (sPESI) are well known clinical prognostic scores for pulmonary embolism (PE).Objectives: To compare the prognostic performance of these scores in elderly patients with PE. Patients/Methods: In a multicenter Swiss cohort of elderly patients with venous thromboembolism, we prospectively studied 449 patients aged ≥65 years with symptomatic PE. The outcome was 30-day overall mortality. We dichotomized patients as low- vs. higher-risk in all three scores using the following thresholds: GPS scores ≤2 vs. >2, PESI risk classes I-II vs. III-V, and sPESI scores 0 vs. ≥1. We compared 30-day mortality in low- vs. higher-risk patients and the areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC). Results: Overall, 3.8% of patients (17/449) died within 30 days. The GPS classified a greater proportion of patients as low risk (92% [413/449]) than the PESI (36.3% [163/449]) and the sPESI (39.6% [178/449]) (P<0.001 for each comparison). Low-risk patients based on the sPESI had a mortality of 0% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0-2.1%) compared to 0.6% (95% CI 0-3.4%) for low-risk patients based on the PESI and 3.4% (95% CI 1.9-5.6%) for low-risk patients based on the GPS. The areas under the ROC curves were 0.77 (95%CI 0.72-0.81), 0.76 (95% CI 0.72-0.80), and 0.71 (95% CI 0.66-0.75), respectively (P=0.47). Conclusions: In this cohort of elderly patients with PE, the GPS identified a higher proportion of patients as low-risk but the PESI and sPESI were more accurate in predicting mortality.


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Diabetes represents an important health burden on our society: for example in Lausanne (Switzerland) 16% of the adult population have abnormal glucose homeostasis and 6% have diabetes, of which about a third is not aware. Some guidelines identify the "at risk" population for which screening seems indicated. Simple clinical scores have been developed at allow to better estimate the risk of diabetes and hence to potentially better target screening of the disease. The recent discovery of more that 18 genetic variants associated with an increased risk to develop the diseased has allowed to include individual genotype into genetic risk scores. We will discuss in this article the usefulness of these genetic score, how they compare to clinical score, their implication for clinical practice as well as their potential ethical or economical consequences.


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El concepte d'alfabetització digital ha evolucionat per diverses vies al llarg del temps pel que fa a l'enfocament teòric emprat per a investigar les seves implicacions en l'estudi de la divisió digital de gènere en diversos contextos de la vida real. L'objectiu principal d'aquest document consisteix a fer servir un enfocament interdisciplinari per a analitzar algunes de les llacunes teòriques i empíriques presents en l'estudi de la divisió digital de gènere. S'analitzen alguns dels estudis empírics existents sobre aquesta qüestió i es proposen futures línies de recerca, amb l'objectiu de cobrir algunes de les llacunes en la recerca relacionada amb les implicacions de l'alfabetització digital en l'anàlisi de la divisió digital de gènere.


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The aim was to examine the capacity of commonly used type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) risk scores to predict overall mortality. The US-based NHANES III (n = 3138; 982 deaths) and the Swiss-based CoLaus study (n = 3946; 191 deaths) were used. The predictive value of eight T2DM risk scores regarding overall mortality was tested. The Griffin score, based on few self-reported parameters, presented the best (NHANES III) and second best (CoLaus) predictive capacity. Generally, the predictive capacity of scores based on clinical (anthropometrics, lifestyle, history) and biological (blood parameters) data was not better than of scores based solely on clinical self-reported data. T2DM scores can be validly used to predict mortality risk in general populations without diabetes. Comparison with other scores could further show whether such scores also suit as a screening tool for quick overall health risk assessment.


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Hi ha molts autors que relacionen els problemes d’aprenentatge d’un nen amb la seva lateralitat, i que atribueixen a la lateralitat contrariada, creuada o no definida els problemes en l’adquisició, entre altres, d’habilitats lectoescriptores. En aquest treball hem passat un test de lateralitat a 170 nens d’entre 6 i 7 anys (primer i segon de primària) amb proves de membre superior, membre inferior i ull, igual com de discriminació de dreta-esquerra i d’orientació espacial. Alhora, els professors tutors han valorat diversos ítems de l’aprenentatge escolar dels nens, amb qüestions sobre la seva comprensió lectora, el seu raonament matemàtic i la seva atenció a classe, entre d’altres. Segons els nostres resultats, els nens amb lateralitat homogènia destra són els que obtenen millors valoracions a tots els ítems d’aprenentatge respecte als homogenis esquerrans, els creuats i els no confirmats; els pocs casos que tenim d’homogenis esquerrans (un 3 % de la mostra) són els que tenen pitjors valoracions. A més a més, els nens que discriminen entre dreta i esquerra també tenen millors aprenentatges que no pas els que no ho fan; també s’orienten bé en l’espai en relació als que s’orienten malament.


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Muchos son los autores que relacionan los problemas de aprendizaje de un niño con su lateralidad, achacando a la lateralidad contrariada, cruzada o no definida los problemas en la adquisición, entre otras, de habilidades lecto-escritoras. En el presente trabajo hemos pasado un test de lateralidad a 170 niños de entre 6 y 7 años (primero y segundo de primaria) con pruebas de miembro superior, miembro inferior y ojo, así como de discriminación de derecha-izquierda y de orientación espacial. A su vez, los profesores tutores han valorado varios ítems del aprendizaje escolar de los niños, con cuestiones sobre su comprensión lectora, su razonamiento matemático y su atención en clase, entre otras. Según nuestros resultados, los niños con lateralidad homogénea diestra son los que obtienen mejores valoraciones en todos los ítems de aprendizaje con respecto a los homogéneos zurdos, los cruzados y los no confirmados, siendo los pocos casos que tenemos de homogéneos zurdos (un 3% de la muestra) los que tienen peores valoraciones. Además, los niños que discriminan entre derecha e izquierda también tienen mejor sus aprendizajes con respecto a los que no lo hacen, así como los que se orientan bien en el espacio con respecto a los que se orientan mal.


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Abstract Objective: We aimed to determine the validity of two risk scores for patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer in different European settings, in patients with primary tumours. Methods: We included 1,892 patients with primary stage Ta or T1 non-muscle invasive bladder cancer who underwent a transurethral resection in Spain (n = 973), the Netherlands (n = 639), or Denmark (n = 280). We evaluated recurrence-free survival and progression-free survival according to the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Spanish Urological Club for Oncological Treatment (CUETO) risk scores for each patient and used the concordance index (c-index) to indicate discriminative ability. Results: The 3 cohorts were comparable according to age and sex, but patients from Denmark had a larger proportion of patients with the high stage and grade at diagnosis (p,0.01). At least one recurrence occurred in 839 (44%) patients and 258 (14%) patients had a progression during a median follow-up of 74 months. Patients from Denmark had the highest 10- year recurrence and progression rates (75% and 24%, respectively), whereas patients from Spain had the lowest rates (34% and 10%, respectively). The EORTC and CUETO risk scores both predicted progression better than recurrence with c-indices ranging from 0.72 to 0.82 while for recurrence, those ranged from 0.55 to 0.61. Conclusion: The EORTC and CUETO risk scores can reasonably predict progression, while prediction of recurrence is more difficult. New prognostic markers are needed to better predict recurrence of tumours in primary non-muscle invasive bladder cancer patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify and quantify sources of variability in scores on the speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing scale (SSQ) and its short forms among normal-hearing and hearing-impaired subjects using a French-language version of the SSQ. DESIGN: Multi-regression analyses of SSQ scores were performed using age, gender, years of education, hearing loss, and hearing-loss asymmetry as predictors. Similar analyses were performed for each subscale (Speech, Spatial, and Qualities), for several SSQ short forms, and for differences in subscale scores. STUDY SAMPLE: One hundred normal-hearing subjects (NHS) and 230 hearing-impaired subjects (HIS). RESULTS: Hearing loss in the better ear and hearing-loss asymmetry were the two main predictors of scores on the overall SSQ, the three main subscales, and the SSQ short forms. The greatest difference between the NHS and HIS was observed for the Speech subscale, and the NHS showed scores well below the maximum of 10. An age effect was observed mostly on the Speech subscale items, and the number of years of education had a significant influence on several Spatial and Qualities subscale items. CONCLUSION: Strong similarities between SSQ scores obtained across different populations and languages, and between SSQ and short forms, underline their potential international use.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Parental history (PH) and genetic risk scores (GRSs) are separately associated with coronary heart disease (CHD), but evidence regarding their combined effects is lacking. We aimed to evaluate the joint associations and predictive ability of PH and GRSs for incident CHD. METHODS: Data for 4283 Caucasians were obtained from the population-based CoLaus Study, over median follow-up time of 5.6 years. CHD was defined as incident myocardial infarction, angina, percutaneous coronary revascularization or bypass grafting. Single nucleotide polymorphisms for CHD identified by genome-wide association studies were used to construct unweighted and weighted versions of three GRSs, comprising of 38, 53 and 153 SNPs respectively. RESULTS: PH was associated with higher values of all weighted GRSs. After adjustment for age, sex, smoking, diabetes, systolic blood pressure, low and high density lipoprotein cholesterol, PH was significantly associated with CHD [HR 2.61, 95% CI (1.47-4.66)] and further adjustment for GRSs did not change this estimate. Similarly, one standard deviation change of the weighted 153-SNPs GRS was significantly associated with CHD [HR 1.50, 95% CI (1.26-1.80)] and remained so, after further adjustment for PH. The weighted, 153-SNPs GRS, but not PH, modestly improved discrimination [(C-index improvement, 0.016), p = 0.048] and reclassification [(NRI improvement, 8.6%), p = 0.027] beyond cardiovascular risk factors. After including both the GRS and PH, model performance improved further [(C-index improvement, 0.022), p = 0.006]. CONCLUSION: After adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors, PH and a weighted, polygenic GRS were jointly associated with CHD and provided additive information for coronary events prediction.


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Integrating single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) p-values from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) across genes and pathways is a strategy to improve statistical power and gain biological insight. Here, we present Pascal (Pathway scoring algorithm), a powerful tool for computing gene and pathway scores from SNP-phenotype association summary statistics. For gene score computation, we implemented analytic and efficient numerical solutions to calculate test statistics. We examined in particular the sum and the maximum of chi-squared statistics, which measure the strongest and the average association signals per gene, respectively. For pathway scoring, we use a modified Fisher method, which offers not only significant power improvement over more traditional enrichment strategies, but also eliminates the problem of arbitrary threshold selection inherent in any binary membership based pathway enrichment approach. We demonstrate the marked increase in power by analyzing summary statistics from dozens of large meta-studies for various traits. Our extensive testing indicates that our method not only excels in rigorous type I error control, but also results in more biologically meaningful discoveries.