851 resultados para Line importance evaluation
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At present, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) criteria used to assess whether a population qualifies for inclusion in the CITES Appendices relate to (A) size of the population, (B) area of distribution of the population, and (C) declines in the size of the population. Numeric guidelines are provided as indicators of a small population (less than 5,000 individuals), a small subpopulation (less than 500 individuals), a restricted area of distribution for a population (less than 10,000 km2), a restricted area of distribution for a subpopula-tion (less than 500 km2), a high rate of decline (a decrease of 50% or more in total within 5 years or two generations whichever is longer or, for a small wild population, a decline of 20% or more in total within ten years or three generations whichever is longer), large fluctuations (population size or area of distribution varies widely, rapidly and frequently, with a variation greater than one order of magnitude), and a short-term fluctuation (one of two years or less). The Working Group discussed several broad issues of relevance to the CITES criteria and guidelines. These included the importance of the historical extent of decline versus the recent rate of decline; the utility and validity of incorporating relative population productivity into decline criteria; the utility of absolute numbers for defining small populations or small areas; the appropriateness of generation times as time frames for examining declines; the importance of the magnitude and frequency of fluctuations as factors affecting risk of extinction; and the overall utility of numeric thresh-olds or guidelines.
A reassessment of the estimates of growth, mortality and recruitment patterns of Nile Perch, Lates niloticus was made based on data from commercial landings collected during the Catch Assessment Survey Programme. Two sets of length frequency data, one each from beach seining and hook and line fisheries, were analyzed. Values of L8 = 169 and 230 (cm TL) and K= 0.18 yr-1 and 0.195 yr-1 were obtained. The total mortality estimates from the catch curve analysis were Z = 0.72 yr-1 and 0.94 yr-1, respectively, with a natural mortality M of about 0.35 for a mean environmental temperature of 27oC. The highest peak for recruitment was in November, December and January with a minor one in June, indicating recruitment of two cohorts per year. These results are discussed and compared to previously available information on L. niloticus in Lake Victoria.
O conhecimento do tema da interação solo-estrutura permite que as edificações sejam projetadas de maneira mais realista com o comportamento físico. Há décadas atrás seria inviável um dimensionamento considerando a deformabilidade do solo de fundação, e as estruturas eram dimensionadas adotando-se as fundações como indeslocáveis, sob uma base rígida. Essa consideração conduz a respostas estruturais inadequadas, por vezes comprometendo a segurança e a estabilidade do conjunto estrutural. Atualmente, o avanço tecnológico permite a obtenção de resultados de milhões de cálculos matemáticos em questões de segundos, podendo-se obter soluções mais arrojadas e dinâmicas, facilitando o dimensionamento estrutural de forma a atender ao novo padrão de construção e arquitetura. A relevância de tal assunto motivou a análise numérica de um edifício de 4 pavimentos de estrutura mista (aço-concreto), considerando o efeito da interação solo-estrutura. As análises foram conduzidas com o programa ANSYS, de elementos finitos, substituindo-se os apoios indeslocáveis por molas discretas, lineares e elásticas, com rigidez equivalente ao solo, conforme hipótese de Winkler. Os parâmetros dos solos de fundação foram adquiridos a partir de correlações empíricas existentes na literatura e da utilização do programa computacional PLAXIS para a determinação das constantes elásticas das molas. Neste trabalho, foram comparados os resultados de reações verticais, esforços normais, momentos fletores e deslocamentos da estrutura obtidos pelo modelo clássico de projeto, que considera apoios indeslocáveis, e pelo modelo de Winkler, que considera a interação solo-estrutura. As análises foram executadas para seis diferentes tipos de solos argilosos, siltosos e arenosos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram claramente a redistribuição dos momentos fletores, esforços normais e reações verticais nos pilares com diferenças significativas para os pilares de canto e periféricos. Observou-se uma tendência de alívio dos esforços nos pilares mais solicitados, adotando a estrutura assentada em uma base rígida. As análises ressaltaram a relevância da interação solo-estrutura, com efeitos provenientes do rearranjo do solo de fundação nos elementos estruturais das edificações.
Lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus, were captured by hook and line (sport rod and reel gear and commercial troll gear) at two coastal California locations and held in aquaria for periods of up to 32 days for evaluation of capture-related mortality. Three of 69 lingcod captured with rod and reel gear died of capture-related injuries (4.3% mortality; 95% confidence interval 0–9.3%). None of 15 lingcod captured with troll gear died of capture-related injuries. Due to the low overall mortality rate, there were no discernable trends in mortality with respect to sex, length, depth of capture, and terminal tackle (bait vs. lure). Of 38 fish with visible hooking wounds, 26 showed evidence of wound healing during the holding period.
A implementação de estratégias visando à conservação de espécies medicinais apresenta grande importância, tanto do ponto de vista ecológico quanto econômico. Petiveria alliacea L., espécie da família Phytolacaceae, conhecida como guiné, erva-de alho, erva-tipi ou amansa-senhor, pode ser encontrada desde a América Central até a América do Sul. Esta espécie possui ampla utilização medicinal, devido à presença, em sua composição, de vários polissulfetos, como o DTS (dibenziltrissulfeto), com propriedades antifúngica, antineoplásica e imunomodulatória, entre outras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a conservação in vitro de germoplasma de Petiveria alliacea obtido de diferentes populações ocorrentes no Rio de Janeiro, através de métodos baseados em cultura de tecidos e criopreservação. Plantas obtidas através da germinação in vitro foram utilizadas como matrizes para a micropropagação através da multiplicação de meristemas pré-existentes em meio MS sem reguladores de crescimento, e embriões somáticos foram obtidos de forma direta a partir da cultura de explantes foliares das linhagens estudadas (Magé MG; Marechal Hermes MH; Niterói NT; Vila Isabel VI e Planta envasada AL), em presença de PIC (20μM) e 2,4D (22,6 μM), após 60 dias de cultivo. Os ápices caulinares das plantas micropropagadas e os embriões somáticos obtidos foram submetidos à criopreservação através de técnicas de vitrificação, encapsulamento-vitrificação e encapsulamento-desidratação, com a avaliação da pré-cultura e de soluções crioprotetoras (PVS2 e PVS3), em diferentes concentrações e tempos de exposição. Os resultados mostraram uma taxa de 100% de germinação in vitro. As condições para a pré-cultura de ápices foram padronizadas, entretanto não foram obtidos resultados positivos após o descongelamento. Por outro lado, os embriões da linhagem AL (linhagem embriogênica em cultura há 24 meses) mantiveram sua capacidade multiplicativa (100%) (embriogênese secundária) quando submetidos à desidratação em sacarose (0,5M) e expostos às soluções de vitrificação PVS2 e PVS3 pelos menores tempos (15 e 30 minutos). Os diferentes meios de recuperação apresentaram respostas variáveis em relação à capacidade multiplicativa dos embriões. O encapsulamento/vitrificação foi a técnica que promoveu maior tolerância dos embriões ao congelamento. A recuperação dos embriões através de multiplicação após a criopreservação abre uma perspectiva de conservação de genótipos com alta produção de polissulfetos, de interesse para a indústria farmacêutica
O estudo teve por objetivo identificar indicadores para monitoramento da saúde da pessoa idosa a partir da perspectiva do envelhecimento ativo, conforme previsto na Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa (PNSPI) e no Pacto pela Saúde. Foi realizada revisão da literatura, utilizando as bases de dados: LILACS, SCIELO e MEDLINE. Cento e oitenta e nove estudos foram identificados e 14 foram incluídos nesta revisão. Um total de 22 indicadores de saúde foi identificado para acompanhamento das condições de saúde da população idosa. Entre os indicadores identificados, um indicador está relacionado a aspectos demográficos; quatro ao uso dos serviços de saúde; e doze à capacidade funcional dos idosos. Todos podem ser utilizados para monitoramento da saúde da população idosa, em consonância às diretrizes da PNSPI e do Pacto pela Saúde. Observou-se a importância do uso de um conjunto de indicadores para avaliação e monitoramento adequados das condições de saúde dos idosos. Pois, os indicadores aplicados isoladamente são limitados para melhor análise dos resultados alcançados na execução da PNSPI. Os inquéritos foram a fonte de dados mais satisfatória para obtenção de informações sobre a capacidade funcional dos idosos. Embora forneçam expressiva quantidade de dados e informações sobre a saúde da população idosa, os Sistemas Nacionais de Informação do Ministério da Saúde, têm maior enfoque na morbimortalidade e não são suficientes para avaliar as especificidades das pessoas idosas sob a ótica do envelhecimento bem sucedido.
BACKGROUND: Routine assessment of dry weight in chronic hemodialysis patients relies primarily on clinical evaluation of patient fluid status. We evaluated whether measurement of postdialytic vascular refill could assist in the assessment of dry weight. METHODS: Twenty-eight chronic, stable hemodialysis patients were studied during routine treatment sessions using constant dialysate temperature and dialysate sodium concentration, and relative changes in blood volume were monitored using Crit-Line III monitors throughout this study. The study was divided into three phases. Phase 1 studies evaluated the time-dependence of vascular compartment refill after completion of hemodialysis. Phase 2 studies evaluated the relationships in patient subgroups between intradialytic changes in blood volume and the presence of postdialytic vascular compartment refill during that last 10 minutes of hemodialysis after stopping ultrafiltration. Phase 3 studies evaluated the extent of dry weight changes following the application of a protocol for blood volume reduction, postdialytic vascular compartment refill, and correlation with clinical evidence of intradialytic hypovolemia and/or postdialytic fatigue. Phase 3 included anywhere from three to five treatments. RESULTS: Phase 1 studies demonstrated that despite interpatient variability in the magnitude of postdialytic vascular compartment refill, when significant refill was evident, it always continued for at least 30 minutes. However, the majority of refill took place within 10 minutes postdialysis. Phase 2 studies identified 3 groups of patients: those who exhibited intradialytic reductions in blood volume but not postdialytic vascular compartment refill (group 1), those who exhibited intradialytic reductions in blood volume and postdialytic vascular compartment refill (group 2), and those whose blood volume did not change substantially during hemodialysis treatment (group 3). In phase 3 studies, use of an ultrafiltration protocol for blood volume reduction and monitoring of postdialytic vascular compartment refill combined with clinical assessment of hypovolemia and postdialytic fatigue demonstrated that patients often had a clinical dry weight assessment which was too low or too high. In all 28 patients studied, dry weight was either increased or decreased following use of this protocol. CONCLUSION: Determination of the extent of both intradialytic decreases in blood volume and postdialytic vascular compartment refill, combined with clinical assessment of intradialytic hypovolemia and postdialytic fatigue, can help assess patient dry weight and optimize volume status while reducing dialysis associated morbidity. The number of hospital admissions due to fluid overload may be reduced.
This paper experimentally demonstrates that, for two representative indoor distributed antenna system (DAS) scenarios, existing radio-over-fiber (RoF) DAS installations can enhance the capacity advantages of broadband 3 × 3 multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) radio services without requiring additional fibers or multiplexing schemes. This is true for both single-and multiple-user cases with a single base station and multiple base stations. First, a theoretical example is used to illustrate that there is a negligible improvement in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) when using a MIMO DAS with all N spatial streams replicated at N RAUs, compared with a MIMO DAS with only one of the N streams replicated at each RAU for N ≤ 4. It is then experimentally confirmed that a 3 × 3 MIMO DAS offers improved capacity and throughput compared with a 3 × 3 MIMO collocated antenna system (CAS) for the single-user case in two typical indoor DAS scenarios, i.e., one with significant line-of-sight (LOS) propagation and the other with entirely non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation. The improvement in capacity is 3.2% and 4.1%, respectively. Then, experimental channel measurements confirm that there is a negligible capacity increase in the 3 × 3 configuration with three spatial streams per antenna unit over the 3 × 3 configuration with a single spatial stream per antenna unit. The former layout is observed to provide an increase of ∼1% in the median channel capacity in both the single-and multiple-user scenarios. With 20 users and three base stations, a MIMO DAS using the latter layout offers median aggregate capacities of 259 and 233 bit/s/Hz for the LOS and NLOS scenarios, respectively. It is concluded that DAS installations can further enhance the capacity offered to multiple users by multiple 3 × 3 MIMO-enabled base stations. Further, designing future DAS systems to support broadband 3 × 3 MIMO systems may not require significant upgrades to existing installations for small numbers of spatial streams. © 2013 IEEE.
The performance of the current sensor in power equipment may become worse affected by the environment. In this paper, based on ICA, we propose a method for on-line verification of the phase difference of the current sensor. However, not all source components are mutually independent in our application. In order to get an exact result, we have proposed a relative likelihood index to choose an optimal result from different runs. The index is based on the maximum likelihood evaluation theory and the independent subspace analysis. The feasibility of our method has been confirmed by experimental results.
The performance of the current sensor in power equipment may become worse affected by the environment. In this paper, based on ICA, we propose a method for on-line verification of the phase difference of the current sensor. However, not all source components are mutually independent in our application. In order to get an exact result, we have proposed a relative likelihood index to choose an optimal result from different runs. The index is based on the maximum likelihood evaluation theory and the independent subspace analysis. The feasibility of our method has been confirmed by experimental results.
The construction and evaluation of an on-column etched fused-silica porous junction for on-line coupling of capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) with capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) are described. Where two separation columns were integrated on a single piece of fused-silica capillary through the etched similar to4 to 5-mm length porous junction along the capillary. The junction is easily prepared by etching a short section of the capillary wall with HF after removing the polyimide coating. The etched section becomes a porous glass membrane that allows only small ions related to the background electrolyte to pass through when high voltage is applied across the separation capillary. The primary advantages of this novel porous junction interface over previous designs (in which the interface is usually formed by fracturing the capillary followed by connecting the two capillaries with a section of microdialysis hollow fiber membrane) are no dead volume, simplicity, and ruggedness, which is particularly well suited for an on-line coupling capillary electrophoresis-based multiple dimensional separation system. The performance of the 2D CIEF-CZE system constructed by such an etched porous junction was evaluated by the analyses of protein mixtures.
The present paper deals with the evaluation of the relative error (DELTA(A)) in estimated analyte concentrations originating from the wavelength positioning error in a sample scan when multicomponent analysis (MCA) techniques are used for correcting line interferences in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. In the theoretical part, a quantitative relation of DELTA(A) with the extent of line overlap, bandwidth and the magnitude of the positioning error is developed under the assumption of Gaussian line profiles. The measurements of eleven samples covering various typical line interferences showed that the calculated DELTA(A) generally agrees well with the experimental one. An expression of the true detection limit associated with MCA techniques was thus formulated. With MCA techniques, the determination of the analyte and interferent concentrations depend on each other while with conventional correction techniques, such as the three-point method, the estimate of interfering signals is independent of the analyte signals. Therefore. a given positioning error results in a larger DELTA(A) and hence a higher true detection limit in the case of MCA techniques than that in the case of conventional correction methods. although the latter could be a reasonable approximation of the former when the peak distance expressed in the effective width of the interfering line is larger than 0.4. In the light of the effect of wavelength positioning errors, MCA techniques have no advantages over conventional correction methods unless the former can bring an essential reduction ot the positioning error.
This paper deals with the evaluation of the reliability of the analytical results obtained by Kalman filtering. Two criteria for evaluation were compared: one is based on the autocorrelation analysis of the innovation sequence, the so-called NAC criterion; the other is the innovations number, which actually is the autocorrelation coefficient of the innovation sequence at the initial wavelength. Both criteria allow compensation for the wavelength positioning errors in spectral scans, but there exists a difference in the way they work. The NAC criterion can provide information about the reliability of an individual result, which is very useful for the indication of unmodelled emissions, while the innovations number should be incorporated with the normalization of the innovations or seek the help of the sequence itself for the same purpose. The major limitation of the NAC criterion is that it does not allow the theoretical modelling of continuous backgrounds, which, however, is convenient in practical analysis and can be taken with the innovations number criterion.
This work evaluates the effect of wavelength positioning errors in spectral scans on analytical results when the Kalman filtering technique is used for the correction of line interferences in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The results show that a positioning accuracy of 0.1 pm is required in order to obtain accurate and precise estimates for analyte concentrations. The positioning error in sample scans is more crucial than that in model scans. The relative bias in measured analyte concentration originating from a positioning error in a sample scan increases linearly with an increase in the magnitude of the error and the peak distance of the overlapping lines, but is inversely proportional to the signal-to-background ratio. By the use of an optimization procedure for the positions of scans with the innovations number as the criterion, the wavelength positioning error can be reduced and, correspondingly, the accuracy and precision of analytical results improved.
A2 x 2 factorial cross between two populations of Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino, collected separately from Dalian (D) in China and Miyagi (M) in Japan, was conducted to compare performances in fertilization rate, hatching rate, metamorphosis rate and growth at days 20, 43, 160 and 330 between purebreds (DD and MM) and crossbreds (DM and MD) and investigate the magnitude of heterobeltiosis (better parent) and heterosis (mid-parent). Heterobeltiosis and heterosis for all the traits analyzed were evidently different between crossbreds DM and MD. Heterobeltiosis in the crossbred DM varied among traits, with values of 2.5% for the fertilization rate, 2.2% for the hatching rate, -1.9% for the metamorphosis rate and 7.4% for the growth at the (lay 330. The crossbred DM displayed positive heterotic values for fertilization rate (5.4%), hatching rate (7.4%), metamorphosis rate (7.6%) and growth (12.0%) at the day 330. However, both heterobeltiosis and heterosis for all the traits in the crossbred MD were negative except those for the growth at days 20 and 43. The results indicate the importance of selecting superior hybrid varieties if the exploitation of hybrid vigor is considered in the Pacific abalone breeding program.