193 resultados para Linfoma de burkitt
Se presentan 3 casos de pacientes transplantados en nuestra Institución, dos cardíacos y uno renal que desarrollaron posteriormente tumores urológicos en próstata, riñón y testículo. Se analizan el mecanismo de producción y consideraciones sobre los mismos.
En este número, la Editorial, escrita por el Sr. Decano, expresa hechos de trascendencia producidos en el transcurso del año 2010, teniendo en consideración que muchos de ellos ejercerán influencia sobre las actividades a desarrollar por la Facultad en los próximos años. En Historias de la Medicina se aborda la historia de vida de Moritz Kaposi, célebre médico que dedicó su vida entera a la Dermatología. En la sección Artículos de Revisión presentamos el rol del gen supresor de tumores smarcb1/ini1 en el desarrollo de neoplasias pediátricas y revisamos el tema de latrodectismo, envenenamiento grave que se produce por la inoculación de veneno de arañas del género Latrodectus, caracterizado por un síndrome eminentemente neurológico, con potencialidad letal. En Imágenes en Medicina, les mostramos el caso de un varón de 72 años de edad con antecedentes de Linfoma B de bajo grado tratado con quimioterapia, que presenta en la evolución un cuadro de estomatitis severa y ampollas flácidas en todo el tegumento, cuyo diagnóstico fue pénfigo paraneoplásico. Les proponemos además en la sección Haga su Diagnóstico, un ejercicio de diagnósticos diferenciales ante un varón de 50 años de edad, con diagnóstico de mielodisplasia y trasplante alogénico de médula ósea, que presentó máculas hipopigmentadas y luego placas induradas pardo-amarillentas.
Fil: Marabini, Noelia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Cátedra de Dermatología
The structure and biosynthesis of poly-N-acetyllactosamine display a dramatic change during development and oncogenesis. Poly-N-acetyllactosamines are also modified by various carbohydrate residues, forming functional oligosaccharides such as sialyl Lex. Herein we describe the isolation and functional expression of a cDNA encoding β-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (iGnT), an enzyme that is essential for the formation of poly-N-acetyllactosamine. For this expression cloning, Burkitt lymphoma Namalwa KJM-1 cells were transfected with cDNA libraries derived from human melanoma and colon carcinoma cells. Transfected Namalwa cells overexpressing the i antigen were continuously selected by fluorescence-activated cell sorting because introduced plasmids containing Epstein–Barr virus replication origin can be continuously amplified as episomes. Sibling selection of plasmids recovered after the third consecutive sorting resulted in a cDNA clone that directs the increased expression of i antigen on the cell surface. The deduced amino acid sequence indicates that this protein has a type II membrane protein topology found in almost all mammalian glycosyltransferases cloned to date. iGnT, however, differs in having the longest transmembrane domain among glycosyltransferases cloned so far. The iGnT transcript is highly expressed in fetal brain and kidney and adult brain but expressed ubiquitously in various adult tissues. The expression of the presumed catalytic domain as a fusion protein with the IgG binding domain of protein A enabled us to demonstrate that the cDNA encodes iGnT, the enzyme responsible for the formation of GlcNAcβ1 → 3Galβ1 → 4GlcNAc → R structure and poly-N-acetyllactosamine extension.
Translocations involving c-myc and an Ig locus have been reported rarely in human multiple myeloma (MM). Using specific fluorescence in situ hybridization probes, we show complex karyotypic abnormalities of the c-myc or L-myc locus in 19 of 20 MM cell lines and approximately 50% of advanced primary MM tumors. These abnormalities include unusual and complex translocations and insertions that often juxtapose myc with an IgH or IgL locus. For two advanced primary MM tumors, some tumor cells contain a karyotypic abnormality of the c-myc locus, whereas other tumor cells do not, indicating that this karyotypic abnormality of c-myc occurs as a late event. All informative MM cell lines show monoallelic expression of c-myc. For Burkitt's lymphoma and mouse plasmacytoma tumors, balanced translocation that juxtaposes c-myc with one of the Ig loci is an early, invariant event that is mediated by B cell-specific DNA modification mechanisms. By contrast, for MM, dysregulation of c-myc apparently is caused principally by complex genomic rearrangements that occur during late stages of MM progression and do not involve B cell-specific DNA modification mechanisms.
The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) nuclear protein 2 (EBNA2) and herpes simplex virion protein 16 (VP16) acidic domains that mediate transcriptional activation now are found to have affinity for p300, CBP, and PCAF histone acetyltransferases (HATs). Transcriptionally inactive point mutations in these domains lack affinity for p300, CBP, or PCAF. P300 and CBP copurify with the principal HAT activities that bind to EBNA2 or VP16 acidic domains through velocity sedimentation and anion-exchange chromatography. EBNA2 binds to both the N- and C-terminal domains of p300 and coimmune-precipitates from transfected 293T cells with p300. In EBV-infected Akata Burkitt's tumor cells that do not express the EBV encoded oncoproteins EBNA2 or LMP1, p300 expression enhances the ability of EBNA2 to up-regulate LMP1 expression. Through its intrinsic HAT activity, PCAF can further potentiate the p300 effect. In 293 T cells, P300 and CBP (but not PCAF) can also coactivate transcription mediated by the EBNA2 or VP16 acidic domains and HAT-negative mutants of p300 have partial activity. Thus, the EBNA2 and VP16 acidic domains can utilize the intrinsic HAT or scaffolding properties of p300 to activate transcription.
High affinity antibodies are generated in mice and humans by means of somatic hypermutation (SHM) of variable (V) regions of Ig genes. Mutations with rates of 10−5–10−3 per base pair per generation, about 106-fold above normal, are targeted primarily at V-region hot spots by unknown mechanisms. We have measured mRNA expression of DNA polymerases ι, η, and ζ by using cultured Burkitt's lymphoma (BL)2 cells. These cells exhibit 5–10-fold increases in heavy-chain V-region mutations targeted only predominantly to RGYW (R = A or G, Y = C or T, W = T or A) hot spots if costimulated with T cells and IgM crosslinking, the presumed in vivo requirements for SHM. An ∼4-fold increase pol ι mRNA occurs within 12 h when cocultured with T cells and surface IgM crosslinking. Induction of pols η and ζ occur with T cells, IgM crosslinking, or both stimuli. The fidelity of pol ι was measured at RGYW hot- and non-hot-spot sequences situated at nicks, gaps, and double-strand breaks. Pol ι formed T⋅G mispairs at a frequency of 10−2, consistent with SHM-generated C to T transitions, with a 3-fold increased error rate in hot- vs. non-hot-spot sequences for the single-nucleotide overhang. The T cell and IgM crosslinking-dependent induction of pol ι at 12 h may indicate an SHM “triggering” event has occurred. However, pols ι, η, and ζ are present under all conditions, suggesting that their presence is not sufficient to generate mutations because both T cell and IgM stimuli are required for SHM induction.
Two genetic events contribute to the development of endemic Burkitt lymphoma (BL) infection of B lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and the activation of the protooncogene c-myc through chromosomal translocation. The viral genes EBV nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2) and latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) are essential for transformation of primary human B cells by EBV in vitro; however, these genes are not expressed in BL cells in vivo. To address the question whether c-myc activation might abrogate the requirement of the EBNA2 and LMP1 function, we have introduced an activated c-myc gene into an EBV-transformed cell line in which EBNA2 was rendered estrogen-dependent through fusion with the hormone binding domain of the estrogen receptor. The c-myc gene was placed under the control of regulatory elements of the immunoglobulin kappa locus composed a matrix attachment region, the intron enhancer, and the 3' enhancer. We show here that transfection of a c-myc expression plasmid followed by selection for high MYC expression is capable of inducing continuous proliferation of these cells in the absence of functional EBNA2 and LMP1. c-myc-induced hormone-independent proliferation was associated with a dramatic change in the growth behavior as well as cell surface marker expression of these cells. The typical lymphoblastoid morphology and phenotype of EBV-transformed cells completely changed into that of BL cells in vivo. We conclude that the phenotype of BL cells reflects the expression pattern of viral and cellular genes rather than its germinal center origin.
The host range of retroviral oncogenes is naturally limited by the host range of the retroviral vector. The question of whether the transforming host range of retroviral oncogenes is also restricted by the host species has not been directly addressed. Here we have tested in avian and murine host species the transforming host range of two retroviral onc genes, myc of avian carcinoma viruses MH2 and MC29 and mht/raf of avian carcinoma virus MH2 and murine sarcoma virus MSV 3611. Virus vector-mediated host restriction was bypassed by recombining viral oncogenes with retroviral vectors that can readily infect the host to be tested. It was found that, despite high expression, transforming function of retroviral myc genes is restricted to avian cells, and that of retroviral mht/raf genes is restricted to murine cells. Since retroviral oncogenes encode the same proteins as certain cellular genes, termed protooncogenes, our data must also be relevant to the oncogene hypothesis of cancer. According to this hypothesis, cancer is caused by mutation of protooncogenes. Because protooncogenes are conserved in evolution and are presumed to have conserved functions, the oncogene hypothesis assumes no host range restriction of transforming function. For example, mutated human proto-myc is postulated to cause Burkitt lymphoma, because avian retroviruses with myc genes cause cancer in birds. But there is no evidence that known mutated protooncogenes can transform human cells. The findings reported here indicate that host range restriction appears to be one of the reasons (in addition to insufficient transcriptional activation) why known, mutated protooncogenes lack transforming function in human cells.
O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is an abundant and dynamic posttranslational modification composed of a single monosaccharide, GlcNAc, glycosidically composed of a single monosaccharide, GlcNAc, glycosidically linked to the side-chain hydroxyl of serine or threonine residues. Although O-GlcNAc occurs on a myriad of nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins, only a few have thus far been identified. These O-GlcNAc-bearing proteins are also modified by phosphorylation and form reversible multimeric complexes. Here we present evidence for O-GlcNAc glycosylation of the oncoprotein c-Myc, a helix-loop-helix/leucine zipper phosphoprotein that heterodimerizes with Max and participates in the regulation of gene transcription in normal and neoplastic cells. O-GlcNAc modification of c-Myc is shown by three different methods: (i) demonstration of lectin binding to in vitro translated protein using a protein-protein interaction mobility-shift assay; (ii) glycosidase or glycosyltransferase treatment of in vitro translated protein analyzed by lectin affinity chromatography; and (iii) direct characterization of the sugar moieties on purified recombinant protein overexpressed in either insect cells or Chinese hamster ovary cells. Analyses of serial deletion mutants of c-Myc further suggest that the O-GlcNAc site(s) are located within or near the N-terminal transcription activation/malignant transformation domain, a region where mutations of c-Myc that are frequently found in Burkitt and AIDS-related lymphomas cluster.
O linfoma canino é uma das neoplasias mais prevalentes em cães, diagnosticado frequentemente através de exame citológico de aspirados. A imunofenotipagem para diferenciação entre linfomas de células B e T é importante para definição prognóstica e tratamento, entretanto, dificilmente é realizada em materiais provenientes de aspirados citológicos. A citologia em meio líquido (CML) é uma metodologia automatizada de produção de esfregaços citológicos, que permite a conservação de todo o material da aspiração, e utilização do material residual para, por exemplo, produção de emblocado celular (EC) e imunocitoquímica. Este trabalho teve como objetivo aplicar a CML e EC com imunocitoquímica em amostras de linfonodos caninos suspeitos para linfoma. Além disso, pretendeu caracterizar morfologicamente as células linfoides neste tipo de preparado, comparando ao esfregaço convencional. Para isto, foram selecionados 54 cães com linfadenomegalia, 10 deles sorologicamente positivos para leishmaniose canina. Comparou-se a CML com a citologia convencional, quanto às características técnicas e testou-se dois métodos diferentes de EC: Bouin e agarose com formalina. Aplicou-se painel imunocitoquímico de anticorpos anti-CD3, anti-CD79a, anti-Pax-5 e anti-Ki67, para imunofenotipagem e determinação da proliferação celular. Adicionalmente, realizaram-se análises estatísticas para avaliação do desempenho e concordância interobservador comparada entre citologia convencional, CML e o uso conjunto de CML e imunocitoquímica do emblocado celular. Como resultado, as células linfoides apresentaram-se preservadas, com melhor definição de cromatina e nucléolos, porém com tamanho reduzido e pior definição citoplasmática, na CML. O EC de Bouin revelou grupos densos e bem definidos, que permitiram a aplicação da imunocitoquímica. Por outro lado, os emblocados de agarose, apresentaram-se frouxos, com células marcadamente dispersas, revelando-se inadequados para preparados de células linfoides. O anticorpo anti-Pax-5 mostrou-se mais adequado do que o anti-CD79a para marcação de células B em emblocados, por produzir menos fundo e pela marcação nuclear ser mais distinguível do que a citoplasmática. A concordância interobservadores da CML foi moderada (k= 0,434), enquanto a da citologia convencional foi boa (k=0,762). Ambas as técnicas exibiram a mesma acurácia e, com aplicação da CML, houve redução do percentual de amostras insatisfatórias. A CML em conjunto com EC e imunocitoquímica apresentou maior sensibilidade (75%), especificidade (99%) e acurácia (89,47%). Como conclusão, a CML em conjunto com EC e imunocitoquímica pode ser aplicada para diagnóstico de linfoma canino, com maior sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia
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Tr. of: Expository notes, with practical observations upon the New Testament.
Title varies: v.2 ... Completed by A. A. Bevan and F. C. Burkitt.
Front Row: Diana Kozloff, Claudia Lopez, Nicole Bryant, Belinda Koo, Marcie Klein, Layne Schiff Daniela Garcia, Fazeela Siddiqui.
Second Row: Jacelyn Ferstle, Sera Coppolino, Julie Brescoll, Alison Hickey, Heather Uhring, Kara Paske, Justin Goble, Melissa Andrzejak, Laurie Burkitt, Molly McMahon, Angela Beirhuizen, Jenny Bryant, Nora Obringer, Jessica Hoppe
Third Row: Kelly Raczak, Jennifer Kinon, Tammy Chang, Courtney Johnson, Christins Meyer, Lisa Hopkins, Caroline Gregory, Susan Shortreed, Nicole Plott, Alexandra Ponikvar, Elizabeth Nelson, Jaime Stilson, Katherine Johnson, Melanie Duncan, Hillary Loomis, Toby Scott, Christine Ribbens, Cheryl Katz.
Fourth Row: Amalia Stefanou, Sarah Price, Michelle Wolbert, Janet Jin, Vita Scaglione, Tamara McBratney, Missy Meier, Melinda Ball, Megan Memmer, Vanessa D'Anna, Carolyn Eichenhorn, Mary Goodwin, Noelle Erbeck, Jeanine Seeger, Monica Howie, Erin Gasser, Laurel Donnel-Fink,
Not Pictured: Julie Muething,